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A Silent Goodbye

Your Inspirational Poem


A Silent Goodbye

If you have a friend that walks away and you don’t understand why, Don’t judge them for this but say your silent goodbye.

It doesn’t mean that they don’t care: they may be hurting deep inside, Unable to express their feelings, perhaps they really have tried.

To share the heavy load deep within the heart, is not always an easy task, But you are not responsible for my friend if they never ask.

To ask for help is not a weakness, that’s what friends are for, To share with one another their pain and love like never before.

But to punish your friends with silence doesn’t help them understand, For this pushes away their understanding as you push away their hand.

It is easier to walk away and not face those shadows and fears, But sooner or later the things you have not faced will strongly appear.

The door must always be open for those that do silently walk away, Don’t feel sadness in your heart don’t force them to stay.

For when they return back home and the door opens wide, You will be standing head held high and say that you have always tried. The Earth is a place where the spirit can return and beautifully grow, It is a place where every soul is tested and can silently go.

Would life not be a little easier with a friend by your side?

To give you strength and courage with so much pride.

How sad would your life have been with no one to hold your hand?

Silently pushing away as you said “they don’t understand”, But if you have never opened your heart and spoken how you feel? How could they have ever known if nothing was ever real? Sometimes a friend may need to go away to learn things knew, And in time they will appreciate that they always had a friend in you. For a friendship is never lost and doesn’t mean you don’t care, But understand this my friend it is not your burden to share. Don’t feel guilty when friends silently say their goodbye, Don’t shed a tear for them don’t ever question why?

For one day when the sun appears, you shall all again come together, Holding your hands so tight in friendship lasting now forever!

© Steven Hemingway Purple Mountain Steven Hemingway The Purple Mountain, Fleetwood M. 07541372445

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