Cover Letter

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ROMÃ ESTEVÃO CONTACTS +351 910 822 148 LETTER Hon. (A) Mr (a) Director) of the Department of Human Resources, My name is Romã, I am a 22 year old design student currently in my second semester of a Masters of Visual Design from IADE Creative University in Lisbon, Portugal. As part of the Masters program, I have the opportunity to complete a 6 month (minimum) internship and why not do it outside of Europe? It would be an opportunity for me to meet a different work methodology and culture and at the same time to share my own culture with others. This would be an opportunity to deepen to training I received in University. This would be an amazing experience at both a personal and professional level. During the time I studied in University, I learned to use various software with which I use regularly in my work, among them; Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop & Autocad. I am fluent in Portuguese and my second language in English. I am an active person, organized, motivated, observant, with analyzing capabilities and willing to learn new things; like new challenges and teamwork. During my degree in Design, I was invited to an internship for a period of eight months. This meant that during that period I had classes in the morning and work in the afternoon. It was a very enriching experience because it allowed me to put into practice knowledge acquired in University as well as learning how to work in a professional setting. I had the opportunity to develop many different types of projects while meeting fantastic people with I learned a lot from. I adapt easily to new contexts and I feel at ease in contact with different people, so I feel like I have conditions to send you my porfolio and maybe have a chance to participate in your team. I am seeking an internship beginning in September of 2016 or shortly after. If you feel I can collaborate with your company, I look forward with pleasure contact back from you! With my best regards,

Romã Estevão

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