Allatoona log september 2012

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Allatoona Log United States Coast Guard Auxiliary September, 2012 Skip Yost, FC 5065 Meadowbrook Circle Suwanee, GA 30024-1962 (770) 945-9284

Jim Farley, VFC PO Box 641 Smyrna, GA 30081 (770) 436-6824 jimfarley@att.ent

Flotilla 22 Nan Ellen Fuller, IPFC 1124 Regiment Dr. Acworth, GA 30101 (770) 421-9902

Lake Allatoona, GA Vol. 46 Issue 9 Editor Bob Miller 175 Don Rich Drive Carrollton, GA 30117 (770) 214-0756

(Left to Right) Skip Yost, Paul Bartoszewicz and Jim Farley; Paul receives the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Certificate of Appreciation for a job well done. Paul will be leaving Flotilla 22 and joining Flotilla 5-6 We wish him “Fair Winds & Following Seas�

In this issue:

Flotilla Staff Officers Roster

Reports Staff reports will be given at the monthly meeting. Included in these issues are some early reports.

Schedule of Events September, October, November, December

Feature Article News Release US Coast Guard Auxiliary elects new National Commodore

Lake Allatoona Elevation

Photos Flotilla Meeting Flotilla Activities


The next Flotilla 22 Member Meeting will be on Saturday Sept 15, 2012 starting at 1000 at Operation Office.

Flotilla Commander – Skip Yost The boating season is starting to wind down for the year. This was very evident when I participated in a safety regatta PWC patrol this past weekend on Lake Allatoona with two other PWCs from Lake Lanier. Further patrols for the remainder of September have been cancelled due to funding issues. This will probably change with the start of the new fiscal year on 1 October, but in the meantime, we won’t have any further surface operations occurring this month. This month’s flotilla meeting will be held on 15 September at the dock slip of Dave and Nan Ellen Fuller, who has graciously offered to host our meeting. Immediately following the business portion of the meeting, we will have our annual low country boil event with Chef Loren Emery doing the honors. Family members and guests are invited to this event. Also, do not wear a uniform since it will be held outdoors, so dress comfortably. An email with further information for this event has been sent out to the flotilla membership. Our flotilla has been invited to participate in the annual Great Allatoona Lake Clean-Up effort scheduled for 22 September. Even though we will not be able to have a facility on the water for safety support, we will have an information tent on the shore to provide boating safety information to the public. If you are interested in helping staff this tent, please contact FSO-PA Luis Cribeiro for further details. FSO-FN Susan Cummings has recently sent out a notice to all flotilla members regarding the payment of annual Auxiliary dues for 2013. Please refer to her article in the Log for further details on payment of these dues. The deadline for payment of dues is 15 October, but please submits your payment as soon as possible. There was a recent revision to the Flotilla Standing Rules required by District whereby the minimum number of members required for a quorum could only be twenty-five (25%) percent. There were several flotillas in Division 2 that had this number set at twenty (20%), including our own flotilla. The change has been made and submitted back to Division for sending up the chain of leadership. I have appointed Karl Scheele as FSO-SR to replace Roberto Cruz who recently relocated to Miami. Please join me in congratulating Karl as he moves into his new role of responsibility. An Awards Committee is currently being formed for the James H. Titus and AUXIE awards to be presented at our annual Flotilla Change of Watch ceremony. Further details on this process will be sent out to the membership in the near future. Our next Division meeting will be held on 6 October at the Richard Bunzl Operations Center on Lake Lanier. Election of Division Commander and Vice-Division Commander for 2012 will take place at this meeting. DCDR Loren Emery is also planning on recognizing Veterans in Division 2 who have served in the Armed Forces at some point in time in their lives. Please plan on attending this meeting to show your support for them and for our Division. Hope to see you at the meeting and low country boil! Skip Yost, FC


Flotilla Vice Commander – Jim Farley

Summer is about gone, the weather seems to be cooling, it is now the middle of September, and as the retailers across America will tell you, only 100 shopping days remain until Christmas (remember, these days, every day is a shopping day). This year has sped by and unfortunately, we have not been able to have the activity on the water that I would have liked to have seen. And the reduced activity on the water has meant reduced activity for Watchstanding. I am hoping that in the coming year we will be able to recruit new members interested in becoming Boat Crew qualified, and hopefully, new members willing to offer their boats for use as Coast Guard Auxiliary facilities. We certainly need more Boat Crew, more Coxswains, and more facilities, along with more Telecommunications Operators (TCO's). Rummaging thru old papers at the Operations Center, I found an old certificate of congratulations for the year, I believe it was 1998 or 1999, in which Flotilla 22 had, I think, 98 Patrols during the boating season. That is about one Patrol every Saturday, Sunday, and holiday during the May thru September season! WOW! That is hard to believe. They must have had a larger fleet of facilities and a larger roster of Boat Crew and Coxswains than we have had in the years I have been involved. Now is the time to talk to your friends, who might be interested in joining, about the advantages of joining the Auxiliary, and if they have an acceptable boat, about the advantages of offering it for use as an Auxiliary facility. And remember, if they do not have a boat, or if they are not interested in Boat Crew, we still have jobs that can be filled; there are many shore based activities in which they can participate. Now is also the time to think about what you want to do in the Auxiliary next year. Do you want to participate and be active in a different area from what you are involved in this year? If so, after the Election of Officers for 2013, let the incoming Flotilla Commander know what you want to do. And remember, participation in an area of the Auxiliary activities is not just FSO's. The FSO's are the team leaders for the functional areas; they cannot do it all themselves, but need other Members to work with them. The Public Affairs (PA) and Program Visitor (PV) functions are good examples. So, think about where you want to be involved in the next year. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 15 September 2012, starting at 1000, at the Fuller's dock at the Allatoona Landing Marina, where the Operations Center is located.

Jim Farley, FSO-VFC


Communications - Jim Farley

I drove Linda, my Wife, down to Tampa over the Labor Day weekend to visit her elderly Aunt, so that I could have a chance to meet with Henry Reynolds, the Seventh District DSO-CM, who lives in Sarasota. We had a good meeting at a Cracker Barrel where I got my Cracker Barrel breakfast fix and learned a few interesting facts about what is happening in the world of telecommunications in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. I think I was also able to enlighten Henry on some of the differences in operations we face as a landlocked Flotilla and Division as opposed to the coastal Flotillas and Divisions that operate directly under the supervision of a Coast Guard Station. It appears that Coast Guard and the Auxiliary will be pushing for all Members who operate Fixed Land Radios (such as at our Operations Center) and Land Mobile Radios (such as some of our Members have in their vehicles) on Coast Guard frequencies to be Telecommunications Operator (TCO) certified. Boat Crew Members are not required to be TCO qualified to operate Marine Band Radios on Operational Surface Facilities. It appears that Coast Guard feels that the TCO certification will result in better trained radio operators that will be of more use to the Coast Guard in meeting their mission requirements. I assume that this goes along with the desire of Coast Guard to increase the skill level of our Boat Crew/Coxswain Member to be better able to serve as a force multiplier in times of an emergency or disaster. I am scheduled to be getting a presentation package that can be used in a classroom setting to help train TCO candidates. When this arrives, I will be looking forward to setting up formal training for TCO candidates. Some Members with Boat Crew/Coxswain backgrounds and some who have had previous experience as Watchstanders may only need a review prior to “meeting a board� and having their TCO paperwork signed off. I understand that fuel and maintenance money has run out in Seventh District, so we will probably not have any Patrols for the rest of September. Traditionally, we have not done much in October, as the lake level is lowered and the water temperature drops below the operational temperature threshold. This means that we probably will not have much opportunity the rest of this year to operate radios in the Operations Center in support of Patrols, so those who are interested in the TCO certification will need to concentrate on the TCO manual requirements and then when Patrols resume, we can work on actual radio operations, along with the computer log system and the other systems in the Communications area of the Operations Center. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 15 September 2012, starting at 1000, at the Fuller's dock at the Allatoona Landing Marina, where the Operations Center is located.

Jim Farley, FSO-CM


Finance – Susan Cummings

Just a reminded that your 2013 dues which include National, District, Division and Flotilla are due no later than 15 October, 2012. They are $50.00. Please send a check to me at: FSO-FN 22 D7 2835 Pine Mountain Circle NW Kennesaw, Ga. 30152. Contact me if you have any questions about any expense and mail me any receipts for reimbursements. The financial report will be given at the flotilla meeting. See you all at the Flotilla Meeting, Susan Cummings, FSO-FN

Communication Services – Arthur Silbert

One of the things I really enjoy about being involved in the Coast Guard Auxiliary is the constant learning process. This even applies to the job of maintaining the flotilla website. I am constantly finding ways to improve the site’s content and features while at the same time learning from my own mistakes! I want to thank Nan Ellen Fuller for quickly pointing out an issue I had inadvertently caused on the site. The process of troubleshooting the problem and fixing it was a real brain teaser and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In the month of August 66 people visited the site with about ⅔ being repeat visitors. Our ads on Google only sent us two visitors. My assumption is as the boating season starts to wane down, public interest in our boating safety class’s follows suit. It might be useful to look at visitor trends on our website to focus our print and online advertising to specific months of the year. Arthur Silbert, FSO-CS


Information Systems – Donna Saunders Thanks to all of you for your cooperation in making sure everything is being recorded properly. I am now sending responses to all of the reports I receive. If you send a report and don't receive a response, please let me know. As our busy summer activities wind down, I encourage everyone to pursue and record their training and education hours. Remember, it's 99D on the 7029 form. If you take an online test within the Auxiliary, it will be automatically recorded. FEMA (ISC) courses must be input, so be sure to send a copy of your Certificate to me. For new members, all hours you spend researching info and ordering uniforms can be reported. Here's the link to the forms site: Please contact me with any questions concerning time reporting, and I'll be glad to help.

Donna Saunders, FSO-IS

Marine Safety and Environmental Protection – Richard Henderson

The Marine Safety and Environmental Protection report will be given at the flotilla meeting. Richard Henderson, FSO-MS


Materials - Hank Bozich

The Seventh District USCGAUX Materials Center (store) is now open. Their contact information is as follows: 7th DISTRICT MATERIAL CENTER D7 Material Center P.O. box 1029 Port Richey, Fl. 34673 Web site: Uniform Distribution Center: Email; Phone: 727-535-2593 Hours: Monday & Thursday 1000 - 1800 hours. Remember, before anyone orders from the Seventh District Store, please check with me to see if I may have it in stock. Also, you can e-mail me and I will e-mail a list of the items our store has on hand. If anyone has any questions, you can e-mail me or call me. We DO NOT endorse any particular vendor for uniform items. We recommend the Seventh District Store, but you may need to go to an outside vendor to buy material. If you need sew-on insignia or nametapes, use your favorite search engine to find a vendor, or visit one of these websites: (Phone 1-800-237-0011) They are some other vendors that do not have web sites. For their phone numbers, link to:

Hank Bozich, FSO-MA

Human Resources – Larry Cook September finds the e-Responder volume slowing a little from the past couple of months. I have 2 applications at District being processed and another 16 in the hands of prospective members, waiting for them to finish the application and testing phase of the process. If you know of anyone that is interested in joining the Auxiliary, please send me an email with their information

Larry Cook, FSO-HR


Member Training – Dave Fuller

The Member Training report will be given at the flotilla meeting.

Dave Fuller, FSO – MT

Navigations Systems – Lynn Smith

The Navigations Systems report will be given at the flotilla meeting.

Lynn Smith, FSO-NS

Public Affairs – Luis Cribeiro During the past month we were active planning for the Love of the Lake Parade in Acworth (Labor Day Parade), which took placed on 09/01/2012. Allatoona clean-up Day coming up 09/22/2012, we will have a safety booth on shore for the picnic and our patrol on the water. Our coordinator this year for the on-shore booth is Karl Scheele. We need some volunteer to work with him at the booth. Time: from 1130 to 1430 hrs. On the water patrol Ross Kist will coordinate. Alan Klein is working on getting a safety booth at Costco in Roswell and still to be determined the one at Kennesaw. We are spreading the words on RBS, How about you? Would you join us? Participating in our events is another way to contribute to the United State Coast Guard Auxiliary and Family. Be active. Luis E Cribeiro, FSO-PA


Operations – Ross Kist

We scheduled 5 Coxswain training patrols in Aug.; one was canceled because of weather. The candidates are showing continued improvement. We were also able to work off some under-way crew hours for crew members needing under-way hours. There are regatta patrols scheduled for 8/9 Sep. Flotilla 29 will be providing two Coxswains and one PWC with PWC Coxswain. Flotilla 22 is providing one PWC and PWC Coxswain and two Facilities and Crew. Regrettable, our Flotilla's two Coxswains are unavailable for this event. The Regatta patrol will be in the area of Holliday Marina. We have one Crew member, Adele Childress, scheduled for Crew requalification in early Oct. Our best wishes go with her even though she is well prepared and does not need luck. Ross Kist, FSO-OP

Program Visitor – Luis Cribeiro We are continuing promulgating the RBS classes even though we are winding them down. Also, the word is out that we have completed our schedule visits around the Marinas performing Vessel Inspections. Our program visitors and vessel examiners have done an excellent job trying to promote vessel safety in our lake. It shows what we can accomplish when we work together. Congratulations to PE, VE, PV and PA for a job well done. The boating season is winding down; the displays at our partners must be in dire need of replenishing with new safety pamphlets and or GA boating regulations. Please make an effort to go around and check that they are up to date and supplied with fresh material. We have a good supply of them at the OP Center. Please let me know what you need. Thank You for your cooperation. Luis E Cribeiro, FSO-PV


Publications – Bob Miller

Please keep The Allatoona Log in mind when you are performing any Auxilary activities or functions. We need to share this information with the Auxilary members. When you are conducting or taking part in a training classs, conducting boat inspection, conducting program visits, or any other Auxilary activity, take your camera and document the activities. If you take any pictures send them to me with: what the picture is for, who is in the picture, when the picture was taken, where the picture was taken, and who took the picture. The same applies with any article you might find that would be helpful information to publish. Please send me your photos and any article you might find. Bob Miller, FSO-PB

Public Education – Jonathan J. Dawe, Ph. D.

This brief report is a chance for me to say thank you to all of Flotilla 22 for the wonderful opportunity to serve as your new FSO for Public Education. I have been mentored and prepared by FSO PE Paul Bartoszewicz and he has done a terrific job showing me the ropes! Over the last several months Paul has become a friend. I am looking forward to aggressively marketing and advertising the Flotilla 22 About Boating Safely, On-The-Water Training and GPS for Mariners course offerings in order to grow our student enrollment numbers and our Flotilla revenue. We held a good ABS class on August 11 and I enjoyed teaching Unit # 1 “Know Your Boat.” As FSO PE for Flotilla 22, I pledge to welcome involvement and partnership with other program areas in order to boost enrollments in our PE course offerings while also supporting other mission areas such as Program Visitor, Vessel Safety Checks, and New Auxiliary Member Recruitment/HR. I have a lot to learn but I am all ears. Jonathan J. Dawe, Ph.D., FSO-PE


Public Education – Paul J. Bartoszewicz /Record – Roberto Cruz This is a VERY SHORT article to say GOOD-BY and GOOD-LUCK to Flotilla 2-2. Since I came on the scene in 2009, I have observed that this Flotilla has Great leaders, Great Instructors, and a very sound base in Public Education. Unfortunately, the economy dictated our numbers as far as students. BUT, for the students we DID get into our classes, our group did an A+ job, as boating safety WILL ALWAYS be #1 on the Lakes and Rivers here in Georgia. I thank you all for humbling me in Dec, 2011 with the AUXIE award. IT will FOREVER be displayed with pride in my residence, wherever that might be. I also got my AUXOP in this flotilla, thanks to the perseverance of Hank who told me taking the Weather exam…..“You are so close, Try again”. I still will be a member of the Great District 7, only in a different Flotilla. I am transferring to Flotilla 5-6 in Vero Beach. Our address is as follows: Kathy & Paul Bartoszewicz Village Green 7300 20th Street, #228 Vero Beach, FL 32966 My cell STILL will be (for now anyway): 770-905-9821 And my email (for now anyway) Anybody that is in the area, please feel free to stop in, after all, we have 3 bedrooms, with a guest room that has a king size bed!!! So, keep up the good work, and keep FLOTILLA 2-2 always in the Public eye (which is now a little misty). P.S. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO BOB......the LOG looks G-R-E-A-T and is a shining star in 2-2!! Skip good luck to you in your future endeavors; you have served well as FC. Jim, to you I wish you GOOD LUCK to you on assuming FC for next year. It is a Challenge, but I KNOW YOU ARE UP to it. (I know you will win the election). Kathy and I will be at the September meeting, but it will be hard to keep a dry eye, as I love you guys!!! Paul J Bartoszewicz


Secretary/Record The minutes from the last meeting are included in this newsletter. The remainder of this month’s report will be given at this month’s flotilla meeting. Bob Miller, FSO-PB

Vessel Examiner – Paul Grenier

We seem to spend a lot of time talking to boaters about the need to wear life jackets to avoid dire consequences. Another approach might be to remind them of boating accidents where boaters have survived because they were wearing them. Help Wanted- FSO-VE I will not be able continue in this position next year so we are looking for an enthusiastic member to coordinate this program in the Flotilla. Let me know if you are interested. Paul Grenier, FSO-VE

Diversity Advisor – Kim Cotter

Apologize---still out of town on deployment. I have nothing to report for Diversity Advisor at this time. Hopefully I will be back for next month meeting.

Kim Cotter, FSO-DV


Captain of the Port – Jim Farley

Operations Center remains available for training sessions and meetings. It is always available, but when freezing weather threatens, the facilities (water and toilet) will be winterized (water turned off and waste/drain pipes filled with antifreeze). The Operation Center winterizing will happen late in the year and I will email a member advisory. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 15 September 2012, starting at 1000, at the Fuller's dock at the Allatoona Landing Marina where the Operations Center is located. FC Skip Yost will be sending out directions to the Fuller's dock.

Jim Farley, COPT


Flotilla 22 Staff Officers s

Flotilla Commander Flotilla Vice Commander Immediate Past FC Communications Communication Services Finance Human Resources Information Systems Materials Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Member Training Navigation Systems Operations Program Visitor Public Affairs Publications Public Education Secretary/Record Vessel Examiner Diversity Advisor Captain of the Port Diversity Advisor

Skip Yost, FC Jim Farley, VFC Nan Ellen Fuller, IPFC Jim Farley, FSO-CM Arthur Silbert, FSO-CS Susan Cummings, FSO-FN Larry Cook, FSO-HR Donna Saunders, FSO-IS Hank Bozich, FSO-MA

Richard Henderson, FSO-MS Dave Fuller, FSO-MT Lynn Smith, FSO-NS Ross Kist, FSO-OP Luis Cribeiro, FSO-PV Luis Cribeiro, FSO-PA Robert Miller, FSO-PB Jonathan Dawe, FSO-PE FSO-SR Paul Grenier, FSO-VE Kim Cotter, FSO-DV Jim Farley, COPT Kim Cotter, FDA

Lay Leader

Loren Emery

Schedule of Events September, 2012 1-love the Lake parade Acworth 15- Flotilla Meeting/low Country Boil at Fullers Dock 1000 19 to 23- DCON St. Petersburg, Fl


October 2012 6- Division 2 meeting Flotilla 29 10 AM 13- ABS Class Roberts School 8 AB 20- Flotilla 22 Meeting Roberts School 1000 AB

December 2012 25- Christmas

November 2012 11-Veterans Day 17- Flotilla 22 meeting at Roberts School 1000


Lake Allatoona Elevation (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <>)

Current Lake Level/Elevation for Lake Allatoona, Georgia Updated On:

Sept 12, 2012

24 Hour Change:

-5.84 feet

Current Lake Level:

834.16 MSL

Full Pool:

840.00 ft. MSL

(Lake Level Alert


Flotilla 22 Meeting Roberts School July 18, 2012 (Photo’s by Bob Miller unless noted)

(L-R) Jim Farley, Billy Ferguson, Bob Miller and Skip Yost Billy and Bob received two Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendations with the United States Coast Guard Pipe Band while performing in Savannah, GA March 15-17, 2012 and Washington DC May 10-18, 2012

(L-R) Skip Yost, Larry Cook, and Jim Farley – Larry received the Certificate of Completion for Navigation Rules 70 and Good Mate


(L-R) Skip Yost, Paul Bartoszewicz, Paul Grenier, Larry Cook, and Jim Farley Paul Grenier and Larry Cook completed all required for Instructor

(L-R) Skip Yost, Larry Cook, and Jim Farley Larry completed the Flotilla Leadership Course- Online


(L-R) Jonathan Dawe, Skip Yost and Jim Farley Jonathan is takes the oath for Public Education - FSO

(L-R) Jonathan Dawe, Skip Yost and Jim Farley Jonathan completed Instruction Development Course (IDC)


(L-R) Skip Yost, Luis Cribeiro, and Jim Farley Luis has successfully met all qualification requirements for Interpreter

Skip Yost presentatin of FedEx Service for Obtaining Coast Guard Auxiliary Documents Hard Copies.


Flotilla 22 & 29 member of the USCGPB

(L-R) M L Loudermilk, Bob Miller, Jack Pierce, John Quinn, Billy Ferguson, and Mike Grest The Coast Guard Pipe Band member played for the Roswell, GA 9/11 Memorial Service Laying of the Wreath on September 11, 2012 at the Roswell Face of War Memorial


Featured Article

News Release

US Coast Guard Auxiliary elects S new national commodore SAN ANTONIO – Coast Guard Auxiliary senior leaders today elected Commodore Thomas C. Mallison of Bear Lake, Mich. as the organization’s national commodore for a two-year term beginning November 1, 2012. The election was held at the Coast Guard Auxiliary National Conference (NACON) underway at the Hyatt Regency Riverwalk hotel. Mallison will succeed current National Commodore James E. Vass, Jr. who is completing his two-year term of office. Mallison has served as vice national commodore under Vass since November 2010. “The expanding number of operational, administrative and logistical missions that the Coast Guard Auxiliary is able to perform gives us ever-increasing opportunities for service,” said Mallison. “Every member should be able to attain personal satisfaction within that array of missions.” Mallison has identified “training, communication, and members” as the watchwords that will help guide the Auxiliary’s focus during his tenure as national commodore. Prior to 2010, Mallison served as deputy national commodore - operations policy and Atlantic area west, 20092010, district commodore, Eighth District eastern region, 2007-08, district vice commodore, 2005-06, and district rear commodore west, 2003-04. He served as department chief of the Coast Guard Auxiliary National Department of Personnel from 2000-02. Mallison is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Science. He graduated with honors from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and earned a Doctorate of Business Administration. Mallison joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1990 and has served in a wide variety of elected and staff offices at all levels of the organization. His Auxiliary certifications include coxswain, private aids to navigation verifier, recreational boating safety program visitor, vessel examiner, instructor, and qualification examiner. Mallison also holds the advanced “Operational Auxiliarists” designation. Retired from Systran Corporation in Dayton, Ohio where he served as vice president and director of administration, Mallison served on the boards of directors of three manufacturing companies and a nonprofit corporation in the medical sector during his business career. Prior to Systran, Mallison retired with twenty-years of service in the U.S. Army where he served as both a commissioned officer and a non-commissioned officer. His overseas tours included Germany, Korea and Vietnam. Mallison is married to the former Wanda Rodieck from Nevada, Mo. NACON is hosted by the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc., a non-profit organization based in St. Louis that provides business management, financial and training support for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. For additional information on NACON 2012, please visit:


Commodore Thomas C. Mallison, National Commodore (elect) of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

U.S. Coast Guard photo

### Date: Aug 24, 2012 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Affairs Contact: Christopher Todd Office: (530) 289-6397 Mobile: (305) 490-6030 The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary created by an Act of Congress in 1939 is the uniformed civilian component of the U.S. Coast Guard supporting the Coast Guard in nearly all its missions. Coast Guard men and women live and work in the communities they serve and understand the unique needs of those communities. For more information on the Coast Guard Auxiliary, please visit


Minutes of the August 18, 2012 Flotilla Meeting


Continuation of Auxiliary – Record of Unit Meeting For Flotilla 22, Marietta, Georgia 8/18/2012.

CONDENSED VERSION OR REPORTS AND MOTIONS VOTED ON (LIST) Continuation FSO – SR Position currently open – Roberto Cruz has moved to Florida FSO-PE position Resigned by Paul Bartoszewicz due on 18 August to pending transfer to Florida Jonathan Dawe appointed as new FSO-PE, effective 18 August, 2012 Annual dues notices have been emailed to members

Remarks (include special events, future plans, awards presented, etc) continuation Billy Ferguson (USCGPB) was presented the Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation Bob Miller (USCGPB) was presented the Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation Paul Bartoszewicz was presented with Certificate of Appreciation


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