The Best Way to Purchase your Groceries
Grocery shopping - you likely think of pulling your screaming and frustrated kids along with you towards the store, making your way through crowded cart scattered parking lots, standing in a long line and purchasing way more than you need. Want to avoid that but still have groceries at home? Welcome to the BEST way to purchase your groceries. The internet. "The Internet is the most important single development in the history of human communication since the invention of call waiting." ~ Dave Barry Chances are you use the internet at least 25 times a day - it is and has everything. Why not use it to do more to help your day to day? 62% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile device in the last 6 months. Why not join them and try grocery shopping online? There are many stores that show full merchandise menu online showing you all options from your local stores. Meaning you can plan out your week by sifting through cookbooks and planning your breakfasts, lunches and suppers for both you and the family rather than trying to figure it out on the fly. Promoting both a more mindful week and allowing you to focus on your healthy choices more. When planning out your weekly meals always refer to theCanadian Food Guide to make sure you are starting with items that promote good health. To meet these standards you should ensure you have a good mix of veggies, dairy products, beans, nuts, lean meat, fruits and whole grains - not the easiest while navigating your grocery shopping cart with your kid’s little hands always reaching for snacks to 1/2
hide in the cart. Grocery shopping online gives you a chance to be adventurous. You can move away from always shopping for the “usual” and learn about new items for you to try. Food diversity is important for your diet, wondering why? There are some hard facts about humans diet: One in three people on the planet are affected by malnutrition, almost 2 billion people are obese or overweight, 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, when someone’s meal plan doesn’t include critical vitamins and minerals required for growth and development, like vitamin A, iron, zinc and calcium. Nutritionists recommend for you to start including a new fruit or veggie every week. Grocery shopping on the internet is here to stay; a number of delivery services like Deliverr have dedicated shoppers and apps created to help with these issues we face in the supermarkets. With these types of services you can focus on your families health, dedicate time to healthy meal planning and avoid those long lines. Why not give it a try? Useful Reading :- Grocery Shopping for a Healthier Menu