Early Childhood Program AGES 2–4
“In the Early Childhood classroom we help children develop a love of learning. Their interactions with the entire Lower School community provide positive reinforcement as they experiment, explore, create, and become independent thinkers. It is a joy to see them approach their school day with an insatiable appetite for learning!”
W HY RO SS S C HOOL ? >> Integrated lessons help students gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum. >> Nurturing and supportive teachers and small classes guarantee individualized attention for all students. >> Weekly specials in art, music, science, wellness, and library add variety to the schedule and introduce students to new experiences. >> All-school assemblies and Buddy Program connect EC students with older students as friends and mentors. >> EC students participate in weekly sing-alongs that foster community and learning. >> Visits to the on-campus Farm and outdoor areas connect students to the land. >> Frequent field trips introduce students to local resources and educational programs. >> Students enjoy a playground designed specifically for small children. >> Healthful, organic snacks nourish students and provide them with the energy to learn, play, and grow.
Learn more at www.ross.org/earlychildhood
allows children to explore and appreciate similarities and
The Ross Early Childhood (EC) Program provides a safe,
differences between and among one another. Students
nurturing environment for students to learn about themselves
learn about and practice the Ross Core Values as a part
and to explore the world. Warm encouragement from Ross
of their school experiences.
teachers, combined with our thoughtful, child-centered curriculum, creates a smooth transition from home to school.
Our integrated, thematic approach to learning focuses on
The Lower School campus serves pre-nursery through
people, nature, and animals—and, ultimately, how they all
grade 6 students in a beautiful agricultural region of
interact. Students explore and connect materials and con-
Bridgehampton. The campus is recognized by the National
cepts from a number of disciplines. Ross teachers provide
Wildlife Federation as a Certified Schoolyard Habitat and
guidance and support as children work and play independently
features organic, student-tended gardens; age-appropriate
and in groups, developing new capacities every day.
play areas; a spacious Field House for indoor wellness activities and gatherings; and a small farm with donkeys,
goats, chickens, pigs, sheep, and other animals that students
The Early Childhood program is a gateway to Ross School’s
visit and help care for regularly.
unique Spiral Curriculum, based on a chronological timeline of cultural history and integrated with the disciplines of
science, mathematics, world languages and literature, visual
Our mission is to change the way education meets the
arts, performing arts, media and technology, and wellness.
future; to foster interdisciplinary, integrated thinking and
The curricular themes for the EC program are Fall on the
innovative leadership; to engage fully in the global community;
Farm; Seasonal Changes; I Am Special; Harvest; Sun, Moon,
and to facilitate lifelong learning.
and Stars; Weather; Oceans and Seashores; Trees; and The Relationship Between Animals and Humans.
At the heart of Ross School’s educational approach is the firm belief that all students can become successful learners.
We recognize that each child is splendidly unique, and
Social and emotional skill building is one of the most
believe that school should be flexible and adaptive, rather
important elements of Ross’s EC program. Our students
than standardized or one-size-fits-all. We accommodate all
learn to take risks and be open to new experiences. Teachers
different types of learners, giving our students a great sense
introduce, encourage, and support sharing, taking turns, and
of inclusion and value, and encourage them to view the world
cooperative play as students begin to use language to
from an integrated perspective, preparing them for citizenship
communicate thoughts, ideas, and needs. The program
in the global community.
B UDDY PR O G R AM Ross Lower School’s Buddy Program pairs older students with younger students for activities such as reading aloud together, classroom visits, integrated projects, and service learning initiatives. This program helps the school’s youngest students form lasting relationships with older mentors and gives them a preview of how their lives will change as they mature and make their way through the grades in the Lower School. It also provides older students with the opportunity to serve as positive role models for younger children. Students remember their buddies from year to year, and buddies can frequently be seen greeting one another warmly, both on campus and in the community.
C ORE VALUES At Ross School, every student learns about and practices our Core Values, ideals that they aspire to as they strive to make the world a better place for themselves and others. The following eight Core Values guide Ross’s educational practices: Compassion Cooperation Courage Gratitude
Integrity Mindfulness Respect Responsibility
S AMP L E P R E -N U R S E R Y S C HE DU L E (AG E 2 ) 9:00–9:25am Cultural History learning experiences 9:25–10:10am Circle Time/snack 10:10–10:45am Special (varies daily) 10:45–11:20am Recess or large movement games, weather permitting 11:20–11:45am Science
We encourage Early Childhood parents to join the Ross School Parents Association (PA), a vibrant group of parents who support our students through classroom involvement, educational programs, special events, and fundraising. The PA organizes and facilitates our annual book fair, celebrations at each grade level, service projects, Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week, and countless other efforts that benefit our Ross community.
11:45am–12:00pm Closing Meeting and dismissal
10:15–10:30am Snack
Ross Lower School’s Specials Program connects students with expert teachers in specialized areas. Classes take place in specifically equipped locations, such as the laboratory, the Atelier (a skylit, fully stocked art studio), the music room, and the library. Specials classes both augment and integrate with the curriculum students follow in their regular classes, enriching and deepening student learning. EC students attend the following Specials: Performing Arts Science Visual Arts Music
Library Buddy Program Sing-Along Wellness
S AMP L E N U R S E R Y AN D P R E -K I N DE R G AR T E N S C HE DU L E (AG E S 3 – 4 ) 9:00–10:00am Cultural History learning experiences 10:00–10:15am Morning Meeting
10:30–11:00am Special (varies daily) 11:00–11:30am Recess on playground or large movement games 11:30am–12:00pm Handwriting Without Tears or math workshop (alternates daily) 12:00–12:30pm Lunch (not provided) 12:30–1:00pm Quiet reading time/group game time or recess, weather permitting
Ross Lower School includes gardens, play areas, trails,
Ross School is a co-educational institution serving more
and a farm. Separate building spaces for grade levels are
than 425 students from grades pre-nursery to 12 and
customized with age-appropriate furnishings. The Barn
postgraduates, including boarders in grades 7–12. It is
Building houses administrative offices, the library, the
located on two beautiful campuses in East Hampton and
art studio, and the Multi-Purpose Room, as well as Early
Bridgehampton, about two hours east of New York City.
Childhood classes. The Farmhouse, built as the original
Founded in 1991 by Courtney and Steven J. Ross, the
house for the potato farm that was on the property, is used
school features a proprietary, globally conscious curric-
for kindergarten, music, and learning support. The Leonard
ulum based on cultural history and integrating courses
Building is shared by grades 1 and 2, along with Mandarin
in science, arts, humanities, mathematics, and wellness
and Spanish classes. Grades 3 through 6 are situated in
taught by world-class faculty. Ross School offers oppor-
the Green Building, as is the science lab. Wellness classes
tunities for independent study, competitive athletics,
and our K–6 lunch program take place in the Field House.
extracurricular activities, and travel. Students and faculty
An age-appropriate playground for Early Childhood students
come from more than 20 countries.
is sited near the Farmyard, while one for students in grades K–6 is located adjacent to the Green Building. All
Ross School is accredited by the New York State
the buildings on the campus are connected by walkways
Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and Middle
and surrounded by grass and trees.
States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA), and was awarded the first International Credential ever given by MSA. MSA has also recognized Ross as a Program of Distinction in Global Literacies. Ross is also a member of The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS).
CONNECT Connect with the Ross School community. www.facebook.com/rossschool www.twitter/rossschool www.instagram/rossschool
AP P L Y Apply online today! www.ross.org/apply UPPER S C HOOL 18 GOO DFR I E ND DR I V E EAST H AMP T ON, NE W Y OR K 1 1 9 3 7 TEL: 63 1-907-5000 FAX: 63 1-907-5557 LOWER S C HOOL
C O N T AC T Please contact the Admissions office with any questions about the application process or financial aid. We look forward to connecting with you! admissions@ross.org or 631-907-5400
739 BUTT E R LANE P.O. BO X 604 BRIDGE HAMP T ON, NE W Y ORK 1 1 9 3 2 TEL: 63 1-537-1240 FAX: 631-907-5885
W WW.ROS S .OR G 5/ 2017
VI S I T Enjoy a Wednesday Walkabout campus tour every Wednesday at 9:00am at Ross Lower School. visit@ross.org or 631-907-5400