Lecture 1

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Identity lecture - Physiognomy - Phrenology Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) founder of positivist criminology, the notion that criminal tendencies are inherited Racist. Physiognomy legitimising racism, harbours weekly Chris ofili, first black British artist. Historical phases of identity -Pre modern-stable, defined by long standing roles. Institutions determined identity, marriage, monarchy, and the church...patriarchy, men are dominant. -Modern-wider range of social roles. Possibility to start choosing identity rather than being born into it...19th and early 20th century. Simmel -Trickle down theory -Emulation -Distinction -The 'mask' of fashion Modernity " The separation of the subjective from the objective life" Post-modern identity Michel Foucault Discourse Otherness’s. Not conforming to stereotypes Humphrey spencer/mass observation, work town project, 1937 Bauman (2004) identity, page 52. "Society" Martin parr American college student prefers Disney lands version of Europe than the actual place. Identity is constructed through our social experience.

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