The Official Journal of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc.
Gear Up For 2014 1
February - March 2014
Events Calendar President’s Prose Editor’s Notes From the Control Tower Membership Report Market Place Parts for Sale Membership Form Members’ Business Directory
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Porsche Club History Carrera Cup Delivery 2014 Women in Motorsport Jim Richards to drive Cayman S in Tasmania Preparing Your Car for Track Day The New Porsche 911 Targa Do It Standing Up Substitute Victoria’s Secret
Thanks to the following members and friends for their contributions:
Cover: Carrera Cup Delivery 2014 Porsche Cars Australia
Sheldon Arkinstall, Ian Gall, Nicole Duffel, Bob Gray, Tony D’Andrea and Daniel Sharp.
Inside Cover: at Lakeside Trapnell Creations
Page 8 Page 14 Page 16 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 Page 26 Page 30
2013-2014 Committee and Assistants President Dave Beard 0413 121 213 pres@porsche-qld.org.au Vice President Grant Sparks vpresident@porsche-qld.org.au
Executive Secretary Kent Kieseker secretary@porsche-qld.org.au Finance Director Sharon Donsky treasurer@porsche-qld.org.au Motorsport Director Richard Walker Motorsport Assistant Emma Ayers comp@porsche-qld.org.au Social Director Donna Beard social@porsche-qld.org.au
Web Master Neil Macdonald admin@porsche-qld.org.au
Membership Secretary Tim Place 0419707 905 membership@porsche-qld.org.au Communications Director Sheldon Arkinstall 0421 271 029 editor@porsche-qld.org.au Production Assistant Rachel Place
Merchandise Director Michelle Shaw
Porsche News is published every two months by the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. primarily for the members and supporters. Print Post Number:
Please forward all correspondence to:Porsche News Porsche Club Qld GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Members’ contributions ae welcome and encouraged. Original articles and photographs will be returned if requested. Email to editor@porsche-qld.org.au The opinions expressed or inferred herein are not necessarily thos of the editor, committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. The Porsche Club Qld Inc. meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm at: PORSCHE CENTRE BRISBANE 146 Breakfast Creek Rd Newstead 4006 (Unless otherwise notified. Please check the Calendar for changes.) Management Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month - venue to be advised. Advertising: Porsche News has a circulation of approximately 500 copies, and is read by approximately 500 discerning readers and enthusiasts. Advertising rates vary, depending on locationa and size of adveritisment (see last page). For sale or wanted ads in the back of the magazine are free to club members for their private ads, $50 for commercial advertisers and $25 for non-members. Photos will be included when space permits. Advertisers should ensure that advertisments comply with the current Trade Practice Act, as responsibilty lies with the person, company or agent submitting the advertisment for publication. Club Web page is www.porsche-qld.org.au Membership: Please direct all membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary; or phone any committee member; or write to: Membership Secretary, PCQ GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Membership is from 1st July, through till 30th June in the following year.
Calendar 2014 Membership
The Club extends a warm welcome to the following new members:
Mark Smith Grant Wales Glen Miller Edward Draydon
Sunday 9th
Social Drive Day - Woodford Golf Club
Tuesday 11th
Club Night - Special Event McElrea Racing @ Yatala
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th
HRCC TTT & Sprints
Thursday 27th
Committee Meeting
John Cupitt
Tuesday 11th
Tom Partleton
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
Wednesday 12th Motorsport Round 2 Midweek QR Sprints
Anthony Nixon
Thursday 27th
Todd Knaus
Committee Meeting
Taavi Orupold Greg Horwill
Viktor Sutherland
Tuesday 8th
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
Robert Thomson
Thursday 17th
Motorsport Round 3 Midweek QR Sprints
Thursday 24th
Committee Meeting
Owen Seamons
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I would have liked to commence this Prose sprouting on about our list of exciting events locked down for our 2014 40th Anniversary club celebrations. Sigh…not to be - not just yet. The reality is that we hold a strong belief that a centre piece of our 40th Anniversary Dinner / Grand weekend celebration – be that on located on the Gold Coast, Brisbane or the Sunshine Coast – should have a special one off motorsport event as a centre piece. A worthy objective, but it seems increasingly difficult. I’m not referring to a typical Lakeside Sprint or the 400m Drags or even a trip to one of Phil Harts kaleidoscope gymkhanas at QR, as special and as nauseatingly head spinning as they may be. We are looking for something a bit more ‘one off’ and a Porsche Club Qld 40th birthday bash without a decent motorsport event just doesn’t seem right. I’m sure the early fathers of this great club would agree, but the truth is, as much as we invest time into organising it, it is increasingly hard to bring a worthy event together. As you may know, one of our draft plans to celebrate our 40th, was for the motorsport enthusiasts in our club to participate in the rarely held Noosa Hill Climb through the National Park mid-2014, in conjunction with a social weekend in Noosa, overnighting with a dinner function on the Saturday night. A great idea, but we are now told that the MG club has withdrawn from the midyear Noosa Hill Climb event, jeopardising the running of the event. In anticipation of such issues, we have been working on alternatives such as holding a unique Sunshine Coast street ‘autocross’. Meetings have been held with the Police and local council, who have offered their full support and involvement. A ‘circuit’ has been conceived and involves blocking off public roads and brings with it a range of logistical and liability issues. We will continue to work through the many issues with a small, local, dedicated team drawn from within our club ranks. Thank you Jeremy and Merry and we will keep pushing on. Maybe a Sunshine Coast street autocross is going to make it in time for our 42st anniversary? We will see. Plan C and perhaps as of this moment, the most likely outcome will be that PCQ will dovetail with the 2014 ‘Tour De Course’ Motorsport Rally. A light-hearted, competitive standard, street car friendly motorsport event, popular with club members and held over a few days involving a weekend. No formal dates have been announced for 2014 as yet, but we may turn this event (with the event organizers full support and agreement) into the 2014 Tour De Course and a PCQ 40th Celebration event. It is looking positive from initial discussions with the event organizers, so stay tuned.
Our additional PCQ entrants would enhance this event (any event – but I am biased). We would consider Sanctuary Cove as the central base (Partners can shop or fish) and our main venue for the Saturday night formal function. The dates need to be locked down as you could imagine. Initial discussions regarding the motorsport events are that PCQ members will be able to float in and out of a mix of auto events across Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Tour De Course format may be better known to many PCQ members as the Dutton’s Rally from a decade ago. Ohhh, we had certainly had a ball with that one! While we have 11 months to get this 40th right, I am mindful of fixating on a PCQ club motorsport event to support our 40th anniversary celebrations. A fair point and this is certainly front of minds, but we will know one way or another shortly. As part of our 40th celebrations, we have arranged with the Noosa Beach Classic Car Club for the 2014 Classic Car Show, for Porsche to be the ‘Marque of the Year’. This is a significant event, supported by a wide array of prestigious marques from around the Southern Hemisphere. This will be held on the 5th October 2014 and may I suggest to the concourse fraternity within our club that it’s time to start preparing.
While our club membership knocks on the door of 500 members, I am encouraged to see the numbers on our PCQ Facebook page continue to climb towards 250. If you are not using our PCQ Facebook page as a PCQ resource, it may be time to pay the page a visit and join in. As President, I frequently receive Porsche Cars Australia Press Releases in my Inbox. In most cases, within 10 minutes I have loaded up all or part of the press release onto our PCQ Facebook page. Press Releases for example on the new Porsche 991 range, the Macan, 918, 991GT3, etc. at the same time the media is officially given the product information. A
few weeks ago, I was sent the PCA press release on the new and utterly gorgeous 991 Targa. The specifications, prices and the enticing Porsche hero photos included. As per standard practice, I loaded the Targa info up onto our club facebook page and in what felt like minutes, I had a phone call from one of our PCQ members who was absolutely blown away with the 991 Targa displayed on my Facebook post. He called to tell me he was – as a result of the post – about to jump in his car and head to our local Porsche Dealership to order a 991 Targa. Fantastic and we look forward to seeing this beautiful machine. This is the power of social media. In other news, Will Holzheimer is making big strides in his recovery and I encourage his PCQ friends to contact him direct to say “Hi” or perhaps pay a visit to his Facebook page. In closing, please keep a watch on the PCQ EVENTS calendar and I encourage you to join in on one of our many 2014 social drives, PCQ club nights or local track day events. Stay safe, drive that Porsche every chance you get and see you through 2014. Dave Beard PCQ President
Understanding owning a porsche.... says it all
Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the first edition of the Porsche Club News for 2014. I hope you all had a happy, safe and enjoyable festive season. As you would all by now be aware, 2014 marks the 40th anniversary of our club. There are numerous anniversary events and celebrations planned and we will be running as many anniversary articles and stories as we can throughout the year. In this edition, thanks to our club life member Mike Gillies, we have included some of the earliest club memorabilia available. This includes the first invitation letter sent to Porsche owners in Brisbane asking them to join ”The First Queensland Porsche Motor Club” following the inaugural committee meeting back on Tuesday the 18th of June 1974! Mike received a copy of this letter from the then Club President Greg Riddel back in November 1990; this letter is also included as it contains some interesting anecdotes on the initiation of the club and some of the first members. Finally, there is a copy of the first ever Porsche
Club news issued in April 1977! The intent, content and core values of the newsletter were identical to those of our current magazine: To communicate our enthusiasm for all things Porsche, through news, technical articles and other services. The newsletter also shows that we had access to some pretty special cars from our very own club members, which is also true today. We would like to run more of these early newsletters over coming issues, so if you have any stored in your cupboards somewhere, please send me a copy. Being the Editor of this magazine has been an enormous pleasure and honour over the past 3 and half years and I think I have managed to continue Bob Gray’s lead in constantly striving to improve the quality of our magazine. At times it has been a challenging role, but always a very fulfilling one. As Editor, I have had many extraordinary opportunities and experiences that don’t necessarily avail themselves to general membership. I been able to meet a lot more club members, Porsche enthusiasts
and industry people, as well as get access to and drive some great Porsches during my time as Editor. And thanks to the addition of Rachel Place as Assistant Editor, the workload on the magazine has significantly decreased since Rachel took on the artistic layout of the magazine. So thank you Rachel. There does however come a time for all Editors to stand aside and let someone new with fresh ideas and enthusiasm to take over the reins to continue the development of our great magazine. So it is my intention to stand down at this end of my current term as Communications Director. Over the coming months I will be looking for someone to take over my role and of course I will continue to support this person during the hand-over and into the first editions of the magazines under their leadership. So if you interested in becoming the new Communications Director, please come and see me or give me a call on 0421 271 029. Sheldon Arkinstall Communications Director
keep up to date with what’s happening in and around the club - join the club facebook page Porsche Club of QLD
Home Wanted!
One lonely club trailer is looking for a home. If you are a club member and you are willing to store the club trailer at your home or business, please contact Antony van der Drift on antony@gotzinger.com
As we go to press, the first of the Motorsport events will have been run and at the time of writing, the numbers are looking good. We are trying a new format this year following feedback received from the recent survey, from which we received 108 responses. We will summarize the results and circulate them shortly. The cost and participation remain the main hurdles for us to overcome this year and to this end, we are looking at some lower cost events such as midweek and half day sprints. We are also establishing relationships with other clubs and to date have had cooperation from the BMW club and the HRCC, which is very encouraging. We will attend the HRCC summer track day at Morgan Park on the 15th and 16th of February and I believe several cars are going up for what promises to be an excellent event, as they offer training on day one and sprints on the second day. In addition, several members from the BMW club will attend our first event at Lakeside.
Also as a result of the survey, we will be providing more low speed events such as Autocross and Happy Laps for those wishing to get a taste of motorsport and experience the potential of their cars, in a safe and controlled environment. The competition rules will remain unchanged this year. The classing system relies on the honesty of the participants to correctly state the power and weight ratings for their car, on which the competition classes are based. So I ask that these be reported accurately. On a separate, but related matter, I believe the club owns a set of scales for weighing vehicles. If you know where they are, can you please give me a call so that they can be made available to interested members? We will also be applying stronger focus on safety this year and will be providing orientation and training to new entrants where it is required. I strongly recommend that those thinking of entering the clubs motorsport activities for the
first time to obtain experience through one of the providers of advanced driving courses that will be available at each event. If we can put together a group who are interested, a discount can probably be negotiated. Due to the amount of work involved with setting up track days and the requirements of the tracks, we will need to move the cut-off date for entries out from the present “day before at 5pm”, to a few days out so that we can meet deadlines etc. This will be instituted for our next event. I look forward to a fun and safe year and as a club, we are only as good as the participation of our members. I value any and all feedback so that our track days can be made more userfriendly. So please feel free to contact me at any time.
Ian Gall Motorsport Director
Changes to Licence Requirements for QR Hi All, I’m not sure how many of you have already noticed but when you renew what was previously your AASA license via the QLD Raceways management, you will now be issued with a QLD Raceways license and not a AASA license. What the difference? 1) Insurance - there is no difference with regard to insurance. The same policy that was held through AASA is now purchased directly by QR management 2) Racing – if you intend to race interstate then the change will affect you. The new QLD Raceways license will only hold reciprocal rights at Winton and Wakefield Park race tracks. If you intend on racing at tracks other than Winton and Wakefield Park (and other than CAMS hosted race meetings) then you will need to a AASA license. I assume you would renew this directly with AASA. 3) Cost – from what I can gather there is a slight increase for the QLD Raceways license Please contact QR directly if you have any further questions. Regards, Jeff Hume Director – Goldrest Pty Ltd t/as Total Parts Plus Ph: (07) 3848 1382 www.totalpartsplus.com.au 8
Happy New Year and welcome to 2014, the club is in a strong position again at 500 members. A new Club Brochure is about to be sent to the presses, so drop me a line if you can help out distributing a few to local business and cafes you frequent. I am sure there are a lot of Porsche owners out there missing out on all the fun we are having!!
Websites Guides available, drop me an email if you would like one and I will send one to you. If computers are not your thing, send me a fax (07 3009 0465) or an email with the details and I will make sure they get updated. If we don’t have your correct email, mobile phone number and vehicle details you may be missing out on the chance to participate, or not hear about a last minute change to an event!!
To participate in Motorsport activities, you must be a financial member of the club This is so you are compliant with the events regulations and the clubs insurance policy.
This is especially prudent for Vehicle and Mobile Phone details, as we are starting to use SMS more frequently for Motorsport and Social Event reminders and Updates.
Membership Status January 2014
As we plan events for club members, we draw on the data held in our membership database to give us a guide to the breakdown of the membership.
Single Memberships: 220 Family Memberships: 140 Equating to 500 members (inlcuding 4 life members)
Please take a moment and Log into the Website to make sure your details are current. We have
Remember the benefits of membership include: • Motor Sport events held at Queensland Raceways, Morgan Park or Lakeside, • Social Activities that include club nights, touring and other events, • Special Events in conjunction with other Clubs, • Six Issues annually of the Club Magazine: Porsche News, • Fortnightly Newsletter updates by email. • A range of discounts and special deals, on a variety of services and products, • C.A.M.S Affilliation, and • Assistance with applications for Special Interest Vehicle discounted registration in Queensland. Happy Motoring.
Tim Place Membership Secretary Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au
2013 Queensland Production Sports Car Champion Awarded to Larry McFarlane Long-time club member Larry McFarlane has been a rare sight at recent Club track days and for a good reason. Larry has been (very) successfully competing in and WINNING the 2013 Queensland Production Sports Car Championship! The club Committee, and we are sure - all of our membership, congratulates Larry on this fine achievement.
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Porsche Club History Initial Invitation to Join PCQ
by Sheldon Arkinstall
Carrera Cup Delivery 2014 15
Carrera Cup Delivery 2014 Porsche has successfully delivered the new Porsche 911 GT3 Cup race car to its teams ahead of the 2014 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia season. Porsche Cars Australia conducted a four-day training and hand-over event at Sydney Motorsport Park to train teams on servicing and repairing the new car along with the new-to-Carrera Cup Cosworth data system. The teams then spent the final day-and-a-half of the event shaking down and testing their new Type 991 GT3 Cup cars, with the majority to conduct further pre-season testing before the season opening Clipsal 500. “The four-day hand-over event proved hugely successful both for Porsche and for the teams present,” said Porsche Cars Australia Motorsport Manager Cam McConville. “All teams attended the event, where Porsche educated teams on all aspects of the new car from engine, clutch and gearboxes to our new Cosworth data system and damage repair.”
“The feedback from the teams has been tremendous. The car is brilliant to drive, has extraordinary performance and the pneumatic paddle-shift system is a hit with all the drivers, especially with the Elite Class drivers who have been able to extract greater performance out of the car.” Ben Barker, 2013 Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup driver, also attended the test on behalf of Porsche Cars Australia to help drivers adapt to the new machinery. Porsche Carrera Cup Australia will officially begin its 2014 season on February 27 to March 03 for the Clipsal 500 in Adelaide, South Australia. Article and Photos Courtesy Porsche Cars Australia
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Women in Motorsport By Nicole Duffel
Nicole Duffell is one of the of the few female members of our club who participates in the various track days we run, we asked Nicole to tell us her story of how she got into motorsport and her experiences since joining the club. “I have always been interested in cars and speed in general and I also have a competitive nature and love sport in general. Add to this the fact that my eldest brother was into drag racing and as a child I used to go and watch him compete, which was my first introduction to motorsport. As a kid I was always mucking around with cars, but never dreamed that I would be in a Porsche driving on some of Australia’s top race tracks. The opportunity to do so come about when my partner suffered a midlife crisis, bought a Porsche and got bitten by the track bug. The car is a 1977 911 which has been prepared by DHM Motorsport and fitted with a 3.6 liter engine producing 304hp in the old scale at the
back wheels! The suspension and gearbox have also been set up for the track and the car is capable of very quick times. After an initial rather slow and careful introduction to Lakeside, QR and Morgan Park running in a slower run groups and keeping out of everyone’s way and with plenty of encouragement from other members, I was hooked and decided I wanted and needed to develop my skills further. First I went and participated in a driving training day with Paul Stokel, which was something I would advise all “newbies” to do. The instructors made me feel at ease and showed me the correct lines to use and a number of very useful tips that improved my times. The instructors also greatly increased my confidence in my abilities and taught me to drive safely at higher speeds. I now have complete confidence in the car and my ability to compete at a competitive level, whilst keeping within the limits I have set myself. I
have found the “boys”, in what is usually a male dominated sport, have made me feel at home and have been supportive and keen to help me to improve. Special thanks goes to Don Munro and Phil Brook who have encouraged me and helped me to overcome my initial concerns. I find the club’s version of motorsport (which is not full-on racing with all the dangers it poses), offers a very challenging and rewarding experience. I would recommend it to any women out there who “have the need for speed” or just want to enjoy a fun day in good company, with like-minded people enjoying the full potential of their Porsches. The club is running slower speed events this year such as autocross and motorkhana, which are events on smaller tracks at lower speeds, but just as challenging for those who would like to try their skills. So come on girls lets show the boys what were capable of!!
Jim Richards
to drive Porsche Cayman S in Targa Tasmania
Porsche ambassador and tarmac rally specialist, Jim Richards will tackle the 2014 Targa Tasmania in the ultimate mid-engine sports car – the Porsche Cayman S.
“This move to the Porsche Cayman S really recognises that you can take a car off the showroom floor, add some safety requirements and go out and enjoy yourself,” says Richards.
Richards’ 239 kW (325 hp) Cayman S will be equipped with a six-speed PDK dual-clutch gearbox, 3.4-litre six-cylinder boxer engine and Sport Chrono Package.
Richards and his long-time co-driver Barry Oliver will replace their 911 GT2 RS for the Cayman in an attempt for victory in the Showroom Sport class.
“Driving the Cayman S will be a total departure from what I’ve ever driven. Being a mid-engine sports car, the Cayman will provide pin-point handling and require a different style of driving to that of the GT2 RS.
The Cayman S with PDK has an Australian starting price of $144,890 (excluding on road costs).
Having taken eight outright victories previously in the Tasmanian event, the move places the duo in a class catering for production vehicles valued between $100,000 and $200,000 and manufactured after January 01, 2003.
“It shows you don’t need to go out and buy a half a million dollar car to compete in rallies and have a good time. You can go out in a Cayman/Boxster-style car, which has fantastic handling, agility and balance, and hopefully be competitive in your class.”
Richards intends to field the Cayman S in all events of the 2014 Australian Targa Championship in addition to the six-day Targa Tasmania event on May 06-11, 2014. Article courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia Media & Commercial - Motorsport
Preparing Your Car for Track Days
Story and Photos by Ian Gall
If you’re thinking of participating in a club track day and other motorsport events to explore the true potential of your Porsche, there are some things that you should consider so that it can be both a safe and rewarding experience. These tips apply mainly to vehicles other than the GT series, as they generally require little work for the average track day. Don Munro who has over 20 years’ experience, both servicing and preparing Porsche vehicles for motorsport and 6 years’ experience in Porsche Cup racing, gives the following tips to allow you to get the best from your car. Both the Porsches I have owned were prepared by Don with excellent results. Before any motorsport event is contemplated, your car should be give a thorough inspection by someone with the necessary experience, to ensure that it is in a suitable condition to be driven vigorously. The first step is deciding on what tyres to run and your choice will depend on the type of motorsport in which you are going to participate. For motorkhana events, good quality road tyres are ok, but if you want to use your car for track days, then an upgrade to “R” spec (Race specification) tyres are strongly recommended. These are road legal race tyres that are designed to cope with the high speeds, increased braking and cornering loads associated with this type of driving. These tyres have limited tread depth and will wear out much quicker than normal road tyres if used for daily driving, but will allow you to drive to the track, rather than having to use a trailer or have another set of wheels. Once you have increased your skill level, you may wish to move to race slicks, which will give
you the ultimate grip, but are of course not road legal. The next thing to be considered, particularly for some of our older Porsches, is a brake upgrade. The early cars up to around 1977 may not have power assistance and this again is strongly recommended; an upgrade is quite a simple process. Brake fluid should also be flushed and replaced with a high temperature “race” specification product to cope with the extra heat generated under sprint conditions. Further upgrades include larger brake calipers from later models or the “Boxter conversion”, with brakes from these cars being grafted on to your early car, larger diameter wheels may be required to enable this, but the results are quite spectacular. Better quality brake pads may also be advisable. From there, we move to the suspension and here, there are many options to consider such as increased diameter torsion bars for early cars, upgraded struts, upgraded sway bars and coil-over shocks for the more adventurous (and wealthy). There is of course a tradeoff, with ride becoming harsher, as cornering performance increases. However, if correctly matched to your car and requirements, an acceptable compromise can be achieved.
First, you must have a fire extinguisher fitted that is accessible to the driver and of course it must be to the required Australian standard and not outside any expiry date. Seat belts must be in good condition and again, it is recommended that you fit at least a four point harness to your car, this will require a harness bar to be fitted and eye bolts to the seat belt mountings both front and rear. Your normal seat belts are retained for road use. An approved helmet is also mandatory and it is strongly recommended that you either purchase or upgrade to one that is Hans device compliant. This is a device that limits the movement of your neck in the event of an accident and whilst not yet compulsory for sprints, is now compulsory for any race event and we believe soon will be for any speed event. The basic clothing requirement for sprints is that you have clothing covering your arms and legs, but it is again recommended that you purchase a race suit with some level of fire protection. You may also wish to install a full or half roll cage, but either will generally require the removal of your rear seats. Race seats will provide you with the necessary support and protection.
Proper setup of the suspension is essential and again this should be undertaken by an expert. A good wheel alignment following any suspension work is essential and this should also be included in your upgrade.
Finally, after discovering that there is just not quite enough power coming on to the straight at QR, you may decide to upgrade your engine, this is a whole different story for another time!
Safety is of course paramount and there are some mandatory items which you must have that are covered in the checklist required for track days, which forms part of the entry documentation.
So, if you are considering experiencing the full potential of your Porsche, call an expert with experience in car preparation. Don Munro is happy to provide guidance and can be reached on 0416138326.
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The New Porsche 911 Targa
The new Porsche 911 Targa, the new Porsche sports car combining the classic Targa concept of the legendary original, with state-of-the-art roof technology, is premiering at the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit. This latest generation in the extravagant 911 line-up features the characteristic wide bar in place of the B-pillars, a movable roof section above the front seats and a wraparound rear window with no C-pillar. But unlike the classic models, the roof section on the new Targa can be opened and closed at the push of a button. When the button is actuated, the fully automatic roof system stows the convertible top behind the rear seat system, providing a real spectacle. The rear-biased design of the PTM all-wheel drive fitted as standard is a typical Porsche feature and guarantees that this latest 911 model also offers optimum driving dynamics on all road surfaces and in all weather conditions. With these features, the new 911 Targa is presenting itself as a high-quality, innovative remake of the classic vehicle from 1965. The model shares a great deal in common with the 911 Carrera 4 cabriolet models; up to the front windscreen line, the technology and body of the vehicles is more or less the same. The combination of the wide rear end that is typical of all-wheel drive models, the Targa bar and the dome-shaped rear window gives the latest 911 an extremely sporty appearance and a lowslung profile. As with the predecessor model, the new Targa generation comes in two versions, available exclusively with all-wheel drive. The 911 Targa 4 is powered by a 3.4-litre, 257 kW (350 hp) flat six-cylinder engine. Equipped with the Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) and Sport Chrono package, the Targa 4 accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in just 4.8 seconds and boasts a top speed of 282 km/h. Its NEDC fuel consumption figures are between 9.5 and 8.7 litres/100 km, depending on transmission, which corresponds to a CO2 emissions level of between 223 and 204 g/km. The top model is the 911 Targa 4S, which delivers 294 kW (400 hp) from a displacement of 3.8 litres. This model reaches a top speed of 296 km/h and with the PDK and Sport Chrono package fitted, accelerates to 100 km/h in 4.4 seconds. Its fuel consumption varies between 10.0 and 9.2 litres per 100 km, depending on transmission, which corresponds to a CO2 level of between 237 and 214 g/km. With these numbers, the Targa 4S is on par with the high standard set by the 911 Carrera 4 cabriolet models in terms of engine and road performance, as well as efficiency. Both sportscars are certified for compliance with the Euro 6 emissions standard. Deliveries of the 911 Targa 4 and Targa 4S to Australia begin in mid 2014, with the 911 Targa 4 priced from $247,900 and the Targa 4S from $285,100.
Article courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia Pty Ltd
Do It Standing Up
By Bob Gray
Working on my 968, that is! I installed my 2 post hoist (lift) during the week and the 968 was the first customer. The hoist is a medium lift one, with a max height of 1.8m, achievable at the top of the lifting pads. I would have liked a little more height (I’m 1.81m), but that was all my garage height could accommodate. Compared to crawling around under axle stands on a garage creeper, the difference is night and day! Usually, after a session of working under the car the “old” way, I hobbled up to the house, wet through with sweat and proceeded to collapse in front of the TV. Now? I hardly feel any strain, but have a few ‘nicks’ on the top of my head from forgetting to duck at the appropriate time. From now on I’ll be wearing a cap to provide a little more protection!
High Performance Brake Pads for All Porsche Applications 911, 993, 996, 997, Carrera, GT2, GT3, Cupcar, RS, RSR Turbo
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Substitute Words and Photos by Tony D’Andrea (and ‘the Who’) “But I’m a substitute for another guy I look pretty tall but my heels are high The simple things you see are all complicated I look pretty young but I’m just back-dated, yeah” - Pete Townsend Ah, the backdate question…..not that old chestnut!!? Why would anyone take apart a completely adequate (and well-engineered), mass produced automobile at no small expense and modify it using earlier panels and trim, happily skipping their way through a minefield of ‘I told you so’s’ and ‘what if’s’…..all for no real financial or competitive gain?
number of old Porsches and Fuchs wheels, for sale in Sicily, maybe abandoned after the last Targa Florio). All the cars I followed up on were inherently full of rust and missing expensive parts. This 1977 Japanese import on the other hand, was complete, factory zinc coated and very tidy. It was however a newer model, in effect an impact-bumper car. In Italy, I remember thinking that I was
Porsche search, though this time not looking for a complete early car, just the front end of one. On a road trip to Monza (the very same weekend of the Formula One race in 2012), I managed to find a fibreglass front and rear of an early 911, as well as a fibreglass long hood. Then on a later trip during same year, I met a 1970’s Sardinia Hill Climbing Champion
Well, you see, I hope to address that very question in the following paragraphs, if for no other reason than to satisfy my own interest to do precisely that. My name is Tony. I am a new member to PCQ, but have been an enthusiast to marque for as long as I can remember. Having just returned to Brisbane recently, I would like to thank the club for making me feel welcome. Queensland hospitality is something rather special. Back to my dilemma. This nagging question of the justification of ‘backdating’ - a term which is used to describe the swapping out of ‘newer’ panels for ‘older’ panels to mid-year and later
chasing something that was unobtainable, with the price of pre-1973 911s climbing and climbing. I sat here in the Brisbane sunshine and contemplated my options. In fact, my decision came quickly, recalling the pain and agony I suffered some years previously in the UK restoring a 1964 MG. The rust issue is far too great an obstacle for one on a budget (and my budget could only afford an unloved pre1973 rolling chassis). I offered what I had for the ‘77, it was accepted and I quickly moved it into storage in Archerfield and I flew home to Rome. So, back in Archerfield, my little acquisition
who was able to supply two front wings and the coveted Fuchs wheels that were required. This gentleman driver wanted to retire to Rio ‘properly’ and he tried desperately to sell me his 1960’s red Alfa GTA for a ‘good’ price. He must have mistaken my accent for someone with far more assets. I would have liked to buy it, what a beautiful car, even for a Porsche guy!! Parts collected and ready to go, alas we set our course to return to Brisbane, with all of our wares. Somehow in the ‘big’ move, the Porsche parts were relegated to the ‘second’ shipment. As the ‘77 was taken out of storage in Brisbane, the parts for the ‘backdate’ were
air cooled cars to ‘re-discover’ the lines of the original 911. If I put things into some sort of context, perhaps then you might see the method in my madness, if method can be found. My journey starts back in December 2009, on holiday in Australia from what was then my home in Italy. A Japanese imported 1977 911S was advertised in Brisbane for a price that was half that of the identical model in Europe. At the time I was looking at cars as far north as Amsterdam (http:// www.stolzeclassiccars.nl) and as far south as Palermo (there seems to be a disproportionate
was parked securely beside a massive slab of a vintage Cadillac (one notable previous owner - Mr Elvis Presley and the current owner - one of the Wiggles, the blue one I think). Half way around the world, I started mapping out my plan. The ‘backdate track-day car build’ idea seemed to be the path to take. The mid-year 2.7s are not sought after, they were not made in small numbers (5,837 coupes)* and they are all plagued with problems right? So a backdate would do the poor chassis a favour by reducing the weight and making that poor motor work less and look better doing it. So, back to my
put into storage in Rome – you see how difficult backdate projects can be? I took it all on the chin as I was once again back in Brisbane and ready to start dismantling the ‘77. My inspections found there seized brake callipers (thanks goes to club member Justin Baldwin for your spare ATE callipers), numerous Japanese ‘fag’ packets, one period alpine stereo with cassette tape lodged inside (dying to hear it!), one drop link on the rear anti-sway bar that had well,…dropped and evidence of ‘play’ in the steering column (a quick fix using a repair sleave sourced from
pelican). So with such a small ‘to do’ list, I was keen to focus on exterior aesthetics. One of the fellow club members, Stan Adler, commented to me in conversation saying, “You know, the alloy bumpers on these midyear cars really aren’t that heavy”. In actual fact, with the rubber trim and paint removed, his comment rang true. Like many Porsche parts, the bumper’s actual weight deceives the eye. In addition, once the paint was removed, in particular with the rear bumper, one is able to see the effort made to shape and form the alloy. I began to see the inherent value of the parts, ultimately deciding to work with them to create a sort of ‘sympatheticbackdate’ (I borrow part of the term from the term ‘sympathetic-restoration’ – an intervention to make something safe and usable without undertaking a full restoration). With the primary objective being to re-discover the line of the car of the 1960’s, this became an exercise of removing rubber (and it’s weight!) from the car’s extremities, removal of the rocker panel trim and any other weight savings that were possible. The only noticeable difference to the car is the deletion of the’ trademark’ bellows. Arguably, the deletion of these this falls under the category of ‘opinion’ (or one’s own proclivities), but one could argue the necessity of the bellow to the ‘Rest of World’ market (the bumper supporting tube struts of my EURO model were solid, hence the bellow would not function in an impact). This deletion however, along with the removal of the rocker panel trim and the ‘tucking’ of the front bumper under the bonnet by 50mm, started to ‘hint’ at the line and delicateness of the early 911s. The removal of the bellow required the bumper to be extended
by some 110mm (by welding ends to each bumper), hence making no measurable weight saving. Truth be told, welding this material is not easy, however I was lucky enough to find a welder/fabricator near Brisbane who took on the small assignment without flinching. Filing and fairing is something I am familiar with, having worked on fibreglass dinghies and sailing yachts most of my life. The process is the same for both cars and boats - filing, sanding, painting…then re-sanding and re-painting… until all evidence of intervention disappears. It is a credit to my welder, not having visited the car once, that he was able to complete his work with only one small adjustment. Parts now bolted in place, with a measure of ‘gulf orange’ added for nostalgia and the car takes on a visual lightness not present before. It’s a small victory, perhaps. To me, the narrow body mid-year cars provide an ‘aesthetic bridge’ between the more modern SCs and the early T, E’s. They aspire to be ‘safer’, more ‘secure’ and more relevant, but at the same time share some of the mechanical simplicity and synchronicity offered by the original cars. An ‘RS’ or even an ‘S’ this is not, but there is something tangible, a thread of familiarity, evidence of a continuum that is carried through the entire series of cars to the present day. So, is it justified, is it all worth it? I don’t know, said smiling. Do I like the result? A resounding “Yes!” Have I upset the purists? Most likely. So, that’s two for three, by my count. What is next? A fibreglass duck tail and weight saving where possible in the interior, oh and I promised myself I would remove the factory air conditioning as well. I will, just as soon as it cools down a bit here in Queensland. March is looking promising.
Footnotes and Further reference:
1. *Porsche Source Book, Jorg Austin, Sigmund Walter 2. http://www. classicandperformancecar.com/ features/octane_features/289435/ impactbumper_porsche_911s. html 3. http://impactbumpers.com/ 4. http://forums.pelicanparts.com/1porsche-technical-forums/
New Member Profile
Glen & Holly Miller
Hi, my name is Glen Miller, I work at GM Homes and drive a Falcon and have a 70 Dodge challenger I am building as a track day car for club racing. I am Married to Holly with 2 children Michael & Tyler and live Hope Island. Looking forward to enjoying Club Nights, Motorsport and Social outings.
New Member Profile
Tom Partleton
Hi my name is Tom Partleton. I work with my father Steve, in our family Geotechnical Drilling business. I am currently seeking to purchase my first Porsche and have been advised by many, to join Porsche QLD in a bid to find the car I am after. Hopefully there might be someone out there looking to sell a 964 C4 black/red manual in excellent condition...? I am married with a newborn and I live on the Sunshine Coast. I can’t wait to attend the events/social nights as I am a true Porsche fanatic, bordering obsessive! I currently own a MY13 WRX STI, but would be too ashamed to bring it along! Look forward to meeting you all soon Tom
Question: Did John Cleese ever win the PCQ Motorsport Championship?
Independent business initiatives Assisting businesses with: cash flow sales and marketing efficiency improvement people management exit strategies. For assistance with your business contact Andrew Swan, accredited associate of the Institute for Independent Business (IIB). P: 0410 111 417 E: andrew@swancaulfield.com.au A: 42 Crawford Road Chelmer Qld 4068 Answer: No, but a certain life member has, 31
who could it be?
‘s t e r c Se Victoria has a secret. As you cast your eyes over her body, you travel up from the ground, moving over the perfectly rounded hips. You try and avert your gaze, it’s no use. Her lines are flawless, the curves seductive. She pulls you in. You enter her, pushing all the right buttons. As you do she gasps – breathless. She’s grounded now, there’s no avoiding it, no escape, no direction to move except forward. Hidden behind a casting couch at Car Porn Racing sits Victoria, the first RWB Porsche to exist in the Philippines. RWB, which stands for RAUH-Welt Begriff or ‘Rough World Style’ is a Porsche tuner in Japan. Combining European and Japanese tuning elements, an extremely unique piece of art is created by the one and only Nakai-san. He will travel to your part of the world, and build your RWB Porsche in person in a matter of days. The most noticeable and impressive feature of ‘standard’ RWB Porsches is of course the breathtaking width change. Size doesn’t matter; it’s about how you use it. Squeezing 18 x 11 inches in the front,
whilst the rear haunches lower themselves over whopping 18 x 13.5 inch custom Work Meisters, Victoria fills gap with ease. As you see her in the flesh, your heart races, but what truly takes the air out of your lungs are Victoria’s dirty secrets. Car Porn Racing is synonymous with two things. First is their beautiful compulsion to slam everything to the ground on airbags. A full AirREX and AccuAir suspension setup has Victoria sacked deep to the rim in seconds. The second dirty secret was still to be aired when we were shooting this gorgeous model. Victoria is based off a 1994 Porsche Carrera 2 993. The automatic, naturally aspirated 3.6L 6cyl slug was still seated under the enormous championship wing. Ian King, owner of Car Porn Racing had put the final modification to Victoria on hold, so that it wasn’t in pieces for our shoot. The day after we left, the motor and transmission were ripped from the beautiful body and replaced with a 550hp 5.7L LS1 V8 attached to a manual G50 gearbox. Victoria’s interior has had some upgrading
Story: DANIEL SHARP Images: MATYAS FULOP whilst they were at it. Featuring a MOMO Drift steering wheel, Recaro SR7 bucket seats and a Pioneer radio, it has updated the styling in the 90s cabin. Zweite Entwicklung - Second Development. Whilst aesthetically enhanced, Victoria wears no makeup, still retaining the factory Amaranth Violet Paint. There are literally no angles that you can shoot this car poorly from. Each piece of carefully constructed body kit just flows. This street registered and driven (not that there are any modification laws in the Philippines) is a true testament to innovation, build quality and uniqueness. Still or moving, the cars presence stands up to any runway angel. For the grand finale of this set Matyas and I contacted brilliant photographer and post processor James Dean. His editing and composite work is as incredible as the car itself. Whilst in person, Matyas was limited to a Filipino back alleyway, James was able to construct simply mind-blowingly beautiful images in post processing.
ALL THE BRANDS Victoria’s Secrets: RWB 1994 Carrera 2 993 VICTORIA 1. EXTERIOR • RWB (RAUH WELT BEGRIFF) Original Body Kit • Front & Rear Fenders • Front & Rear Bumpers • Side Skirts • Front & Rear Canards • GT2 style trunk and Championship Wing • Original Amaranth Violet Paint 2. INTERIOR • MOMO Drift Steering Wheel • RECARO SR7 Bucket Seats • Pioneer Radio 3. ENGINE & DRIVETRAIN • GM 5.7L V8 LS1 • Renegade Hybrids LS V8 mount Kit • Electric Water Pump • CAR PORN RACING Custom Headers 4. EXHAUST: • VAREX XPipe Twin Can Single Tip • CAR PORN RACING Custom Manifold • DEI Titanium exhaust wraps 5. TRANSMISSION: • Manual g50 Conversion with street spec clutch • 2 way LSD 6. SUSPENSION & BRAKES • AIR SUSPENSION: o AIRREX Air Struts o ACCUAIR TMP1 I-Level (iPhone enabled remote) o VU4 Valve • VIAIR 400cc Compressor • 5 Gal. Air Tank
• • • • • • • •
Steel Braided Lines, ABS delete RENNLINE Kinematic Arms for the rear GT2 Spindles TARRET Tie Rods Urethane power steering rack bushings H&R Sway Bars front and rear ELEPHANT Mono Balls front arms STOPTECH Big Brake Kit
• •
WHEELS & TIRES: WORK WHEELS 18×11 Front | 18×13.5 Rear KUMHO ECSTA 265/40R18 Front | 335/30R18 Rear
Special thanks go to Ian King and his team at Car Porn Racing in Manila in the Philippines. Innovators in SE Asia when it comes to fabrication, air installations and V8 swaps. Tags: 911, 993, Accuair, Airex, Bags, Car Porn Racing, downshift, downshiftaus, feature, feature car, featured, gamechanger, James Dean Photography, Manila, Philippines, porsche, rauh-welt begriff, RWB, showstopper, Unique, widebody
1300 738 553 WWW.RACERINDUSTRIES.COM.AU Answer to the John Cleese Question Phil Hart
• All club and competition work. Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brakes, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and modifications, including fabrication and machining. • Servicing , wheel alignments, trouble shooting. • Pre purchase appraisals. • 25 years PCCQ member, 3 club championships. Many class wins and records. 20 years building, modifying, restoring Porsches. 6 years at t&d building motors, gearboxes and performing the majority of club preparation. • Low rates, quality work and personal service. Ph: Brett Wentworth 0419990993 3/59 Chetwynd St Loganholme 4128 Email: brettww@bigpond.com
WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR CAR HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au 997 GT3 CS 2010 Model - $198,000
Porsche 997 GT3 CS 2010 model, with only 16,500kms. Possibly the last of the manual GT3’s with a manual gearbox. Gorgeous Speed Yellow and heavily optioned: - PCCB - Front axle lift - Dynamic Engine mounts - Factory Clubsport version - Factory passenger harness - Speed Yellow highlights in interior - Alcantara console lid with Porsche logo - Mobile phone prep and iPod interface
$198,000.00 Nic 0438 270 672 or email: nicmarentis@mail.com Also listed on David Blacks website - www.dbps.com.au
2002 Porsche Boxster
Concours condition, 40,000 kms, black leather interior, driven sunny week-ends only, serviced at Porsche Centre Gold Coast.
Price: Contact:
$43,000 ono Peter on 0418 310 364 or peter.davidson@uchealth.com.au
1982 Porsche 928s
Always garaged. T&D Automotive full service history available. Very good condition throughout - reluctant sale.
Price: Contact: 34
$14,000.00 - Urgent Sale John 0403 506 661
1974 Porsche 911 Club Car
Porsche 911, 1974 wide-body coupe which makes a great club or road car. Fully road registered with 3.0lt flat six engine. This car has a 5-speed 915 transmission, with a gate shift for easy gear selection. Fuchs wheels with road- track tyres. The car is equipped with two adjustable race seats, with a four point race harness. The car also has standard seat belts for daily driving. Light weight doors and panels. The car has a seat mounted fire extinguisher and comes with a removable roll cage. Left-hand drive.
Price: Contact:
$25,500.00 Athol 0418724720 or email race@bigpond.net.au
Porsche 996 GT3 Cup Car
Factory built 2003 Carrera 996 GT3. This vehicle was originally campaigned by Peter Fitzgerald Motor Sport. This vehicle has had very little race hisory and has been stored and maintained as a club car. Its in excellent condition, with a recent leak-down showing the engine is in very good condition. New whell bearings, clutch, seat, harness, etc, etc. Being sold as I have upgraded to a later model 997 for Australian GT series. Why race your good road car on club days when you can have a fully prepared race car that you can race in GT3 Challenge or Australian GT series at low cost.
$75,000.00 George on 0400 778 107 (sms)
Porsche 911 Club Car
Log booked, road registered, 3.6L Vario ram motor, G50 close ratio gear box, 1/2 Cage, 3 sets of wheels, fuel cell, coil over suspension (adj shocks), glass guards, bonnet and perspex side and rear windows. Built and maintained by T&D Automotive. Needs minor comestic works and some mechanical attention.
Price: Contact:
Reasonable offers considered. 0413 811 234
1991 Porsche 964 Carrera 2
Australian delivered, immaculate 1991 Guards Red Carrera 2 Tiptronic with full service history, including original tools and manuals. This car is totaly original and unmodified, with a low 85,373kms. Always garaged, very well presented and has been a consistent placegetter in the PCQ Concours. Excellent performance from 3.6 Litre air-cooled flat six engine. A delight to drive, with the excellent Porsche Tiptronic Gearbox, making it easy to drive in traffic and the option of manually shifting as needed. Personalized plates not included.
Price: Contact:
$59,900.00 (or sensible negotiated offer) George 0438 678 084 or email: gepaterson@bigpond.com
2010 911 GT3 Mark III 3.8 litre
This car is the latest Model GT3 with Centre Lock Wheels, dynamic engine mounts, carbon seats, 6-point harness, fire extinguisher and half roll cage (all factory fitted). It has travelled only 4,300kms from new and has always been serviced by Porsche Centre Brisbane. The car has also been fitted with airlift front suspension, clear stone chip film and has full Porsche warranty, which can be extended for up to 10 years for peace of mind. Why modify your road car when you can have a factory built track machine?
Price: Contact: 35
$240,000.00 George 0400 778 107 (sms)
1992 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet
This vehicle is in excellent (orginal) condition, and has always been kept undercover. All mechanical work that has been carried out on this vehicle has been completed by T&D Autos Brisbane (including engine rebuild 166,000kms) and more recently Eurotune on the Gold Coast. New tyres 12 months ago. Both myself and the previous owner are Porsche Club Qld members. This is an exhilarating vehicle with performance and looks that will not disappoint.
Kevin 0418 443 547 or email: kevnsim@bigpond.net.au
2002 Porsche Boxster S
Porsche Boxster S (Dec 2002), Facelift Version, Seal Gray, 45,000kms, Reg May 2012, Bose Sound System, Porsche Alarm, 18� Porsche Alloys, Black Leather Interior, Full Porsche Service History.
$46,000.00 (ono)
Dean 0448 005 853
or email dean.morrison218@gmail.com
1985 Porsche 911 Cabriolet
Rare 1985 wide bodied Cabriolet with electric roof, 3.2ltr. Australian delivered, factory aero kit. All the bells and whistles, including rear spoiler, electric windows and mirrors, headlight washers, air con and cruise control. Reconditioned leather seats and trim, dashboard, etc. 268,000kms. Serviced by T&D Automotive in Brisbane and now Porsche Centre Gold Coast. Full service history and receipts available. I am relutctantly now parting company with her as times and lifestyles change.
April 0412 057 813 or 07 5502 0932 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
1976 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa
3.0 litre, 5-speed, fuel injected, BBS forged alloy wheels, new tyres, aircondiioned, twin exhaust, driving lights, SD player, GPS. Has only travelled 101,000 miles (160,000kms) and is in excellent condition throughout. Refer to club website for more details.
Price: Contact:
$25,000.00 Trevor 0499 589 180 or email: production.7@bigpond.com
2007 Porsche 997 Carrera 4S Manual
Why buy this particular exciting and dynamic manual 4S in top condition? Easy: Only one fastidious owner. Only Porsche services and spare parts. All documents and books are available. Porsche warranty to June 2014 (extendable). Genuine Porsche accessories fitted: Sports Chrono, Sports Exhaust, Multifunction Sports S/wheel, Sports brake fluid, Communications Package ,Park Radar, metallic paint. I am happy to discuss further detail by phone or e-mail.
Price: Contact:
Peter Bettess 0417 217 215 or email: peterbettess@esc.net.au
1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 4
1990 Porsche 911 (964) Carrera 4 with 156,000kms. Electric sunroof, black interior, badge on steering wheel (No. 716 Porsche Festival Melbourne - 50 years of Porsche, November 1998). Registered until May 2013. Garaged at Stanthorpe.
Price: Contact: 36
$46,500.00 J Kenyon 07 4681 4655
1989 944S2
Reluctantly I am selling my 1989 model 944S2. Without question the best handling car I’ve owned and an absolute joy to own and drive. No expense has been spared in maintaining this Porsche in peak condition and recent service repairs include, timing and balance shaft belts, and more. All receipts, full service history and books have been retained with this Porsche. If you are in the market for a great Porsche experience of your own and would like to share a little time to check this joy of mine out, then feel welcome to call.
Ron 0421 787 512
1995 Porsche 993 Car
Genuine, California imported. 1995 993 built to RS specs. Super reliable history, winning many championship rounds in the Porsche Carrera Cup series campaigned by Croker and Russell, based from the Gold Coast. After retirement, the car had very limited sessions in Western Australia, being maintained by K-Tec Autohaus for two seasons, after the car was professionally prepared and rebuild by T&D Automotive in Brisbane from a stripped lightweight body. Too many mods to list - refer to the club Market Place website for more details.
Price: Contact:
$43,500.00 including all spares Dennis (07) 5424 6694 or email: dndinoz@skymesh.com.au
2006 Porsche Boxster S - $55,000
Purchased new in April 2006 at Gold Coast Porsche; all service completed at same. Has been garaged and covered with Porsche Boxster cover. In excellent condition. 2006 (Type 987) Porsche Boxster S 3.2 litre engine | 6-speed manual | 36,000 kms | Arctic Silver Metallic Sports Seats | 4 new tires put on at 29,000 kms Car is located at Lennox Heads (1.5hrs from Gold Coast)
Price: Contact:
$55,000 Marty Delahanty on (02) 6687-4748
Porsche 997 Cup Car
Very straight, low hours on fresh engine and gearbox. New front rotors, 2 sets of wheels, air jack wand, safety stands, transport tie-down rings.
Price Reduced:
$85,000.00 + GST
Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet
1998 911 Carrera Cabriolet with only 62,000 miles (100,000kms) on clock, new clutch, good condtion throughout. Purchased in Hong Kong, 2 owners only. Car is located at Noosaville, but can deliver to Brisbane.
Price: Contact:
Maggie Howard email: distinctions@bigpond.com
2004 996 Cup Car
2004 996 Cup Car, fresh “Sonic Motorsports’ engine with 997 upgrades and enhancements, including new 997 Cup heads, 997 Cup inlet maniforlds etc. The car has new Sachs motorsports clutch, upgraded driver cooling system, new suspension upgrades including RSR components; ABS, 2 sets of BBS wheels, air jacks w/-saftey stands. New lightweight carbonfibre bonnet, boot-lid and wing, lightweight front bumber.
Price Reduced: Contact:
$68,000.00 Wayne 0417620980 or 54498888 or email: wayne@hennigmotorsport.com
1972 911T-E 2.4L coupe with 915 5-speed gearbox. MFI, Recaros, Pastel Blue, Classic 911
Only 3 owners — second owner stored and never drove car * Original rust-free floorpan, boot, subframe, doors, roof, mudguards etc * Original unmolested specs — only new paint, carpets, headliner, dash top, rubbers, H4s, lenses * Mechanically A1 — engine (MFI) rebuilt early 1990s, gearbox in 2012, plus all new hoses, seals etc * PCQ concours class-winning car (twice) and second outright; occasional use, never raced * Professional RHD conversion with Porsche Factory parts — almost indistinguishable quality conversion * Photographic record and work file available (since owned) * Only 9 examples of this model sold new in Australia in 1972 * Very few remain in original specification like this car * This is the most desirable series 2.4 litre early 911 with the external oil filler. Perfect classic 911 example — nothing to do, just drive and enjoy * Includes valuable spares, manuals, service records. Also have a Factory 1972 sales brochure, colour chart and options list. $POA. Serious enquiries only please. Tel. (07) 3279 3930. For more photos and information, email: mikar5363@gmail.com
1983 Porsche 930 Turbo
This 1983 Porsche 930 is a genuine Australian delivered car, with original features, including toolkit and radio, all in beautiful condition. It has been carefully maintained since new and has comprehensive service history and factory books. The pristine slate blue metallic paint finish is an original factory colour, and is possibly the only 930 of this colour in Australia. Over the past 3 years, the car has been brought up to concours standard, having won trophies at both state and national Porsche events. It placed 3rd in the Master Class Concours at 2013 Rennsport. An upgraded air conditioning system has been professionally installed, and a sports muffler, not currently fitted, is included in the sale. Also included is the Qld reg. collectors plate PCH 930. Please contact for more detailed information and to arrange an inspection.
Price: Contact:
POA John Forson 0430 574 533 or email: jaforson@bigpond.com
Porsche 924 Carrera GT
One of only 75 RHD built. One of only 7 RHD in Black. Delivered new in the UK, this loved CGT is matching numbers and has travelled only 77,000 miles. The complete history file includes stamped logbooks, receipts, club concours results (1st in class three years running), photos, press releases and previous keepers (including a famous pop star from the 1980’s). Well known in the Carrera GT register, this car is unmodified and as it left the factory and surely the best available.
$65,000.00 Nick 0419 213 355
2007 Porsche Cayman S
2007 Porsche Cayman S, Black on Black with only 41,000 kms. Has the following options: - 19” Porsche Original Rims - Capristo exhaust value control - Lowered, Adjustable Suspension - Bilstein - Sound system including GOS - Air filter upgrade - IPD Plenum w\GT3 Throttle Body - Softronic Tune - Front & Rear H&R Sway Bars - Deep Sump - Accusump - And more.
$75,000.00 Hoa Cheng 3376 9908 or 0410 308 881 or email: hoa@htctrading.co
2006 Porsche Cayman S
Porsche Cayman S 2006, with Genuine Porsche Extended Warranty till February 2014 and can be extended till 2016! Owned by genuine car enthusiast and looked after like it deserves. Immaculate condition, you will struggle to find a Cayman S in better condition than this. Always garaged and stored under a genuine Porsche car cover, this car is used on weekends mainly and has been regularly serviced at the Porsche dealership. Just had its annual service recently, with new brake pads fitted and new Michelin Super Sport tyres, absolutely nothing to spend on this car. It has been optioned with PASM and Sports Chrono, the PASM offers amazing handling, with the click of a button! If you have not driven a Porsche with PASM, you will be very surprised at how it improves handling and performance. Black leather interior is absolutely faultless and honestly presents like a new car. Always run on 98octane premium and used Mobile 1 oil recommended for Porsche. If you would like any more information or to organise a time to inspect the car, please email me. I am happy to organise interstate transport if needed.
$69,300.00 Brad on email: brad@ry.com.au
1981 911SC
1981 911SC Matt black, Twin Turbo stripped for racing, light weight fuel tank, Sparco racing seats, roll cage.
$50,000.00 ono Dawn
2001 Boxter
5-speed manual, with only 63,500km. Black on black, sheepskin car seat covers, bluetooth, excellent condition. Vehicle is located in Mackay
$23,000.00 ono
Dawn 0408 425 060 ddeakin@localdirectoies.com.au
1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa
This is an Australian delivered 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa with 182,000kms on the clock. It is in excellent condition throughout, with no leaks or oil consumption. The paint, exterior and interior are in excellent condition and the car has no rust. Includes Log books and some maintenance records and has a bunch of new parts included. I am a retired ex-Qantas Engineer and make a few trips a year to the USA to buy my parts; I have been bitten by the Porsche bug and have a new project car coming next month so I need room in my garage.
$27,500.00 ono
Peter 0414 658 556 pbereg911@gmail.com
997 Parts
1. H & R adjustable coil over suspension (cost $4300) 2. H & R front strut bar (cost $1000) 3. Gemballa branded air box (cost $2000) 4. 4 x 18” turbo rims, for track work. 5. 4 x Hoosier tyres, 19”, 60% remaining 6. “Impact” race helmet, L size, black. All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.
Porsche 987 Wheels
Genuine 987 wheels for sale; flared forked thin 10 spoke 2x6.5x17 (offset 55) 2x8x17 (offset 40) Excellent condition, no gutter rash!
All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.
Price: $500 Contact: Craig
Ian 0412 760 234
WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR PARTS HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au 996/997 Wheel Sale
Volk forged wheels with German TUV approval, 8.5x19 and 12x19. Offsets to suit GT3 (and others), 16kg saving over standard wheels. Includes set of sensation Pirelli Trofeo r spec tyres (3 club days)
Full Carbon Stilo WRC helmets, specifically designed for rally use. It is not a standard helmet fitted with microphone holder and wiring. Integrated microphone, plug and wiring are an integral part of the helmet. Also features a flip-up tinted visor.
Champion 8.5x19 and 11.5x19 wheels. Offsets to suit GT3, these are a one piece high performance forged wheel with a 21kg saving (with slicks) over standard wheels. Includes two good front slicks and worn out rear
Price: $3,500 Contact:
Mitch Gaskell email mitchell@gabba.com.au
‘Turbo 2’ Number Plates
Please text my phone number 0407244652 or email me on ppbrook@yahoo.com.
TURBO 2 Number plates. 1 standard and 1 slimline, both in perfect condition.
Assorted Parts
Porsche genuine 997 GT3 brake rotors front and rear, in box never open Price: $2500
Set of OZ Superleggera black centre lock 19” wheels black used twice as new, only scrubbed in Hoosier A6 fronts and R6 on the wheels very light track wheels.
$1,000 each ono
$4000 with tyres or $3000 without.
$3,500 or best offer
Contact: Laurie 0418 480 461 or email laurie329@hotmail.com 964 Parts
Factory original cassette holder, sits in console between front seats of 964, 993, etc. Good condition. Price: $50 ono.
Fabspeed cat bypass ($750) and Fabspeed air intake system ($400). Price: both for $1000
996 Factory Mufflers stainless steel Price: $200 the pair ono.
Dual axle lightweight ‘TiltaTrailer’ brand air bag suspension for ride height and ramp lowering
7 letter prestige plates in box never used Price: $3250.00 Contact: Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au
Price: $5000 Contact:
Simon 0419006995
Porsche 930 Turbo Wastegate
Hot Shot Number Plates
Porsche 930 wastegate. Has been rebuilt and has 0.8 bar spring. Also fits 924 Turbo.
Price: $250 Contact:
George 0457 681 998 or email verikios@internode.on.net
996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels
987 Cayman Car Cover
Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 987 Cayman
Price: $250 Contact:
Peter 0409181338
996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels (2) with Pirelli P Zero Corsa road race tyres fitted, maybe 1-2 track days left (depends on how hard you drive them). Very good condition wheels that come with Turbo centre caps (not pictured).
Contact: 40
Jono O’Reilly 0408 600 008
Porsche 996 C2 Engine 3.4L - $10,750
Genuine GT3 rims to suit 997 and 996 8.5 x 18 front, 11 x 18 rear with Hoosier twin groove tyres P245/35 x 18 front @ 80% tread and P315/30 x 18 rear @65-70%. All in very good condition. Sell complete or separate. Rims and Tyres (February 2013).
$ 3200 ono or separate Rims $2000 Tyres 1200 Genuine Turbo rims to suit 996 and 997 8 x 18 and 10 x 18 in good condition.
Price: $1,200 ono
Genuine Porsche 997 Race steering wheel in very good condition.
Price: $500 ono
Engine is still running and driving in the car. The engine has been left in car on purpose to demonstrate condition. Engine will be removed post sale at the seller’s expense. The car is fully road-registered. Workshop engine inspection done 2 weeks ago. Oil drained and oil filter pleats completely opened up - no metal present. Compression test results: 170170-170-150-160-170. 3-owner only - Porsche 996 1998. Full engine service history available. Australian delivered and complianced from new. Engine number: m9601 66w1 2607. 129,000 kms Updated RMS (rear main seal) installed by Chellingworth Porsche, official dealer, in 2009. Drive and idler pulleys also replaced by Chellingworth Porsche in 2009. Engine has the stronger, double-row IMS bearing. Complete drive-train is for sale - given major upgrade - installing a «GT3» drive train.
$12,750 ono
Hoosier Twin groove tyres and spares. Hoosier twin groove tyre set 2 x P245/35R18 and 2 x P315/30R18, with 50% rubber left (imported Oct 2012) at $750, also spare Hoosier tyres 2 x P245/35R18 at 60% $250 pair and 1 x P295/30R18 @ 50% @ $150 and 2 x P245/35R18 @ 30% $150 a pair.
Price: Numerous at ono Genuine Porsche Race Seat - $2,500 Genuine Porsche Race Seat with rails to suit 996 or 997, new 2010. Comes with 5-point belts, legal to 2014 in as new condition. Cost 6500 sell $2500 ono (seat belt bar mount for cars without roll cage available for 997 $300 with seat only, unless seat sold)
Price: $2,500 997 Brake Pad used sets. Front and Rear GT3 997 series 1, PMU club sport 50% front, 40% rear. Cost $1,200, will sell for $400 ono. Rear 997 Carrera Series 2 Padgid RS19 90%. Suit some cup and GT3 cost $650 sell $200.
Set Of Cibie Rally Lights Original Citroen DS 19 Hoodlights or commonly known Porsche rally lights( Pallas).New Old stock 1960’s /70’s.
Price: See text Contact: Jeff on 0419 6 888 55
Front Seats for 2000 996
Contact:Cameron 0407 129 900 Wanted - 14’ Car Trailer
Price: $1700.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969 911 Whaletail And Engine Lid Fibreglass Spoiler with minor scratches and in good condition
Car trailer to suit low 993 racecar. Only really need 14’ length. No junk please.
Contact:Denis 5424 6694 or email dndinoz@skymesh.com.au 41
Price: $500.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969
Porsche 996 6-SPEED MANUAL GEARBOX - TRANSAXLE - $3750 **AS NEW** - DONE 3,000 KM›s ONLY Getrag 996 98-06 2Wd Transaxle - Genuine Porsche Oem Part Purchased Brand New On 22Nd August, 2012 & Imported From The Usa Not A Reconditioned Item - Brand New! Gearbox Is Still Running & Driving In The Car The Gearbox Has Been Left In Car On Purpose To Demonstrate Condition Gearbox Will Be Removed Post Sale At The Sellers Expense Price: $4,850 ono for GEARBOX Contact: Justin 0419 297 297 NOTE - many other Porsche 996 Carrera 2 & 996 GT3 parts also for sale All suspension & steering components 18” factory optioned original 996 turbo wheels “Big Red” front and rear brakes Complete interior including seats/carpets/trims/roof lining Front bonnet -wrapped in carbon fibre film Light-weight rear window - heated & tinted Lhs and Rhs rear quarter fixed windows - tinted Lhs halogen factory OEM headlight complete Coloured Porsche crested wheel centres Factory OEM catalytic converters x2 Dash unit, plus dash air bag Lhs front fender (guard) Lhs complete door Lhs door window - tinted Lhs door mirror assembly Air-con condenser Lhs radiator core Lhs radiator fan
Air bag sensor unit - main Air bag sensor unit - lhs door Factory OEM mufflers x2 Steering rack - complete All pedals Heater/blower assembly All pedals Fuel tank
Number Plate “9 ONE 1” “9 ONE 1” - black lettering on silver background. Will look amazing on any 911, old or new. Plates have never been installed – brand new, still in box. Slim height front plate, normal height rear plate. Go on, treat yourself!
BAD 930 Number Plate Price:
Ben 0408 727 982
Price: $3,000 o.n.o. Contact: Harry 0407 083 982
Complete set front and rear 996 Cup suspentions, will fit any 996 GT3
Price: $3,500 Contact: James 0410 590 000 or email jea@sedja.com.au
Personalised Plates
Is this the plate you have been looking for? This is for that special person in your life. One slim line and one full size plate. White background black letters. Price: $6,500 Contact: Geoff 0409 347 289 or email poolespt@bigpond.com
Number Plates - GT3 R
Kerry 0414 443 232
Jonathon - email jonathon.bloxsom@opteonproperty.com.au
Price: $3,500.00 Contact: Neil Robson
Price: $4,000 Contact:Peter 0409 181 338 911 996 Car Cover
Price: $7,000 Contact:
Perfect Porsche 911 plate. 2x2 Flexi Plate. Never been used or registered to any vehicle. No holes drilled and still in delivery box.
Price: $3,000 open to offers Contact:Justin - email
email neilandkate2@hotmail.com
Personalised Plates
Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 996 911 in very good condition.
911E Plate
These number pates (911 964) are mounted on prestige frames and have never been fitted.
Number Plates 9II 964
Price: $9,500
991PDK Plate
GT3 R Number Plates Price: $3,000 Contact:
Number Plate for new 99I
Peter 0409181338
V Turbo Plates
Silver letters on black in theft proof brackets. All offers considered
Price: Alll offers considered Contact: Julia - office hours
Tuesday-Thursday 3256 1517 or email impact_h@bigpond.net.au
911 Parts
Garage Sale!
Genuine 996 GT3 wheels, Continental Tyres with less than 5,000 kms. Wheels and tyres like brand new. Price: $2,650 996 Cabrio or Coupe custom made car cover. Made from the highest quality materials by Speciality Car Covers (UK). Excellent condition. Price: $125 Tilt-a-Hitch is a hitch that allows a normal car trailer to tilt allowing low clearance cars ease of loading. Used once. Cost $395 Price: $200
NEW Mahle 2.7S Piston and cylinders, 90mm, 175HP, will suit all K-Jetronic engines. Price: $2,650 Genuine 993 RS/GT2 front strut top mounts to suit all 993’s.
Contact: Price:
George 0400 778 107 (sms is best)
Hoosier Competition Tyres Hoosier competition tyres for sale. Only bedded in 5 laps. Rears are R6 compound and fronts are A6 (softer). Sizes are 315 x 30 (2) and 235 x 35 (2), both R19. These were for my GT3 and fit under the standard guards.
Jeremy Norris 0412 131 181
Contact: Ann 0418872109 Original 993 Turbo Twist hollow spoke factory numbered alloy rims with tyres. 2x8Jx18 ET52 and 2x10Jx18 ET40 in really excellent condition with Bridgestone tyres 225/40ZR and 285/30ZR (average 50% wear) New price for rims $11,500 - Sale
Price: $2,900
Sparco Driving Seats
Des 0412 723 492
2 SPARCO DRIVING SEATS (1 brand new, 1 almost new). Purchased these for my 911SC Carerra and installed 1 and completed 2 track days and then removed it when the car was sold. These seats are ideal for motor sport or track days. FIA approved.
Brand new Michelin Slicks
2 x 24/65-19 compound S7A soft 2 x 29/65-19 compound S8A medium
Price: $2,000 (save $1,000) Contact:
Price: $2,650 Contact: George 040 778 107
Jeremy 0412 131 181
Porsche 997 Turbo Exhaust
Price: $4,000 ono Contact:Domenic 0404 846 860
(sms is best)
996 GT3 Spoiler Engine Lid
Fits all 997 Turbo. Complete exhaust system: All stainless steel, with headers and filter. Increased horse power +60. Worth $10,000 new/when bought
$5000.00 ono
$100 each
$750.00 ono
Porsche Cabriolet factory Windblocker and tyre cover/carry case. To suit 996 and 997 $200|
Stan 0414 911 901
PCE 911
Porsche Continenatl 19� Rear Tyre (1). Very good condition 265 / 30 / ZR 19 and very low kms Price: $50
Price: Contact:
$550 **please note price change incorrect last magazine**
I wish to swap this 996 Rear GT3 Spoiler Engine Compartment lid for a standard 996 Carrera engine lid (One with no spoiler), or will sell.
or email smcicchino@hotmail.com
Contact:Phillip 0452 611 075 Price: $700 or Swap
Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars – buy the calendar for the year that your Porsche was made! Each with great Factory photos or racing and production Porsches. Years available: 1972#, 1973#, 1974*, 1975*, 1976, 1977*, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981* & 2000 (unopened) # no bronze medallion; only December date strip remains plus all posters * no bronze medallion Packaged in original delivery sleeves. These calendars are up to 41 years old so expect some minor ageing marks and blemishes, but they are mostly in quite good condition. Hence $50 each – or VNO. Buyers to collect (Brisbane).
Price: Offers accepted.
Contact: Mike on 07-3279 3930
Multiple parts Open to offers, all must go Contact: Mark 0416 108 679. A arm brackets including brand new bushes – used removed due to upgrade.
$ 80
Air conditioner – unknown condition
Price: $30
Hot air duct from 911 SC, new
914 Exhaust gaskets – x6 New never used
Price: $20
Price: $50
ITG Air Filters JC40/100 blank plates, never fitted brand new, will flow 500HP worth of air each.
Shock mounting rings – new unused.
Price: $30
Price: $150
External oil cooler valve internals – used (only changed due to upgrade) Price: $30
79 3.0 SC standard pistons, gudgen pins and valve springs, removed due to upgrade.
Price: $100
Sump Plate 3.0 SC, used includes gasket and all mounting bolts
Price: $60
Trailing Arm bushes 911 to 86– New unused.
Price: $80
Torsion bars from an 86 911 (F&R), excellent condition removed due to upgrade only. Price: $120
You can pay by Credit Card for applications and renewals online: Porsche-QLD.org.au Tick One Box in One Category Annual Membership
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Please Note:
Applicants should allow up to 6 weeks for processing. Porsche Club QLD Memberships are non-refundable and not transferable. Renewing Membership payments are due July 30, and must be paid prior to Sept 30, otherwise the $55 Joining Fee will apply. Annual General Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of August. Only financial Full Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Full Members must be financial prior to voting.
Single Membership: Covers one Member only. Single Parent Membership: Covers one Member (parent) and children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. Family Membership: Covers two Members (as spouse/ partner) & children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. 4 Junior Associate Membership: Covers one Associate Member6 17 years or under, who is not part of a Family Membership3. 5 Full time dependant student: requires current Student Identification card. 6 Associate Member: Any person eighteen years or over who does not own or have access to the use of a Porsche motor vehicle, but who considers themselves a genuine enthusiast of the marque or can assist the club in any way, may apply to the club to become an Associate Member. Associate Members do not have club voting rights, and are unable to stand for committee positions. 2 3
Post to: Porsche Club Queensland GPO Box 584 Brisbane QLD 4001 For Urgent Response Fax to: 07 3009 0465 or Scan and Email to Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au
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/ Junior
Business Category (ie. Real Estate, IT) Accommodation Accountants Accounting Advanced Driver Training / Accident Consultancy Auto Mechanical Automotive Automotive Automotive Aviation Battery Importer Bookkeeping Builder Builder Business Advisor Business Consultant Bycycles Car Care Cardiologist Chartered Accountant Civil Contractor Cleaning Client Relations Manager Computers and IT Computers and IT Computers and IT Services Construction Construction Construction Construction & Mining Contractor Consulting Consulting Engineer Convenience Store Debt Collections Dentist Drink Coasters Earthmoving Machinery Sales Earthmoving Machinery Sales Electrical Contractor Electrical Engineering Energy Reduction Engineering Engineering Engineering Excavating Fencing Contractors Fire Systems Food fruit & veg wholesaler Funds Management Funds Management and Real Estate Galvanising General Manager Handmade Jewellery Health
Business Locality Labrador Loganholme SE QLD Australia Wide Toowoomba Brisbane Brendale Milton Sunshine Coast Sydney & Brisbane Brisbane Burleigh Heads Queensland South Brisbane Australia Brisbane Australia Brisbane Ipswich Brisbane National Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Sunshine Coast Gold Coast Brisbane Eagle Farm Brisbane Toowong Gold Coast Brisbane Noosaville Ballina NSW Brisbane Australia SE Qld Queensland Gold Coast Brisbane Toowoomba Brisbane Archerfield Brisbane & Sunshine Coast Camp Hill Brisbane Yatala sherwood Brisbane Brisbane Richlands Melbourne Brisbane Kedron
Business Name Blue Waters Holiday Apartments AGK Chartered Accountants SMSF Options Motor School and 4WD Training Pty Ltd Lindsay St Service Centre T &D Automotive Specialists Rotah Restorations Wayne Park Auto & Tyres LEAPP Federal Batteries CHS Business Services UPRIGHT ENTERPRISE PTY LTD EA & PJ Bell Pty Ltd Swan Caulfield & Associates Marketing Improvements Australian Cycle Bowdens Own Queensland Cardiovascular Group Harding Martin Frostdale Pty Ltd Service Corp Patrick B Smith Pty Ltd Network Solutions Consolidated Computer Services TLC IT Solutions Hennig Brothers construction Greyburn Building Contractors Project Strategies CMC Indesign Technologies MPN Consulting Nightowl Network Collections Noosa Dental Coaster Kings Rim Equipment Machinery Action Group Rod McCray Electrical Pty Ltd hExeis D.A. Kitcher Consulting Pty Ltd Aurecon kehoemyers AMEC Minproc Earthquip Design Fencing Pty Ltd Fire Service Professionals Pty Ltd Gotzinger Smallgoods Cumming Produce Centre Certitude Carter Global Capital National Galvanising Industries Mornington BMW Handmade by Rhonda Performance Health Qld
Business Contact Ph 1300443203 0400778107 032011710 0412736705 0421327599 1300730949 0738121315 0735055000 0754508022 054498888 0411695694 0755745266 0746328100 0411499696 0433100935 0738316888 0738610611 055973344 032562004 0733754200 0755912522 0412197850 0746324510 0419549122 0410111417 0418750666 033759333 0732609218 0740404444 0738433433 1300287525 0738813992 0731637820 0432634047 0413152722 0755911695 0730469353 0 033567877 0755966622 0733944200 0423892573 0733870190 0414777018 0407156749 0418196388 0413200271 0732771377 0417700134 0730102600 1300INTGR8(468478) 0755966622 0733755330 0413808643
NEWS handmadebyrhonda.com www.performancehealthqld.com.au
Terry Knight Rhonda Barwick Graham Lyttle
Business Contact Name Darren Ackland Adam Krauel Guy Wuoti www.smsfoptions.com www.motorschool.com.au George Foessel Jim Schilling www.TDAutomotive.com.au Stephen O'Brien Bob Thorn Www.rotahrestorations.com.au www.WaynePark.com.au Wayne Park Steve Adams www.LEAPP.aero Chris Drysdale www.federalbatteries.com.au Eckhard Schwarting www.chsgroup.biz Dean Marquart Alan Bell Andrew Swan Anthony Thompson www.miagencies.com.au www.CycleSkills.com.au Robert Kearney Dan Bowden www.BowdensOwn.com.au www.qcg.com.au Malcolm Davison David Martin www.hardingmartin.com.au www.Frostdale.com.au David Holzheimer Greg Kermeen www.scorp.com.au Patrick Smith www.patrickbsmith.net Aaron Stuart www.Network-Solutions.com.au Timothy Place www.Consolicom.com www.TLCITS.com.au David Hawley www.hennigbrosconstruction.com.au Darren Hennig www.greyburn.com.au Michael Byrne Geoff Cunningham www.projectstrategies.com.au cmc.net.au Peter Kendall www.indesigntechnologies.com.au Peter Coman www.mpnc.net.au Rick godfrey www.Nightowl.com.au Tom Garrett www.noosadental.com.au Jeremy Norris www.CoasterKings.com.au Phillip Calnan www.rimequipment.com.au Ian Ryan Michael Leu www.machineryaction.com Rod McCray www.hexeis.com Matthew Vanderburg David Kitcher www.aurecongroup.com Bill Guy www.kehoemyers.com.au Terrence Kehoe Robert Buckley www.earthquip.com.au Don Warriner Robert Smith www.fsp.com.au Trevor Voevodin www.gotzinger.com Antony van der Drift nicholas marentis www.certitudeglobal.com.au Paul Burbidge Robert Carter Business Web Site www.BlueWaters.com.au
Members’ Business Directory
Business Category (ie. Real Estate, IT) Human Resources Efficiency Tools Industrial Warehousing Insurance IT IT & Business Consulting IT, Business & Law Laboratory Services Landscape Supplies Laywer Lighting Management Consulting Manufacturing Mapping - Mining Marketing, Advertising Masseur Mechanical Mechanical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Metal fabrication Motor Dealer Motor Dealer Motor Dealer Motor Repairs Motorsport Motorsport Motorsport Motorsport Services Optometry Orthodontists Orthopaedic Surgeon Paper Products Passenger Transport Performance Modifications Pharmacy Plumbing and Gas Fitting Porsche Race Parts Racing and Used Parts Rail Freight Transport Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Services Relocations Sheetmetal Shopfitting SOLAR POWER/LEGAL/REAL ESTATE Sporting Products Supported Accomodation Surveyors Timber Trailers Wedding / Portrait Photographer Yoga
Business Locality Australia Northside Brisbane North Queensland Gold Coast National Gold Coast / Brisbane Darra Qld Darra Southport Richlands Brisbane and International Arundel, Gold Coast Kedron Brisbane Surfers Paradise loganholme Southport Brisbane South Brisbane Jimboomba Gold Coast Highgate Hill Brendale Gold Coast - Brisbane Gold Coast Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane Gold Coast Capalaba Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Ipswich Benowa, Gold Coast Suite 5; Specialists Centre; Greenslopes Hospital Australia Burpengary Brisbane Brisbane CBD Brisbane Noosa Ormeau Brisbane Brisbane & Gold Coast Brisbane CBD Brisbane Brisbane Innercity Brisbane & Worldwide Gold Coast Brisbane SE QLD Brisbane Brisbane SEQ Beaudesert Carole Park Brisbane / Australia Wide Main Beach
NEWS Gabba Sports Windsor Lodge Steve Cooper & Associates Enrights Sawmill Rogers Axel and Spring Works Ben Clark Photography
Ray White e-select Real Estate Coldwell Banker Property Direct Crown Relocations Border Sheet Metal Rapid Racking Australia
Business Name Onetest Bloxsom Family Group Joe Vella Insurance Brokers Ry.Com.Au CGI FIRST Consulting Group Pty Ltd Scientific Analytical Services Centenary Landscaping Supplies Ivan Poole Lawyers Intralux Imagine Consulting Group International (ImagineCGI) Precise Precut Walker Mapping Design for Communication Natural Massage Therapies flat six motorsport Action Tyres City Eye Centre Mater Hill Gastro Jimboomba Junction Family Practice & Skin Cancer C Olsen Avenue Specialst Clinic T&C Medical Wiltec Industries Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Tesla Motors Porschop Driving Events Emtec performance tuning Promotive Engineering The Racing Room Phil Hart Optometrist Medland Orthodontics Dr Ross Kennedy Rosche Paper Kangaroo Bus Lines Harding Performance Post Office Square Pharmacy A Grade Plumbing and Gas Hennig Motorsort Performance9 QR National Limited
Business Contact Ph 0435993934 0732602946 0738788000 0738578628 0733793409 0732877891 1300893911 037158228 033734900 0419990993 0754743855 0754302220 0417792767 0427449720 0754456065 0438601940 1300727023 055284592 0417601600 0412084004 0266866936 0738122233 0418782075 0738567555 0411759770 0755493955 0732186200 0419643568 0733695500 0755324599 0418732683 0418310364 0438300220 0408722852 0412882843 1300599773 0756304288 0426255917 0755477733 0732299696 0738478820 0405132777 0755744445 0418736789 0418724720 0439717016 0448612781 0413878762 0755466952 0733716677 0733607222 0409487788 0734866477 0755411077 0732711744 033541600 054956280 www.Willex.com.au www.benclarkphotography.com.au www.indrya.com
www.cbpd.com.au www.crownrelo.com www,bordersheetmetal.com.au www.rapidracking.com.au
www.agradeplumbingandgas.com.au HennigMotorsort.com www.performance9.com.au www.qrnational.com.au
www.medlandorthodontics.com.au www.rosskennedy.com.au http://www.roschepaper.com/ kangaroobuslines.com.au www.hp.net.au
www.teslamotors.com/australia Gaz_C@Bigpond.com www.drivingevents.com.au http://www.dynotuning.net.au www.promotive.com.au www.TheRacingRoom.com.au
www.metrocentre.com.au www.wiltec.net.au
www.ActionTyres.com.au www.CityEyeCentre.com.au
www.Intralux.com www.imagineCGI.com ppcut.com.au
Business Web Site www.Onetest.com.au www.bloxsom.com.au http://jvib.com.au www.RY.Com.Au www.cgi.com http://www.firstconsulting.com.au www.urbanutilities.com.au/SAS centenarylandscaping.com.au
Alex Chambers Ben Clark David Leneman
Raymond Hackett brett wentworth Matthew Kingsley Lawrence Lee Johannes Wittman Rodney Willett Heinz Albrecht Dr Chris Bradshaw Shane Wilson Colin Duck Chris Maindonald Jay McCormack Gazz Corfield Paul Stokell John Gill Michael Harris Dijon Johnson Phil Hart William Medland Ross Kennedy Damien Flack Daryl Webster Guy Harding Stuart Ellis Chris Neal Wayne Hennig Stan Adler David Collins Steve Goodson Dean Yesberg Julian Rajah David Beard Mick Tobin Karl Johnson Cameron Mcconaghy Bruce Simpson Mitchell Gaskell Robert Hoare Steve Cooper
Business Contact Name David Dahl Jonathan Bloxsom Joe Vella Bradley Carr Neil Macdonald James Austin Bob Gray Terry OShea Ivan Poole David Tilbury Tony Wheeler Lyle or Aaron Alastair Walker
Members’ Business Directory
Phone: 1300 937 111
Email: joe@jvib.com.au
Contact: Joe Vella | Diploma Financial Services (Insurance Broking), C.dec & Hon. Consul Malta (Nth Qld)
Wheel protection. Real protection. Porsche Insurance. For your Porsche tyres and wheels. Porsche Insurance can soon offer a one off payment that provides three years protection for your genuine Porsche wheels and tyres. Porsche Tyre and Rim Insurance is available to all Porsche models up to 20 years of age. Coverage includes up to one replacement rim per year to the value of $3,540, and coverage of up to two replacement tyres per year to the value of $1,100 each.
Porsche Centre Gold Coast Contact your Business Manager Hayden HadďŹ eld P: 07 55 557911 E: hayden@pcgc.com.au
Print Post PP1000/03711
Contact Hayden HadďŹ eld at Porsche Centre Gold Coast for more information.