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International Music Department Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. – Presiding Bishop & Chief Apostle Dr. Judith Christie McAllister – International Minister of Music / President

IMD Consecration for HOLY CONVOCATION 2017 As we approach the 110th Holy Convocation, the International Music Department will unite in seeking God for an anointed and successful gathering. Please join us as we - through prayer, scriptural reflection and dietary sacrifice - beseech the Lord to manifest His blessings during this time of meeting. Prior to commencing the nutritional component of this Consecration, please consult your physician. A Consecration Calendar, along with a Prayer & Scripture Schedule, are included to facilitate our common focus.

IMD Consecration Calendar: October 22 – November 4, 2017 (NOTE: Dietary Observances are highlighted.)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday







20 Prepare for Consecration



Prepare for Consecration

Prayer & Reflection Schedule for FRIDAY


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for SUN.

Water/Juices Until noon


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for SUN.

Water/Juices Until noon


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for MON.

Water/Juices Until noon


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for MON.



24 (IMD Prayer Call Today)

Prayer & Reflection Schedule for TUESDAY

25 Prayer & Reflection Schedule for WED.


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for THURS.




Prayer & Reflection Schedule for TUESDAY



1 Prayer & Reflection Schedule for WED. Water/Juices


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for FRIDAY

Water/Juices Until noon

Water/Juices Until noon 31 (IMD Prayer Call -



Prayer & Reflection Schedule for THURS. Water/Juices


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for SAT.


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for SAT.




Prayer & Reflection Schedule for FRIDAY Water/Juices


Water/Juices Until noon


Prayer & Reflection Schedule for SAT.

IMD Prayer & Scripture Schedule Consecration: October 22-November 4, 2017 Prayer confessions (highlighted) are provided for each day of the week, to assist with the specificity and focus of our prayers. Pertinent scriptures have also been provided for further meditation. PRAYER CONFESSIONS/FOCUS AREAS


Repentance for sin and Embracing a Lifestyle of Holiness


Effective Ministry of the IMD




Church Leadership The Manifestation of God’s Glory Light For This Troubled World The Holy Convocation

SUNDAY Prayer Confession: Repentance for sin and Embracing a Lifestyle of Holiness Father, in Isaiah 59:2,You explained that our iniquities and sins have separated us from You; so we renounce every activity, every thought and every mindset that is contrary to Your will and Your word. We let go of sinful lifestyles, practices and beliefs that prevent true intimacy with You and hinder the flow of Your anointing within our lives. In Ezekiel 14:6, You told us to repent and turn away from our idols and abominations; so we turn away from the things that we’ve allowed to take priority over our relationship with You; and we will follow II Corinthians 10:5 in casting down imaginations and every high thing that would exalt itself against the knowledge of Christ. Our lives will reflect Your holiness, because You told us - in Leviticus 11:44-45, to be holy as You are holy. In Malachi 3:3, You said that You would purify the sons of Levi and enable them to present righteous offerings unto You; so we submit to Your purification and thank You for enabling us to present offerings of worship that are pleasing in Your sight. According to Psalm 119:9, we will cleanse our ways by walking according to Your Word. According to 2 Corinthians 7:1, we will cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit; and we will perfect holiness in the fear of God. According to Romans 13:12, we will cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. According to I Peter 2:9 will embrace our priestly calling and live as a holy nation. We will abandon the darkness of sin and live in Your marvelous light. Thank You, Father, that according to II Timothy 2:21, we will be sanctified, fit for Your use and prepared to effectively complete the good works which You have assigned during the Holy Convocation. We thank You that, according to Ephesians 4:27, our passionate pursuit of holiness will provide no inroads for the enemy to hinder the accomplishment of Your Kingdom agenda. MEDITATION SCRIPTURES Sunday - October 22 Sunday - October 29

1 Chronicles 15:12-14 Exodus 28:43 Numbers 8:5-8, 21-22 2 Chronicles 5:12

MONDAY Prayer Confession: Effective Ministry of the IMD Father,You said in II Corinthians 5:21 that we are the “righteousness of God in” Christ; and in Isaiah 3:10, You said that it would be well with the righteous; so we thank You that all will be well with the IMD constituents who attend. We thank You that the homes, families, possessions, business affairs, hearts and minds of every singer, director, musician and dancer are covered and protected by the Blood of Jesus. We thank You that supernatural focus and concentration will be theirs, because, according to I Corinthians 2:16, they have the mind of Christ; and just as the Israelites in Nehemiah 4:6, they have a mind to work. We thank You they will not fall prey to the enemy’s attempts to taint their spirits with polluted thoughts, for according to II Corinthians 2:11 they are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices; and according to Philippians 4:8, they will think on virtuous things of good report. According to Proverbs 29:2, they will rejoice in the righteous leaders who have been placed among them. They will pray for their leaders and give full cooperation with singleness of heart, according to I Timothy 2:1-2 and Colossians 3:22. We thank You that, according to Proverbs 18:21, they will use the power of their tongues to speak life to the vision set forth by their leaders; and they will speak death to every spirit of opposition, destruction and rebellion. Father, in Psalm 133:1-3, You said that You would command Your blessings and give life to the place where brethren are dwelling in unity; so we thank You that as the IMD constituents are unified in focus, unified in obedience and unified in support of our leaders, Your blessing will be upon our department; and You will enable us to minister effectively and facilitate the manifestation of Your presence. MEDITATION SCRIPTURES Monday - October 23

Monday - October 30

1 Kings 8, Numbers 10:33 2 Corinthians 2:11 Psalm 133:3, 1 Timothy 2:1-2 1 Chronicles 15:28, 29 Proverbs 18:21

TUESDAY Prayer Confession: Safety Father, in Leviticus 25:18, You told us that if we kept Your statutes and judgments, we would dwell in safety; so as we gather in St. Louis to seek Your face, we thank You for Your protection. In Job 22:28, You said that we could decree a thing and it would be established; so we decree that there will be peace in the city of St. Louis and its surrounding communities. According to Matthew 18:18, we bind every spirit of unrest, hatred, murder, violence and destruction; and we declare that every citizen, law enforcement officer and government official will operate and interact in ways that promote love and unity. Furthermore, we declare that the enemy shall not disrupt Convocation services and events. All attendees will worship with singlemindedness; and nothing shall divert their attention away from seeking the God of their salvation. Your Blood will cover us before, during and after the convention – in every venue, every hotel, every restaurant, in every mode of travel, and during every worship service, musical and special event.


Tuesday - October 31

Leviticus 25:18 Job 22:28 Matthew 18:18 Deuteronomy 33:12 Psalm 30:5

WEDNESDAY Prayer Confession:

Church Leadership

Father, Your Word tells us to offer supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgiving for those who are in authority; so we pray for the leadership of the Church Of God In Christ. You have anointed Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr., for “such a time as this;� and we thank You for his insight, vision, integrity and faithful service in Your kingdom. As Bishop Blake follows Christ and heeds to Your voice, may the General Board members, elected and appointed officers and all Church leadership work in unity and commitment to his vision. May the spirit of wisdom, counsel, understanding and might be upon them; and may they be enlightened and transformed in Your presence, during this Convocation.

MEDITATION SCRIPTURES Wednesday - October 25

Wednesday - November 1

Psalm 84:9, 1 Corinthians 11:1 Esther 4:14 Isaiah 11:2 Ephesians 1:17-19 1 Timothy 2:1-3

THURSDAY Prayer Confession:

The Manifestation of God’s Glory

Father, in II Chronicles 5:13-14, Your glory filled the temple as the ministers joined together to make one sound; and we thank You for revealing Your glory in, through and upon us throughout the Convocation. We pray that as we join together in unity, Your presence will fill the house and that the weight of Your glory will be felt in each service and every event. Father, in Isaiah 40:5, You said – “The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together;” and we pray for the impact of Your glory to permeate the lives of all in attendance – that, according to Isaiah 40:4, every valley will be exalted, every mountain made low, every crooked place made straight and every rough place made smooth. We thank You that each attendee will leave the convention knowing that they have encountered Your presence and assured that You have met them at the point of their needs. Thank You, Father, that Your glory shall rise upon us and reach beyond the confines of the Convention Center. We thank You for the power of Your presence impacting the entire city of St. Louis – so that men, women, boys and girls will encounter Your love through us, and ask “What must I do to be saved?” We thank You for the delegates who will return to their local communities, filled with Your glory and empowered to advance Your Kingdom as never before.

MEDITATION SCRIPTURES Thursday - October 26 Thursday – November 2

2 Chronicles 5:13-14 Isaiah 40:5 Isaiah 60:1-3

FRIDAY Prayer Confession: Light For This Troubled World Father, our world is troubled because the enemy has, “blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” As we proclaim the Hope of Christ to the nations we command, “light to shine out of darkness, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” As we magnify and give You glory during this Convocation, may men be drawn to You and receive Your salvation; and may we be ignited to return to our homes and be more effective witnesses for You.

MEDITATION SCRIPTURES Friday - October 20 Friday - October 27

Friday – November 3

Psalm 122:6 Proverbs 14:34 Jeremiah 29:7 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 John 12:31-32 Matthew 5:16 2 Corinthians 5-6

SATURDAY Prayer Confession:

The Holy Convocation

Father, Your Word says, “Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice;” and in obedience to your Word, we gather with expectation that all You have ordained to accomplish during this Holy Convocation will go forth. You said, in Isaiah 46:10, that Your counsel would stand, and that You would do all of Your pleasure. In Isaiah 46:11, You declared that the things You have spoken will come to pass; and the things You have purposed You will do - so we rejoice in knowing that the plans, strategies and visions You placed within the minds and hearts of our leaders will effectively manifest. You said in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell will not prevail against Your church; so we give You praise for thwarting every plot and destructive plan that the enemy would launch, to hinder the successful work of the IMD and the convention as a whole. According to I John 3:8, Jesus was made manifest to destroy the works of the enemy; so we thank You for destroying every plot to attack the Convention Center, local hotels, modes of transportation, restaurants and Wi-Fi connections. In I Samuel 2:10, You said that You would break Your adversaries in pieces, so we thank You that each meeting, rehearsal, worship service, musical and special event will go forth free from hindrance, because every adversarial force and opposing spirit is broken and dismantled. We thank You for anointing every speaker, and all who will participate in the services. We declare that every message, each prayer, every song and each announcement will penetrate our hearts and address with precision the needs of all attendees. We declare that no flesh will glorified, but that all activities will bring glory and honor to You alone.


Saturday - October 28

Saturday – November 4

Isaiah 46:10-11 1 John 3:8 1 Corinthians 1:29, 31 Psalm 50:5 Joel 2:15-19 1 Corinthians 14:26 1 Samuel 2:10 Psalm 91:11 Matthew 16:18

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