Curriculum Vitae Europass Personal information First name / Surname ROSANNA RIZZI Address Mobile E-mail Nationality Date of birth Info Academia
35, Via Enrico Fermi, I-76121, Barletta (BT), Italy +39 349 8342085 Italian 30/07/1980
Certified Mail Gender Birthplace Linkedin Female Barletta (BT) - Italy
Desired employment Assistant GIS Engineer /Occupational Field / Urban and Coastal Planning, Landscape and Architectural Design, Green Urban Spaces, Spatial Analysis, Settlement History Work experience Dates Occupation or position held
February 2015 → Research Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities
GIS-based research on Historical Human Settlements in Southern Italy; map production and GIS data management using historical sources for Atlante storico dell'insediamento meridionale (XV-XX secolo)
Name and address of employer
Università degli Studi Aldo Moro - Dipartimento di Filosofia, Letteratura, Storia e Scienze Sociali (FLESS) - Piazza Umberto I, 1 - I-70121 Bari, Italy -
Dates Occupation or position held
August 2014 → Assistant GIS Specialist
Main activities and responsibilities
Geographical database construction, digitizing GIS data from scanned maps and data artifacts, data conversion, creation and editing about Territori Costruiti of PUTT/P (Piano Urbanistico Territoriale Tematico/Paesaggio - Regione Puglia - Urban and Landscape Plan of Apulia Region) Project: “Servizi funzionali alla costruzione di banche dati relative alla pianificazione urbanistica e paesaggistica nell’ambito del progetto Up-Date - Sistemi per il monitoraggio urbanistico/territoriale” INNOVAPUGLIA SPA
Name and address of employer
SIT srl - Servizi di Informazione Territoriale - Piazza Papa Giovanni Paolo II, 8 - I-70015 Noci - Italy
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
April 2014 → Coastal Landscape and Urban Planner Location surveys, Coastal planning, Landscape and Public Spaces design, Zoning, management manual and guidelines for Piano Comunale delle Coste (Coastal Zone Management Plan) di Molfetta (BA). Geographical Dataset Construction using GIS, map production pursuant to Apulia Regional Law n. 17/2006 Comune di Molfetta –Via Martiri di Via Fani - I-70056 Molfetta (BA) - Italy
Dates Occupation or position held
May 2013 – January 2015 Knowledge Architect and Marketing Responsible for the project m|app Mestieri & Arte Popolare Pugliese granted and funded by “Principi Attivi 2012” Program of Regione Puglia
Main activities and responsibilities
Census of Apulian traditional artisans; geographical database construction and mapping of organizations, entities and museum about Arts&Crafs in Apulia Region. Events and workshops organization, management and communication tasks, social media marketing.
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Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held
APS M/APP – Mestieri & Arte Popolare Pugliese - Via M. Amoruso 19/B - I-70124 Bari - Italy February 2014 – January 2015 Assistant GIS Specialist and Urban Planner
Main activities and responsibilities
Geographical database construction, data conversion from scanned maps, zoning and map creation for Vectorization of Raster Programma di Fabbricazione - Urban Development Plan of Municipality of Castrignano del Capo (LE), using ArcMap 10.0 under the law n. 56/190 of Regione Puglia
Name and address of employer
Comune di Castrignano del Capo – via Municipio - I-73040 Castrignano del Capo (LE) - Italy 1928/serial-beneficiario/3379/tipo/2?servizio=425
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
May 2013 – July 2014 Landscape Architect and Assistant GIS Specialist Geographical Dataset Construction using ArcMap 10.0, historical analysis, map production pursuant to Apulia Regional Law n. 17/2006 for Piano Comunale delle Coste (Coastal Zone Management Plan) di Polignano a Mare. Coastal planning, Landscape and Public Spaces design, Zoning and guidelines. Nicola Martinelli – via Vallisa 13 - I-70122 Bari - Italy Comune di Polignano a Mare - Viale delle Rimembranze, 13 - I-70044 Polignano A Mare (BA) October 2012 – June 2014 External Consultant at Politecnico di Bari - Landscape Architect Integrated approaches to landscape planning for sustainable use of Coastal Zone of Castrignano del Capo (LE) - Piano Comunale delle Coste - Partnership Politecnico di Bari - Municipality of Castrignano del Capo - Scientific Coordinator : Prof. N. Martinelli. Politecnico di Bari – Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, I-70126 Bari - Italy Comune di Castrignano del Capo - via Municipio - I-73040 Castrignano del Capo (LE) - Italy June 2012 - August 2012 Architect Collaboration in master planning, small area development plan, urban design for the Revamping of Manfredonia Commercial Port; Gis Analysis, 2d and 3d drawing I.G. Ingegneri Guadagnuolo & Partners S.r.l. - Via Argiro, 12 - I-70122 Bari, Italy February 2012 → March 2012 External Consultant at Politecnico di Bari - Assistant GIS Engineer and Urban Planner Geographical Data Management about Protection, conservation and enhancement of culturalhistorical heritage of PUG (Piano Urbanistico Generale - General Spatial Plan) of Castrignano del Capo, map production, urban planning using ArcMap 10.0. Partnership Politecnico di Bari Municipality of Castrignano del Capo (LE). Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Nicola Martinelli. Politecnico di Bari – Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, I-70126 Bari - Italy Comune di Castrignano del Capo - via Municipio - I-73040 Castrignano del Capo (LE) - Italy January 2012 – April 2012 Landscape Architect Landscape Analysis and thematic map production about Vallone River and Drover Roads for PUG (Piano Urbanistico Generale - General Spatial Plan) of Apricena; shapefiles creation and data management using ArcMap 10.0. Partnership Politecnico di Bari - Municipality of Apricena (FG). Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Nicola Martinelli. Politecnico di Bari – Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, I-70126 Bari - Italy Comune di Apricena - Corso Gen. Torelli, 59 - I-71011 Apricena (FG) July 2011; March 2011 – April 2011 Landscape Architect Urban spaces design, 2d drawing, 3d modeling and rendering, graphic design, photography for - Project Sector G11 “ZONA UNIVERSITÀRIA MAS VILA BARBERÀ”_FASE 02 “, Reus, Spain - Competition “Projecte Bàsic i d’execució del Passeig Fluvial i àrea de lleure a la Riera d’Arbúcies en el tram comprés entre Can Delfí i l’Institut”, Arbúcies, Spain
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SCOB arquitectura i paisatge - Barcelona – Spain ( Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
May 2011 Landscape Architect Design of public spaces, 2d drawing, 3d modeling and rendering, graphic design for competitions: - Urban renewal for Quinta da Mina / Cidade Sol. Barreiro, Lisbon, Portugal - Sustainable Housingl Complex at Can Coll District, Sant Pere de Ribes, Spain.
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
ANA COELLO PAISAJE Y ARQUITECTURA – Barcelona – Spain ( March 2010 - July 2010; November 2010 - March 2011 Graphic Designer, Translator Editing and Layout of Monographics “Joao Ferreira Nunes (PROAP) – Obras/Works 1994-2010” e “Michael Van Gessel 1997-2010”- Monográficos del Paisaje/Landscape Monographs” PAISAJISMO review ( Arch. Agata Buscemi – Barcelona – Spain May 2010 Architect Graphic Design for Competition Concurso de ideas para la urbanización del Paseo de la Plaza Mayor de Sabadell y de su entorno ‘Construïm el Passeig’ – Third Price for Project ARRAHONA VICTÒRIA FIOL DURAN y MARC DE LA PARRA ALVARO - Barcelona - Spain March 2009 - March 2010 Landscape Architect, Assistant GIS Engineer Landscape design and city planning, building surveying, 2d drawing, 3d modeling and rendering, graphic design, photography, GIS Analysis for - Final Project of Botanical Garden of Giarre, Catania (Sicily, Italy); - Conceptual Design, Final Project and Execution Plan of Playa del Garbet (Colera - Girona, Spain); - Conceptual Design, Final Project and Execution Plan of Paseo Marítimo de Hospitalet de l’Infant (Tarragona, Spain); - Conceptual Design, Final Project and Execution Plan for Urban Renewal of Carrer Telegraf al districte HortaGuinardò (Barcelona, Spain); - Final Project for Pista Polideportiva a Torre Baró (Barcelona, Spain); - Competition Corredor Verd a Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona, Spain); - Competition for Urban Renewal of Oltretorrente di Parma (Italy); - Competition for Park “Campi Diomedei” sull’area denominata “ex Ippodromo” , Foggia (Italy)
Name and address of employer
- Barcelona – Spain
October 2008; July 2009 - September 2009
Occupation or position held
Vectorization of Landscape Protection Areas in Provincia di Bari for the making of “Carta dei Beni Culturali della Regione Puglia” inside PPTR (Piano Paesaggistico Territoriale Tematico - using ESRI ArcGis, Geographical Database management, map production
Main activities and responsibilities
Direzione Generale per i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici della Puglia (Regional Directorate for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Puglia) Strada dei Dottula – Isolato 49 – 70122 Bari, Italy
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Pagina 3/7
September 2008 - January 2009 CAD Designer Classification and comparative analysis of typologies of domes in Axial Domed Churches in “Terra di Bari” for PRIN 2005 “Conoscenza delle tecniche costruttive storiche: protocolli e strumenti innovativi per la diffusione e l’applicabilità al processo di conservazione” – Coord. Arch. Claudio Varagnoli Arch. Anita Guarnieri - Via Putignani, 7 – I-70121 – Bari - Italy March 2007 CAD Designer Early Planning, Building Refurbishment and Design for P.I.R.P. (Programma Integrato di Riqualificazione delle Periferie) San Marcello - Villa Giustiniani - Bari Arch. Paolo Antonio Maria Maffiola - Via Nicolò Piccinni , 97 – I-70122 – Bari – Italy October 2006 - August 2008 Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015
Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer
CAD/GIS Operator, editing, graphic designer Partecipation as collaborator in the Team headed by Prof. Ing. Alberto Clementi for the European Competition “Riqualificazione di via Sparano e degli spazi pubblici del Borgo Murattiano” Comune di Bari – Project “Flesh and Stone” Prof. Ing. Alberto Clementi - Studio di Progettazione Martinelli – Mininni 97, Via Nicolò Piccinni – 70122 Bari – Italy From July 2005 to November 2005 Graphic Designer Project Design, editing, layout for two publications about Restoration of Ancient Buildings – Chiese a Cupola in asse Faculty of Architecture of Politecnico di Bari - Via Orabona, 4 – I-70125 Bari – Italy February 2004 - June 2008 CAD Designer Concept Design, Building Refurbishment and Final Project of Parking, Residence and Public Buildings Ing. Rizzi Savino - Via Enrico Fermi, 35 – I-76121 – Barletta – Italy
Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Notes
Dates Title of qualification awarded
March 2012 - December 2012 Corso di formazione specialistica in Diagnostica archeologica e archeologia preventiva (Specialist training course on Archaeological Diagnostics and Preventive Archaeology) Università degli Studi di Foggia - Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze Della Formazione - Via Arpi, 176 - I-71121 Foggia - Italy Post-doc – Specialization course within the research project Archaeoscapes, aimed at testing of diagnostic techniques with innovative computing methods based on intelligent systems for information extraction, classification and multidimensional and multisensory data fusion for the automatic diagnostic of archaeological sites. October 2009 - June 2011 Master Degree in Landscape Architecture (29^ edition) COMPLETED: • The Design of Water Systems: Coasts, Rivers, Agriculture (150 h) • Designing Public Spaces (150 h) • Intensive International Course. Redo Landscapes (100 h) • Systems of Green Spaces: From Urban Open Spaces to Natural Parks (150 h) • New Uses for Old Territories: Tourism (150 h) FINALIZING: • Final Thesis (50 h)
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
UPC Foundation - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – ETSAB - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona - Avinguda Diagonal, 649 - 08028 Spain
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Notes
3rd cycle - postgraduate studies The qualification by UPC Foundation is admitted by EFLA (European Federation for Landscape Architects).
Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training Date
06/02/09 State qualifying examination to practice the profession of Architect Politecnico di Bari – Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, I-70126 Bari - Italy
October 1999 – July 2008
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata
Laurea - Degree in Architecture, Final Grade: 107/110; Final Dissertation in Architectural Design titled: “Progetto di Riqualificazione del Sistema Costiero e delle Aree Umide del Territorio Ugentino”, Thesis advisor: Prof. Arch. Attilio Petruccioli.
Nome e tipo d'organizzazione
Politecnico di Bari – Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, I-70126 Bari - Italy
Livello nella classificazione nazionale Pagina 4/7
Five-year master’s Degree in Architecture Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015
The Thesis is part of the Plan WET SYS “B” (2006/2007) “Environmental Features and Sustainable Development of the Albanian and Apulian Wetlands: Requalification of artificial coastal basins” funded by Community initiative Programme INTERREG III A ITALIA – ALBANIA, Axis II “Ambient and Health”
Workshops and Stages
Partecipation at Design Workshop “GILLES VEXLARD – MATERIA-TERRA. QUALITA’, USI, PROGETTI” (50 h) – Milano, 14th/18th September 2011 promoted by ACMA – Centro Italiano di Architettura, about Reuse and Rehabilitation of Parco Sud Landcape in Milano. Partecipation at Trilateral workshop Town towards water_Großräschen at Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus about Mining Drosscapes and Shrinking Cities, ERASMUS Intensive Program – CottbusBerlin, 7th/15th May 2011. Internship at BiA Office funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci 2008/09 Program, 23/03/2009 - 11/07/2009, Barcelona, Spain, n. EUROPASS MOBILITA’ IT.00.2009.641.30.ES.10
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue
Understanding Listening
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
B2 Upper Intermediate B2
Upper Intermediate
B2 Upper Intermediate B1
CATALAN (****)
GERMAN (***)
Computer skills and competences
Organisational skills and competences
Writing Intermediate
07/1995 – Kilkenny – Ireland; 07/1999 – 08/1999– Reading – UK; 03/2009 – 10/2011 – Barcelona – Spain (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (**) Cambridge Certification ESOL PET - November 2004.; (***) Attendance Certificate – German Language Course: Beginner - Laboratorio Linguistico at Politecnico di Bari 29/10/2007; (****) Acreditaciò de nivell - 23/06/2009 Centre de Normalitzaciò Linguistica de Barcelona
Operating Systems Environments: Windows, Mac OS, Linux Office automation: Word, Excel, Works, Access, Power Point, OpenOffice Suite Graphics: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign CAD: Autodesk AutoCAD, Archicad, SketchUP GIS: ESRI ArcMap, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, 3D Analyst, Autocad Map, Quantum GIS Excellent attitude in multidisciplinary team coordination, problem solving, scientific research and communication process. Skills in social and natural sciences to approach natural resources management, environmental management, urban planning, and design, with a focus on coastal and marine environments and community based management. Seven years’ experience as Architect – urban planning and design. Expertise in: Information processing, integration of scientific and local knowledge; Methods to support decision making for policy makers and environmental managers; Regional and town Planning, Urban design, GIS, editing thematic maps, elements of social research in the planning of a city
Teaching Activities 2014 Teacher of the GIS Training Program organized by PSMP International Cooperation Project about and Research Capacity Building to support Municipality of Bethlehem (Palestine) 15 h – 3rd/7th March 2014 2013 Adjunt Assistant Professor. Tutoring and teaching in the Studio of Urban Planning, first year of Architecture Degree Course- DICEM - Università degli Studi della Basilicata - Via Lazzazera, 75100 Matera, Italy - Academic Year 2012/2013 Advising students to help them analyzing their case study area from spatial, socio-economic and historical perspectives, and proposing projects; lessons on examples from urban planning and landscape architecture; research and analysis, preparation of exhibitions showing he work of the Pagina 5/7
Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015
students. Lecturer at MORFOLOGIA E IDENTITA' DELLE CITTA' A SCACCHIERA, Tra modello ideale e realtà Seminar for Urban Planning Course at Politecnico di Bari, Via Orabona 4, Bari, Italy Member of the Research Group of Università degli Studi della Basilicata (Matera, Italy) - Project: PON SMARTERA Smart Culture and Tourism, OR 4.2 Sistema sensoriale per l’interazione ambientale nell'area di Matera per informazioni turistiche e culturali (Scientific Coordinator UNIBAS_DICEM Prof. Mariavaleria Mininni). Member of the Research Group of Università degli Studi della Basilicata (Matera, Italy) - PRIN RECYCLE Italy “RE-CITYING. Recycling like infrastructure to reactivating the city” in collaboration with Research Group of Università degli Studi di Genova. Case study: Matera and peri-urban areas. (Scientific Coordinator UNIBAS_DICEM Prof. Mariavaleria Mininni). 2012 Tutor, collaborator lecturer at Second Workshop – Summer School of Partecipated Planning at Intermediate Scale Open City – “Paesaggi lungo la via ferrata”, Bisceglie (BT), 17th – 22nd September 2012 for PTCP Formation Activity (Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento Provinciale). Politecnico di Bari – Provincia di Barletta-Andria-Trani. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Nicola Martinelli. 2011 Tutor, collaborator lecturer at First Workshop Summer School of Partecipated Planning at Intermediate Scale Open City - “Il fiume Ofanto”, Barletta (BT) , 14th-19th September 2011 for PTCP Formation Activity (Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento Provinciale). Politecnico di Bari – Provincia di Barletta-Andria-Trani. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Nicola Martinelli.
• MILELLA S., MAROCCO F., RIZZI R., “Sostenibilità e mediterraneità nel progetto delle spiagge: avalli e confutazioni su una possibile via italiana per l’urban design” in Atti della XVII Conferenza Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, L’urbanistica italiana nel mondo, Prospettive internazionali, contributi e debiti culturali (Milano, 15th-16th May 2014), Planum. The Journal of Urbanism |, no.29, vol.2 (2014), ISSN 1723-0993. • MININNI MV., RIZZI R., “How to manage conflicts between resources explotation and identity values. The Agri Valley amid oil supply and the Lucanian Apennines National Park” in R. Gambino, A. Peano (ed.), Nature Policies and Landscape Policies: Towards an Alliance, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (DE), 2014, ISBN 9783319054094. • MARTINELLI N., MILELLA S., DICILLO C., MICUNCO S., RIZZI R., “Un piano portuale come strumento di ricomposizione di conflittualità in un porto di provincia : il caso dell’area metropolitana di Bari”, in N. Canessa, M. Marengo, E. Nan (ed.), Manuel Gausa, Mosè Ricci, MED NET 0.2 Report, Atti del Convegno Internazionale Med.Net.Eu.12_New devices for Mediterranean Coastal Territories , Genova, 28th-29th June 2012, LISt Lab, Laboratorio Internazionale Editoriale, Trento, 2014, ISBN 9788895623856, p. 440-451. • MININNI MV., DICILLO C., RIZZI R., “Il Parco della Palomba a Matera tra arte urbana e mise en paysage”, in Monograph, Research 5, Atti del R.E.D.S. Rome Ecological Design Symposium, Roma, 26th-27th September 2013, ListLab, Trento, ISBN 9788895623924, pp. 128-131. • MININNI MV., DICILLO C., RIZZI R., “Riciclo e nuova bonifica del XXI secolo. La vicenda materana riletta alla luce di una strategia agro urbana”, in Monograph, Research 5, Atti del R.E.D.S. Rome Ecological Design Symposium, Roma, 26th-27th September 2013, ListLab, Trento, ISBN 9788895623924, pp. 299-301. • MININNI MV., DICILLO C., RIZZI R., “Residui e riusi di materiali agrourbani a Matera”, in Atti della XVI Conferenza Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, Urbanistica per una diversa crescita. Aporie dello sviluppo, Uscita dalla crisi e progetto del territorio contemporaneo, Napoli, 9th-10th May 2013, in Planum The Journal of Urbanism, n.27, vol.II (2013), ISSN 1723-0993, pp. 181-186. • RIZZI R., “Il Murattiano Mancato”, Preprint delle Giornate Internazionali di Studio sul Murattiano 1813-2013, Bari, 21st-22nd April 2013 (in press). • CASCELLA S., DICILLO C., RIZZI R., “Paesaggi lungo la via ferrata. Prime riflessioni intorno agli scenari di pianificazione e sviluppo della tratta ferroviaria Barletta – Spinazzola”, in MOCCIA, Francesco Domenico (a cura di), Atti del Convegno della VII Giornata di studi dell’INU, “La città sobria”, Napoli, 14th December 2012, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2013, ISBN 978-88-495-2738-4. • RIZZI R., SIMONE M. (2012), “Sviluppo della portualità turistica e Rete Natura 2000. Una sfida possibile?”, in Atti del Convegno Green City Energy Med, Bari, 12nd-13rd November 2012. • MARTINELLI N., MILELLA S., DICILLO C., MICUNCO S., RIZZI R., “Per una tassonomia della Portualità Turistica Pugliese”, in Atti del Convegno Green City Energy Med, Bari, 12nd-13rd November 2012.
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Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015
• Degree Thesis “Progetto di Riqualificazione del Sistema Costiero e delle Aree Umide del Territorio Ugentino” partially published in “Metodo e progetto per la costruzione del paesaggio. Ugento: un atlante progettuale” di Montalbano C., Editore CaratteriMobili, 2012, ISBN 889698937X, 9788896989371, pp. 40-55, 64-70, 80-89, 104-119, 122-160, 183-220. • RIZZI R., GRECO F., FRANCH M.(2012), “Reversibilità dei processi di consumo di suolo in ambito costiero”, Atti della XV Conferenza Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, L’urbanistica che cambia: Rischi e valori, Pescara, 10th-11th June 2012, in Planum The Journal of Urbanism, n.25, vol.2/2012, October 2012, ISSN 1723-0993..
Conferences and Events January 2015 →
Organizing and Scientific Secretary for CRIAT (Inter-University Center for Territorial Analysis) Communication and correspondence, events and activities organization, website update Piazza Umberto I, 1 - I-70121 Bari, Italy - October 2013 - December 2013 Organizing Secretary for 11th Edition of LEVANTE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Communication and correspondence, events and activities organization, translations, graphic design. Via Bari, 27 -70126, Bari (Italy) - June 2013 – July 2013 Member of the Organizing Comitee of Conference “Bari e Il Porto – Progetti Borbonici e Murattiani” during vernissage of QR_PORT expo, Casa del Portuale, Bari, 24th July 2013, Autorità Portuale del Levante. November 2012 – April 2013 Organization of “Giornate Internazionali di Studio sul Murattiano” Symposium, 21st-22nd April 2013. Public relations, translations, graphic design (brochure, colophon). Politecnico di Bari – Comitato per le Celebrazioni per il Bicentenario del Murattiano di Bari. Speaker about “Il Murattiano Mancato”. March 2010 - October 2010 Organizing Secretary, Press Office for 6ª BIENNAL EUROPEA DE PAISATGE DE BARCELONA. Organization of events, expositions, public relations, graphic design for brochure. Design of green ephemeral installation for Plaza Nova, ETSAB, Palau de la Musica. Col•legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya - Barcelona – Spain -
Speaker at XVI Conferenza Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, Urbanistica per una diversa crescita. Aporie dello sviluppo, Uscita dalla crisi e progetto del territorio contemporaneo, Napoli, 9th-10th May 2013 about “Residui e riusi di materiali agrourbani a Matera”. Speaker at SMART CITY Seminar organized by Prof. Luigi Di Prinzio IUAV about m|app project, Politecnico di Bari, 2th8 March 2013. Partecipation at 7^ Biennal Europea de Arquitectura del Paisaje de Barcelona, 27th-29th September 2012. Speaker at MED.NET.EU.12_New devices for Mediterranean Coastal Territories, Genova, 28th-29th June 2012. Speaker at XV Conferenza Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti L’urbanistica che cambia: rischi e valori, Pescara, 10th-11th June 2012. Participation at 4° GFOSS DAY – Geospatial Free and Open Source Software; Workshop about QGis, gvSIG, Volunteered Geographic Information – Foggia, 24th – 25th November 2011. Speaker at Wet Sys B Seminaries about La riqualificazione del sistema delle aree umide del territorio ugentino, with Research Group of ICAR Department of Politecnico di Bari – October 2008.
Additional information
• Member, Commissione Locale per il Paesaggio del Comune di Barletta (Local Comitee for Landscape of Municipality of Barletta) as Expert in Landscape Planning (from October 2014) • Founder and President of Cultural Association M/APP - Mestieri & Arte Popolare Pugliese (from May 2013) - granted and funded by “Principi Attivi 2012” Program of Regione Puglia. • Licensed architect, registered in the Italian ‘rdine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori (from January 2009) • Translator from Spanish into Italian for the Italian Edition (in press) of “Historia Visual de las Cruzadas Modernas: de la Jerusalen Liberada a la Guerra Global”, Pedro García Martín, Editorial Machado, Madrid, 2010, ISBN 9788477742548
Driving licence Driving licence - Category B Last update: February 2015 Pagina 7/7
Curriculum vitae di Rosanna Rizzi - February 2015