ITALY This is a country called Italy,located in the southern part of Europe. Italy is famous for its landmarks,some of these landmarks are: COLOSSEUM:the colosseum is located in Rome and is the famous amphitheater in the Rome world.its famous for its gladiators who used to fight .It was constructed by Emperor Vespanian of the Florian dynasty in 72AD and was finished by his Titus in 80AD.The Colosseum was capable of holding some 50,000 spectators who could enter the building through no less than 80 entrances. Leaning Tower of Pisa:It is located in Nepal. It famous of its tiltness on ground. It was built in the 2nd half of the century. It has 296 steps and the only tilted buiding in the world.
This ie the european map. Europe has 52 countries and it is located directly north,of the African continent.
THE GOVERNMENT OF ITALY The people of the Italy vote for a candidate,the candidate that wins becomes the president of Italy. The president of Italy was elected to a seven year term by both of the houses in Parliament. In Italy the president must be at least 50 years. They show the prime minister,who forms the government. The president has got the power to get ride of the Parliament and call a new election. The president is the commander of the Italians. Italy does not have a vice president. If the president dies an election is held,to appoint a new president.
CURRENCY Italy is a part of EU and is one of many countries in EU that uses the Euro system
FOOD A very popular, classic and tasty Italian dish is the pasta a la carbonara. It is a pasta dish served in a sauce made out of cheese and eggs with bits of bacon in it and last spiced with black pepper. It's origin Is unknown but since carbonari means charcoal burner it is believed to have been the food of the charcoal workers in the old mines. Some believe it's named in respect of the Charcoalmen which had a head point in the unification of Italy. But probably it is just an ancient Roman dish.
SIGHTSEEING There are many things in Italy worth seeing, most of them located in Rome but some in other places. In Rome many of the sightseeing is ancient Roman buildings like the Colosseum, a gigantic amphitheater called the Flavian amphitheater and had bloody games at ca. 80 The Trojan market which was a market built by the emperor Trajan as a new “shop district� or Forum Romanum, a big forum were in the ancient times people traded, had political discussions and religious gatherings. Forum Romanum is in the middle of Rome at the base of the hill of Capitolium, up towards the hill Palatine. More sightseeing in Rome is the St. Peter church in the Vatican where the pope lives and the castle St. Angelo at the river of Tiber. Outside Rome sightseeing is things like the leaning tower in Pisa and the cultural city of Florens.
ARCHITECTURE The architect Apollodorus of Damascus was the head architect of the emperor Trajan, and built the market of Trajan (100-112). He was supposedly from Damascus and made many great works like baths,basilicas and markets shows his talent and that he was a innovative architect.
LANGUAGES In Italy their official language is Italian. Also some phrases is ; Ciao , come stai? Wich means : Hi , how are you? Benvenuti nella mi casa. Which means : Welcome to my house.
AN IMPORTANT HISTORIC EVENT One of the biggest historic events in Italy's history is when emperor Diocletian devided the empire into two parts. The empire was just to big so he needed to devide
it into two parts. Diocletian had control over the eastern part and the western was controlled by Maximiam. But Diocletian always had absolute power over both halves. The roman empire would after the first divide be reunited and divided many times more.
SCHOOL SYSTEMS The Italian school system is pretty similar to our Swedish school system but with other names. Its free and is between 6-16 years old. It consists of five stages. Kindergarten (schoula dell``infanzia) , primary school ( scuola primaria , lower secondary school ( scuola secondaria di pramo grado , upper secondary school (scoula secondaria di secondo grado) and university. Italy also have the oldest university in the world and that is the university of Bologna.
FLAG Italy's flag has three equal broad bands of red, white and green. The flag is a combination of different flags that Napoleon had sat out in Italy from 1797. When the country had united in 1861, they decided to keep the flag. The only thing different from today's flag is that they had put the royal family Savoy arms in the middle of the white field, but it was dropped in 1946 when Italy became a republic. The flag became official that same year on 18 June.
CLIMATE, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE Italy has basically three different climate. temperate climate, alpine and Mediterranean climate. it's temperate climate throughout northern Italy except the Alps and the Gulf of Genoa. The Alpine in the Alps and in some parts of Alpenninerna. And Mediterranean climate can be found at the coast (except the Gulf of Venice), the southern part of the country and the islands. because it's different climates, there are also various animal and plant species in Italy.
RELIGION the main religion is Catholic Christianity and in the Vatican (in the middle of Rome) there is St.Peterskyrkan where the Pope who is the leader of all Catholics live.
CELEBRITY Asia Argento was born 20/8 1975 in Rome. She lived in a family of actors and filmmakers. she has been one of the most sought after Italian actresses and she has been featured in films such as Zoo, Palombella roses, Le amiche part cuore and Il fantasma Theatre and more. Her latest film is xXx that is a horror movie.
ENGLANDS FLAG Englands flag is painted with red crossand white backgraund. This flag is called sankt georgcross as become token of cross trane. During 1200 cenury funcioned the flag of the state from to 1707 then component in the great
brittain unionflag.but sankt georgcross beceme more popylar as nation flag among English man today.In the first cross trane year 1099 was sankt georg one patron and in the war they careyed a equal arm of a red cross wich was named bay him.
CURRENCY In England the currency is pound and one pound = 11 Swedish crowns. There are one penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, 20 pence, 50 pence, one pound, 2 pounds that is coins. The notes are 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds and 50 pounds.
ENGLISH In England they talk english. Here is coming some words. How are you to day?
Hur m책r du
Hello, my name is....
Hej! Jag heter...
How old are you?
Hur gammal 채r du?
Thank you.!
Yes and no
Ja och nej.
CLIMATE The climate of England is temperate climate. Temperate climate is when it is mild winters and cool summers. When it is temperate climate it is windy. The temperature fall rarely under 10- winter time, and rises rarely over 35+ summer time.
HISTORICAL EVENT The battle of Hastings took place on October 14 1066. It was a fight between the Englishmen and the Normans from France. The result of the battle was a major French victory, allowing William of Normandy to the English throne, and become king. This Norman control of the English throne lead to other wars later, such as The Hundred Years War. Hastings was the most important battle in the Norman conquest.
THE ENGLISH SCHOOL SYSTEM School is compulsory in England from 5-16 years. When you're from 5-11 years old , you will be in the "primary school" (elementary school), and then it's secondary school. From 14 years, goes in two or three subjects to do graduate work and sample.From 16 years as the school is voluntary, if you continue to read it at 2-3 threads, have exams ect the last two years (from age 16-18) are students
atsomething called "sixth form colleges". School uniforms may be compulsory in some schools, but in the majority of schools, this is not a must. Children usually start school at eight o'clock and ends about half past two. In England, you can also select out of many fun topics from the obligatory, such as photography, drama and more. The english school year consists of three semesters starting in September, January and April.
ENGLISH FOOD A typical English food is the very famous Fish and chips. Fish and chips is deep-fried fish and French fries. The course is served with remoulade sauce and mashed peas, often in a newspaper for the right fealing. The fish was orginally deep-fried in lard, but present day in oil, for example sunflower oil. Fish and Chips have been one of England's national dishes because it's good taste and popularity in the branch of fast food. The course developed in the middle of 1800's when the chips came.
Recipe: For the chips: · 3 3/4 pints (2 liters) vegetable oil · 2 pounds (950 grams) floury potatoes, like russets, peeled and cut into large chips For the batter: · 1 cup plain flour · 1 cup beer · 2 egg whites, whipped to soft peaks · Salt · 4 (9 ounce/250 gram) fillets haddock or cod, skin on, and pin boned How to do: Pour all the vegetable oil into a deep pan or deep fat fryer, and heat to 300 degrees F (160 degrees C.)Blanch the cut potatoes in the oil until soft, but not colored, about 4 minutes. Remove and drain. Mix together the flour and the beer, then fold in the egg whites. Turn up the heat of the oil to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Dip the fish in the batter and fry for a few minutes with the chips until golden brown.
CELEBRITIES Wayne Rooney The Beatles
SIGHTS Madame Tussauds is an exhibition of wax dolls that looks like famous persons, it lies in London. Marie Tussaud that owns the exhibition, she worked like a housekeeper for Phillipe Curtius. Phillip Curstis learned her to do wax dolls and after that she moves to London and start Madame Tussauds. London Eye: The London Eye is a Paris Wheels really an observation wheel in London which raised to celebrate the millennium 1999-2000. At the top you find yourself 135 feet above the ground and has about 40 kilometers views in every direction. The London Eye was built and was opened on 31 December 1999. London eye could not be opened until March because of technical problems. Around 1700 tons of steel used to construct London eye.There are 32 cars that go around. It takes about 30 minutes to one full turn. The London Eye is the world's fourth largest "wheel". Tower bridge: It was built in the late 1800's. Tower Bridge is a bascule bridge over the River Thames in London. Tower Bridge is 244 meters long, 16 meters wide and weighs 11,000 ton.
ARCHITECTURE Big Ben. London is England's capitaler was completed in 1858. It has four bells because the tower is square. The clock started ticking Sept. 7, 1859, and in 2009 had Big Ben knit in 150 years. Augustus Pugin. The architect who designed Big Ben was named Augustus Pugin. Pugin was the son of a French architect and artist who taught his son to take to Gothic churches and architectural details. He was born the 1 march in 1812 and died the 14 sept in 1852.
He wrote many books on the subject that he despised the classical architecture he meant was pagan.
GERMAN FLAG CURRENCY In Germany they have Euro as value and that's almost 9 Swedish crowns. There are one cent, 2 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, one euro, 2 euro as coins. The notes are 10 euro, 20 euro, 50 euro, 100 euro, 200 euro.
LANGUAGE In Germany they speak German.
CLIMATE, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE Germany is between western European coastal climate,and the central European continental climate. Germany is in the reansition area between the western Erupoean coastal climate, and the Central European continental climate. In Germany they have bears, reindeer, snakes, rabbits, elk, horses and other levely insects.
HOW THE COUNTRY IS RULED Their Chancellor is Anglela Merkel. Germany is a replublic, it means that they have a president. Germany is a democracy that means that everyone who lives in Germany are allowed to decide.
RELIGION Christianity is the biggest religion in Germany.
HISTORY Hitler, from Germany, was the man who started the Second World war. He ruled in Germany and his goal was to have a dictator and remove the democracy in the land. He was determined to conquer the whole Europe. He was working on his plan in secret and one of his plans were to do all areas where people spoke german would belong to Germany. In 1 September 1939 Germany going into Poland, which was the start signal for the Second World War. In the second world war it was two teams Germany, Japan and Italy against British Empire, USA, Russia and China. The British was trying to defend it´s empire in japan and china but still fight and protect England, Europe, Egypt and middle east from Hitler. The second world war killed the most people in the worlds history. About 50 million died, including 30 million in Europe (6 million were Jews) and 20 million in the Middle East. The Berlin wall was built August 13, 1961 and declined 9 November 1989. It was built to keep the people from the west away from the people from the east. The government decided to tear down the wall because the people from the west went through it.
SCHOOL SYSTEM In the German school they go Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00. They have pretty much homework in Germany. After school, there are school activities that one can do. In the land that is changing weather so the school play will be as the weather. One must choose a direction, it could be: language, literature and the arts, social sciences or mathematics and science. The German school system is divided into 12 grades. When walking in high school, you move the last three grades (1, 2 and 3). The school year begins in August / September and ends in June.
GERMAN FOOD The German food is like the Swedish food. They eat a lot of sausage like Bratwurst and pickled cabbage. They also have the course Spätzle. The name Spätzle means Little Sparrow and it mades of a dough. The Spätzle can look like spaghetti but after the appearance the name also change. You eat Spätzle most on the autumn with cheese and onion.
Recipe: Ingridients: 1 cup all purpose flour • • • • • • •
1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 large eggs 1/4 cup milk 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons minced fresh chives
Directions In a large bowl, combine the flour, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. In another mixing bowl, whisk the eggs and milk together. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the egg-milk mixture. Gradually draw in the flour from the sides and combine well; the dough should be smooth and thick. Let the dough rest for 10 to 15 minutes. Bring 3 quarts of salted water to a boil in a large pot, then reduce to a simmer. To form the spaetzle, hold a large holed colander or slotted spoon over the simmering water and push the dough through the holes with a spatula or spoon. Do this in batches so you don't overcrowd the pot. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until the spaetzle floats to the surface, stirring gently to prevent sticking. Dump the spätzle into a colander and give it a quick rinse with cool water. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat and add the spaetzle; tossing to coat. Cook the spaetzle for 1 to 2 minutes to give the noodles some color, and then sprinkle with the chopped chives and season with salt and pepper before serving.
CELEBRITY Mesut Özil. Mesut Özil is a famous football player from Germany. He was born in Gelsenkirchen year 1988, 15 of October. He is left-footed and plays midfielder his number is 8 in the national team. Özil has played in Schalke 04, Real Madrid, Werder Bremen, the national German team (U21 and the original German team)
With Schalke 04 he has come second in the German league, Werder Bremen second in the UEFA- cup and third place in the World Championship in 2010.
RAMMSTEIN Rammstein is a famous rock band in Germany, the band formed in Berlin 1994 with the singer called Till Lindermann, the lead guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe, the Rhythm guitarist Paul H. Landers, the keyboardist and synthesizer Christian “Flake” Lorenz, the bass guitarist Oliver Riedel and the drummer Christoph Schneider. Their first single released in 1995 and it was called “Du riechst so gut” witch mean “you smell so good” but the most famous song is “Du hast”.
BUILDINGS Brandenburg Tor The Gate is 26 meters high, 65.5 meters wide and 11 meters thick. The Nazis used the port as a symbol of power. After the war, it was the only building that remained intact on Pariser Platz. 1961 closed the door when the Berlin Wall was built. 1963 visited the American President John F Kennedy Brandenburg Gate. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 became the Brandenburg Gate a symbol of peace. The Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was built by East Germany to stop the
widespread exodus of East German population to the West via West Berlin. Berlin Wall construction began during the night between 12 and 13 August 1961. Then began over 14 500 East German soldiers, policemen and workers building. After the war, it was the only building that remained intact on Pariser Platz. 1961 closed the door when the Berlin Wall was built. 1963 visited the American President John F Kennedy Brandenburg Gate. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 became the Brandenburg Gate a symbol of peace.
ARCHITECTURE Aachen Cathedral. Charlemagne began the construction of the palace chapel in the city of Aachen year the 786th When he died in 814, he was buried in his own cathedral, and his remains are still preserved in a reliquary and Crux gemmata.
Charlemagne. People belive that Charlemagne was born the 2 april in 742, he died the 18 january in 814. He inherited the French throne with his brother Karlo Mann. But when Karlo Mann died in the year 771 Charlemagne was the throne for himself.
The flag of Turkey (Türk bayrağı in Turkish) is a red flag with a crescent moon and a star in its center. The flag is called Ay-yıldız (moon-star) or Al-bayrak (red flag). The Turkish flag is referred to as Al sancak (red banner) in the Turkish national anthem. The flag uses the same symbols of the former ottoman flag adopted in 1844.
KINGDOMS Turkey has been a part of many different kingdoms throughout history, for example the Ottomans and the Byzantines. The Ottomans took the Byzantines capital, Constantinople, in the year 1453. There were many more but one's special, the Trojans. The legendary Trojan war between the Greeks and the Trojans which ended when the Greeks built the “Trojan Horse”, the horse of wood was supposed to be a peace gift, but what the Trojans didn't know was that the horse was full of Greeks. They took the city and burnt it after the war.
ARCHITECTURE The blue Mosque is a famous building in Turkey, it was was built in 1616 in Istanbul. The Architect that designed the building is named Sedefkar Mehmed Aga. It's called Blue Mosque because it has blue tiles encircling the walls, ceiling and the floor. It has a capacity of over 10.000 people at a time. It's 64m wide and 72 meters long, its highest dome is 43 meters high! The building was built for a Sultan called Ahmed and the mosque is also called “Sultan Ahmeds Mosque.
FOOD Kebab is a dish originally from Turkey, the original ingredients were lamb. The dish were created by Persian soldier in the medieval age. The Recipe: 500g lean lamb mince •3 garlic cloves, crushed •1 tbs plain flour •2 tbs each olive oil and chopped parsley •2 tsp each ground cumin and cinnamon •3 tsp ground coriander •1 egg, beaten •Lemon, warmed pita, salad, natural yoghurt and mint, to serve Step 1. Preheat grill to medium-high. Line base of a 28cm x 8cm lamington pan with baking paper and lightly grease. Combine lamb, garlic, flour, oil, parsley, spices, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl. Press into an even layer in the pan. Step 2. Place pan under the grill for 4 minutes or until lightly browned. Drain off any liquid, then invert onto a board. Discard paper, then return meat to pan, sealed- side down, and grill for 2 minutes until cooked through. Slice meat into thin strips, squeeze over lemon, then pack into pita with salad, yoghurt and mint.
LANGUAGE The country's official language is Turkish which is spoken by approximately 85% of the population as mother tongue. Around 12% of the others speaks Kurdish as mother tongue Arabic and Zanza are the mother tongues of more than 1% of the population each, and several other languages are the mother tongues of smaller parts of the population.
Phrases: Hi, what's your name? - Hey, senin adın ne? - Turkish What's your name? - ناوت چیه,چیه؟ ناوی تۆ- Kurdish
CLIMATE, VEGETATION AND ANIMAL LIFE In the north of Turkey there is a lot of cocoa. More inland or “Anatolia” there's a lot of hills and mountains. In the middle of “Anatolia” there is a place called “Konyabäckenet” and it is the most valuable bird lakes in the whole country. The biggest lake is called Tuz Gölü and it's a saltwater lake so there’s a lot of flamingos there. In Turkey there is a lot of birds, some of them are flamingos, lesser kestrel, white-headed duck, red crested pochard, Great sand plover, spoonbill, white pelican and so on. All of these birds live in Konyabäckenet. Along with the coast of the black sea there is a mountain range called “Pontic Mountains”. In the north they have a sub tropic climate. In the south there is a mountain range with big mountains, deep canyons and big water falls. It's a lot of different animal species there, but most of them are birds. These mountains is called “Taurus Mountains”. After these mountains there is a river called “Gö ksu” floating out in the wetlands, there is a lot of turtles living in these waters.
RELIGION The dominant religion in Turkey is Islam and most of the Turks and the Kurds are Sunni Muslims. The majority of Muslims is Sunni Muslims. Turkey is a country with a large religious freedom and there are also religious minorities in the country, such as Orthodox, Armenian, Christians and Jews. Mosques found in different places in Turkey is the prayers and sermon. But the really big mosques are only available in the larger cities. Muslims pray at least five time per week, but preferably on Fridays, but once a day if you can. According to the religion should pray five times a day. One is reminded of it every day through prayer out cries called out from the minarets. The Muslim fasting month of Ramadan and usually begin in early August.
SCHOOL SYSTEM The primary school in Turkey has a 8-year free start that is obligated elementary schools. There is also toll-schools that the countries political and rich elite are using. After the 8 year obligated school they can try to get in to a high school where they study for four years. After they graduate from the schools in turkey most of the Turkish students choose to study in other countries.
SIBEL CAN-FAMOUS SINGER Sibel can introduced her career as a professional belly dancer when she was 14 years old. In 1987 she had her singing debut with the album Günah Bize. In the time we live in she have made 20 albums! Her most famous song is padigah that came out in 1997. Sibel was born the 1st of august 1970. She got married with sulhi aksüt in mars 2000
POLITICS Turkey have a president that have bean selected by the people and they also have a government that have bean selected parliament. The judge they seen like a task to keep the anti religion legality after father to the people Kemal Atatúrk. The military have big influences at the national safety conciliar.
TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Hagia Sofia: is a big church that was first christian but after a wile that been orthodox Celsus library: was made by Ceasar but is a ruin now The legendary walls of Troy: is the ruin of the walls in Troy. Anitkabir: is a monument to Turkeys first president. Agora of Symfna: is white columns in Izmir.
CURRENCY Turkeys currency is called Turkish Lira.
HISTORY The fall of Constantinople Constantinople was the capital of the Roman Empire, 330-395, and has bean sieged many times. However, Constantinople has only been occupied one time, by the fourth crusades, but they weren´t able to keep their position. Sultan Mehemet II was the leader of the Ottoman Empire that sieged Constantinople with a big army with 200,000-300,000 ground forces, 70 ships and 20 galleys. Mehemet had a big canon that he shot at Constantinople but it took such a long time to reload, that the people had time to rebuild the things he wanted to destroy. Mehemet also tried to take over the city by the sea but at the Golden Horn there was a big chain across the river so they couldn't pass it to continue. During the night of May 22nd Mehemet stormed the city by land. The first wave of attack was light amour soldiers called Basibozuk. The second attack was Turkish
soldiers and the third attack was Mehemet´s elite soldiers that find a weak porch that was covered by stones from wall surrounding the city. After Mehemet`s intake of the city he made it to Ottoman Empire´s capital and turned Hagia Sofia, a greek orthodox church, to a mosque.Today the city is called Istanbul and is Turkey´s biggest city.
SPAIN FLAG: The flag of Spain was adopted the 19 July of 1927, but a like örlogsflag had been in use to sea from 1785. The red and yellow colours introduced of the Spanish king to be easyer to distinguishthe spanish ships from UREexample english and dutch ship. 1931 changed the flag to a tricolor with three ties i yellow, red and purple.
CURRENCY: In Spain they have Euro as value and that's almost 9 Swedish crowns. There are one cent, 2 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, one euro, 2 euro as coins. The notes are 10 euro, 20 euro, 50 euro, 100 euro, 200 euro.
LANGUAGE: In Spain they speak Spanish, here is some words. Como estás hoy? = How are you today? Hola mi llamo es.... = Hello my name is.... Cuantos anos tienes? = How hold are you? Si claro. = Of course. Que`s muy bien. = that`s fine. Está tú bien? = Yes and you? Sí y tú? Muy bien! = Very good Bien! = Good.
CLIMATE: The climate of Spain is Mediterranean climate. Mediterranean climate means it is warm and dry on the summer. On the winter it is alternating and cold. Mediterranean climate is a usually climate. Mediterranean climates average temperature under the warmest mouthe is 22 degress.
WILDLIFE: Spain has many animals as Spanish forest snails, lynx, wolves, wild horses, salamanders and many more species. There are many bulls, especially in Barcelona where they are used in bullfighting. The Spanish lynx is close to extinction, its only 150 adults left.
VEGETATION: Spain has many mountains, A large part of the country consists of plateaus. In the south there are mostly mountains, including the Sierra Nevada where you can go skiing. In northeast is also a high mountain rang, Pyrenees. From the mountains runs many large rivers. Spain got coast to the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic. On the coast it is hot and sunny for much of the year.
GOVERNENCE: Spain is a monarchy, witch means that they have a royal family, and not a president. It is a democracy, which means that those who decide are listening to the people and let everyone join to think and decide. Their king is called Juan Carlos I and their prime is called Mariano Rajoy.
80 % off the population in Spain is Roman Catholic. Spain wasn't included in the Second World war, even if Hitler wanted it. After the war, nobody cares about Spain and the country didn't join the United Nations until 1955. People have lived in Spain since the Stone age. There are colourful paintings on the walls in the Altamira cave from about 15 000 to 10 000 BC.
HISTORY 1936 – 1939 Spanish Civil War 1936 Francisco Franco Bahamonde took over supreme command of the rebel forces (Nationalists), which on the mainland had begun its rebellion. Franco himself was "banished" to the Canary Islands. This war involved many a renowned person. People like Ernest Hemingway and George
Orwell fought for rebublikanerna and many journalists, actors, etc showed their sympathies for the left. During the war murdered Frederico GarcĂa Lorca by the Phalangists. On 26 april is the bombing raids during the war that probably most will live in people's memories. German and Italian air bombing, the then Basque capital Guernica, a normally quite deserted city, but is now filled with civilian refugees. Picasso's painting of the same name as the city, hangs today in Madrid as a souvenir of this inhumane act. When Franco march in Madrid in March 1939 terminated the civil war and Franco reigns as a dictator until his death in 1975.
SCHOOLS: In spain you must have 90% attendance to pass subject in some schools and in others you might not even have schoolbooks. Sometimes you don't take notes, but instead you can use notes that other students made in the past. The school begins in the middle of September and ends in late July, if you do not go your final year because then you end in May. The first semester is from September to December, the second from January to March and the last third one starts in April to May or June. The students are available for 15 days around Christmas and then 7 days around Easter. They go to school from Monday to Friday. The school day begins at half past eight in the morning and ends about half past two , every lesson is one hour long and then they got about one hour lunch. In Spain they got different subjects that's mandatory and they're: Language, literature, sport, English, geography, history, science, mathematics, religion and then they got two subjects of their own choice.
FOOD: A typical Spanish food is famous Paella. Paella is a course made of rise and other optional commodities. You can also have seafood in it and saffron is an ordinary ingredient. It is made originally over an open fire, but in present day, they use gas as a heat source. The name come from the ovenware which the Paella is made in. It came from the region Valenciana in the east of Spain. The first Paella was made in 700's.
FOOD: Ingredient: 6 bonelss chicken breasts or thighs, preferably free-range or organic, skin on, each quartered
• sea salt and freshly ground black pepper • plain flour, for dusting • olive oil • 100g chorizo, sliced • 6 slices pancetta or streaky bacon• 1 onion, finely chopped • 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped • 2 litres hot chicken stock, preferably organic • 2 large pinches of saffron • 1 heaped teaspoon smoked paprika • 500g paella rice • small bunch flat leaf parsley, leaves picked and chopped, stalks chopped • 2 handfuls peas, fresh or frozen • 10 king prawns optional: 500g mussels, scrubbed • optional: 2 small squid, halved and scored How to do: Preheat the oven to 190ºC/375ºF/gas 5. Season the chicken pieces and dust with flour. Heat a little olive oil in a large deep pan and fry the chicken until golden brown on both sides. Place the pieces on a baking tray and into the oven for 30 minutes. Put the pan back on the heat. Add the sliced chorizo and pancetta or bacon and fry until browned and crispy. Then add the onion and garlic and cook until soft. Meanwhile infuse half the hot chicken stock with the saffron. Add the smoked paprika, rice and infused stock and leave to cook on a medium heat, stirring from time to time. After 20 minutes the rice should be nearly cooked. At this point, pour in the rest of the stock along with the peas, prawns, and the mussels and squid if you are using them. Place a lid on the pan and cook for 10 minutes more. Finally, add the cooked chicken and serve sprinkled with chopped parsley and a wedge of lemon.
CELEBRITIES: Sergio Garcia: born in 9 of January 1980. He is playing on the U.S PGA tour and the European tour. He is one of the best golfers in the world. He started playing golf when he was 3 years old. He won his first club championship in the age of 12. He won his first PGA championship year 2001. David Villa: born in 3rd of december 1981. He is playing in FC Barcelona and is playing as a forward. Under the season 05/06 he made 25 goals in 37 league games.
TURIST ATTRACTIONS Museo del Prado is a famous art museum in Madrid, which contains one of the world's foremost art. Prado Museum was built in 1785 and has more than 2200 paintings. They have many masterpieces and collections that counts as the best in Europe. They have a very large and fine collection of old Spanish art but the museum also has Italian and Dutch art. Sculpture Gallery has sculptures that belonged to the Swedish Queen Christina. Santa Eulalia is a famous cathedral in Barcelona. They begin to built it in 1298 and they were finish in 1459. In that time the cathedral were 93m high and 40m wide. The cathedral is one of the three church in the area. (the other churchs is destroyd/torn down) The cathedral was built in memory for Eulia of Barcelona that was one of the two patron.According to legend, the young maiden suffered martyrdom during Roman rule of the city. Eulias body is said to be buried in the cathedral crypt.
ARCHITECTURE: Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao is a museum of modern and contemporary art in the Basque city of Bilbao, Spain. The museum, which was built with funds from the American Guggenheim Foundation, located on the River Nervion in the central parts of the city. The museum opened in 1997 and was designed by the American architect Frank Gehry. The museum is clad in glass, titanium and limestone. Frank Owen Gehry. Frank Gehry, born Goldberg February 28, 1929 in Toronto, Ontario, is a kanadensiskfรถdd American architect, living in the USA since 1947. Gehry is working since the late 1970s in a deconstructive style. As an independent architect Gehry began on a small scale with "low material" chicken wire, plywood and corrugated iron. His own house served for several years as a testing ground for different composition exercises; objects found are got through collage form feature custom sculptures. This approach to architecture can, in many ways, be said to be typical of the U.S. West Coast in the 1970's.