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This Season’s Crystals
Written by Cindy Page of Sage and Thyme Lancaster www.sage-and-thyme.co.uk T 01524 68687
Crystals to bring in Spring Vibes A t this time on the wheel the Crone turns away and becomes the Maiden, Lady of Spring and promise once more. I find myself almost holding my breath with anticipation for the growth that is waiting just at the tips of plants, waiting to unleash the energy gathered and stored during the dark winter and GROW.
Spring is associated with rebirth and renewal. Flowers and plants start to grow, and animals begin their mating season, bringing new life into this world. We become aware of this energy but sometimes find it difficult to resonate with it. There is spring energy found in many places, one of them being in the form of certain crystals. I perform a ceremony, lighting candles and pledging myself to all matters benefitting the Earth. Most of us also do some sort of spring cleaning whether it’s the house or our clothing cupboards. The following crystals are recommended to kick start your “spring cleaning”. You should always follow your inner guidance with which crystals are right in your space. We recommend placing them on your shelves, tables, work desk or even near your bed for maximum benefits.
Citrine Just as the sun can regenerate and improve your mood, so can this powerful gemstone. Keep it next to a window and it will capture the light and nurture your creative heart. Great for working with your Solar Plexus Chakra – increasing your personal power, confidence and self-esteem. You can place Citrine in the wealth corner of your home or business which is the farthest back left point from your front door or the door into an individual room.
Emerald Some say that all the green of nature is found in the emerald. Emerald epitomises the energy of Spring representing youth, symbolizing rebirth, renewal, and growth. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels, bringing freshness and vitality. Emeralds are well known as a birthstone but what some may not know is that they have an amazing ability to promote balance between friends and partners — making your home, a happy home. Emeralds connect to the Heart Chakra and the goddess Venus, and bring forth love, bliss, and beauty with its strong, gentle energy.
Looking good has a huge impact on how you feel about yourself - the most important person in your life! There is a 'way of life' that we can all embrace, based on the beliefs and ethics of the importance of reusing, recycling and re-loving. This includes fashion, accessories, retro and vintage. We do not always have to buy new to look good and feel good. There is a wealth of good quality fashion around that can be reused and re-loved, rather than ending up up in landfill. Buying into this lifestyle can really benefit a person’s wellbeing through the feel-good factor that comes with helping yourself, your community, charities and the planet. There are charity shops, clothes swapping parties and dress agencies which all contribute to this lifestyle endeavour. Luckily for us,
Helen Hoyle, owner of Cinderella Me in Windermere, leads by example.
‘Cinderella Me,’ based in Windermere, belies its image of being 'just a ladies dress agency' as it is so much more! Bubbling out of Cinderella Me is a community of like-minded people who believe in re-using and re-loving, and not adding to the already huge mountain of waste across our planet. Some ladies just pop in for a chat or a catch up, and the owner Helen truly believes, and knows from her experiences in the shop, that embracing the lifestyle of reusing and re-loving, gives a person a huge sense of wellbeing as well as ‘Looking Good and Feeling Good’.
She wears only pre-owned fashion and furnishes her home with pre-owned items, which she updates and re-loves.
She gives her time freely to community groups by leading events, presentations and talks about the importance and value of embracing a lifestyle of reusing and re-loving ladies and girls fashion. Helen can be contacted on 07814501358 or by popping into Cinderella Me for a chat
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