Allatoona log january 2014

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Allatoona Log United States Coast Guard Auxiliary January, 2014 Jim Farley, FC PO Box 641 Smyrna, GA 30081 (770) 436-6824

Ron Argo, VFC 8285 High Point Rd Douglasville, GA 30134 (770) 942-6948

Flotilla 22 Skip Yost, IPFC 5065 Meadowbrook Cir Suwanee, GA 30024 (770) 945-9284

Allatoona Lake, GA Vol. 48 Issue 1 Bob Miller, FSO-PB 175 Don Rich Drive Carrollton, GA 30117 (770) 214-0756

(L-R) Jim Farley - FC, Ron Argo - VFC and David Fuller at Flotilla 22 COW on December 7, 2013 at Carterville Country Club

In this issue:

Flotilla Staff Officers Roster

Reports Staff reports are included in this issue. Only exceptions to these reports will be given at the meeting. .

Feature Article Cold Water: The 1-10-1 Rule

Lake Allatoona Elevation

Schedule of Events January, February, March and April

Photos Flotilla Activities


The next Flotilla 22 Meeting is Saturday, January 18, 2014 starting at 1000 AM at Roberts School

Flotilla Commander – Jim Farley As we begin a New Year in Flotilla 22, let me thank each and every one of you again for expressing your confidence in me and Ron Argo to hold the positions of Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander for 2014. Fortunately, Ron seems to be a fast learner and he will absorbing a lot during this year as he prepares to move up to Flotilla Commander in 2015. And please give your full support to each of our FSO's, as they head up the work teams that accomplish our annual goals. Which brings up the thought that we need to have Members who are interested in serving in both the elected and appointed officer positions begin let Ron and me know what your aspirations are for your 'career' in the Auxiliary. I will be looking to pass on the FSO jobs that I am now carrying (Communications and Member Training), possibly during the year, and of course, at the end of this year, when the new Flotilla Commander takes over, I will move up to the exhausted position of IPFC (Immediate Past Flotilla Commander). So, as we begin our new year, think about what you might want to do, what you are interested in, and let us know. Although the final 2013 numbers have not drifted down to me, from looking over our numbers in AUXDATA and AUXINFO and on the Training Management Report, Flotilla 22 did quite well; in fact, better than I anticipated that we were going to do. Our Staff will be meeting on Saturday, 11 January 2014, to begin setting goals and submitting budget requests for 2014. While we pretty well know what our funding limits are, all of our Members need to work toward meeting our goals. One thing that we all will have to concentrate on is training. It is up to each Member to be aware of what training they need and to make every effort to attend the training session(s) when the training is offered. Some training is mandatory and if missed, the Member will be REYR or REWK the following year. We do attempt to give all Members sufficient notice to take the training when it is offered. Don't forget to read the FSO-MT article in this issue. I plan to work on the one course that I am short for AUXOP and I hope that the other Member who is one course short will join me in achieving AUXOP this year. In fact, I would like for a whole bunch of our Members to qualify for AUXOP this year. That would make it a BANNER YEAR! And I would like to mention that Don Servais, who has recently qualified to have an Auxiliary MF/HF Radio Station in his home, has now taken on a new responsibility. Read about it in the FSO-CM article in this issue. I would also like to congratulate Luis Cribeiro on taking our Auxiliary University Program (AUP) to the point of being accepted by both the Kennesaw State University and the Auxiliary National Staff. Congratulations, Luis. And now the recruiting can begin! During this year, I will be attempting to get some of our procedures, which have been voted on, attached to the Standing Rules, so that they will be available, not only to incoming Officers, but also to the general Membership. This is in accordance with the Standing Rules. This will in some cases require re-voting on things that we do now to re-affirm the procedures. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 18 January 2014 starting at 1000, at the Roberts School Community Center in Acworth. Jim Farley, FC


Flotilla Vice Commander – Ron Argo It is an absolute honor and privilege to have been elected to the VFC of Flotilla 22. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work of Larry Cook and the high bar he has set for me as the new VFC. And as you all know, superior performance just doesn't happen. It happens because of good leadership, clear vision, inspiration, resourcefulness, coordination, teamwork, and a lot of old-fashioned hard work. And to attain the level of success we have had in 2013 requires all of that being achieved and realized. Our Chain and of Leadership and Management generally and our FC, Jim Farley specifically, have led the way, over these past 12 months, in making great things happen. From Paul Grenier and now FSO-VE Jack Sweeney who have done an outstanding job in scheduling and meeting our goals for the number of vessel examination performed, to Luis Cribeiro who not only performed admirably as FSO-PA and FSO-PV, but even had the time to start the AUP program at KSU, to Jonathan Dawe and now FSO-PE, Donna Saunders who along with her job as FS0-IS was able to provide quality PE classes during a year when Georgia’s boating laws were in a flux, to FSO-FN Susan Cummings who keeps our money straight, our in house Piper, Bob Miller, who spends hour upon hour creating our monthly newsletter, flawless Ross Kist who has passed the operations torch to FSO-OP Arthur Silbert, who’s dedication and excellent training has proven most valuable to our Flotilla. And to the rest of the Flotilla Staff, old and new, what a superb job each and every one of you did last year. You do tremendous work week after week insuring that the Flotilla functions as well as in does. Karl Scheele, Henry Bozich, Juan Sola, Lynn Smith, and Jerry Sullivan, thank you for your commitment to serve as Flotilla Staff Officers. To the members of Flotilla 22, your continued support of the Flotilla Officers will be critical in the ongoing success the Flotilla. New ideas will be suggested, new ways will be tried, but in the end, it will be us, as a team that will guarantee our success. Ron Argo, VFC


Communications - Jim Farley

First I would like to recognize Don Servais for taking on a new responsibility. Don, a former QE (Qualification Examiner) for Boat Crew and Coxswain, has now become a QC (Quality Control) specialist for the Coast Guard. Well, he really doesn't have that title, but the essence of his new responsibility is to monitor the Medium Frequency/High Frequency Radio Broadcasts of the Coast Guard weather reports, etc., and let those responsible know if the signals are not up to snuff. Don has qualified as an AUXMON (Auxiliary Monitor), and as far as I know, he is the only one in Division 2, and one of a few in Seventh District. Looking for more Auxiliary activities that he can do from home, after gaining his authorization to operate on the MF/HF Radio Nets, Don applied to become an AUXMON and was accepted. Congratulations, Don. We have several former Radio Watchstanders (listed in the Training Management Report) who I will be trying to qualify as Telecommunications Operators (TCO) in the near future. I am still interested in pursuing TCO training for Watchstanders, individually or as a group. I would like to try to get a small group of those who are interested in becoming a TCO qualified together, perhaps for a couple of Saturdays for four to maybe six hours, at the Operations Center, to work thru the sign-offs in the TCO manual. Once the TCO certification is obtained, and then we can work on actual radio operation training once patrols start again this spring, and become qualified to Radio Watchstand for Flotilla operations. Let me know at if you are interested and when we find out who is interested, we can start looking at when we can all get together. Those interested in becoming a TCO must also take The ICS-100 and ICS-700 courses and the Team Coordination Training (TCT) course. The 8-hour TCT course is required initially and every five years thereafter, and the 1-hour TCT Workshop is required annually in those years not requiring the 8-hour course. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 18 January 2014, starting at 1000, at the Roberts School Community Center in Acworth. Jim Farley, FSO-CM

Finance – Susan Cummings I hope all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. If anyone has receipts that need to be paid, please submit them to me as soon as possible along with a copy of the receipts. See you soon.

Susan Cummings, FSO-FN


Communication Services – Ron Argo

"If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable." Seneca the Younger The Public Education team has placed GR Codes on the PE Brochures and PE Handouts. As mentioned in prior FSO-CS reports, the GR Codes will allow potential students to get the latest PE Class schedules and find the Flotilla Web Site more easily. As we move forward in 2014, specific GR Codes will send people to specific pages and we will be able to track the effectiveness of our public facing activities. The ubiquitous shipmate asked me yet another question concerning social media and how we plan on measuring its influence. 1. Discussion = The number of replies or comments per post Discussion is the most key metric in social media. Involving others is what makes it all social and it is what makes social media not just another broadcast medium. Meaningful conversations and interaction with our audience drives what marketing money just can’t buy, which is great since our marketing budget is zero. Studies show that engaging people was most powerful method for increasing digital influence. 2. Reach = The size of the direct audience Reach expresses the size of the direct network exposed to our posts. Statistics shows that reach strongly correlates with the other performance measures, making it an appropriate predictor of influence. 3. Content magnification = The number of shares per post Social networks are not just about our network. Every post or update has a network/life of its own. This is the great thing about social networks; it enables information to spread rapidly. Amplification of content is the degree to which content is shared throughout the network. On Twitter this is the amount of retweets, for Facebook it is the number of repost, on a blog the amount of social shares. 4. Attitude = The expressed sentiment towards our post Analysis of Attitude deals with the computational treatment of opinion, sentiment and subjectivity in text. To be fair, it will take some time before sentiment analyses are actually usable. To date, most if not all tools still have difficulty dealing with humor, slang and irony. As such, it correlated strongly with the other metric of influence. Attitude data is typically not visible in social media; but something to be monitored. 5. Content Approval = The number of likes/following/favorites per post On Twitter content appreciation is expressed by the amount of ‘favorites’ a tweet receives. Facebook it is the number of likes a post receives. Flotilla 22’s Web Page: Please check out all the updates that have been made to our web page. We now have the ability to accept online course registrations for Boating Safety Courses. Look under Boating Courses, Registration Page. Also we added the ability for Flotilla Members to make suggestions via the web page to the Staff Officers. You can make suggestions anonymously or leave your name for follow-up. The suggestion page is in the Members Only Section. Please note: The interactive sections of our web page are only working with Microsoft IE. We are working to determine why the pages will not work with Fire Fox, Chrome and others. Hopefully we will have the technical issues worked out soon.


Newsletters are posted and are available for perusing in an electronic magazine format. Allatoona Lake information links have been added as well as Google Maps direction links to Roberts School.

Suggestion Page

Online Registration Page

In November we had 109 visits; up 60% from 68 visitors in October to our web page with 49.50% being new visitors. The increase can be attributed to our Facebook page that is helping to push people to our web page. In December we had 170 visits; up 64% from the 109 visits in November with 60% being new visitors. With the creation of the AUP section on our web page as well as the creation of the KSU AUP Facebook page, we have seen the greatest increase of visitors below 34 years of age. During December, 27.5% visitors were between ages 18- 24 and 33.5% were between ages 25-34. Facebook: The flotilla now has two Facebook pages; our original Flotilla 22 and a newly created Facebook page for the KSU Auxiliary University Program. Both pages are helping drive traffic to our web page. Our Flotilla Facebook page has passed a major milestone; we now have 100 plus people following us on Facebook. That means that 100 or more people are getting the Flotilla Facebook updates delivered to their newsfeeds each time that we post information. We are also reaching more and more people, in November we reached 196 and December over 234 people read our Facebook postings. If you have a Facebook account, please like us and see what all the excitement is about. USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 22 Marietta Georgia and Kennesaw State University Auxiliary University Program Look for additional additions to our social media offerings in 2014. And as always if there are any issues or additions you would like to see, please email me at Ron Argo, FSO-CS


Human Resources – Larry Cook

January has been rather slow for Recruiting, so far. I do have 2 applications working their way through the process and hope to have them approved yet this month. With the Atlanta Boat Show coming up and our recent progress at Kennesaw State University, I expect things to get busy over the next few months. If you have a friend interested in joining the Auxiliary, be sure and send me their information, so I can get them started on the application process. Larry Cook, FSO-HR

Public Affairs – Ron Argo

There is a famous story about President John F. Kennedy’s first visit to NASA’s headquarters back in 1961. While touring the facility, the President’s entourage reportedly came upon a man mopping the floor in one of the hallways. The President stopped to chat with the man, shook his hand, and asked what he did at NASA. The janitor proudly addressed the young President by saying, “Sir, I’m helping to put a man on the moon!” I do not know if the story is true or not, I have heard different versions, but true or not the story illustrates the idea that everyone at NASA, regardless of his or her position, was in their own way contributing toward the ultimate mission of the organization. So it is with Public Affairs. Everyone in the Flotilla is a Public Affairs operative. Every time we conduct a vessel examination, visit a dealer, teach a class, go to dinner, church, etc... We all are walking PA Agents for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Every activity we participate in… be it a recruiting event, a boater safety event or social activity, ultimately leads to a PA event. “But what can I do to help put a man on the moon? “ You are asking yourself… We all know that we word of mouth is the best advertisement there is. So how can we improve word of mouth concerning the Auxiliary? One of the best ways, besides making our family and friends eyes roll every time we can even bring up the Auxiliary, is to follow up. Calling a VE recipient from last year reminding them that they need to stay current, calling up a member of our Marine Visit Program just to check in and say hello and how they are doing is an AWESOME way to improve word of mouth. Has your doctor ever called you back to see how you were feeling? If they did, did it impress you? Have you ever been to a restaurant where the chef (or cook) came out into the


dining area and asked the customers how they liked the food? When you call be positive and generally interested in the conversation. “Good Morning Mr. Marina, I know it is winter time but I wanted call and see if there was any literature you needed before I stopped by” “Good afternoon Mrs. Boat owner, I am just calling to remind you that we will be at the Blockhouse ramp nest week providing free 2014 VEs” “Good morning, I know I was unable to present you a VE sticker because your boat numbers were not displayed correctly, and I wanted to see if you had a chance to modify your numbers and when would be a good time for me to stop by and reexamine your vessel” Of course we are not going to rely on word of mouth only, we will continue to publish press releases, set up information booths, support parades and boating shows, manage our web page and social media sites. Besides the monthly meetings, the best place to keep up with all the Flotilla’s activities is our web page. Check it regularly for event dates, times and updates. And don’t forget to ask yourself what you are doing to “put a man on the moon”? 2014 PA Campaign Plan Printed Media Issue Press Releases in a timely manner. Target Press releases to members home town newspapers and news websites Broadcast Media Use target PSAs for local Radio Stations New Media (Social Media) Web Pages

Facebook Publications/Member Communications Flotilla Calendar Newsletter Speakers Bureau Advertise that we are available to speak at your local event Events Public Education Atlanta Boat Show Allatoona Clean Up Day Stand Up Paddle Race at Little River Marina Wake Board Contest July 4th Parades Memorial Day Parades Safety Seminars Ron Argo, FSO-PA


Information Systems – Donna Saunders Happy New Year! As we start the New Year, we have a lot to celebrate. I have received a total of 630 reports for 2013 resulting in the totals below. I have included our Flotilla hours and the total Division so that you can see how much we've contributed. We actually met the 20,000 hours goal, which is AMAZING. As the Flotilla grows, please keep time reporting in mind and continue to record your hours. Thanks to all of you for your efforts and cooperation. I look forward to an even better 2014. Mission Hours as values AUXMP - Marine Patrols (01a,01b,02,03,22a,54a,55a) CGADMN - Cg Administrative Support (08,92) CGOPS - Cg Operational Support (07,20,22,26) MS - Marine Safety MT - (06) Member Training RBS - (99) Recreational Boating Safety SAR - Search And Rescue (23,24) UMDV - (11) Marine Dealer Visits UPA - Public Affairs (10) UPE - Public Education (04) UREC - Recruiting Assistance (09,90) VSC - (91) Vessel Safety Check All Missions

070-02-02 Div 02 MARIETTA 587.3


110 620.6 9 111.5 16,978.50 1.5 206 1,103.00 73.2 35 419.5 20,255.10

336.5 2,077.10 1,620.00 581 39,470.28 23.8 753 2,577.51 269.2 154.13 903.55 52,109.77

Donna Saunders, FSO-IS

Program Visitor – Luis Cribeiro As you may know I will be the SO and FSO for the Program Visitor in 2014. As far as 2013, I would like to thank you all for the work well done. We have exceeded our goal, let us keep the pace. Think about what we need to do in 2014 to improve our performance. Please let me know. I am passing the Public Affairs baton to Ron Argo. Please continue your efforts and help him improve on our record. By the way, Thank You all for your cooperation and assistant trough out my tenure at helm. Again, we did exceed our 2013 flotilla's goals by a wide margin in most all classification. Thank You for job well done. Luis E Cribeiro, FSO-PV


Materials - Hank Bozich

The Seventh District USCGAUX Materials Center (store) is now open. Their contact information is as follows: 7th DISTRICT MATERIAL CENTER D7 Material Center P.O. box 1029 Port Richey, Fl. 34673 Web site: Uniform Distribution Center: Email; Phone: 727-535-2593 Hours: Monday & Thursday 1000 - 1800 hours. Remember, before anyone orders from the Seventh District Store, please check with me to see if I have it in stock. Also, you can e-mail me and I will e-mail a list of the items our store has on hand. If anyone has any questions, you can e-mail me or call me. We DO NOT endorse any particular vendor for uniform items. We recommend the Seventh District Store, but you may need to go to an outside vendor to buy material. If you need sew-on insignia or nametapes, use your favorite search engine to find a vendor, or visit one of these websites: (Phone 1-800-237-0011) There are some other vendors that do not have web sites. For their phone numbers, link to:

Hank Bozich, FSO-MA


Navigations Systems – Lynn Smith

Navigating Through Ice - Try Your Hand At It! The picture below shows a radar image of sea ice, from Canada's RADARSAT satellite. An example of a first year ice floe is shown at A. Broken ice fragments, called "brash ice", such as at B fill much of the space between the floes. A crack in the ice, exposing the open water surface is called a "lead" and one example is shown at C. A ship captain would want to navigate through leads as much as possible, since there is no ice resistance to his ship's travel. He would also want to avoid ice floes, since the brash ice is easier for the ship to push through. Task Starting at point (3.0, 0.0) and ending up at point (0.5, 9.5); find the best passage for a ship. Use leads, wherever possible, and avoids ice floes. Measure the distance over the route that you've chosen. That distance is: _______km. Hint: It should be less than 10 km.


Distance: 8.5 km (blue route) The more difficult route is >9 km (red route) Legend A: Ice Floe (solid ice) B: Brash Ice (ice fragments) C: Lead (open water)

Lynn Smith, FSO-NS


Member Training – Jim Farley

A new year is upon us and with that comes the requirement that Members involved in various areas of our Auxiliary activities need to complete Workshops. I normally recommend that all Members attend as many of these training opportunities as possible, as this gives the Member a better understanding of the Auxiliary activities. Some of these Workshops are for all Members and some are for those active in specific areas. We normally hold these Workshops on the days of Flotilla Meetings. If you are required to attend a specific Workshop, I recommend that you schedule yourself to attend on the day it is offered; in some cases, the Workshop will not be re-offered and you may go REWK for not attending. Last year (2013), all Auxiliary Members with a valid E-Mail address in AUXDATA received an ALAUX (All Auxiliarist) E-Mail from CHDIRAUX (Chief Director of the Auxiliary) regarding AUXLMS (Auxiliary Learning Management System) and the benefits, requirements, and impacts on Auxiliary Mandated Training. This E-Mail was sent 18 January 2013. This was sort of a double dose of good news and a dose of bad news. The first good news is that AUXLMS is an on-line training system (hey, we can train on our computer) that allows us to take several Mandated Auxiliary Courses (and even more in the future) and course completion is automatically routed to AUXDATA, all in the comfort of our home. The second good news is that Auxiliarist are able to access some active duty “Gold Side” training courses, such as content on Coast Guard boat and cutter operations. The bad news is that besides having to set up your login and password, along with having an E-Mail address that is not shared with anyone else in the Auxiliary, we have some mandated training requirements. New Members have to complete the eight courses in their first Full Year of membership (i.e., if your enrollment date is 2 January 2013, then you will have until 31 December 2014 to complete the courses). All of us old-timers have five years to complete the eight courses (completion date 31 December 2016). And for both Old and New Members, six of the courses have to be retaken on a five year cycle. AUXLMS can be accessed at The following courses must be completed only once: (1) Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts - course code 502306, (2) Influenza Training - course code 502290. The following courses must be completed every five years: (3) Building Resilience and Preventing Suicide in the Coast Guard - course code 502379 (4) Security Fundamentals – Formerly SETA -course code 810030 (5) Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information -course code 810015 (6) Sexual Harassment Prevention - course code 810000 (7) Sexual Assault Prevention/Response - course code 810045 (8) Civil Rights Awareness - course code 502319 See the CHDIRAUX E-Mail for procedures to receive credit for having previously taken a course noted above and also for the procedures for obtaining a login and password and for accessing AUXLMS and AUXKB (Auxiliary Knowledgebase). If you cannot find the CHDIRAUX E-Mail in your file, let me know ( and I will forward you a copy. My advice to our current Members is to get started on completing these courses if you have not done so already. We have eight courses to complete and we have 35 months to do it. So, if we do one each four months, we will


get all courses completed in the allotted time and with that spacing, we should not have a problem completing our six retraining courses over 60 months (5 years); that is one course to retake every 10 months. Also, I recommend that all Members complete at least the ICS-100 and ICS-700 courses. These provide good basic information relating to emergency operations for all Members. Those planning to be involved as Coxswain will also need ICS-200, ICS-800, and ICS-210. The ICS-100, ICS-700, ICS-200, and ICS-800 courses are available on the FEMA website ( and ICS-210 is available on the AUXLMS website. I'm looking forward to seeing each and all of you at the Flotilla Meeting, Saturday, 18 January 2013, starting at 1000 at the Roberts School Community Center in Acworth.

Jim Farley, FSO-MT

Publications – Bob Miller

I would like to thank everyone for all the pictures I have received this past month. I know in the past we have had many different activies supporting boating safety and not receiving documentation for publication. Please continue taking your cameras and cell phones with you and documenting our Flotilla activies. Please be on the lookout for any articles and pictures you might come across and always take a camera/cell phone with you on all your outings. Always remember to provide: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and who took the picture. Bob Miller, FSO-PB

Marine Safety – Juan Sola

Juan Sola is out of town and will provide the Marine Safety report next month.

Juan Sola, FSO-MS


Operations – Arthur Silbert This is not surprisingly a quiet time of the year for operations. I’ve been reading my way through the Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual and have found it to be not only helpful but very interesting as well. I highly recommend reading it if you have never perused it before. We were contacted this week by the City of Acworth to see if we can once again assist with the Pro Wakeboard Tour to be held on Friday, May 16 and Saturday, May 17. I will be following up with them to start coordinating our involvement. I was also told by fellow Auxiliarist at the Atlanta Boat Show this weekend that they had inquiries from other groups who were looking for our assistance with additional events on Allatoona. We will be scheduling Boat Crew and Coxswain sign-off and study sessions starting the week of January 20th. My personal goal for this spring is to pass the Nav Rules exam so I can start my on the water sign-offs as soon as the weather will allow. Please let me know if you are interested in studying for the Nav Rules exam with me. Arthur Silbert, FSO-OP

Diversity – Karl Scheele

As Karl spends January interviewing for a new job, he would be the first to tell you that he is excited about becoming Flotilla 22s new Diversity Officer. Many of you have heard me mention the NACO Three Star Award for Diversity Excellence. As a reminder, The NACO Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity is an annual award intended to recognize Flotillas and Divisions for distinction in managing and valuing diversity. One of our goals for 2014 is to apply for the award. We are close to being able to submit our application. The cut off for this year is June 30. So please help Karl and the rest of the Flotilla to meet the Diversity goals of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Don't worry, we do not have to meet all six items under each goal, we only have to meet four out of the six. Goals for receiving the NACO Three Star Award for Diversity Excellence GOAL #1 – Create a Positive Environment 1. Appoint a Flotilla Diversity adviser. 2. Publish at least one article on diversity awareness in the flotilla newsletter per year. 3. Conduct one in-Flotilla diversity member training session per year. (Training materials are available on the Diversity Website or see your District Diversity Staff Officer) 4. Target all local neighborhoods and cultures in the community of the Flotilla in the Flotilla recruiting action plan.


5. Document a minimum of six meetings per year attended by 50% of the Flotilla membership. 6. FC and/or VFC must have attended leadership training at the District or National level as per AUXDATA. GOAL #2 – Value all Members 1. Document informal awards and recognition programs and specify the actions taken for a positive reinforcement of member actions and behavior. 2. List a minimum of two routine communications with all members, i.e.: regularly scheduled newsletter, calling crew, or telephone tree for phone messages, Flotilla meeting notes staff, staff meetings with notes distributed. 3. Conduct exit interviews for all members leaving the Auxiliary and forward to the DSO-PS via the SO-PS. 4. Maintain 90% of members each year – less than a 10% member Disenrollment or retirement each year. 5. Show 65% of members are involved in Auxiliary activities according to AUXDATA. 6. List a minimum of four fellowship activities sponsored by the Flotilla throughout the year for all members and their families and friends. GOAL #3 - Promote Individual Success 1. Assign a formal mentor to each new member for his/her first year of membership. 2. Utilize the Mentor Involvement Plan to help new members plan their involvement and training. 3. Provide written goals and expectations for all Flotilla staff and committee positions to all members at the beginning of the year. 4. Provide all Staff Officers with specific written job descriptions upon appointment. (check Aux. Manual) 5. Establish a Flotilla –mentoring program for potential Staff Officers. 6. Provide adequate access to meetings for members and potential members with disabilities. GOAL #4 - Carry out Diverse Outreach Activities in the Community 1. Flotilla and or Divisions that have intent to achieve this award must expand their outreach to the underrepresented populations in the community where they exist. 2. The applicant must show through data, portfolio, or some other means that it has completed not less than three outreach recruitment activities/events that have taken the membership into a diverse area of their AOR. 3. The outreach activity should be used to reinforce what has been learned in a diversity training to optimize and sustain a culturally competent organization. 4. Sustain an inclusive organization through actions such as a booth at a cultural event, share the Auxiliary experience in a unique way, and share what has been learned. 5. Develop leaders, strengthen relationships, and enhance trust within the diverse community in the Flotilla AOR. 6. The organization does not just do something new but builds capacity for ongoing change in the thinking of the organization, Strategies, and structure internally and externally. Ron Argo, FSO-VFC


Public Education – Donna Saunders Have you seen our brochures or flyers? If not, please take the opportunity to pick up some at the Flotilla meeting on the 18th. While Ron Argo has done a great job of getting our info on the website and social network, we need the help of everyone to get students into our scheduled classes, or even better, get a class scheduled for a group or organization you either know or are a part of. With the new law taking effect on July 1, 2014, "anyone born after January 1, 1998, must have completed a boat education course approved by the DNR before he or she may legally operate a motorized vessel on Georgia state waters." We can help make the public more aware and promote our classes at the same time Our Public Education program is a big opportunity to promote boating safety while helping our Flotilla. Luis Cribeiro presented a letter to the various marinas asking for their help by providing our schedule to their customers. We've also asked that they consider hosting a class at their locations. We will be asking our Instructors to commit to specific dates so that we can better manage our proficiencies as well as making sure we have adequate coverage for each class. If you have any suggestions or ideas of how we can make our program more effective, please let me know. My email is: I look forward to an exciting year, with lots of Flotilla participation. Donna Saunders, FSO-PE

Secretary/Record – Jerry Sullivan

I am looking forward to taking the position of FSO-SR for our Flotilla from Karl. Karl did a great job keeping the records and I'm going to do my best to continue the same. It will take me a short time to learn everyone’s name and duties, and with your support we will continue to be the best. Jerry Sullivan, FSO-SR


Vessel Examiner – Jack Sweeney

This is my first report as FSO-VE. We had a good 2013 with a total 472 vessel safety examinations. 12 members contributed to that figure with Hank Bozich’s 226 leading the team. I look forward to the opportunity to increase that total in 2014. I have personally visited, introduced myself and scheduled the following marinas and COE Blockhouse Ramp. With those 11 scheduled events the entire team’s commitment will make that possible.

2014 USCG AUXILIARY Flotilla 22 VE Schedule APRIL 12 - PARK (Rentals) APRIL 26 - NAVY (Rentals & Docks) MAY 24 – BLOCKHOUSE RAMP (Memorial Day) MAY 31 - HOLIDAY HARBOUR (Docks) JUNE 7 - LAKE ARROWHEAD JUNE 28 – ALLATOONA LANDING MARINA (Docks) JULY 5 – BLOCKHOUSE RAMP (Independence Day) JULY 26 – VICTORIA HARBOUR (Docks) AUGUST 2 – HARBOR TOWN (Docks) AUGUST 23 – PARK MARINA (Docks) AUGUST 30 – BLOCKHOUSE RAMP (Labor Day) Jack Sweeney, FSO-VE


Captain of the Port – Jerry Sullivan

I am looking forward to my position as the new COPT. Jim has been doing a great job and will continue to be there for any needed support. I live only 15 to 20 minutes away from the Operations Center (OC) and pass nearby every day. Frequent stops and Security checks on our OC is no problem, and I have been making Security checks already and reporting the same to Jim. I will run a tight ship for you with keeping our site clean and operational. I ask for your support and as a team we will be proud of our OC. Please feel free to contact me with any needs or questions about the OC.

Jerry Sullivan, COPT

Auxiliary University Program (AUP) Yes we made it; we are official and going full steam ahead. We are ahead of our "Guide Lines for a New Unit". Hopefully, our members will start taking courses and recruiting new members to grow our unit and flotilla. Thank you for the job well done and the tip of the hat to Zack, Patrick, and Ron. Luis E Cribeiro, KSU-AUP Unit-UO.


Social Committee Report Put the Next B.Y.O.M event on your calendar!! It was announced last month that we would have our January B.Y.O.M (Bring Your Own Money) Social Event at Papi's Cuban & Caribbean Grill in Kennesaw. Being good Coasties, we had several of our shipmates recon Papi’s and they discovered that while the food was superb, the facility would not be able to accommodate such a large group. So being devoted Auxiliarist, they found another place for Cuban Cuisine and that could also hold are large group of people. Our dedicated reconnaissance team tried the Cuban sandwich, Cuban coffee, Papa Rellena (breaded and fried mashed potato stuffed with seasoned ground beef), Biftec Empanizado (breaded beef steak), tostones (fried green plantains), Mojito and Tres Leches (yellow cake soaked in three different types of sweet milk) and reported that EVERYTHING was delicious! So based on the gallant efforts of our recognizance team, the social committee has relocated our January B.Y.O.M event to the Cuban Dinner at 1484 Roswell Rd, Marietta Ga. on January 24 at 6:00 p.m. Mark your calendar now and watch your email for additional information. And always if you have a certain type of event that you would like us to sponsor, a location for our B.Y.O.M. events or any other suggestion please let Ron Argo know. Email suggestions/ideas/comments to: I will unfoundedly not be able to attend; Jim Farley and I will be in Savannah attending the 2014 Leadership Conference in Savannah Georgia. Ron Argo Chairman Social Committee

Service Anniversaries and New Members Report JANUARY 2014 SERVICE ANIVERSARIES William Fritsch Donna Saunders Wanda Acevedo Juan Sola Nan Ellen Fuller

4 Jan 3 Years 4 Jan 3 Years 22 Jan 4 Years 22 Jan 4 Years 23 Jan 10 Years


9 Jan


Flotilla 22 Staff Officers s

Flotilla Commander Flotilla Vice Commander Immediate Past FC Communications Communication Services Finance Human Resources Information Systems Materials Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Member Training Navigation Systems Operations Program Visitor Public Affairs Publications Public Education Secretary/Record Vessel Examiner Diversity Captain of the Port

Jim Farley, FC Ron Argo, VFC Skip Yost, IPFC Jim Farley, FSO-CM Ron Argo, FSO-CS Susan Cummings, FSO-FN Larry Cook, FSO-HR Donna Saunders, FSO-IS Hank Bozich, FSO-MA

Juan Sola, FSO-MS Jim Farley, FSO-MT Lynn Smith, FSO-NS Arthur Silbert, FSO-OP Luis Cribeiro, FSO-PV Ron Argo, FSO-PA Robert Miller, FSO-PB Donna Saunders, FSO-IS Jerry Sullivan, FSO-SR Jack Sweeney, FSO-VE Karl Scheele, FSO-DV Jerry Sullivan, COPT

Lay Leader

Loren Emery

Schedule of Events January, 2014 11 Staff meeting 18 Flotilla Meeting Roberts School 10 AM-12 PM 18 Division 2 COW Dobbins Air Reserve Base


March, 2014 15 Flotilla meeting Roberts School 9 AM- 2PM 22 Division 2 Meeting Roberts School 8 AM-6PM

February, 2014 8 ABS Roberts School 8 AM- 5 PM 15 Flotilla meeting Roberts School 9 AM- 2PM

April, 2014 5 ABS Class at the Army Corp of Engineers 12 Vessel Safety Exams Park Marina 19 Flotilla meeting Roberts School 9 AM- 2PM 26 Vessel Safety Exams Navy Rental


Lake Allatoona Elevation (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <>)

Current Lake Level/Elevation for Lake Allatoona, Georgia Updated On:

Jan 15, 2014

24 Hour Change:

Current Lake Level:

828.94 MSL

Full Pool:

(Lake Level Alert





840.00 ft. MSL

Flotilla 2-2 Activities Roberts School November 9, 2013 (Photo’s By Bob Miller)

(L-R) Larry Cook, Jack Sweeney, Jack Reeves, and Jim Farley who issued them their ID Card


(L-R) Larry Cook, Skip Yost, and Jim Farley Completed the Qualification for Telecommunication Operator

(L-R) Larry Cook, Loren Emory and Jim Farley – Loren Completed the Qualification for IMSEP, and Patrols.


(L-R) Larry Cook, Bob Miller and Jim Farley – Bob Completed the Qualification for Vessel Examiner

(L-R) Larry Cook, Loren Emory, William Fritsch and Jim Farley – Loren and William Completed the Qualification for Weather


Special Retirement Report

USCG Auxiliary Photo/Aux. NE Fuller John W. (Jack) Ball joined the Auxiliary 1 March 1990 and retired from Flotilla 22 on 7 August 2013 after 23 years, 5 months, and 6 days service. Jack and his wife, Jackie, attended the 2013 Flotilla 22 Change of Watch. Jack was presented his Certificate of Retirement and Jackie was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for supporting Jack in his Auxiliary activities for over 23 years. During his 23 years of service, Jack served as Boat Crew Member and Instructor. He Served as Flotilla Commander and many of the appointed Flotilla Staff Officer positions. He was awarded the Coast Guard Bicentennial Unit Commendation, the DOT Secretary's Outstanding Unit Award, and the Coast Guard Unit Commendation with two stars, the Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Auxiliary Membership Service Award. Jack and Jackie plan to enjoy their family, including 11 grandchildren, and to sail their 31 foot Hunter sailboat from Dallas Bluff on the Georgia coast.


Flotilla 22 COW December 7, 2014 At Carterville’s Country Club (Photo’s by Nan Ellen Fuller))



Activities 25



Feature Article (Source:

Cold Water: The 1 – 10 – 1 Rule Monday, October 21, 2013 Posted by: Rande Wilson I attended a presentation at an USCG Auxiliary National Training meeting called Cold Water Boot Camp, which works in cooperation with many life saving organizations, including the US Coast Guard. I saw a good friend and fellow member of Team Coast Guard – Mario Vittone, USCG Marine Safety Specialist and former Helicopter Rescue Swimmer Instructor – featured in the video. This is what we learned from Mario Vittone. Fall in cold water? Take 1 minute to stop the panic – you’ve 10 minutes of physical ability to save yourself – and 1 hour of consciousness left. Here’s why. Reprinted Article by Auxiliarist Vincent Pica, East Moriches, LI, NY 1 - The first phase of cold water immersion is called the cold water shock. Data shows that roughly 20 percent die in the first minute. They breathe in ice cold water in that first uncontrolled gasp, panic and drown, plain and simple. In some, the cold shock triggers a heart attack. Surviving this stage requires you to stay calm and get your breathing under control. 10 - The second phase is cold water incapacitation. Over approximately the next 10 minutes you will lose the effective use of your fingers, arms and legs for any meaningful movement. Concentrate on self-rescue initially. Swim failure will occur within these critical minutes and if you are in the water without a life jacket, drowning will likely occur. To quote Mario Vittone directly: “It is impossible to get hypothermic in cold water unless you are wearing flotation, because without flotation – you won’t live long enough to become hypothermic.” 1 - Even in ice water it could take approximately 1 hour before becoming unconscious due to hypothermia. The result can vary with time, water temperature and physical condition. The symptoms can include confusion, poor judgment and unconsciousness leading to death. The presentation showed rescuers keeping the victim horizontal – not vertical, ever – while getting them into the boat. This is because of what is called post-rescue collapse. If a victim has hypothermia when pulled from the water, he has an 80 percent chance of surviving. About 20 percent of immersion deaths occur within hours of the rescue. When pulled from the water, the heart has to work hard as the cold blood from the arms and legs moves back into the warmer core of the body. Rescuers will try to lessen the effect by handling the body as gently as possible. Quoting Mario Vittone again: “Until everything is warmed back up – out of the water, warm and dry is good enough – mobility comes later.”Tags: Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Education, Safety, training


Minutes of the November and December 2013 Flotilla Meeting



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