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Strong Immunity - the Key to Wellbeing

Your HealthyFood and Drink WIN

Strong Immunity - The Key to Wellbeing


Immunity is a very hot topic at the moment - one that concerns all of us, however, it is my belief that if we have a fully functioning immune system, viruses and all other infections should not cause our bodies any problem. One of the key systems in the body involved with immunity is the gut - 80% of the immune system is based in the gut. Our gut wall has a huge surface area which is thin and delicate, it needs to be thin so that we can absorb food through it, however, the downside is that it is easily damaged and food proteins can leak through into the bloodstream alerting the immune system. If the immune system is pre-occupied, it is then not concentrating on infections that may be invading the body. Things that can damage the gut wall are - antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, excess sugar, gluten, and other grains, parasites, yeasts, and pathogenic gut bacteria and stress.

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1.Feed the good bacteria - eat leeks, onions, garlic, chickpeas, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potato, chicory, apples. The more variety the better. 2.Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and kefir - to help boost our good levels of bacteria. 3.Stop feeding the bad bacteria which thrive on sugar and refined carbohydrates - try to keep all carbohydrates like bread, pasta and rice as wholegrain as possible - a

high carbohydrate diet tends to feed the pathogenic bacteria. 4.Drink bone broth - this contains easily digestible proteins which can repair our gut wall - it is easy to make but you can also buy very good bone broth from

Dr Gus nutrition - https://www.drgusnutrition .co.uk 5.Try to be aware of your stress levels - if you are feeling overwhelmed, concentrate on your breathing - when we are stressed our breathing gets

fast and shallow - focus on slowing the breath and extending the out breath, in for 4 and out for 8, this calms the body. Keeping our gut wall strong is one of the greatest defences we have against infection. In addition, I always advise taking three key supplements to support immunity - Vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc. If you are interested in the above and want more help please read my book I WISH MY DOCTOR HAD TOLD ME THIS - there is more to our healing than medication. Contact details: Kate Chaytor-Norris DipION, mBANT, CNHC Nutritional Therapist and Nutrigenomics Practitioner kate@nutritionforvitality.co.uk www.kate-chaytor-norris.co.uk @KateChaytorNorr @katechaytornorrisnutrition @katechaytornorrisnutrition

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