Integration course development plan rosa gaspar

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Integrating Newly Arrived Migrants in Schools -Development Plan Name: Rosa LuĂ­sa NĂłbrega da Silva Gaspar Email: Country: Portugal

Date: 06/12/2016 Name of school (optional): Link to your Learning Diary:

How to use this document This document is simply provided as a basic template for you to plan your actions to help the integration of newly arrived migrants in your school or classroom. You can use it as a collaborative document with peers or as your own planning sheet. Feel free to add, adapt or remove sections in order to make it as useful and relevant for your own purposes. You can focus on whole-school issues or only on aspects that are relevant for your own classroom. You will be asked to submit this plan for peer review in the final activity of the course so please make sure you write in English and try to ensure that the plan can be understood also from someone who does not know so much about your school. This template will also help you to put your thoughts in order even if you are not sure if you will be able to implement all actions. You can use it to plan one more immediate action in detail and also note other issues down that need to be tackled - even if this is a task that you cannot or do not want to tackle yourself. After the course you could use the document, for example, to: - Organize and prioritize your own next steps working with newly arrived migrant students - Brainstorm with colleagues what actions/ support you need - Discusswithyour school management - Involveexternal partners

Who can I/we work with? Use this table to identify all the potential partners inside and outside of school that can support your work Organisation/Colleague Red Cross or School Councillor This is a very good idea. Maybe you should consider to call volunteers for translating, or local doctors or psychologists to support migrants.

Focus of cooperation They run the local refugee or foreigners shelter and can help us to get in touch with the parents and also for translators when parents come to school They could ask for potential difficulties without causing any problem.

Contact EXAMPLE: Email address of local Red Cross Contact- Delegação de Madeira - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa Sede. Rua das Mercês, 40 9000224 Funchal Telefone 291 741 115. Fax 291 742 115. ·

Head teacher Perhaps a teach meet or a discussion with all teachers whould be helpfu to.l Parents

He gives the opening speech and encourages parents to beconversational and open minded. He highlights his support to all integrating efforts of his school staff. He calls for allies in this effort.


Summon up theirfriendly spirit, cooperation, volunteering.

Gathering at school

Action Plan COPY THE BELOW TABLE FOR AS MANY ISSUES/AREAS OF WORK YOU NEED: Issue / area of work Current situation Improve empathy between migrant students and their class through different kinds of workshops For foreigner students we will create

Where do you want to get to? For whole class it will be created a confort zone where the sytudentscaninteractwith others

Steps / Actions to achieve this 1) Organize meetings with migrants’ and foreigner ´sfamily and the family of all the other students to let them know and sharetheir sons’

Whocan support this? The headmaster gives And other partnership

Timeframe / Deadline Maybe a six monthacti vities

activities where they will improvetheirknowledge. It could be helpful if you try to contact them in their language via translation, or help them to connect with their fellow students through common activities.

As foreignersspeakonly few words of the Iourlanguage,we will encourage them to search on net anythingtheywant in order to explaintheur background. Tests and enter the highereducational establishment.

2) 3) 4) 5)

We will promote different activities in order to the foregnersfellthey are welcoming and integrate . 6)


experiences, attitudes, hobbies etc. Find out the mostsuitable project forms Have a place where theseweekly meetings canhappenproperly Organise initial groups. Involve all the migrants’’ and foregner’sfamilyand organizegreatactivities, such as games, or literacy saraus where other students or teachers can show their costumes. Organize different activitieswith different partnerships in order to involve all. Invite the wholeschool comunity

such as City Hall communitie s, retired teachers.

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