Evaluations2012 2014(1)

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Teacher 8 40 % Student 12 60 %

2 .Which technology have you used in the project?

I-pads 13 42 % Computers 18 58 %

3. What have you used computers/I-pads for, in the project?

To search for information 18 30 % To write 12 20 %

4. What type of productions have you made in the project?

Presentations 20 54 % Movies 6 16 % Written publications such as e-books/flip books 11 30 %

5. Where did you stay during the mobility?

Hotel 8 40 % Hostel 0 0% Host family 12 60 %

6. Have you improved your ICT-skills by taking part in this project?

Yes 17 85 % No 3 15 %

7. Have you learnt more about European culture by being part of this project?

Yes 20 100 % No 0 0 %

8. Have you learnt more about every day life in other European countries?

Yes 20 100 % No 0 0 %

9. Would you say that your knowledge of the English language has improved?

Yes 18 90 % No 2 10 % No, English is my first language. 0 0 %

10. Would you recommend a friend to take part in a similar project?

Yes 20 100 % No 0 0 %


England Finland Germany Latvia Polen Spain Sweden Turkey

4 4 4 2 4 5 2 22

9% 9% 9% 4% 9% 11 % 4% 47 %

2. How old are you?

13-14 15-16 17-18 19-

6 15 26 0

13 % 32 % 55 % 0%

3.During this project. Have you improved your English skills?

1 2 3 4 5

4 6 12 14 11

9% 13 % 26 % 30 % 23 %

4.During this project. Have you improved your knowledge about other European countries?

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 6 19 19

2% 2% 13 % 41 % 41 %

5.During this project. Have you improved your knowledge about family life in other European countries?

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 10 17 18

2% 2% 21 % 36 % 38 %

6.During this project. Have you improved your ICT-skills?

1 4 9% 2 7 15 %

3 16 34 % 4 13 28 % 5 7 15 %

7.What have you learnt about other schools in the project?

They teach a few other subjects. 5 The schedules are different 9 The class sizes are different 3 Some schools have/have not extracurriaclar activites 6 The schools are quite similar 10 School rules 3 Other things 10

11 % 20 % 7% 13 % 22 % 7% 22 %

8. Would you recommend a friend to take part in a similar project?

Yes 45 98 % No 1 2 %

9. If you answered no to previous question. Can you please explain why. because the project improving a lot of skill that's all. Because ıts a great experıence - learnıng about new cultures and tradıtıons. because ıs very funny,exıting

10. Any other comment about the project you would like to make... I have close friends now.i love this project and amd i am not want finish this. ıt is good I thınk ıs very good and we learn a lot. I met a new peoplethey I dont want to miss i want turkısh people back to poland The project has been a really enjoyable experıence and ı would do ıt agaın ıf I could. ıt has taught me about other countrıes and how they run thıngs dıfferently to that of the UK. tfaank you ( british accent) this is really good everybody should do this:D ıt was very nıce to get to know so many dıfferent people People ın Turkey ıs very good and nıce. I lıke because ı meetıng new people and ı prevıse my englısh no It should be avaılable everywhere! It ıs sımply amazıng. It was

very eye-open覺ng exper覺ence

FINAL EVALUATION TEACHERS 1. What is your role in the project?

Coordinator 7 47 % Teacher 8 53 % Other 0 0%

2. What is your main function in your school?

ICT-teacher Language teacher Teacher in other subjects than above. Other.

1 9 4 1

7% 60 % 27 % 7%

3. Have you improved your ICT-skills during this project?

Yes, alot. 9 60 % Yes, to some extend. 4 27 % No, other teachers have delt with ICT-issues. 0 0 %

No, I´m working with ICT/already know alot. Tillval 5

2 13 % 0 0%

4. Have you improved your English skills during this project?

Yes, No, my English is already very good No, it is difficult for me to communicate in English.

7 47 % 7 47 % 1 7%

5. Has the project been an extracurricular activity or has it been integrated in other subjects?

It has been an extracurricular activity. 7 47 % It has been integrated in other subjects. 8 53 %

6. If you have integrated this project in other subject; which once?

English IT Music

8 62 % 4 31 % 0 0%

Home economics Art Socialstudies History Geography Other languages PE Other subject

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0% 0% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0%

7. Would you recommend colleagues to take part in a similar project?

Yes 15 100 % No 0 0 %

8. What do think has been the strengths of this project? frıendshıp between the students, knwoledge about other countrıes activities Motivating students to learn English Enriching students experiance with cultural and social aspects Frıendshıp cooperatıon Improve your Englısh Make new frıends Excellent organisation of the mobilities Interestıng actıvıtıes as well as great mobılıtıes where we have learnt alot about dıfferent countrıes Hardworking partners Activities The strength was that the students from all countrıes got to know each other very well. They learnt about other cultures and ımproved theır Englısh skılls. The chance to meet colleagues from dıfferent and share experıences wıth them. Interestıng meetıngs and a good experıences for the students. mobilities and activities

9. What do you think has been the weaknesses of this project? Timing of Mobilities ( the period wasn't enough) I thınk ıt would have been better ıf there were only 6 countrıes because we had to travel too often durıng a school year. there can be more activities Some tasks were rather sımılar (eg. several e-books) Perhaps a few to many tasks More students takıng part ın the meetıngs Weak communication between the mobilities

Comments First year In this project both computers and tablets have been used. Within the different tasks ICTtechnology have been used for searching information, writing, communication and creating. A large number of productions have been made, such as presentations, movies, flip- and ebooks. The great majority of students felt that they have improved their ICT-skills, language-skills and learnt more about European countries, culture and way of life.

Final year - students evaluation After the final year a majority of the students felt that their level of English had improved, something that the English teachers at the different project school have confirmed. Further more the students have improved their ICT-skills and knowledge about European countries. Improving computer literacy, language and learn about European countries was cornerstones in this project and therefore, according to our evaluation we reached our goals.

Final year - teachers evaluation For the teachers this project has facilitated an unique opportunity for staff training in a number of fields. All teachers, besides those who taught ICT, felt that their ICT-skills have improved. We found that everyone who already wasn't fluent in English felt that their English have improved. The way the project work have been organised in the different school has varied . In some school the project work have been integrated in classes, predominantly English and ICT, in other schools project work have been an extracurricular activity. The project have helped to motivated students to learn English and experience different cultures and learn about family life in other European countries that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. Further more, students have experienced a personal growth as individuals by meeting new people with different culture and background. This, we belive, will help to fight racism and xenophobia.

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