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Original Race
from pit lane
The name of this report in Porsche Parade is From Pit Lane, but unfortunately since our last edition Porsche Club Vic have not been able to turn a wheel in pit lane!!!!!!
Due to the Victorian state government restrictions, our scheduled events at Sandown in July, Phillip Island in August and again at Sandown in September have all had to be either cancelled or postponed.
To say an element of frustration may have crept in would be an understatement………. The amount of time and effort put in by the Competition Committee to put a track day together is immense, only to have them taken away from us by the stroke of a pen is extremely frustrating, but understandably necessary in this current Covid climate.
We as a Committee will continue to arrange as many track days as both time and track availability will allow, to give our members every opportunity to get their pieces of pride and joy back on the racetrack . We have already put together a large part of the calendar for 2022 and will be able to share this with you in the next edition.
We are still hopeful that our track day scheduled for November 28 will be able to proceed.
I look forward to seeing you all soon……From Pit Lane
Andrew Smith
Competition Director
the socialist
I’m back. After my extended leave I have to thank Clyde White for offering to take on my role during such a challenging period and capably keeping it running smoothly. Thanks Clyde and all the wonderful people on the Social Committee.
Last year if you were asking me about this year, I would have said that we would be back to normal enjoying numerous PCV events. Who’d of thought 2021 would mirror 2020 with extensive lockdowns and very few events. But we do see light at the end of the tunnel (and hopefully it isn’t another Covid train !) We are promised that from early November the rules will allow events to proceed, not completely as we would have liked there being some restrictions still in place. Accordingly your Social Committee is busy trying to cram as many social events into November and December to help us drive and socialise our way out of 2021 in style. Unfortunately the ongoing restrictions cap indoor events to the extent that we cannot realistically run the Annual Gala Dinner. So this fantastic event will be transferred to November 2022. Trust me, it’s worth waiting for. On a brighter note we do have several runs in the planning and possibly even an outdoor undercover event that that will allow a large number of members to get together, socialise, engage in lots of Porsche Talk and catch up with club activities. Watch this space or better still keep an eye on the web and email updates. 2022 will be a very busy year with even more events to help cater for a rapidly growing membership. Practicalities such as premises size and parking availability limit the number that can attend each event so a solution is to increase the number of events. To find out what sorts of events you want you will have recently completed a member survey. Thank you. You can be sure we are poring over the data to help bring to you the type of events you prefer. Here’s to better times, more events ands lots of socialising.
Linley Baxter
Social Director