Ross Lower School

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Ross Lower School is an innovative learning community for children from pre-nursery through grade 6. Students arrive each morning brimming with curiosity and enthusiasm. A typical day might include visiting the farm animals, speaking Mandarin, building a replica of the Solar System, solving math puzzles, or growing mold spores in the science lab. Every day at Ross is an adventure waiting to happen. The stimulating environment, combined with a warm and supportive community, helps children learn about themselves in deep and meaningful ways. It all begins here.

WHY ROSS SCHOOL? >S mall class sizes allow for attentive, individualized instruction that nurtures students’ strengths and develops areas in need of support. >> Ross School’s unique Spiral Curriculum offers an integrated, holistic way of learning about the world, with a multidisciplinary approach that fosters critical and creative thinking skills. >> Project-based instruction addresses multiple learning styles, allowing students to thrive in the way that works best for them.

>> Hands-on investigations using authentic materials can be found across grade levels and subject areas, from archeological dinosaur digs, to organic gardening, to cuneiform cylinder seal re-creation, to coastline mapping from a boat in the style of the Phoenicians. >> A sense of community, backed by life skills instruction, Core Values, and an empathetic awareness of the needs of others, supports students and teachers alike, leading to a school experience that prepares students to take their place in the world.



Ross’s elementary program focuses on building a solid

The Ross balanced mathematics approach encompasses

base of knowledge and skills that will serve students well

all of the necessary components that are needed to

throughout their educational experience. At the beginning

create successful mathematicians: conceptual problem

of Ross School’s unique cultural history–based Spiral

solving, reasoning and proof, communication, math

Curriculum, students study origin and creation myths

vocabulary, number study, and integrated projects.

from around the world; patterns and cycles; and natural,

Beginning in kindergarten, students work through

human, and social systems. These studies form the

learning experiences that develop their conceptual

foundation for each subsequent grade level. Themes for

understanding of the subject matter and activities that

elementary grades include The Evolution of Life on Earth,

help facilitate mastery of the fundamental skills. The

Social Systems, Early Settlements, The Rise of Riverine

mathematics curriculum is designed to incorporate best

Civilizations, and Prophecy and Cultural Transformation.

practices from several exemplary programs, such as the use of the Japanese soroban, a style of abacus used for

In the context of this rich historical narrative, students

mathematical operations.

engage in a rigorous program in science, mathematics, world languages and literature, and the arts. They acquire


domain-specific skills and content knowledge and learn

Ross Lower School’s Specials program connects students

to understand and solve problems from multiple perspec-

with expert teachers in specialized areas including science,

tives using a variety of strategies.

Mandarin, wellness, music, performing arts, visual arts, library, media studies and technology, and life skills.


Classes take place in specifically equipped spaces,

Reading and writing workshops begin with the youngest

such as the science laboratory, the Atelier (a skylit, fully

students and provide the structure, tools, and support

stocked art studio), the music room, and the library.

necessary for children to successfully read and compre-

Specials classes both augment and integrate with the

hend literature and information, form ideas and hypoth-

curriculum students follow in their regular classes, enriching

eses, find their inner voice, and effectively express their

and deepening student learning.

views through the written and spoken word.



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We look forward to hearing from you! Email or call 631-907-5400.

APPLY Apply online today!

VISIT Enjoy a Wednesday Walkabouts campus tour every Wednesday at 9:00am at Ross Lower School. Email or call 631-907-5400 for more information.

Learn more at

EDUCATING THE WHOLE CHILD Ross School believes in educating the whole child for the whole world, and affective skills are an important part of that mission. Weekly classes in life skills teach students how to collaborate, resolve conflicts, respect divergent perspectives and opinions, and contribute to their learning community. Environmental awareness is taught with the notion that 21st century citizens must have the skills and tools to live in a world with limited resources and to understand their place in the evolving ecology of the planet. Integral to the Ross education are our Core Values, a set of characteristics that guides students in the full expression of our school motto, “Know thyself in order to serve.” Inspired by these Core Values, students come to understand their role in our interconnected world and recognize their ability to effect positive change. CORE VALUES Compassion Cooperation Courage Gratitude

Integrity Mindfulness Respect Responsibility

BUDDY PROGRAM Ross Lower School’s Buddy Program pairs older students with younger students for activities such as reading aloud to each other, classroom visits, integrated projects, and service learning initiatives. This program helps the school’s youngest students form lasting relationships with older mentors and gives them a preview of what to expect during the coming grades in the Lower School. It also provides leadership practice for older students, offering them opportunities to serve as positive role models for younger children.

A DAY AT ROSS 8:00am Mindfulness Meditation Students begin each morning with a fiveminute mindfulness meditation practice.

8:05am Centers Students engage in educational activities to encourage skills development.

8:25am Morning Meeting Teachers lead students in a daily meeting to discuss their goals for the day.

8:45am Reading In a workshop format, students focus on shared, guided, and independent reading techniques.

9:30am Specials Each week, students rotate through a variety of classes with expert teachers in such areas as science, music, visual arts, library, wellness, performing arts, life skills, and media.

10:15 Mandarin Students study Mandarin as a primary language five days a week.

11:00am Recess/Lunch Students enjoy organic, nutritious lunches prepared by the renowned Ross Café, followed by time to play and socialize.

11:45am Math Frequently integrated with cultural history, mathematics instruction strives to instill number sense and math skills in a developmentally appropriate progression.

12:30pm Specials 1:15pm Writer’s Workshop Beginning in kindergarten, students practice the different stages of the writing process and continue to develop the craft and mechanics of writing from grade to grade.

2:00pm Cultural History Cultural history lessons provide the foundation of the Ross pedagogy, and are integrated with all other Specials classes to engage students in a holistic view of the world and their place in it.

3:00pm Dismissal 3:05pm After-School Programs (optional) Schedule is subject to change and will vary by grade.



Ross Lower School includes gardens, play areas, trails,

Ross School is a co-educational institution serving more

and a farm. Separate building spaces for grade levels are

than 425 students from grades pre-nursery to 12 and

customized with age-appropriate furnishings. The Barn

postgraduates, including boarders in grades 7–12. It is

Building houses administrative offices, the library, the

located on two beautiful campuses in East Hampton and

art studio, and the Multi-Purpose Room, as well as Early

Bridgehampton, about two hours east of New York City.

Childhood classes. The Farmhouse, built as the original

Founded in 1991 by Courtney and Steven J. Ross, the

house for the potato farm that was on the property, is used

school features a proprietary, globally conscious curric-

for kindergarten, music, and learning support. The Leonard

ulum based on cultural history and integrating courses

Building is shared by grades 1 and 2, along with Mandarin.

in science, arts, humanities, mathematics, and wellness

Grades 3 through 6 are situated in the Green Building, as

taught by world-class faculty. Ross School offers oppor-

is the science lab. Wellness classes and our K–6 lunch

tunities for independent study, competitive athletics,

program take place in the Field House. An age-appropriate

extracurricular activities, and travel. Students and faculty

playground for Early Childhood students is sited near the

come from more than 20 countries.

Farmyard, while one for students in grades K–6 is located adjacent to the Green Building. All the buildings on the

Ross School is accredited by the New York State

campus are connected by walkways and surrounded by

Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and Middle

grass and trees.

States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA), and was awarded the first International Credential ever given by MSA. MSA has also recognized Ross as a Program of Distinction in Global Literacies. Ross is also a member of The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS).

LOWE R S C HOOL 739 B UT T E R LANE P.O. B OX 604 BRIDGE HAMP T ON, NE W YORK 1 1 9 3 2 TEL : 631-537-1240 FAX: 631-907-5885 UPPE R S C HOOL 18 GOODFR I E ND DR I V E EAS T HAMP T ON, NE W Y ORK 1 1 9 3 7 TEL : 631-907-5000 FAX: 631-907-5557

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