Urban transformation strategy of Turkistan city. Issues. Part_1

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The forthcoming history of the region depends on combined efforts of our states. It could consists entirely of the contradictions caused by various approaches to solving tasks of national state development. Either the region could suffer from breaks and cracks along the contact lines of different national cultures or we could come to a level of consciousness of necessity to strength the Turkic unity. Then we could not lost in stormy waves of modern history by being one whole cultural and civilizational unit. We could fulfil our moral duty to our common ancestors and descendants as well only under the protection of our common cultural identity. N. Nazarbayev “In the flow of history�



Viacheslav Glazychev

City for people is not just perfect implementation of all sanitary norms. It`s a place where people enjoy to live, where they have access to high cultural values, and first of all freedom of choose from diversity of occupations, impressions and life styles. It sounds so tritely that it seems like we have nothing to talk on this topic here. Nobody from urban planners and architects consider seriously an opposite model: the city which can be easy and comfortable built.

Buildings aren`t the most important, but things between them are.

Jane Jacobs

There are 4 conditions for diversity on the streets: 1. The district, and indeed as many of its internal parts as possible, must serve more than one primary function; preferably more than two... 2. Most blocks must be short; that is, streets and opportunities to turn corners must be frequent. 3. The district must mingle buildings that vary in age and condition, including a good proportion of old ones so that they vary in the economic yield they must produce. This mingling must be fairly closegrained. There must be a sufficiently dense concentration of people, for whatever purposes they may be there. This includes dense concentration in the case of people who are there because of residence.

Don’t expect perfection and don’t ask and don’t demand. Love ordinary people. Nothing is wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary! Each human being is so unique; have respect for that uniqueness.

Jan Gehl



This work represents the strategic vision of urban transformation of the key districts of Turkistan city. One of them is the historical center with the UNESCO protected buffer zone and the mausoleum of Khawaja Ahmed Yasawi, second one is the future administrative and business center of Turkistan region. Further in text they are called Old city and New city respectively. These districts are main triggers for a qualitative transition of Turkistan from provincial town to not only administrative center of the most high dense populated region of Kazakhstan but to cultural capital of Central Asia and further - of the Turkic World. In fact this concept is a strategic document which describes the opportunities and directions of development of the two main districts of Turkistan (and further the entire city) for a long time period -- 10, 25 and even 50 years. However, this concept can not predict what exactly will happen in the future. It based on the actual studies and modern knowledge and proposes choice for actions in different directions of city development, which will generate the proper basement for adaptation of new arising issues. And in the same time it will let Turkistanis to create their own inimitable oasis-city. Global warming and growing population are two definite issues those influence urban development in upcoming decades everywhere. Cities (and Turkistan as well) will play the key role in overcoming these challenges. Compact cities with relatively high density react appropriately on this this issue and many of them show very high standards of living, For example: Tokio, Istanbul, Seoul. The reasons of choosing these examples as a model of understanding of city are previously mentioned high living standards and its abilities to adapt to various conditions. It`s taken as a basis for proposing actions and formulation of overall principles. However, city is not only a scope of basic principles, rules and interconnections between communities. Power of every urban planning model lies in the ability to correspond to numerous different ways of living. The concept of urban transformation of Turkistan City identifies and seeks to expand the opportunities for creating a space for various models of living in the existing and future city and its surroundings. According to the concept`s philosophy all urban typologies could find their place and take a part in creating of sustainable growing city. Every plan will definitely fail without economical basis. The proposed model of urban development looks for ways of achievement of the maximum effect from state investments. At the same time it creates conditions for real estate market, in which projects could arise fast and bring big benefits for society. All the infrastructure of public functions and services, including tourist infrastructure, park network, public transport, cultural and servicing institutions, historical and architectural reservations etc., should work in optimal mode trying to reach global standards of service. This approach creates opportunities for development of new projects. The Concept has not only scenarios of city evolution in the nearest decades, but moreover, clearly defines the priorities for development, territories for proper actions and gives nessesive parameters for their fast implementation. Such approach of priorities evaluation push the Concept above others similar documents and connect it with implementation process. It turns the concept into a ready-to-use guide for detailed level of implementation, detailed planning, building projects etc. We are sure that if the Concept will be applied, renewed and supplemented, it will create a strong basement for thriving of Turkistan city and Turkistan agglomeration. With a help of this document Turkistan will become the city with alive and wealth urban environment, the city ready for solving any problems of upcoming years, a city with a basement for sustainable development of creative industries and cultural renaissance of Turkic peoples the city with solid but at the same time flexible framework for future generations, whose can develop their own visions of Turkistan.

Project development and guidance: Frame Art (Astana) + Urban Sustain Architecture (Kyiv) Š Frame Art, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2018 Š Urban Sustain Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2018

Urban transition strategy of Turkistan city is the intellectual property of the team mentioned above. This book is the intellectual property of the companies of Frame Art and Urban Sustain Architecture.


Field studies and consultations with experts: Institute of archeology, MSE of Kazakhstan, Erbulat Smagulov IKTU, Ecological research institute, Amankul Akbasova IKTU, Design and fine arts faculty, Zhalandbek Beysenbekov Research institute of archeology, IKTU, Mels Bakhtybaev Turkistan botanical garden, Kulakhmed Baytzhylitov R&D institute KazProjectRestavratsija, Nurgali Imadzhanov, Lyassat Bisembaeva, Saduakas Agitaev Museum “Azret Sultan”, Nurbolat Akhmedzhanov Turkistan city municipality, Tazhibek Musaev Turkistan municipal company “Turkistan Su”, Gafur Yuldashev Bakhytzhan Ashyrbaev, architect, urban planner, artist, movie director, poet and thinker Architecture and urban planning department of Turkistan city municipality, Zhandos Tasov Architecture and urban planning department of Turkistan region, Yerkin Zhusipov Institute of fundamental research “Parasat”, Nursultan Akhmedia Newspaper “South Kazakhstan”, Kenesbay Ismailov Owner of the “Khanaka” hotel in Turkistan Owner of the “Edem” hotel and restaurant in Turkistan







*Turkistan and Turkestan are Kazakh and Russian version of the same word









In 2018 closest airport to Turkistan is located in Shymkent 180 km south-eastwards. It takes 2 hours and 20 minutes to reach the airport. Another one airport of Kyzyl-Orda lays in 312 km north-westwards. Northeastwards 10 km of the city there is an abandoned airport of Turkistan, that was unveiled in 1970s and used until 1980s for agricultural needs. Sustainable development of tourism and business of Turkistan requires more fast and comfortable international flight connection as well as multimodal solutions with interconnection of different transport types.


There are many of illegal dumps within UNESCO buffer zone of Turkistan. Dumps were formed on outskirts of lowrise quartiers (makhallya) along ditches or ravines. Segregation and recycling is not in practice. Increase of population and growing tourist circulation endanger weak waste management and can force serious environmental problems. Turkistan needs an introduction of waste management program, that should include empowering of ecological consciousness among locals, reuse and recycle policies, recycling facilties, life-cycle education and implementation programs.


Drinkable water runs via the 30km-long water pipe from the deep artesian wells near Kentau. Nevertheless, this drinkable water covers only 11% of the city. People of other neighborhoods use 10-20m deep water tables, those indeed, contain too much salt. Despite of water scarcity presence in the city, open water leakages are ubiqiutous on the streets. Human behaviour reflect weak water management and awareness of environmental issues. Turkistan needs a comprehensive program for rational use of water resources, including education of local population from childhood, water management program including water treatment facilities, upgrade of water supply and sewage utilities.


Engineer city infrastructure of Turkistan was weak developed recently in opposite of grew up urban sprawl. Just 12% of households are connected to the city drinkable water supply system. City sewage facilities cover 8% of residential neighborhoods only. Power supply is limited and partly out use due to increaised loads. Optical internet is absent. Widespread gas heating has not yet reached the city. 100% of households and residential mansions use coal for heating. LGT-gas is supplied in ballons from Shymkent for industrial purpose. Indeed, Turkistan has immense renewable energy resources: winds during all seasons, 350 sunny days, undeground hot water bassin circa 35-70 Celcius degrees, mountain river drops enogh for hydropower, etc.


Turkistan region has rich and continious cultural and historical background. Diverse cultural layers overlap Turkistan history combining a distinctive heritage. There are evidences of ancient urban history, sophisticated urban infrastructure, enormous ancient cities, Silk Way, empires of Persians, Chineses, Turks, Russians as well as Arab, Greek and Indian invasions. Nowadays, quality and content of tourist infrastructure is out of international standards. Cultural and historical background is not involved in local economy and predominantly limited to religious tourism. In order to change current situation and remake the city as a preffered Central-Asian destination local authority should encourage cultural activities, involve performative arts in city developement, support creative industries, provide economic preferences for tourism operators and HoReCa business, develop unique city brand and make it accepted by every local business for everyday use.


94% of city area consists of low-rise quartiers (makhallya). 78% of buildings are handmade of adobe like on this photo next to the historical site of Yassi-Turkistan ancient city. 21% of buildings are made of fired brick. Roads and catwalks are paved 50/50.



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