Allatoona log august 2013

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Allatoona Log United States Coast Guard Auxiliary August, 2013 Jim Farley, FC PO Box 641 Smyrna, GA 30081 (770) 436-6824

Flotilla 22

Larry Cook, VFC 1516 Brook ridge Dr Woodstock, GA 30189 (770) 591-9022

Skip Yost, IPFC 5065 Meadowbrook Cir Suwanee, GA 30024 (770) 945-9284

Lake Allatoona, GA Vol. 47 Issue 8 Editor Bob Miller 175 Don Rich Drive Carrollton, GA 30117 (770) 214-0756

Checking out 378's Auxiliarist David Talton (11N-01-07) and Sector San Francisco OS1 Ryan Roberts check out a pair of CG 378' high endurance cutters (Jarvis 725 in front, Rush 723 in back) from D14 who are sharing a dry dock in San Francisco, while on patrol on Auxiliary vessel "Silver Charm", June 5, 2009. The SF dry dock is the largest on the west coast of all North and South America, and the two "large" CG cutters have plenty of room to spare. lll

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In this issue:

Flotilla Staff Officers Roster

Reports Staff reports will be given at the monthly meeting. Included in these issues are some early reports.

Feature Article Bass Stocking Experiment on Lake Allatoona

Lake Allatoona Elevation

Schedule of Events August, September, October and November

Photos Flotilla Meeting Flotilla Activities


The next Flotilla 22 Meeting is Saturday, August 17, 2013 starting at 1000 at 'L' Dock, Allatoona Landing Marina (Larry Cook's and Donna Saunders slip).

Flotilla Commander – Jim Farley

Let’s not forget Jack Ball, who seems to be doing well on his long road to recovery from Multiple Myeloma, and Don Servais, who is still in recovery and therapy mode from his surgery earlier this year. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations go to Ron Argo, our newest Boat Crew Member. Having been on vacation, I'm running late getting in my article for the August Log and being late, I get to extend congratulations to Ron this month and not have to wait until next month. A Coxswain added last month and now a Boat Crew Member this month. Now, I guess, it is time to start training those who want to qualify next year. We have training at all levels; Flotilla, Division, and District. The annual Seventh District DTRAIN is coming up the end of next month. It is an excellent opportunity to obtain training for those who can get there for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 27, 28, and 29 September 2013, at the Florida Hotel & Conference Center, Orlando, Florida. And if you have a little vacation time and money left over from the summer, you can possibly work in a visit to Mickey and Minnie. See the information on DTRAIN in this issue of the Log. I am planning a celebration of the service of two of our Members, Ted Kirk, who retired earlier this year, and Jack Ball, whose retirement papers are being processed, for the October Flotilla Meeting. I am hoping that both of these individuals will be able to attend the meeting. For those who are not aware, we have two others in Retired Member status: Pat Fox and Gene Funderburk. And two other Members are planning for retirement in 2013. A Member of the Auxiliary in good standing, and having accrued 15 or more years of service, is entitled to request Retired Status. As a Retired Member of the Auxiliary, the Retiree is allowed, among other things, not to pay dues, to attend Flotilla Meetings (but not as an active voting Member), take part in social activities and wear the appropriate uniform, ribbons, and devices as of the date of retirement to such functions, and receive the Flotilla newsletter and the National publication. I was really astounded when I discovered that the Auxiliary had a 'Retirement Plan' and carried the Retirees 'on-roll' in AUXDATA. Another interesting aspect of the 'Retirement Plan' is that if a Retiree's circumstances change, the Retiree can apply to be reinstated into Active Member status. A Member who is interested in Retirement may make such a request at any time, but should make such a request at the time that dues are requested for the coming year if the Member is not planning to pay the dues for the following year. Dues time is approaching and the Flotilla 22 Standing Rules provide that dues shall be payable during the month of October for the following calendar year. I believe that this has been the procedure since I joined the Auxiliary and Flotilla 22. In order to meet the time-line necessary to meet Seventh District procedural guidelines for disenrollment of those Members who do not wish to continue Membership in the Auxiliary and do not pay dues for the calendar year 2014, I will be asking in an E-Mail to all Members that Members remit their dues by 30 September 2013. Those Members not remitting dues by that date will be contacted by telephone before mailing out the Certified Mail Letters (30 days to reply) required by the dis-enrollment procedures. Dis-enrollment paperwork has to be completed and submitted thru the DCDR (Division Commander) in time to be forwarded to the DSO-HR (District Staff Officer – Human Resources) by 15 November. This is necessary to insure that nondues paying Members are removed from the Flotilla rolls at the end of the calendar year and not carried over to the New Year. If non-dues paying Members are carried over to the new calendar year, the Flotilla has to remit the


Division, District, and National dues for such Member from Flotilla funds and also count this Member in determining the quorum for Flotilla Meetings until dis-enrolled. I also plan to present to the Flotilla at the September Flotilla Meeting a change in the Standing Rules to have dues payable in the month of September for the following year. This will provide a more reasonable schedule for collecting dues and processing requested and required dis-enrollments. I'm looking forward to seeing each and all of you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 17 August 2013, at the dock of Larry Cook and Donna Saunders, Allatoona Landing Marina, starting at 1000, and followed by a Low Country Boil social.

Jim Farley, FC

Flotilla Vice Commander – Larry Cook

As we get closer to the end of the year (it will be here before you know it), it will soon be time to select the Staff positions for next year. Serving as a Staff Officer is a great way to get more involved with the Flotilla, and learn what it takes to keep the flotilla afloat. Think about offering your services for 2014. If there is a particular position you are looking to fill, or just want to offer up your services, but don’t have a specific position in mind, let Jim Farley or myself know you are interested. That will help us, when the time comes to select the Staff for 2014. As I have said before, we are looking for members that are interested in becoming Boat Crew, Coxswain and TCO (Radio Watch Stander) qualified. If that is an area that interests you, then now is the time to start your training. You can let Hank Bozich (FSO MA) know that you are interested, and he will order manuals for you, or you can also go online and print them out yourself. If you want to get out on the water, in one of our Facilities, let Ross Kist or me know, and we will make sure you are included in the Patrol Schedules. There is plenty of time left this year to get some of your on-the-water signoffs done. We will also be conducting training workshops for the Shore Side Tasks, through the winter, so that you can be ready for a QE early next year. Larry Cook, FSO-VFC


Communications - Jim Farley

With the warmer weather, we have had a few Patrols scheduled. However, while the weather has been warmer, it has not always been agreeable for Patrols. But we do need to maintain a cadre of Telecommunications Operators (TCO) to be ready to support the Patrols with Radio Watchstanding. And we will use these Watchstanding sessions to train those Members who are interested in becoming TCO's. If you are interested in becoming a TCO, but are a little leary of what will be required as far as training goes, let me know. We can arrange to have training sessions at the Operations Center to go over the knowledge and skills and complete the signoffs in the manual, and then the 'OJT (on-job-training)’ during a few patrols to complete the qualifications. I'm looking forward to seeing each and all of you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 17 August 2013, at the dock of Larry Cook and Donna Saunders, Allatoona Landing Marina, starting at 1000, and followed by a Low Country Boil social.

Jim Farley, FSO-CM

Finance – Susan Cummings

This is just a reminder to send me your receipts for payment. If you have received a payment from me and have not cashed it, please do so now. Also, dues notices will be sent out this month, August.

Susan Cummings, FSO-FN


Communication Services – Arthur Silbert

Traffic to the website has remained pretty constant over the last two months with about 65 in June and 66 in July. Most of those visitors arrived as the result of a Google search with the remainder appearing to be regular visitors. “Boating accidents” continues to be the top search term directing people to our webpage. I am happy to report Ron Argo has taken over the helm of our Facebook page and is making regular updates to the Flotilla page content. Ron’s goal is to more closely tie in our Facebook presence and the website to our overall PR strategy. As always, please send me suggestions, corrections and content ideas. Also forward along any photographs you would like to see posted on the site. Have you visited our website lately? Be sure to check it out at: Arthur Silbert, FSO-CS

Human Resources – Larry Cook

Recruiting activities have picked up. I have three active applications I hope to have finalized in the next couple of weeks, and another 12 out there, just waiting on the applicant to get them finished and back to be. For Flotilla 22, I am seeing an increased interest from folks that have read about the Auxiliary in various Media Publications. I encourage our PA staff to keep up the good work. Larry Cook, FSO-HR


Information Systems – Donna Saunders

If you're reading this, you should be reporting Auxiliary time. Many of you been consistent in reporting your time, some of you are new to it and making great strides and we're waiting for the rest of you to join in.

Reading the Log, checking for and reading emails, talking about the Auxiliary, all are 99 time. 99A if you're an officer. 99E if you're NOT an officer, it all counts.

On July 5 we had 8,761 99 hours. As of August 5 we have 11,910, that's a LOT of hours. Just think how many we'd have if all of us were reporting what we do!

Here's the link to the Electronic Forms site: If you need help with any of the forms, give me a call and I'll walk you through it. As always, I'll have the list at the meeting for anyone to fill in the hours, for the day or any amount not previously reported. FOR ANY NEW PEOPLE: We circulate three sets of documents at each meeting. 1. The Sign In sheet for the Secretary's record of attendance. 2. The Time Reporting sheet with columns for Total Mileage, Prep and Travel, 99A, 99B, 99C, 99D and 99E. I add meeting time to all entries given based on how long the meeting lasts. 3. The Flotilla 2-2 reports. This is the chance for everyone to review the current reports for information and accuracy. All of your personal info should be carefully reviewed and changes added, or brought to my attention after the meeting. I'm available by email:, or phone 770-591-9022, for any questions or concerns. We'd like to reach the 20,000 hours mark by the end of the year, so I look forward to hearing from ALL of you! Donna Saunders, FSO-IS


Materials - Hank Bozich

The Seventh District USCGAUX Materials Center (store) is now open. Their contact information is as follows: 7th DISTRICT MATERIAL CENTER D7 Material Center P.O. box 1029 Port Richey, Fl. 34673 Web site: Uniform Distribution Center: Email; Phone: 727-535-2593 Hours: Monday & Thursday 1000 - 1800 hours. Remember, before anyone orders from the Seventh District Store, please check with me to see if I have it in stock. Also, you can e-mail me and I will e-mail a list of the items our store has on hand. If anyone has any questions, you can e-mail me or call me. We DO NOT endorse any particular vendor for uniform items. We recommend the Seventh District Store, but you may need to go to an outside vendor to buy material. If you need sew-on insignia or nametapes, use your favorite search engine to find a vendor, or visit one of these websites: (Phone 1-800-237-0011) There are some other vendors that do not have web sites. For their phone numbers, link to: Hank Bozich, FSO-MA


Navigations Systems – Lynn Smith

The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) is an agency within the National Weather Service (NWS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NDBC's history can be traced to the late 1960's when buoy development and operation were conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The program was transferred to NOAA in 1970, and its headquarters moved to Mississippi. Through a Memorandum of Agreement, the USCG is a critically important partner to NDBC. The USCG is the primary source of transportation for buoy deployments, retrievals, and maintenance. The NDBC Technical Services Contractor (NTSC) performs most of the daily functions involved in keeping the entire system running. NDBC's technology development is ongoing. It strives to add new capabilities, improve performance, contain costs, and increase system effectiveness. To attain these goals, NDBC has acquired and maintains sophisticated analytical tools and experimental facilities. Numerical models permit assessment of moored and drifting buoy hydrodynamic performance. New sensors and systems can be tested and evaluated in NDBC's automated environmental laboratory complex, which includes a state-of-the-art wind tunnel and large temperature chamber. NDBC subjects new and rebuilt sensors to extensive field testing before installation on remote stations to ensure they will operate properly. NDBC is researching ways to reduce the cost of taking measurements. One of the most expensive meteorological sensors is a high-quality barometer. NDBC is actively testing the "smart sensor" concept commonly used in modern automobiles. The goal is to use a much less expensive barometer in conjunction with microprocessors to compensate for temperature-induced nonlinearities. It represents another example of applying new technology to solve practical problems, including reduction of short- and long-term costs. NOAA Data Buoys NOAA maintains data buoys all along U.S. coasts and elsewhere in the world, such as this one off Boston. These buoys gather a range of information about weather and sea conditions, including:  Current and recent wind speed and direction  Wave height and period  Atmospheric pressure and trending  Air and water temperature You should know the current weather conditions before and while sailing. Start by going to the NOAA National Data Buoy Center Zoom in on the map to find the nearest data buoy, and then click it for a readout of the current information, including wind information for the last 24 hours and a link to the current NOAA forecast for this area. NOAA Dial-a-Buoy Website Whenever you don’t have access to the NOAA website, still access this information by telephone, once you know buoy’s ID number. Simply call 888-701-8992, follow the instructions, enter the buoy ID. You also have the option to the latest NOAA forecast. Check this NOAA page for more information. Lynn Smith, FSO-NS


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Member Training – Jim Farley The Flotilla has added a new Coxswain last month, a new Boat Crew Member this month. All of the hard worth is paying off! Now is the time for those interested in becoming Boat Crew qualified to speak up so that we can begin the training sessions for Boat Crew. We need not only Coxswains, but also Boat Crew qualified Members, and also possibly additional facilities (boats). And with Patrol activity continuing, this will be good time for those interested to become involved in training for Telecommunication Operator (TCO). TCO trainees will be practicing radio communications while the Patrols are on the water. If you are one of those individuals who want to do it all, I suggest that you concentrate on the Boat Crew/Coxswain training and then go for the TCO training. If you have not completed the AUXLMS (Auxiliary Learning Management System) and ICS-100, 700, 200, and 800 courses, available on-line, then now is the time to begin working a little computer time for these courses into your daily schedule. The AUXLMS courses are REQUIRED for all Members and the ICS courses are mandatory prerequisites for many of our Auxiliary activities. I you have any questions regarding these courses, contact me ( or (H) 770-436-6824. I'm looking forward to seeing each and all of you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 17 August 2013, at the dock of Larry Cook and Donna Saunders, Allatoona Landing Marina, starting at 1000, and followed by a Low Country Boil social.

Jim Farley, FSO-MT

Public Affairs – Luis Cribeiro

Summer is finally here and the boating season is in full swing. So are our Public Affairs events and functions. Recently we have participated in several events such as "Dobbins Air Force Family Day", "Cobb County Central Library End of Summer", we had successfully published several articles in different newspapers and we have been contacted by the Army Corp of Engineer to provide support for the Stand Up Paddle-board race at Little River Marina. In other words our presence in the community is being acknowledged and our Public Relations program is growing thanks to the work done by all of you. The cooperation among the different FSO's and their respective active members is paying dividends. Keep up the good work and Thank You for your cooperation. Luis E Cribeiro, FSO-PA


Publications – Bob Miller

I would like to thank everyone for all the pictures I have received this past month. I know in the past we have had many different activies supporting boating safety and not receiving documentation for publication. It is good to see that you are now taking your cameras and cell phones with you and documenting our Flotilla activies. Thank You Please be on the lookout for any articles and pictures you might come across and always take a camera/cell phone with you on all your outings. Always remember to provide: Who What, When, Where, Why, and who took the picture. Bob Miller, FSO-PB

Operations – Ross Kist

We have had our share of bad weather and other associated glitches. However, we did manage to schedule four patrols between the July meeting and our meeting 9 Aug. meeting. Larry Cook, VFC-22 is looking for crew and trainees for 10 Aug. If you have an interest please check with Larry Cook, VFC-22. I personally learned an interesting fact as a result of an assist we performed 1 Aug. Not all the launch ramps on Lake Allatoona remain vehicle accessible all night. So if you use a launch ramp and expect to return after dark, check and make sure when it closes, you may get locked in. Yep, our assisted boaters were gratefully to be at the launch ramp. Only then they found out that they could not get their tow vehicle and trailer out. They had to take a taxi home Ron Argo is scheduled for his QE check ride early next week. We wish him the best of luck. (I seriously doubt that he needs it though.) Those of you who are short on hours need to start making serious efforts to get them in while we still have time. Don't let the REYR bug bite. I should be back in town sometime next week. Best wishes and happy boating from the Gulf of Mexico.

Ross Kist, FSO-OP


Program Visitor – Luis Cribeiro

The Boating season is in full swing and the Visitor's program has not stopped to rest. The new boating laws have given us the opportunity to visit our partners and distribute the 2013 edition of the new GA Law and Regulation booklet. I would like to point out that we have distributed 2000 booklets (2012 & 2013 editions) so far this year. We have ran out of booklets, I belief that some of you still have some in your possession. However, for total distribution 2000 booklets is very accurate. We would like to have at least two more boxes (400 booklets) to be able to replenish our inventory before the end of the year. Thank You to the members of our team for a job well done. Keep visiting our partners, record and report your visits. Thank You.

Luis E Cribeiro, FSO-PV

Marine Safety and Environmental Protection – Richard Henderson

The Marine Safety and Environmental Protection report will be given at the flotilla meeting.

Richard Henderson, FSO-MS


Public Education – Jonathan J. Dawe, Ph. D.

Good things have been happening in our Public Education Program. As of August 10, 2013, we have held 6 ABS classes and have trained 50 students so far this year. I am confident that the efforts of all participating Flotilla 2-2 instructors have gone a long way to making these 50 boaters more knowledgeable, more skillful and safer on and around the water. That is something we can all feel very good about. Additionally, our Public Education Program will very soon have another qualified Auxiliary Instructor in our ranks. Bob Miller has completed all requirements for earning the Auxiliary Instructor Qualification Ribbon. Bob’s paperwork is being submitted, so he will be awarded his ribbon at an upcoming flotilla meeting. Congratulations Bob! We have seen terrific teamwork during our ABS training sessions. In particular, Larry Cook and Paul Grenier never fail to participate and to deliver dynamic presentations. And nobody can tie a bowline knot like Larry Cook! His wife, Donna Saunders, has also provided superior support for our PE program by handling the hours reports for the training sessions to ensure all instructors get credit for their service time. Thanks Donna! Most of all, I am grateful for the new friendships I have forged with my fellow instructors. These shipmates inspire me every time I am with them and I learn something new from them during every class. Each of you has enriched my understanding of our recreational boating safety mission.

Jonathan J. Dawe, Ph.D., FSO-PE

Secretary/Record – Karl Scheele

The minutes from the last meeting are included in this newsletter. The remainder of this month’s report will be given at this month’s flotilla meeting.

Karl Scheele, FSO-SR


Vessel Examiner – Paul Grenier

Remember to be qualified as a Vessel Safety Examiner you must be BQ, pass the examination and complete five Vessel Safety Checks under the supervision of a qualified Examiner. The Vessel Safety Checks are entered on the 7038 form using the mentor as lead and the student as trainee. The FSO-IS needs to enter this information in to AUXDATA before the trainee can receive their certification. The Vessel Safety Examiner must complete five additional safety checks to meet the currency maintenance requirements each calendar year.

Paul Grenier, FSO-VE

Diversity Advisor – Kim Cotter

Apologize---still out of town on deployment. I have nothing to report for Diversity Advisor at this time. Hopefully I will be back for next month meeting.

Kim Cotter, FSO-DV


Captain of the Port – Jim Farley

The Operations Center remains available for training sessions and meetings. It is a good place to gather for Patrols and to critique Patrols afterward. Remember, you have access to the Weather Radar, courtesy of TV Channel 11-2, to see if any storms are approaching. And hopefully soon we can commence with Crew onshore classroom training sessions. And if you are looking to meet with your fellow Auxiliary Members, this is a good location. I'm looking forward to seeing each and all of you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 17 August 2013, at the dock of Larry Cook and Donna Saunders, Allatoona Landing Marina, starting at 1000, and followed by a Low Country Boil social.

Jim Farley, COPT

Auxiliary University Program (AUP) The Auxiliary University program is in stand still until after August 10th. That does not mean that we are not active, we are: We have already 3 prospective in the pipe line. At this time we are going to continue with the paper work to get the Aux-Directorate for the University Program to give us their blessing for the Kennesaw Chapter. Time permitting I would like to visit a working unit to see firsthand how they work. I will contact Mr. Jake Shaw for the possibility of a visit to the Alabama Unit Luis E Cribeiro AUP-SO


Social Committee Report The first Bring Your Own Money (B.Y.O.M) dinner party was an enormous success. Members from the Flotilla met at Acworth Fish Camp at 7:00 p.m. on the 26th and enjoyed great food and good fun. With so many in attendances, three tables were required for everyone to set together. Members enjoyed food, conversation and each other’s company for over 2 hours. The next Social Committee sponsored event will be the Low Country Boil on August 17th at Allatoona Landing. The Social Committee is working on details for activities in October and November, leading up to the Change of Watch in December. Watch your email account for additional information. The Social Committee knows that the best ideas and locations for events come for our Flotilla members so we would like to encourage you to submit your ideas for future events and B.Y.O.M locations. Please email your ideas to The more people we have attending, the better we get to know each other so we look forward to seeing each you on August 17th.

Ron Argo CH-SO Social Committee Chairman


Flotilla 22 Staff Officers s

Flotilla Commander Flotilla Vice Commander Immediate Past FC Communications Communication Services Finance Human Resources Information Systems Materials Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Member Training Navigation Systems Operations Program Visitor Public Affairs Publications Public Education Secretary/Record Vessel Examiner Diversity Advisor Captain of the Port Diversity Advisor

Jim Farley, FC Larry Cook, VFC Skip Yost, IPFC Jim Farley, FSO-CM Arthur Silbert, FSO-CS Susan Cummings, FSO-FN Larry Cook, FSO-HR Donna Saunders, FSO-IS Hank Bozich, FSO-MA

Richard Henderson, FSO-MS Jim Farley, FSO-MT Lynn Smith, FSO-NS Ross Kist, FSO-OP Luis Cribeiro, FSO-PV Luis Cribeiro, FSO-PA Robert Miller, FSO-PB Jonathan Dawe, FSO-PE Karl Scheele, FSO-SR Paul Grenier, FSO-VE Kim Cotter, FSO-DV Jim Farley, COPT Kim Cotter, FDA

Lay Leader

Loren Emery

Schedule of Events August, 2013 3 Confirmed VE Harbor Town 10 AM- 3 PM 10 ABS class Roberts school 8 AM – 6 PM 17 Flotilla meeting Larry Cooks Dock (Low Country Boil after) 10 AM -12 PM 24 Confirmed VE Blockhouse 10 AM – 2 PM 31 Love the Lake Parade


September, 2013 14 ABS Roberts School 8 AM- 6 PM 21 Flotilla meeting Roberts School 10 AM – 12 PM

November, 2013 9 ABS Roberts School 8 AM- 6 PM 16 Flotilla meeting Roberts School 10 AM – 12 PM

October, 2013 5 Div 2 Meeting 10am FL 29 - Lake Lanier, GA 12 ABS Roberts School 8 AM- 6 PM 19 Flotilla meeting Roberts School (Election Meeting) 10am- 12pm


Lake Allatoona Elevation (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <>)

Current Lake Level/Elevation for Lake Allatoona, Georgia Updated On:

August 13, 2013

24 Hour Change:


Current Lake Level:

840.00 MSL

Full Pool:

840.00 ft. MSL

(Lake Level Alert



Flotilla 22 Meeting Roberts School and Community Center July 20, 2013 (Photo’s by Robert Miller unless noted)

(L-R) Gene Hall and Jim Farley – Gene received his new identification card

(L-R) Hank Bozich receives Certificate of Advancement having demonstrated the necessary proficiency and having successfully completed the program requirements and is Designated as Recreational Boating Safety Program Specialist presented by Jim Farley


Lynn Smith was sworn in as Flotilla Staff Officer - Navigation Systems during the July 17, flotilla meeting at Roberts School and Community Center

Flotilla 2-2 meeting at Roberts School and Community Center on July 20, 2013


Flotilla 2-2 Activities


Flotilla 2-2 supported the Stand UP Paddle Board Race at Lake Allatoona on August 4, 2013 (Photo by Larry Cook)

(L-R) Loren Emery and Sherry Blomeley at the Cobb Central Library on August 3, 2013. They were teaching kids how to do marine knots with the theme being Pirates (Photo unknown)


DTRAIN 2013 From Commodore John Tyson After months of careful planning the schedule of meetings, training and fellowship activity for DTRAIN 2013 is complete. Our Meeting Committee has done an outstanding job of arranging a program with many excellent learning opportunities, all led by the best instructors in their field. Not surprisingly, all of this year’s training and workshops are focused on one or more of the district’s strategic priorities. This year DTRAIN will offer two AUXOP courses; Auxiliary Weather (AUXWEA) and the Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC). It also provides the opportunity to become qualified in one of three mission activities; Telecommunications Operator (TCO), Vessel Examiner (VE), and Information Systems inputter (AUXDATA Inputter). Other sessions offered include programs for achieving excellence in surface operations, writing formal awards, and obtaining Civil Rights Awareness. Proctored testing for nearly all the AUXOP courses will be available.


Of course, the District Board Meeting Friday afternoon is open to everyone. At that meeting several business items will be considered, three District Captains will be elected, and there will be brief remarks by a few guests. Our guest of honor and speaker at the dinner Friday evening is Rear Admiral John Korn, Seventh District Commander. The complete DTRAIN 2013 schedule is available now by clicking the link below. There you will find the meeting agenda, including all class offerings and their schedule, hotel information, pre-registration options and other meeting items. I hope you will review the DTRAIN 2013 agenda, locate the courses, meetings and events that benefit you in your Auxiliary service, and will join me at DTRAIN 2013 for a great learning experience and terrific fellowship. I look forward to seeing you there. John COMO John Tyson For details on DTRAIN 2013, go to the Seventh District Auxiliary Website: Read COMO Tyson's comments, then click on “What’s New” in the left-hand column. Click on 'DTRAIN 2013 Agenda & Registration'. Attendance is voluntary and at the Member's personal expense.


Featured Article

Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division ( Bass Stocking Experiment on Lake Allatoona CARTERSVILLE, Ga. (8/7/2013)


Nearly a quarter-million largemouth bass now swim in Lake Allatoona as part of a newly begun three-year study by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division. This study, which will help assess the effectiveness of stocking largemouth on this lake, involves stocking bass fingerlings (1-2 inches) each year through 2015. Largemouth bass are a common native bass species found throughout Georgia’s lakes, ponds and rivers and anglers in the state spend more days fishing for bass than any other freshwater species. Largemouth bass are found in Lake Allatoona, but are far less common than their cousin, the spotted bass. Both species are native to the water body, but the population balance has shifted towards spotted bass. “Largemouth bass currently make up only 10-20 percent of the black bass population on Lake Allatoona,” said Jim Hakala, fisheries biologist. “They were much more abundant decades ago than they are today.” Over the last decade there has been a growing call from bass anglers on this lake to enhance fishing quality by improving largemouth abundance. Largemouth bass typically attain larger adult size than spotted bass, a trait favored by many bass anglers. If this multi-year stocking experiment works, then largemouth bass may eventually comprise a larger proportion of the black bass population in the lake. In addition to the fingerling bass stockings, several thousand larger bass (5-8 inches) will be stocked each fall. This will allow biologists to evaluate the stocking success between two different size classes of largemouth as they grow into adults. Research indicates that fingerling largemouth do not travel far from their stocking location. Therefore, most fingerlings will be stocked from boats in shallow backwater habitats throughout the lake to give a better chance at survival. In recent years, largemouth fingerlings were stocked into Lake Nottely in north Georgia to reverse declining largemouth bass abundance. The early results of that study have shown promise for increasing largemouth numbers in a spotted bass-dominated lake. “These findings suggest there may be a chance to improve largemouth abundance in Allatoona through stocking,” said Hakala. While the stocking phase of the Allatoona study is set to last through 2015, fisheries staff will monitor largemouth bass abundance through 2018, as they grow to adult size. This will help biologists assess the contribution of stocked fish to the Allatoona largemouth bass population through time, and guide future management decisions. For further information or questions about this study, contact fisheries biologist Jim Hakala at the fisheries management office in Calhoun, GA at (706) 624-1161.


Minutes of the July 20, 2013 Flotilla Meeting


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