KYIV URBAN WILDLIFE PARK International courtesy of urban designers Design – 2011 Design contest – 2012
KYIV URBAN WILDLIFE PARK feasibility studies
Trukhaniv Island. View on Pechersk. XIX century
Trukhaniv Island. View on Pechersk. XIX century
View on Trukhaniv Island. 1910
Trukhaniv Island. 1930
Village on Trukhaniv Island. 1940
Panorama of Kyiv Islands. 201
Dolobetsky island and Bridge of Paton. 2010
Open air gym n Dolobetsky Island. 2010
Nestled between two fast developing banks of the modern capital it is crossed by thousands of people every day, what does this place mean for them? The challenge is to give an answer if Kyiv islands are conservation area which needs to be preserved, summer weekend destination, or desirable piece of empty land waiting to be built-up? Project proposal responses to this question with development of decision-making instrument which is intended to guide the future development of Kyiv Islands. Proposed strategy combines 3 main streams of development in different proportions. The first one envisions Kiev Islands as a system which protects and nourishes the natural environment of the Islands harmed by the activity of Kyiv megalopolis. This part of the strategy proposes a development of green infrastructure: water cleaning system, reclamation of the polluted water bed and bio-fuel production. The second part of the strategy aims to convert Kyiv islands into the centre of the Research-Educational network of the Dnieper’s river ecological corridor. This is achieved by gradual development of Research clusters along with mobile Green Infrastructure Monitoring Units. Educational aspect is fulfilled by the placement of the Educational Centre with Campus which activity would include not only collaboration with educational institutions but also involvement of Kyiv general public. Third part is focused on redevelopment and densification of the already existing parts of islands aiming to bring a new high quality of public and cultural environment to Kiev Islands area. Most of the programs are profit generating and potentially attractive for the developers. All projects contained in three strategies are interconnected into a self-sufficient system of ecological network. In modern conditions of the contemporary megalopolis the sprawl of development over this territory will undoubtedly happen over time. It is hard to stop this process nevertheless we believe it is possible to regulate the development by introducing the concept of adjustable buffer zones as a protective belt for the natural environment. Driver principles of buffer zones concept imply that any new development has to happen only in already developed zones, which separated from natural environment by the buffer zone which contains elements of green infrastructure, ecopark facilities and low intensity public and cultural programs. Programs and material organization of buffer zone in some part plays a role of physical boundary between human activity and nature or creates attenuation of human activity towards zones of natural environment.
KYIV URBAN WILDLIFE PARK strategy of central islands (Trukhaniv, Dolobetsky, Venetsiansky)
Left Bank
open public space: beach and sport facilities
Kyiv Islands Music Hall
Kyiv Islands Museum
R&D environment
BREEAM certified
zero carbon office units
entertainment unit
water treatment fields
ecological school
KYIV URBAN WILDLIFE PARK water cleaning and nature conservation strategy
The overall water use and cleaning strategy is based on the general analysis of the river edges, islands nature, contamination actors, potential resources and the water flow simulation. Nowadays, a great number of industrial estates are located along the Dnieper banks, affecting the natural environment of the islands and causing water pollution. Main pollution in the river water consists of: high concentration of carbon-, hydrogenand oxygen isotopes. The pollution of that kind can cause premature aging, immunosuppressant and mental deficiency. Our strategy concerning the water contamination is to create a network of cleaning facilities along the river front according to polluted areas. We propose to use abandoned industrial areas to place water treatment plant and also the algae treatment center where all the waste from the bottom of the river will be processed into biofuel. We also propose to use mobile technologies to monitor water pollution. For example there can be used “minilabs” inside the vans that allow monitoring quite a large area with a regular frequency. Using “mini-lab” it is also possible to detect an exact place and time of contamination. “Mini-labs” are supposed to be used by different independent environmental services. With regard to the islands, we propose a water cleaning and treatment system that is integrated in landscape and buildings, and shapes space that adds value and creates good microclimate, biodiversity and possibility for local water cleaning and reuse. We see it as a system that will make people more responsible about environment and water, and create public awareness of water issue and sustainable possibilities. One of the focuses of the cleaning strategy is the use of wetland areas as a natural water cleaning system. Most of the islands have lakes and low-lying areas that create a good potential to develop plant-based water cleaning. Using the existing landscape quality of marshland at the islands, we propose to develop wetland parks. The idea is to use existing lakes and ponds at the islands by adding more reeds, willow and other filter plants areas around them. Then connect water areas by channels, so water goes through lakes and get purified. Thus existing lakes with special vegetation become a filtration park.
KYIV URBAN WILDLIFE PARK scenarios of implementation
KYIV URBAN WILDLIFE PARK courtesy of Irina Kliksbull (Kopenhagen) Katya Larina (London) Eugenia Pozhigun (London) Roman Pomazan (Kyiv) visualization – Viktor Kopeykin links -