Machico folk tales

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Madeira folk Tales


The legend of Furnas do Cavalum – Machico

There was a time when, in Madeira, the Devil appeared in the form of Cavalum. Of terrible appearance, the Cavalum resembled a large, noisy horse, with huge bat wings. Their winds roared and ignited, landing the populations of the areas where they passed. Now, walking this boring and desirous of news, he knocked on the door of the church of Machico and then proposed a challenge to God. With the brutality and irreverence of always, said to him: - You there, old man, see if you still have the strength to protect these people, because I'm going to have fun. Deus answer him, angry: - I don't have time for this. But Cavalum left, thinking the warning was enough. Provoked winds!!! IT caused rain!!! Gathering this and that, quickly formed a great and fierce storm over the zone, land and sea.


The people, afflicted, fled, trying to protect themselves, their and their belongings. Satisfied, the Cavalum observed, from high, the chaos that provoked. God, on his side, wrapped in blankets by the fire, hoped the Cavalum would get tired of the prank. and the Cavalum rejoiced... Continued confusion until the church's own crucifix was dragged to the sea... God, indignant now, has risen, determined to end the disaster. Soon, a boat at sea can collect the cross. And the sun, appearing called by him, pushed away winds and thunderstorms. The people then calmed down... And God, to end the hokey of the Cavalum, trapped him in a nearby grotto. Then the devil was detained, cursing furiously. The people say that, since then, in days of great torment, you hear the Beast's paw and shouts, trying to leave the Furnas of the Cavalum where he was arrested by God. If visiting the Machico They hear great torment. Is the Cavalum in Furnas It's the devil trying to...



Done by Students and teachers from the school February 2018


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