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COGIC International Music Department

Applied Studies Institute ONLINE STUDIES 2018 Dr. Judith Christie McAllister – International Minister of Music and President Dr. Cathy Owens Oliver, Dean Of Education

Session One: “Ministering Under the Anointing: Flowing in the Spirit “ Evangelist Vandalyn Kennedy- Facilitator Youth Choir Coordinator

Lesson Description The anointing is given by God to His people for a specific purpose. In this lesson, we will find out what the Bible says about the anointing and discover how to be transformed AND used by God in a powerful way!

Prerequisite - None

Materials Holy Bible

Goals of the Lesson/Learning Outcomes On completion of this lesson, participants will be able to: 1. Have an understanding of the anointing and it’s necessity in the believer’s life. 2. How to position themselves for the release and flow of the anointing.

COGIC International Music Department

Applied Studies Institute ONLINE STUDIES 2018 Dr. Judith Christie McAllister – International Minister of Music and President Dr. Cathy Owens Oliver, Dean Of Education

Lesson Outline Lesson Overview The anointing is a necessary component in every person’s life and public ministry. Every believer is entitled to and has the capacity to flow in it. This class will give students understanding of the anointing, as well as how to submit and tap into the movement and flow of the Holy Spirit.


What is the Anointing? A. Where does it come from? B. What is the Spirit? Why do we need it? C. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord D. Results of the Anointing?

COGIC International Music Department

Applied Studies Institute ONLINE STUDIES 2018 Dr. Judith Christie McAllister – International Minister of Music and President Dr. Cathy Owens Oliver, Dean Of Education


How Does One Flow in the Spirit? E. Positioning myself to release what God desires F. What hinders the Spirit? (Flesh vs. Spirit, Motives) G.My Gift vs. My Anointing, H. The Crushing and the Flow I. How to let God take full control


The Anointing……. J. On me K. Working in Me L. Working Through Me M. It is for a Specific purpose N. Protecting the Anointing

COGIC International Music Department

Applied Studies Institute ONLINE STUDIES 2018 Dr. Judith Christie McAllister – International Minister of Music and President Dr. Cathy Owens Oliver, Dean Of Education

Conclusion Reflection Questions: 1. Am I hindering the flow of the Spirit in my life? Or positioning myself to release the anointing? 2. What changes will I need to make in order to maximize the anointing in my life for Kingdom use?

End of the lesson poll questions: Share your thoughts. 1. The training content supported the objectives. 2. I will be able to apply the knowledge gained from this training to help me in the field of ministry music. 3. What other training would you recommend?

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