In this Edition President’s Report pg. 2 GM Report pg. 3 GM Report Continued pg. 4 Security Update pg. 4 Forward Tees pg. 5 Caring Neighbors pg. 5 Common Grounds pg. 6 Communications pg. 6 Long Range Planning pg. 7 Rose Hill Golf Club pg. 8 TLC pg. 9 Rose Hill Roundup pg. 10 Welcome New Owners pg. 10
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July 2020
2020 thus far has been a year of fear, frustration, anxiety, information, misinformation, and a healthy dose of challenges. At the same time, something wonderful has happened. As neighbors, as a community we have benefited in a most unexpected way. Our community has always been a great place to live with great people and community spirit. But because of the virus, our community spirit has been raised exponentially. The number of members and their families walking and biking our community is impressive. We can see and appreciate what we have at a slower pace. Meeting new neighbors on our walks, saying hello, walking with friends, making use of Bill Baker Park. From the painted rocks in the park, to the hidden stuffed bears, to the outpouring of support for our graduating seniors, the Fire Department drive bys and parades for birthdays all point to a vibrant and active community. Let’s not forget the one positive lesson this virus has given us. Let’s not be so busy that we forget to recognize what we have and how fortunate we are. Let’s also not forget civility. Recently, we have had several instances where calm conversations and statement of facts gave way to hostility and anger. We must remember that this year as never before, we all face uncertainty and fear over a virus that little is known about, current events in our country pitting family against family, father against son, mother against daughter and a political landscape that makes one wonder where this country is headed. I have had the pleasure of talking with many of you and we share the same concerns and anxiety no matter which side of the issues we are on. It’s no fun when we are afraid that people are so hyper sensitized to the issues that a free exchange of ideas cannot take place. We are better than that; as a community, as people, and as members. Every person that serves this community as employees, Committee Members, or Board Members serves because they want to do more for a community they care deeply about. Criticism is good and can lead to needed change. But when criticism starts out in a very negative way, communication stops and the likelihood that a productive conversation can take place is minimal. Too often, when we take a moment to filter out the emotion, we find we agree more often than not or at lease open to listening and giving due consideration to the issue. We have a diverse community with people with unique backgrounds and experiences that can serve us well. We need to continue to provide opportunity to those who wish to be involved. And we need to recognize the changing demographics of our community as well. We are seeing more young families with young children. Why does it have to be “…if these old people would get out of the way I could get where I’m going…” or “These young folks don’t have a perspective of our community’s history and they want everything changed now…” We should honor our past and embrace the future. Yes, there is change and there will continue to be change. Your Board recognizes this and, as witnessed by the changes of the past year and a half, we will continue to change with the ever changing needs of our members. Your Board cares and we don’t always agree with direction and policy. But they all care, deeply and want the best for our community. At our last Work Session, I was very proud of your Board. There are several very sensitive issue we are working through. What I witnessed is a tribute to the quality people on your Board. We met in a combined physically present and Zoom format and were faced with a lengthy agenda. There was healthy, civil debate and we reached many decisions. We also agreed to hold bi-monthly Work Sessions to allow more issue to be discussed over two meetings rather than spend too many hours in one session. This ultimately increases the amount of time Board Members and our General Manager spend of their own time in serving you. We have four Board Members who work and two retired. They, and their families, all sacrifice to serve you. You may not agree with their decisions or direction and that is why we have annual elections. You can vote new members in each year. We can all accept criticism, but when criticism leads the way to personal attacks and slander, that hurts us all. As I said, I am proud of every individual that serves on your Board. They are a unique and talented group of individuals with vast knowledge in many areas of business and organizations. As I saw at the last Work Session, we can disagree and still respect each other. I can admit that because of all that is going on in our country I am not just concerned, but heart sick about what is happening. Good people doing bad things, bad people with not regard for their fellow man, and a political climate that is so dysfunctional it makes me wonder. I share your frustrations and concern. We all do. Each of us are doing our best in trying times. Give your appreciation for the job they do and they will work that much harder for you. Sincerely, Tony LaMartina Board President
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July 2020
As we all ease back into a regular routine, please continue to take extra precautions to safeguard yourself and others during this pandemic. Early June, some committees started meeting back in person while others continued to meet through zoom. Since the influx of new positive cases in South Carolina, we are encouraging meetings by zoom to help keep all participants safe and comfortable. For all of us here at the POA Office, it’s business as usual with an emphasis on sanitation and following the Governor’s orders. Below are some updates on what’s been going on in your beautiful community. Pools Brightview made improvements to the landscaping at Willow Lake Pool by removing the old pine straw and debris buildup, installing new sod and plants and adding 3 irrigation retro fit zones to allow watering of new plants and sod. A Pool AdHoc committee will be created as a subcommittee to Long Range Planning. The purpose of this committee is to evaluate past pool proposals, gather new information and narrow down the options for Board review. Lagoons Estate Management has been treating the lagoons for the spread of algae blooms and pond weeds. Dredging will begin this Fall. Roads We are scheduled to have the following roads milled and paved this fall (late August or early September depending on weather): Martingale West, Spartina Crescent, and the Clubhouse parking lot. Greenwood Drive is scheduled for repairs and the maintenance access road will be graded and stone applied. Speed bumps will be installed on Sorrelwood and Ghost Pony this fall. Maintenance Updates Maintenance painted all the fire hydrants throughout the community. They have repaired the fence at Colleton Point. We are gathering quotes to have the equestrian trails cleared. The fill line handle at Wood Eden Pool has been repaired. The broken drain cover at Pipers Pond has been repaired. Bluffton Electric will be installing electricity to the front entrance islands, near the guard houses. The grandstand at the equestrian center will be stained. Maintenance has filled several potholes on both sides of Rose Hill. A new 3 split-rail fence has been erected along the North side lagoon between Martingale East and highway 278. This fence will provide extra security for horses when traveling on Possum Pass Horse Trail. 9 Fox Meadow and the mansion continue to be mowed as needed. Maintenance has built a shaded structure at Colleton Point for the Pickleball courts. Maintenance has built a new office for the Golf Superintendent within the Maintenance Facility. Now the Super has a great new place to conduct business. 9 Fox Meadow HUD refused the last offer we received for 9 Fox Meadow. We continue to receive new offers and are working with HUD to agree upon an acceptable and fair price for this property. In the meantime, our maintenance crew will continue mowing the property till it is sold. Page 3
June 2020
Rose Hill Mansion On June 5, 2020 the property was scheduled for sale at a foreclosure auction, however; the lenders pulled out right before the auction. We anticipate the foreclosure of this property will proceed in the near future. The property has not been maintained by the lenders and our maintenance crew continues to mow the property as often as they can. Budget I have started working closely with our accountant and board members on preparing a draft budget for 2021. Committees We have some new committees and some new committee members. Currently we have the following standing committees: ARB, Audit, Common Grounds, Communications, Long Range Planning, Rose Hill Public Affairs (formerly named 5B AdHoc committee). Communications has recently accepted Lu Klaiber and Kristen Perry to the committee. ARB has selected Bruce Shuette, Wise Batten, Maria Galente and Nancy Kirkland to their committee. LRP has selected Paul Barnard, Bruce Clemens and Vannessa Weatherford to their committee. Audit has 2 available positions and Common Grounds has 2 available positions. If you are interested in serving on a committee, you may fill out an interest form at any time and when a position comes available on the committee of your choice your form will be submitted for review. Charters are posted for all committees on the member website. Tennis & Pickleball Reservation System The Tennis and PB online reservation system is working well and we currently have 68 registered residents using the system. If you are interested in registering please email and we will send you the information to register. Amenities All amenities are open, and residents are asked to be cognizant of those around them while using the amenities. We have been receiving too many complaints about unruly behavior at the pools and people cutting through personal property to fish in lagoons. Also, equestrian trails are for horseback riding only and the golf cart paths are for golfers. Please use Bill Baker Park for walking and jogging. Please remember that all guests must be accompanied by a resident while visiting an amenity. AED’s We have ordered 3 additional AED’s for the community. We currently have 2, one at the Clubhouse and one in the security patrol vehicle. Once the AED’s are received, we will inform the community of their locations. Traffic Light We continue to communicate with the Department of Traffic Engineering regarding the safety concerns at the 278 intersection. Please drive carefully, this intersection can be very dangerous if you are not focused and obeying all the traffic laws.
Speeding The number one complaint we receive is regarding speeding in Rose Hill. When we catch UPS or Fed Ex speeding, we report the infraction to the company as well as ticket them for speeding. However, not all speeding is by delivery vehicles, unfortunately, we have residents who are in a hurry to get home and will drive 50 mph in a 25-mph area. Whatever it is you are in a rush to get to is not worth injuring your life or someone else’s. Slow down, drive the speed limit, and please watch for children and pets who may dart out unexpectedly. If you are stopped for speeding in Rose Hill you will get a ticket. No warnings. Deer Survey We have scheduled for a spotlight survey to be done in September. Many residents have asked about culling deer. Before we can even consider a deer cull, we are required to have a spotlight survey for 2 consecutive years. Sense there was no survey done the past 2 years, we will need to have a spotlight survey in 2020 and 2021. If you are having issues with deer eating your plants, the POA has a list of plants that deer typically do not eat. We will make this available on the member website. We also encourage you to try deer resistant products that will not harm your plants. POA Building Complex We have received proposals for exterior & interior work to be completed at the New POA office. Once the Board selects a contractor, we will schedule to have the work started as soon as possible. LRP is assessing the current POA building and will be proposing a purpose for the building to the Board in the very near future. Colleton Point Pavilion LRP was tasked with preparing an RFP for an Architect to redesign Colleton Point. Once they chose an architect, the board will make the final approval and the plans will be shared with the community. Golf Course Bathrooms The bathrooms on the golf course have been completed. Maintenance has started improvements to the Bill Baker Park bathrooms which will include new fixtures, new vanity, painting interior and exterior and repairing the sunlight. Political Flags Rose Hill does not allow political flags. The reason political flags are not allowed is that we receive a large number of emails from residents taking offense to political flags, regardless what political side they stand for. Due to the fact that these political flags cause residents to feel offended, uncomfortable and are deemed unpleasant by many, the POA restricts political flags under Page 14, Section 3.15 “Offensive Activity” of the Covenants where it speaks to anything tending to cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to the RH community. Also, the ARB Guidelines speaks to signs on page 37, Section 9.2.13 “No other sign will be displayed at any time.” The Covenants also addresses signs on page 15, section 3.17. One could argue that a political flag is a sign since a sign is an object or entity whose presence indicates presence of something else. Of course, this is open to Page 4
July 2020
interpretation and that is why Section 3.15 is considered the covenant violation in which political flags would fall. The Board is considering adding specific language to the rules and regulations that speak clearly to political flags. Have a safe and wonderful summer, stay hydrated and enjoy the great outdoors. Crystal Higginbotham, CMCA, AMS General Manager
Happy Summer from the Security Team. We would like to thank all our residents during the Covid-19 pandemic for being understanding with some of the rules that were implemented to keep everyone safe. We hope everyone will continue safe practices as the rules have been eased. A few reminders for the upcoming months. With the pools being open and the occupancy limits relaxed, it is important for residents to be aware that they need to be with their guests at our amenities. Too many times our security officers come across guests at the pool or other amenities without the resident present. Not only is this against our rules, it is not fair to the other residents. Please remember to adhere to the rules of the pools. Be considerate of everyone at the pools so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Officers have been enforcing the speed limits by the gate houses. It is 15 mph and is that way for a reason. We have a lot of people walking around the gates at any given time, security officers, maintenance personnel, residents and guests. We have motorists that will accelerate through the gate houses to beat the Route 278 light putting everyone at risk. Is it worth hitting someone to save a couple of minutes? We have had several close calls in recent weeks. Finally, when residents are calling in gate passes, please be considerate of the officers taking the call. They need to get the cars through the gate while handling pass requests, so at times it can get remarkably busy. Please be patient because the officers are handling multiple tasks. We hope everyone has a safe and happy summer! Chief Joe Schetting
If you are searching for a ladies golf group, Rose Hill has 2 organizations that you might be interested in joining. The Rosebuds play 9 holes on Mondays and Fridays while enjoying a relaxed form of golf with no pressure. After play, they often stop in at Oak Terrace to further socialize and enjoy each other’s company. They also can attend Exchanges that are held at other area courses where they meet new friends and participate in friendly competitions. If you would like to know more about the Rosebuds, call Linda Miller at 843-706-5622. The Ladies Golf Association meets on Wednesdays and Saturdays to play 18 holes of golf followed by lunch. They enjoy a different format each outing and compete to win cash prizes on their play days. Several of the ladies also enjoy being a part of a team that competes in the Coastal Carolina Ladies League with other groups from several beautiful courses in the Low Country. For more information, contact Carol Fruit at 843-706-5005. Recent tournaments played at our home course were held on Saint Patrick’s Day and Memorial Day. Both outings were mixed events for the Rosebuds, the LGA, the MGA, and a few golfers who were guests of members. Both were well-attended and followed by a meal prepared by Oak Terrace. It is not a requirement that you have a Rose Hill golf membership, nor do you have to be a resident of the Plantation, in order to be a member of any of the golf groups mentioned in this article. You simply need a love for the outdoors, meeting new people, having fun, and playing golf…..come join us!
Jane Phipps
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Considering the recent challenges of dealing with COVID-19, Caring Neighbors re-evaluated how to safely meet the needs of the people that we service. We knew that it was necessary to change established procedures and protocols in an effort to be able to continue to help our “Neighbors” who rely on us for basic needs. Thankfully, we have a group of volunteers who are diligent about providing assistance to those in need of food and rides to doctors’ appointments so our efforts to help others were met. We are very grateful to one of our Rose Hill residents who presented us with a generous donation to be used to purchase whatever supplies were needed by those individuals we take care of. This was a very timely gift as Bluffton Self Help was short on food at that time and God’s Goods was closed until further notice. On Easter Sunday, another kind resident offered to make a hot dinner for 3 of our Neighbors who would be spending the day alone and couldn’t afford to buy and prepare food for the holiday. The meals were delivered by our Board of Directors and the recipients were clearly overjoyed by this gesture. Our deepest appreciation goes out to all Rose Hill residents who have been helping us - those who donated canned goods for distribution as well as those who provided checks to be used for our fundraising efforts. With assistance from others, we are happy that we have been able to continue to follow our theme of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” To become a volunteer or to learn more about our non-profit organization, visit our website at
The newly formed Common Grounds Committee was initiated in February 2020. The Committee has seven (7) members and meets once per month to discuss and identify areas throughout the Rose Hill Plantation in need of attention. Mr. Ty Kopke is the POA Board Liaison to the Committee. Our Committee Charter and Board guidelines are available on the Rose Hill website along with a list of Common Grounds Committee members. We initially divided Rose Hill Plantation into seven areas with each committee member reviewing their assigned areas and taking pictures and writing a short description of the issues to be reported to the General Manager. We are working and prioritizing items for the upcoming Rose Hill Budget. Although we don’t have an assigned budget figure, the Board will address these items as we work with them to prioritize each project. Our objective is to have a positive effect on the upkeep of the common areas throughout Rose Hill by reviewing contracts for Landscaping and Maintenance issues. This should improve the overall appearance thus showing the residents and public the pride we have in our community. These issues have been either ignored or put off for sometime and hopefully over the next few months we (Common Grounds Committee) can be the initiator of visible improvement along with your help. Please feel free to E-mail any concerns to one of the committee members. With your help we can bring about the positive changes needed to improve and maintain our community. Bill Dorson - Chair
We are Thankful for our Rose Hill Committees and everything they do!!
The major task of The Communications Committee, (Com Com), is to keep the lines of communication open and flowing between the Rose Hill Board of Directors, the POA management and the residents of Rose Hill. Currently the Com Com is comprised of 7 resident volunteers, a Board Liaison and a representative from the POA. Com Com utilizes these ‘tools’ to increase resident awareness of neighborhood news and events: the Plantation web site, the Plantation Voice, weekly e-blasts, and message boards. (Com Com is responsible for the integrity of all these ‘tools.) Another part of Com Com is the Welcoming Committee. They are part of the Communications Committee and provide a ‘goody’ bag and information about Rose Hill, Bluffton and “how to do….. various tasks” for new residents who have moved into Rose Hill. Joe Huff - Chair
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The Long Range Planning Committee consists of residents who meet monthly to review the Rose Hill strategic plan and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. We look to develop a 10 year master plan that is a continuous process of planning the future of Rose Hill. We review all of the current amenities including physical facilities, other infrastructures such as roads, lagoons, drainage, etc. and make recommendations on needed upgrades and/or replacement based on the Miller Dodson Study, survey suggestions from residents, and physical inspections, including timing and budgetary items. Our current agenda includes renovation of the Colleton Point Building, modernizing our pools and utilization or our current POA office. We will be working on a 10 year strategic plan to make Rose Hill a premier community in the low country. We welcome input from all Rose Hill residents.
Oak Terrace Summer Concert Event Series
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July 2020
August 5th
Keith Klaiber
5:30-6:30 PM
August 19th
Keith Klaiber
5:30-6:30 PM
August 28th
Eddie and the Heifers
6:00-9:00 PM
September 16th
Keith Klaiber
5:30-6:30 PM
September 25th
Eddie and the Heifers
6:00-9:00 PM
September 30th
Keith Klaiber
5:30-6:30 PM
Hoping everyone is healthy, happy and safe has much more meaning now than ever as we learn to live with the affects of Corona virus. Being able to enjoy the outdoors playing a round of golf with friends and loved ones has been more important than ever. We will continue to adjust our procedures and rules governing play as more information is gathered and health orders come down from federal, state and local government officials. Normalcy is hopefully right around the corner and this will just be a bad detour that we can forget about for the last part of 2020 and bring on an awesome 2021! Almost three years ago Rose Hill was dying a slow and painful death, as conditions were terrible and service was inconsistent at best. Fast forward to today and the transformation has been amazing! We addressed the easiest things first from how we treat patrons, to establishing daily service and maintenance standards and having a clear vision of what Rose Hill can be going forward. Now those are easy things to say and hard to pull off, but we believe we are doing an exceptionally good job of delivering. The most important piece of this transformation are the people that work everyday to produce these results. Our Golf Shop & Cart Staff works extremely hard to provide the most enjoyable experience possible from your first step on to the property until you head home for the day. That is our service commitment to you we make every day with a smile and while you may not see the planning and preparation to accomplish this, you certainly see the results! The success of Rose Hill truly depends on the Golf Course Maintenance Staff and that is a monumental task with pressure form every angle. While we saw results in our first few years, the addition of Jamie Newton as Golf Course Superintendent has been a true game changer for everyone that works, plays or calls Rose Hill home. He and his staff have done a tremendous job to date and we have no doubt the future is very bright, so please congratulate Jamie and staff when you see them out on course! At press time trying write without thinking of the current state of our community is tremendously difficult. Do we just ask for a mulligan for 2020 or do we make the most of what we have? It may be a little bit of both, because so much has been pushed further and further out we will get another shot at 2020 (it will just be called 2021). While we still have months to go in this year please take advantage our ability to play golf, to enjoy yourself outside and spend time with friends and family. Many things have and will change due to the Corona virus, but our commitment to making Rose Hill Golf Club a exceptional golf experience will NEVER change! Sincerely, Rose Hill Golf Club
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June 2020
4 Clubhouse Drive 843-757-9030 Hours of Operation 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Sunday
This has been a strange season for everyone! TLC feels most fortunate that tennis was approved by the Governor of SC to continue through the pandemic. We did cease all programming for 3 weeks and accomplished a lot of maintenance and repairs to keep our facility looking great. We feel extremely blessed that we have had such overwhelming support from our Members, and that our “Back to Tennis” guidelines are being followed by most players who come to TLC. Gentle reminders are given to those who forget, and if you are back playing tennis elsewhere, please be safe and follow the protocols published on the USTA website for your well-being. All reports seem to point to tennis as one of the safest activities for exercise and risk of exposure – perhaps it is time to take up the sport if you don’t already play! 12 After 8 years, our Membership is practically full which is such a blessing. Our programs are well supported by both Members and Non-Members, as are our socials play opportunities. Our June schedule is published on our website and once our special events start up again, we will have them posted as well. June has started out extremely busy, especially our Junior program which still runs in the afternoons through the month of June. We are sure that parents are actively looking to get their children out of the house and exercising! We have three weeks of summer junior camps in July that run from 8:30 a.m. – noon for all ages and abilities. These weeks are filling up fast so please go to our website at for the junior camp schedule and information about our programs, or call the Pro Shop at 843-271-6401. We are limiting the number of participants so don’t leave it to the last minute and miss out! The continuation of leagues is still uncertain in our area, but we will keep our players updated as we receive more information. You can always check out website or Facebook page for the latest news at TLC. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on the courts! TLC Management and Staff
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August 4th
Board Meeting at 6:30 PM
September 1st
Board Meeting 6:30 PM Labor Day
September 7th September
Grandparents Day
September 22nd
Autumn Begins
Tony LaMartina - President Larry Beckler - Vice President Sean Casey - Director Mike Small- Secretary Fran Richards - Director Minerva Castro-Hernandez- Treasurer
Ricarrardo Panicucci Alex & Denise Raney Michele Shinn Jeffrey Bender John & Maria Ambielli Jonathan & Colleen Bills Ronak & Rekha Patel Anthony & Suzanne Szady Robert & Suzie Hollings James & nancy Aussprung Troy & Julie Clauson James Burke Craig Smart Larry & Aeri King Robert & Marda Sater Lorraine Thomas Amorette Pederson-O’Brien Robert & Elisa Malerba Erik & Kristen Hopkins Alan & Mariel Pine Jeremy & Jamie Charles Robert & Cynthia Brice Nicholas Welliver Gary & Ellen Bailey Charles Spisz Lisa Detweiller
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Ty Kopke- Director
Crystal Higginbotham - General Manager Kristin Williams Knight - Office Manager Toni Dowling- Administrative Assistant Ed Greene - ARB Administrator Lisa Darzas - Accounting Administrator
Joe Schetting - Chief of Security North Gate 843-757-3001 South Gate 843-757-3000