4 minute read

The Benefits of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy might be used to help with pain control and to overcome habits, such as smoking or overeating. It can improve the success of other treatments for several conditions such as: • Phobias, fears and anxiety • Sleep disorders • Depression • Stress • Post-trauma anxiety • Grief and loss


My name is David Faratian, a consultant hypnotherapist, practising at the Cumbria Hypnosis Mindfulness Clinic. In this article, I would like to explore the fascinating psychology of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and attempt to unravel some of the more common myths. Hypnosis has become wellknown, thanks to popular acts where people are prompted to perform unusual or ridiculous actions. It has also been clinically proven to provide medical and therapeutic benefits, most notably in the reduction of pain and anxiety. When you hear the word hypnotist, what comes to mind? Like many people, the word may conjure up images of a sinister stage-villain, who brings about a hypnotic state by swinging a pocket watch back and forth. Hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like trance state, however, it is more accurately characterized by a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. People in a hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but in reality, they are in a state of hyper-awareness. In psychology, hypnosis is sometimes referred to as hypnotherapy and has been used for a number of therapeutic purposes. Hypnosis is usually performed by a trained therapist who utilises visualization and verbal repetition to induce a hypnotic state. So, what can hypnotherapy help with? Often, hypnotherapy is seen as the magic bullet for dealing with smoking cessation and weight loss. While this is partially true, what people may not always appreciate is that hypnosis is also effective in a wide range of limiting beliefs, behaviours and emotions. These include: generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic attacks, and even some forms of chronic pain. Often, hypnotherapy can be a powerful ally for conventional medical treatments, as it empowers self-belief and the ability for the client to heal themselves. Essentially, the hypnotherapist acts as a bridge between the issue being dealt with and the part within capable of learning and making changes, namely the subconscious mind. If this brief introduction has piqued your interest, and you would like to learn more about how this approach may offer a solution to a long-standing issue, which has not yet been effectively dealt with, then find out more by visiting our website www.cumbria-hypnosis.com

Deep within the solar plexus chakra lies a sleeping lion; Healthy Warrior.

Carefully tiptoeing around the Healthy Warrior is the Servant, seeker of external validation, detached from their full voice. Harmony is a wonderful thing but not at the expense of our truest expression. In our centre of personal power, self-worth, core essence and masculine energy, the sleeping lion begins to wake by the fire. He is a leader and the time has come to shine, he chooses courage and authenticity and reclaims his will and power. The Healthy Warrior develops trust in himself, his gut instinct and future path. The jungle drums are calling for him to step up, out of the shadows. He is ready because his strength comes from the fire within, burning with love and pure lionheart energy. I hope you enjoyed my chakra archetype/ animal magic interpretation of the work I do! My coaching is focused around energy and emotions. My belief is that any change we wish to see externally requires an internal shift. I help you change habits, relationships, behaviours, thinking and release what no longer serves you, whether that is negative thinking, emotional eating or low frequency emotions that are causing pain, frustration and preventing you from living a life to love. This might be anxiety, fear, resentment, anger, shame etc. When you change the energy, you change the game! Emotional Eating I am passionate about this topic since recently losing 2 stone without diets but by fundamentally changing my relationship with food and myself for life.

I can guide and support you on your journey to understanding psychological and emotional dependencies and habits. Learn how to crack cravings and other techniques to change the way you think, live and eat forever. Find Me: Check out my latest videos on You Tube or my website www.amandagreencoaching.co.uk I invite you to like my Facebook page F/amandagreencoaching Find me on Instagram, Twitter @actualisecoach or Linkedin.

Working with me: • 121 Coaching • Workshops – Raise Your

Vibration and Healthy

Warrior • Professional Speaking

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