As the official HOST Organization, the Bohol Association of Washington State, INC. (BOAWAS) proudly welcomes you to Seattle, and CONBUSAC’s 13th Biennial Convention:
“Sleepless in Seattle 2009”
DAY 1: THURSDAY - JULY 2, 2009 A.........Day-Long Group or Individual Tours B.........Day-Long Athletic Competition - Games Committee C.........Day-Long Tours/Pictorials/Practices - Miss CONBUSAC Pageant Candidates - Pageant Committee D.........12:00p noon - Registration - Registration Committee, Hyatt Regency Hotel E.........12:00p - 4:00p - Miss CONBUSAC Final Canvassing - Pageant Committee and Canvassing Board F..........4:00p - 7:00p - Pulong-pulong with Governor Erico Aumentado at Alan and Agnes Garcia’s residence G.........8:00p: Miss CONBUSAC Talent Competition - Hyatt Regency Hotel Grand Ballroom - Pageant and Judging Committees
DAY 2: FRIDAY - JULY 3, 2009 A.........Day-Long Registration - BOAWAS, Registration Desk, Hyatt Regency Hotel B.........Day-Long Group or Individual Tours C.........9:00a - 12:00p noon: Council of Leaders Meeting - Hyatt Regency Meeting Room D.........5:00p: Family Night Dinner and Dance - Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom - BOAWAS Theme: Filipiniana - Guest of Honor and Speaker - Congressman Florencio Garay - Outstanding Boholanos Award - Committee - Presentation from the Different Delegations - Committee - Miss CONBUSAC - Pageant and Program Committees - Dance....Dance....Dance
DAY 3: SATURDAY - JULY 4, 2009 A.........Day-Long: Registration - BOAWAS, Hyatt Regency Hotel B.........9:00a - 12:00p noon: Tigum Bol-anon, Hyatt Regency Hotel Meeting Room C.........12:00p noon - 3:00p: Election of Officers - CONBUSAC COMELEC D.........2:00p - 4:00p: Conduct of Raffle - Raffle Committee E.........5:00p: Gala Night Dinner and Dance - Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom - BOAWAS Attire: Formal - Guest of Honor and Speaker - Gov. Erico Aumentado - Induction of New Officers - Gov. Erico Aumentado - Miss CONBUSAC Coronation - Pageant Committee - Dance....Dance....Dance
DAY 4: SUNDAY - JULY 5, 2009 A.........10:00a: Lake Sammamish State Park - Kitchen Shelter Area - Thanksgiving Field Mass - Officiated by: Mons Reyes of the Dioceses of Talibon, Bohol, Philippines - Walk for Bohol 2009 - Committee - Picnic - Committee B.........After-Picnic Get Together - Caloy and Mely’s Residence
DAY 5: MONDAY - JULY 6, 2009 A.........Home Sweet Home
Republic of the Philippines
PROVINCE OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran
Message Congratulations to the organizers and delegates of the Confederation of Boholanos, USA and Canada, Inc. (CONBUSAC) th 13 Biennial Convention “Sleepless in Seattle 2009” on July 2 to 6 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bellevue, Washington. It is most heartwarming to know that despite the global financial crunch and your hectic individual schedules, the Boholanos in USA and Canada still find time to meet each other, rekindle friendships, strengthen bonds and participate in different activities all designed to raise resources for laudable projects for the less fortunate brethren left back home. Your going out of your way in your desire to help those you may not even personally know truly inspires one into doing even more. The tears of joy a farmer and his wife shed upon receiving their very own carabao – needless to say, a very important farm input that can spell the difference between remaining dirt poor and empowerment – more than compensates for our efforts to implement the Let’s Help Bohol program of artificial insemination (AI) and upgrading carabao and cattle stocks. ` Under our convergence strategy, Provincial Agriculturist Stella Marie Lapiz reports that AI, made easier and faster with the CONBUSAC donation of nitrogen tanks for the semen, and motorcycles to bring them to the remotest areas, has made Bohol the top carabao producer in Central Visayas and third nationwide since 2007 – and improving. Kudos to CONBUSAC President Carlos Cagaanan, and to the Bohol Association of Washington State (BOAWAS) – this year’s convention host – whose pet project AI has made possible the expansion of carabao and cattle dispersal to four more towns on top of the 19 where the project is ongoing. Also, with funds donated by CONBUSAC, the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team in Bohol will procure 22 sets of special uniforms with multiple pockets for their gears and accessories plus combat boots and cap, eight Ferfrance special operations assault rifles and two M-14 conversion kits with sniper scope – to better equip them to immediately and properly respond to emergencies like bank robberies and, God forbid, hostage-taking and other forms of terrorism in our beloved province. For these, the Boholanos in Bohol cannot thank you enough. Mabuhi ang CONBUSAC!
ERICO B. AUMENTADO June 8,2009 Tagbilaran City 2/F Provincial Capitol Building, Tagbilaran City 6300 Bohol Tel. Nos. (038) 411-3300; 501-9072; 235-5067 Fax (038) 411-4821 E-mail:
MESSAGE TO THE 13TH BIENNIAL CONVENTION OF THE CONFEDERATION OF BOHOLANOS IN THE USA AND CANADA I am very pleased to extend cordial greetings to all the members and friends of the Confederation of Boholanos in the USA and Canada (CONBUSAC), especially those who are taking part in the “Sleepless in Seattle” 13th Biennial Convention. The event, organized under the skillful and dedicated leadership of Mr. Carlos Cagaanan and the rest of the Officers, will surely contribute to further “thicken” the “kadugong Bol-anon” camaraderie and friendship. CONBUSAC is not an organization solely dedicated to reunions, homecomings and fun. Conscious of the sad plight of many of their brothers and sisters in Bohol, CONBUSAC members have been sponsoring development initiatives in Bohol, such as the promotion of animal production, the collection of funds to help in recovery efforts from natural calamities, the granting of scholarships to poor but deserving students, etc. The theme of the Seattle Convention, Boholanos Making A Difference, is so well chosen to express the charitable and development initiatives of CONBUSAC. Indeed, it is in solidarity with those less privileged than us that we can make a real difference in life. I would like then to heartily encourage all the members and friends of CONBUSAC to continue to support projects in favor of underprivileged Boholanos. It is my sincere wish that all the participants will spend days of joy and happy remembrances in Seattle – “sleepless” they might be! - and their generosity will translate into concrete initiatives that will uplift Bohol and the Boholanos. I once more extend best wishes for the success of the Seattle Convention and my prayers for the continuing mission and vision of CONBUSAC. Invoking the intercession of our Mother Mary and of our “kadugong Bol-anon” Blessed Pedro Calungsod, I cordially impart my blessings to all the members and friends of CONBUSAC. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, May 13, 2009 Archbishop Bernardito Auza Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti
Diocese of Talibon
Chancery Office
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Bishop’s Residence, 6325 Talibon, Bohol, Philippines. Telefax (038) 515 – 0500
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES House of Representatives Constitution Hills, Quezon City Metro Manila
MESSAGE To: CONBUSAC MEMBERS Congratulations for holding on this far in your organization. I know that it is your unity of purpose that has made you stick together and the trust you have in your leaders. When people are in an atmosphere of trust, they are willing to put themselves at risk. Only through risk is there growth. Your fund-raising for our less-privileged Boholanos back home is laudable. Perhaps, no one would care to know what you are doing but the knowledge that you have helped ease the burden of a fellow Boholano is more than reward itself. Form the habit of celebrating successes. This increases the moral of all the members and the excitement in them to do more. When jubilation accompany's achievement, it adds to the feeling of satisfaction. Long live CONBUSAC !!!
(Sgd.) CONG. EDGAR M. CHATTO First Congressional District - Bohol
I am honored to convey my profound and warmest felicitations to the officers and members of CONBUSAC on its 13th Biennial Convention to be held at Bellevue, Washington, USA. Conbusac has been at the forefront of consolidating the Boholanos who are either working or permanently living in the United States and Canada. Your organization has immeasurably contributed to the promotion of Bohol culture and heritage and tourism not just in the US and Canada but around the globe. With your untiring efforts to unite and consolidate the immigrant and overseas working Boholanos, you were able to establish and develop a Boholano community abroad which fosters strong bond of friendship, camaraderie and cooperation. As more Boholanos searching for greater opportunities in the US and Canada, your organization will be an effective tool for any kind of assistance and relief to our striving countrymen. Over the years, your organization has been active in conducting socio-civic programs and activities that are beneficial to our fellow Boholanos. th I humbly wish that during this 13 biennial convention, you will be able to come up with a program that will help our adored province of Bohol and fellow Boholanos towards greater progress and prosperity. I look forward to our continuous cooperation in building a prosperous and progressive Bohol.
Let us always give glory to God, work harder and share the benefits of success and development, for it is through this sharing that the universal good is achieved. Congratulations and more power.
(SGD.) REP. ROBERTO C. CAJES nd 2 District, Bohol!
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SOUVENIR MESSAGE FOR THE “SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE 2009” CONBUSAC 13TH BIENNIAL CONVENTION July 2-6, 2009 Theme: “Boholanos Making A Difference” It is with immense pride that I join my fellow Boholanos as you celebrate your 13th Biennial Convention, “Sleepless in Seattle 2009.” It is truly heartening to know that, despite being away from our homeland, you have retained that sense of pride and glory in our Boholano heritage. A heritage that is rich in its cultural traditions and values. It is this heritage which strengthens our bonds, forging between all Boholanos a oneness of purpose and vision. A vision to contribute and make a mark in the annals of history, while allo wing the world a glimpse into the richness of our culture. Your theme, “Boholanos Making A Difference”, reflects our commitment to this vision. As we each strive for excellence in our respective fields, we derive courage from the thought that our fellow Boholanos are there to lend us a guiding hand to victory. As we celebrate our success, we do so with gratitude to our Boholano brethren. Success is thus more meaningful, because it is shared. This convention is a fitting tribute to all Boholanos, for our individual achievements and our joint contribution towards improving the quality of life of our fellowmen. Let us continue to prove that through unity, Boholanos can make a difference in the world. Thank you. HON. FLORENCIO C. GARAY Native of Calape, Bohol Representativ e, Second District of Surigao del Sur
Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission Philippine National Police BOHOL POLICE PROVINCIAL OFFICE Camp Dagohoy, Tagbilaran City !
! !
Tel: 411-4343/501-0108 email: ! ! ! ! !
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Greetings to CONBUSAC Members on the occasion of the "Sleepless in Seattle 2009" 13th Biennial Convention from: PSUPT EDGARDO CASIGURAN INGKING, CEO VI Provincial Director Bohol Police Provincial Office Camp Francisco Dagohoy Tagbilaran City
Confederation of Boholanos, USA and Canada, Inc. (CONBUSAC) 540 Wilderness Peak Dr NW, Issaquah, WA 98027 E-mail: Website:
Tel. No. (425) 392-7659 (425) 221-3702
Greetings!!! We band ourselves together with high hopes that our collective strength and resources will translate into something that will benefit the Province of Bohol and our fellow Boholanos. This has been the mission of CONBUSAC throughout its existence. Our Provincial Government has vigorously implemented the “Let’s Help Bohol” Program, in which CONBUSAC is deeply involved, notably in the areas of Artificial Insemination, carabao dispersal through the Passing of the Carabao Gift Program and peace and order with our participation in the formation of the Bohol Provincial SWAT/Tourist Police Team. These programs have significantly raised the living conditions of our fellow Boholanos. But, we don’t want to stop here because of the great potential that we possess, which place us in a position to reasonably do more. Our character manifests itself as a burning love for our province and a constant desire to help our fellow Boholanos. Likewise, we have that passion to bond with each other wherever we may be. It is our commitment to keep that Boholano spirit alive in and within us that makes us worthy sons and daughters of our great province The past two years, we have been vigorously laying the groundwork to ensure a successful 13th CONBUSAC Biennial Convention; we fondly name “Sleepless in Seattle 2009”. Your presence, my dear fellow Boholanos, in this convention seals it. This convention gives us the opportunity to deliberate and ponder about the things that we can do together to better the lives of our disadvantaged fellow Boholanos back home. There is still so much to do to improve their lot. We make it our commitment to leave no stone unturned to afford them the opportunities to better themselves. Until their situation in life is radically improved, we will continue to be engaged in this struggle to help them. To all of you, who are here, please accept my sincere and heartfelt thanks and gratitude. To our fellow Boholanos, who are not able to make it because of the tight economic condition that is affecting all of us; please also accept my sincere thanks and gratitude for the support and best wishes you extended to the convention. Our Confederation will be here for the long haul and our relevance hinges on the commitment of each and every Boholano towards the cause that we spouse. We look forward to come out of this convention with concrete measures to benefit our fellow Boholanos back home. Mabuhi ang CONBUSAC… Mabuhi ang Bohol… Mabuhi tang tanan…God bless us all. Sincerely Yours,
Carlos L. Cagaanan President
CONBUSAC (Confederation of Boholanos of USA and Canada) 13th Biennial Convention “Sleepless in Seattle 2009” Seattle, WA July 4, 2009 Souvenir Journal Message With open hands and expectant hearts, we, the Bohol Association of Washington State, Inc. (BOAWAS), sponsor of this wonderful event, happily extend to all our fellow Boholanos and convention delegates from all over U.S.A. and Canada, our warm greetings and heartfelt welcome to our beautiful city of Seattle, lovingly immortalized in that enjoyable movie, “Sleepless in Seattle”, which we now proudly appropriate as the very title of our convention. Welcome to “SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE” 2009! For the 13th biennial year, the Confederation of Boholanos, USA and Canada, Inc. (CONBUSAC) comes together once again for three objectives, among other equally good ones: 1) To highlight and bring to the forefront the beauty, creativity and virtuosity of the Boholano people; 2) To provide a forum for extended contact and cooperation of all Boholanos in North America and the world, and 3) To promote awareness of the need for funds and resources for the different CONBUSAC service projects in our beloved province of Bohol. Your presence here tonight tells me that you, too, hold these objectives dear. The sacrifice that you and your family made to be able to come here inspires me that we, if we but act as one, are equal to the task of helping alleviate the plight of our beloved Bolanons. And let us also remember that we are celebrating Fourth of July, the great freedom holiday of this wonderful country we now call home. So my fellow Boholanos and friends, this weekend, let us have fun and enjoy each other’s company and tomorrow, we go home refreshed and re-energized as Boholanos creating a difference for Bohol. May God, in His undying love for us in Jesus Christ, continue to bless our families with good health and abundant resources. NAT CALACAT BOAWAS President
CONBUSAC Organization Chart 2007-2009
This chart represents the roles and project committees which this CONBUSAC administration has dedicated itself to under the leadership of Carlos Caga-anan over the past two years. The following pages recognize some of these people by name.
Concise CONBUSAC History The Occasion To commemorate its 50th or Golden Anniversary in 1986, the Bohol Circle, Inc. (BCI) decided that a celebration to pay tribute to the organization’s 50 years of accomplishments, as well as to ensure the success of the organization for years to come was in order. With that in mind, working committees were organized and members were appointed. One of these committees was the National Convention Committee for which the following persons were appointed as committee members:
• • • • • •
Lym Galon, BCI current president (Chairperson Ex-Officio); Dal Jayag, BCI First President (1936-1937/ Honorary Committee Chairperson); Rene Sumodobila –Committee Chairperson; Alex Verano –Vice Chairperson; Gloria Cahiles –Secretary-Treasurer; and Rachel Morgia –Invitation and Credentials
Motives of Founding At the time of the Golden Anniversary, there were approximately twenty-four Boholano organizations scattered across North America. As one of the oldest and most established organization in America, BCI saw it their duty to bring Boholanos from all over the United States and Canada together for a convention for the purpose of getting acquainted with each other and other purposes. In due time, Convention Committee extended formal invitations to each of the organizations to take part and witness the historic affair. Other Motives Political events in the Philippines compounded the impetus in the formation of the CONBUSAC. Back home, the country had just witnessed the downfall of President Ferdinand Marcos after almost two decades of misrule. The tide of Filipino nationalism and patriotism was intense and unstoppable. Every Filipino worldwide was emotionally affected. The coming together of Boholanos from all over North America could not have come at a better time. The Urgent Need to Organize As the Convention Chairperson, Rene N. Sumodobila, opened the first convention held on September 20 and 21, 1986. After discussing the purpose of the convention, it was unanimously decided that there was an urgent need to organize into a formal organization. After thorough discussion, the table was opened for motion. Immediately, Mr. Alex Verano opened a motion, seconded by Mr. Venancio Bag-ao, that the duly assembled bodies convert itself into an organization. This motion was unanimously approved.
Concise CONBUSAC History continued... Organizing Credit CONBUSAC was formed as a group and by the collective efforts of Boholanos in the United States and Canada who share common bond of interest, the same nationalism and patriotism, are motivated by the needs back home, and have come together in response to the call of the Motherland in nation building. As such, no individual can claim credit to the formation of the CONBUSAC. Organizational credit however, goes to the Boholano organizations, in particular to: Antequera Brotherhood Club (c/o Mr. Vic Coquilla) Baclayon Family Circle (c/o Mr. Florencio “Boy” Verano) Bay Area Loayanos (c/o Mr. Ben Bagnol) Bilar Family Circle (c/o Mr.Allen Anub) Bohol Association of Canada (c/o Mr. Gerard Silagan) Bohol Association of Texas (BATI, c/o Mr. Filomeno Gonzalez) Bohol Circle, Inc. (BCI, c/o Mr. Lym Galon) Bohol Provincial School of Nursing Alumni Association in USA (BPHSN-USA, c/o Mrs. Loreta “Nini” Trinidad) Boholanos of Southern California, Inc. (BSCI, c/o Mrs.SusanMaquindang) Boholano Veterans of World War II (c/o, Mr. George Angan) Circulo Boholano of Chicago, Illinois (c/o Johnny Torralba) Guindulman Mutual Aid of Stockton, California (c/o Mr. Pete Villarimo) Loay Association of Southern California (c/o Mrs. Estrella Viloria) Loboc Association of Northern California (c/o Mrs. Iluminado “Dodo”Uy) Loonanon Pioneers of America (c/o Mr. Jun Lansaderas) Maribojoc Association (c/o Mrs. Nini Coquilla) St. Michael (Jagna) Association (c/o Mr. Nick Lipang) Singing Priests (c/o Rev. Fr. Cirilo Darunday, Jr.) Sons of Calape, Inc. (c/o Mr. Eli Laboca) Tagbilaran Association of Northern California (TANOCAL, c/o Mr. ReneSumodobila) Valencia Residents of California (VALRESCA, c/o Miss Lilia Cajilog) The first convention was honored by the following guests: - Mr Alex Esclamado (Guest, Publisher, Philippine News); - Mr. Justin Gonzaga (c/o Bohol Jaycees); - Fiscal Renerio “Niknik” Namocatcat (c/o Bohol Provincial Fiscal’s Office, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, PI); - Mr. Felipe Sarmiento (Guest, Commercial Attache, Philippine Consulate, San Francisco, California) CONBUSAC and Its Legacy CONBUSAC has left a legacy as the only organization that was formed by Filipinos in response to the call of the Motherland for assistance in nation-building immediately after the fall of Ferdinand Marcos and his government. Whether or not this is an ambitious commitment, this is a unique way of showing patriotism by freedom-loving people for which the Boholano people must be proud of.
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BRIEF HISTORY OF BOHOL SWAT BACKGROUND In the year 2006 and the early part of 2007, there have been a marked increase in the number of armed robberies recorded in Bohol as compared to previous years , especially in Tagbilaran City. Many of these cases have not been solved partly due to the absence of a special police tactical response unit that can efficiently and effectively counter the criminals who are becoming bolder and more violent each time they commit the next crime. The series of Bank robberies and other high profile crimes in Cebu City and neighboring provinces had the potential danger of spilling over Bohol due to the tempting opportunity of the province as a fast growing economy. The influx of tourists, both foreign and domestic has also become a potential target for terrorists just like in other tourism areas locally and in neighboring countries. For this reason, PSSUPT EDGARDO C INGKING, CEO VI, upon his assumption in January 2007 as Provincial Director of Bohol Police Provincial Office (BPPO), initiated the activation of a SWAT unit in Bohol. He went around the different sectors in the community to make presentations on the need to establish such unit and to solicit their support, considering that the PNP resources could not fully accommodate it. The first person to respond to our call for help was the Governor, Hon. Erico B. Aumentado and with his all-out support, we were able to get pledges of donations from different sectors. The donors include the Provincial LGU, First Congressional District, Bohol Bankers Association, Bohol Chamber of Commerce and CONBUSAC. CONBUSAC pledged 1 Million Pesos for the SWAT and had already sent a donation of 15,000 US dollars. All donations are deposited in a SWAT Trust Account administered by the Provincial Treasurerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office.
SWAT TRAINING As a precondition for support, most of the prospective donors wanted the PNP to partially finance the creation of a SWAT Unit and they will provide their counterpart funds. Because of this, the Provincial Peace and Order Council, through its Chairman, Governor Erico Aumentado, passed a resolution requesting the Chief, PNP to shoulder the SWAT training cost. Thereafter, the two-month training was approved and conducted from January 15 to March 16, 2009 in Bohol with a budget of 1 Million Pesos provided by the Chief, PNP. The Launching of SWAT initiative was formally done in a ceremony attended by the former Chief, PNP, PDG AVELINO I RAZON at the Bohol Tourist Police Station in Tawala, Panglao on Septemebr 18, 2008. On that occasion, Plaques of Recognition were given by the Chief, PNP and PD, BPPO to representatives of donor organizations including CONBUSAC , which was representative by Mr. Francisco Cagaanan, the cousin of the CONBUSAC President. The Graduation Ceremony was held on March 17, 2009 at Camp Francisco Dagohoy ground with the Regional Director, Police Regional Office 7, PCSUPT FEDERICO TERTE as the Guest of Honor and Speaker. The governor, and other VIPs also attended. CONBUSAC was represented by Dr. Robert Caga-anan.
DEPLOYMENT AND EQUIPAGE SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) is a specialized unit of BPPO which was trained to per form dangerous operations. These include ser ving high-risk arrest warrants, performing hostage rescue and/or armed intervention, preventing terrorist attacks, and engaging heavily-armed criminals. SWAT teams are equipped with specialized and high-powered rifles for marksmen (snipers). Specialized gadgets including heavy body armor, entry tools, special vehicle and night vision optics are also part of the standard equipment. Currently, procurement of special operations assault rifles, tactical uniforms and special boots, sniper’s scopes and special SWAT vehicle is being processed based on donations already received. Except for the vehicle, all items are sourced from FERFRANS Weapons System, the official distributor of the PNP Special Action Force based in the USA. The vehicle will be provided by the Bohol Bankers’ Association. In addition, all 25 members of the SWAT Unit are issued with brand new “Berreta” Cal 9mm pistols as secondary weapons. Other equipment like armored vests, Kevlar helmets, gas masks and special gears will be purchased as soon as additional funds will be made available.
BENEFIT The realization of this SWAT project primarily benefits the Boholano people as well as the visitors of the province. The SWAT unit does not only offer itself as an effective and efficient police response unit. Its existence also serves as deterrent to crimes that contribute to the overall crime prevention campaign in the province. With the waning insurgency, it is anticipated that crimes, especially those against property will rise without intervention and the presence of this SWAT Unit would help a lot in controlling this rise. Without the support of the generous donors, this could not have been made possible. The police owe all of them a debt of gratitude. In turn, the police will continue to carry out its mandate to serve and protect the people and ensure that Bohol will continue to be a place conducive to live, visit, work and do business.
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TOBAW - Marino Aguhar Marino Aguhar was born in Talibon, Bohol to Luis and Amadea Aguhar. Marino, a registered nurse for the V.A. Medical Center, Houston, currently resides in Bellaire, Texas with wife, Leonor. The couple is blest with three children, Kristine, a graduate from the University of Chicago with a BS Biology Degree who is now working in Washington, D.C., Michael, a graduate from U.T. Austin and who is now pursuing his Law Degree in a Houston university and Mark, who just graduated from U.T. Austin with a Fine Arts Degree.
Organizational positions held by Marino include President of Bohol Association of Texas, Inc. 1n 1997-1999 and then 2008-present. He is also the Regional Vice-President of CONBUSAC for the Southwest Region. In 2002, Mr Aguhar, responded to the challenge of Gov Aumentado to partner with his government’s program in Bohol “The Livestock Dispersal Program” for poverty reduction. He introduced to him the Artificial Insemination Program which led the Bohol Association of Texas, Inc. to be in the forefront among CONBUSAC members to initiate this endeavor. Then in 2003, CONBUSAC thru Pres Lito Dano sent nitrogen tanks and other equipments needed to fully implement the Artificial Insemination Program. Giving money value to our initial contribution of 80,000 pesos, now, it’s worth millions and it has greatly impacted the living conditions of our farmers in the Province of Bohol. This project is an ongoing project of CONBUSAC.
TOBAW - Anglito “Lito” Dano Mr Anglito “Lito” Dano was born in Sevilla, Bohol to Paterno and Angeles Dano. He is married to Mrs Eden Dano and they are blessed with two daughters. He finished his Bachelor of Science in Commerce Degree at the University of Bohol and also finished his Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of the Far East. He is currently employed as a Financial Officer of the Compassionate Homecare, Inc., and as President and Administrator of the Pond’s Edge ALF, Inc., and President of Litz Danz, Inc. These corporations are engaged in the Home Health Care Industry. Mr Dano was President of the Ang Kaliwat Bolanon sa Florida (AKBF) FROM 1995-1999 and then President of CONBUSAC FROM 2003-2005. He sits as a Permanent Board of Director Member of the Philippine Culturak Foundation, Inc., based in Tampa, Florida. He had served as President of so many organizations among them are the, Sevilla Association of Tagbilaran, St Joseph Kindergarten Association and Bohol “Sandugo” Jaycees. He is a recipient of so many awards, appreciations and recognitions, among them are the; Plaque of Merit awarded by Gov Erico Aumentado, The Most Outstanding LOM Award given by Mr Anastacio Muntuerto, Jr,. Philippine Jaycees National Executive Vice President and so many others. His services and accomplishments include; 1. Artificial Insemination Program of the Provincial Veterinarian’s Office as part of the Provinces’ Poverty Reduction Program- Monetary value based on the total offspring produced: 11 Million Pesos from 2004-2005. 2. Computer Set donations (15) - To improve school and government capabilities. 3. Mabini Poison Victims - helped victims with their needs and medical care. 4. Gawa Kalinga - Donated (8) Houses for the poor who cannot afford housing. 5. Water Pump - For the provision of adequate water supply of the Sunshine Home Orphanage in Tagbilaran. 6. Musical Instruments - For the Loboc Children’s Choir. 7. Medical & Surgical Supplies - to help and assist surgical & medical needs of indigent patients. 8. Paint A Heart of Tampa -Provided help and assistance in painting houses for low-income senior citizens in the City of Tampa.
TOBAW - Susan Espiritu Dilkes Susan Espiritu Dilkes was born in Cebu City, Bohol to Licarion and Gloria Espiritu Dilkes. Susan Espiritu, a Executive Director for F i l i p i n o A m e r i c a n S e r v i c e G ro u p , Incorporated, currently resides in Hollywood, California with husband Ed. Organizational positions held by Susan Espiritu include: President of Boholanos of Southern California and Chair of National Federation of Fil-Am Association. Achievements include: • For over 14 years, was an active advocate on behalf of Filipino American World War II veterans who fought for benefits promised to them during WWII by the United States government, but rescinded after the war. This includes protesting, and being arrested with several Filipino American WWII veterans in Washington D.C. during a Veteran’s rally. Activities included testifying on behalf of the Filipino Veteran’s Equity Bill before the House Veterans Affairs Committee, which was signed into law by President Barack Obama. This bill authorizes Congress to distribute to Filipino veterans due monies promised to them by the U.S. • Worked with Fil-Vote, a non-profit organization dedicated to registering and activating Filipino American voters. • Launched Miss Bohol and Mr.& Mrs. Bohol Pageants to raise funds for the BSCI Scholarship Fund. • Certificate of Appreciation from Embassy of the Philippines for the Filipino World War II Veterans advocacy. • 2000 Distinguished Leadership Award from the California Association of Leadership Programs Leadership Network. • Executive Director of FASGI, non-profit organization which represents and serves the neediest Filipino Americans in Los Angeles and Southern California. • Exceptional Service and Leadership as Community Research Liaison – UCLA Filipino American Study Research Group. • Founding member of the Filipino-American Advisory Council. • Staff member of the Year, 2008, Civic Groups/Advocacy/Fraternal and Social Association, Community Service, Volunteer Center of Los Angeles, Assistance League of Southern California.
TOBAW - Randolfo “Randy” Gallardo Randolfo “Randy” Gallardo was born in Tagbilaran City, Bohol to Lutero and Demetrio Gallardo. Randy, a retired civil engineer for Fluor Daniels, currently resides in Long Beach, California with wife, Dolores. Organizational positions held by Randy include President of CONBUSAC, President of the Boholanos of Southern California, Inc., and President of Bilarnon Internationl and Bilarnon Foundation, Inc. Randy acted as trainer, organizer, facilitator and speaker during training, seminars, workshops, etc. especially for newly-hired engineers at Fluor Daniels.
His work experience and positions held, include: -Supv. Const. Estimator, Fluor Engrs. Aliso Viejo, CA -Supv. Const. Estimator, Fluor Worldwide Const. Group -Supv. Const. Estimator, Fluor Engrs. Aliso Viejo, CA -Sr. Civl Estimator, Fluor Engrs. Irvine CA -Supv. Const. Estimator, Pacific Architects & Engrs, US Army, Vietnam -Paul Hardeman (Phil), Tunnel Engineer(Undergound), Angat Dam Construction -Bureau of Public Highways Sr. Estimator-Roads & Bridges, Manila, Philippines He has received many awards and recognitions; The Outstanding Filipino of the Year award for 2007, several Plaques of Merit, foremost of which was awarded by Gov Erico Aumentado of the Province of Bohol, and several Plaques of Appreciations, He also received the much coveted Global Services Award given by his company, Fluor Daniels in 1996. As head of CONBUSAC, he asked the different Boholano Organizations to help by donating services, medicines & medical services to their own community for the benefit of the people in their respected towns. As President of the Boholanos of So. California, Inc., in 1987, he started the College Scholarship Program for 10 deserving students at the Central Visayas State College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Technology (CVSCAFT). It continued under different BSCI Presidents. More than 100 students have graduated as of 2008. As President of Bilarnon Int'l. & Bilarnon Foundation Inc., he held Medical Misions in Bilar, Bohol in 2000, 2002, 2004 & 2006 in coordination with Dr. & Mrs. Cesar Cumba, Roldan Sarmiento and all Bilarnons in USA & Canada. And with Drs. Pepe Recitas & Ramie Cadag of Homereach Foundation, he served in 3 Medical Missions in our province.
TOBAW - Elizabeth Veloso Garcia Ma. Elizabeth Veloso Garcia was born in Tagbilaran City, Bohol to Jose and Primitiva Veloso. Elizabeth, a registered nurse for New York Downtown Hospital, currently resides in Cedar Grove, New Jersey with husband, Gabino â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bebsâ&#x20AC;? Garcia. Organizational positions held by Elizabeth include Chairperson of Tigum Bol-anon sa Tibuok Kalibutan (TBTK). As Chairman of TBTK, Ms Garcia have fostered the spirit of genuine concern for our province and gave the Boholanos the opportunity to network with local groups in combating poverty and deprivation, illness and malnutrition. She had encouraged expatriates and overseas workers to rediscover our love for our province and allow us to reunite with our families and friends while we appreciate our customs and traditions and our history. In the area of tourism enhancement, she brought people back to our country which benefited the economic conditions of our people. This also aroused awareness to the great and sublime need to connect with our roots. Her tireless work of organizing and raising funds for charitable and other worthy causes gave our underprivileged fellow Boholanos the opportunity to enjoy the luxury of medical assistance and care for free. She received a Plaque of Recognition jointly signed by Gov Aumentado, then Tagbilaran City Mayor Jose Torralba and then Tagbilaran Diocese Bishop Leopoldo Tumulak for her extraordinary leadership in bridging the Boholanos all over the world to strengthen their ties with our beloved province. This particular recognition was given during the 149th Bohol Foundation Day Celebration in Tagbilaran City. Likewise, in recognition of her exemplary leadership in bonding together the Boholanos all over the world through the Tigum Bolanon, Tibuok Kalibutan 2006, Gov.Aumentado awarded her a Plaque of Merit during the 152nd Bohol Day Celebration in Tagbilaran City. The Philippine Consul General in New York also awarded her a Certificate of Appreciation for her selfless dedication, moral support and outstanding service which led to the unprecedented success of the Philippine Independence Day Celebration in June 2003, in the New York City. The Valor Award was also accorded her for unselfish service to the people of New York City following the Sept 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. In 2002, the Junior Chamber of the Philippine New York Jaycees awarded her the Outstanding Community Leader Award for her selfless and dedicated community service.
TOBAW - Dr. Anita Jackson Dr. Anita Cal Jackson was born in Tagbilaran City, Bohol to Alejandro and Leoncia Cal. Anita, a physician for Rancho Springs Medical Center, currently resides in Murrieta, California with husband, Ben. Organizational positions held by Anita include: Chairman of Tagbilaran Association of California, Vice President of Boholanos of Southern California, Incorporated and Council of Leaders for CONBUSAC. Achievements include: • Provided free medical consultations, including medications, to Filipino American immigrants in the Southern California area, who are without medical insurance or who cannot afford medical care. • Assisted in the arrangements for three children from the Philippines to travel to the U.S. to receive treatments for serious medical conditions. • Led medical-surgical-dental missions to Danao City, Tagbilaran City and Borbon, Cebu since 1999. • Contributed to the Free Clinic “ Botika sa Katawhan” & Bundle of Joy in Tagbilaran City. • Established links with non-profit organizations in the US such as Americares, MAP International, and IMA World Health, which traditionally respond to calamites and disasters worldwide and provide medical supplies and medicine to medical missioners attending to the healthcare of the world’s neediest individuals. • Involved in Southern California’s Filipino American community by helping to preserve, promote, and foster awareness of the rich Filipino culture to the Filipino American youth through the teaching of traditional ethnic dance. • Led annual St. Thomas de Villanueva Medical Mission. • Organized Ormocanon Circle USA Medical Mission. • Mrs. Bohol International Runner-up, TBTK 2006. • Reyna Elena I, 1st Santa Cruzan during Danao City Fiesta. • Miss CIM Golden Jubilee of the Cebu Institute of Medicine. • Philippine USA California Ambassador of Goodwill to the Philippine Humanitarian Aid & Endeavor. • Director, TBTYK Medical Mission 2009 • President Danao Association (DAUSA)
TOBAW - Dr. Nicanor “Nick” Lopez Dr. Nicanor “Nick” Lopez was born in Loon, Bohol to Rosendo and Cecilia Lopez. Nick currently resides in Maple Glen, Pennsylvania with wife, Estefa. Dr Nick Lopez is a Medical Doctor by profession specializing in Emergency Medicine. It is by and thru his profession that he was able to organize, strengthen, unify and solidify not only our fellow Boholanos living outside the Philippines, but also those who are living outside the Province of Bohol. Organizational positions held by Nicanor include: Founder and Honorable Chairperson of Tigum Bol-anon sa Tibuok Kalibutan, President of CONBUSAC, and Member of the Board of Directors of Filipino American Doctors Association of Philadelphia.
It started in the early 1990’s when Dr Lopez initiated, coordinated and participated in the medical missions in Bohol led by Drs Pepe Recitas and Ramie Cadag. These exposures gave him a vision to engage in something that could help the economic development and social well-being of Bohol, in addition to medical assistance.. Thus, in 1995, Dr Lopez decided to ran for President of CONBUSAC and won. During his term, he continued the holding of medical missions and in addition donated several computers to schools in Bohol and launched the highly successful Bundle of Joy Project. Running short of time to materialize his vision for Bohol and our fellow Boholanos as his term as President of CONBUSAC was about to end, he decided to run for reelection and won. It was during his second term as CONBUSAC President that he was able to build his vision when he founded, created and organized the Tigum Bolanon sa Tibuok Kalibutan or TBTK. TBTK spearheaded in the homecoming of Boholanos and friends of Boholanos to go home, see and visit Bohol. This made an enormous change in the social life of the people in Bohol. On top of this, the TBTK has greatly contributed to the economic growth and development of Bohol and has sparked the rise of the tourism industry in the province. That is why, then Tourism Secretary Richard Gordon made CONBUSAC and the TBTK, the model organizations to be followed by the various Provincial and Territorial Organizations based in the USA, Canada and Europe. Dr Lopez is quite humbly sure that what he had done has changed the lives of our fellow Boholanos in the province as well as the trends in their lives. Thus, the Province of Bohol, through Gov Erico Aumentado has conferred upon him the highest award Bohol can give, the Sikatuna Award on July 22, 2006. Recognizing his leadership of the TBTK and the CONBUSAC, and acknowledging his efforts to bridge Boholanos all over the world and strengthen their ties with our beloved motherland, the Province of Bohol through Gov Erico Aumentado, the City of Tagbilaran, through then Mayor Jose Torralba and the Diocese of Tagbilaran through then Bishop Leopoldo Tumulak, jointly awarded him a Plaque of Recognition in recognition of his meritorious services to the Boholanos, during the 149th Bohol Foundation Day celebration.
TOBAW - Bernardo Mag-aso Bernardo Mag-aso was born in Tagbilaran City, Bohol to Narciso and Tita Mag-aso. Bernardo, a medical biller for Jamaica Hospital, currently resides in Richmond Hill, New York with wife, Francista. Organizational positions held by Bernardo include Charter President of Tagbilaranons of Eastern USA, President of CONBUSAC, and Member of Integration Bar of the Philippines. During his term as CONBUSAC president, 2001-2003, with the help of Bohol Assoc. of Texas, Inc (BATI) leaders particularly Marine Aguhar & Shirly Camacho, I was able to plan, formulate & implement a joint project with the Province of Bohol on Artifical Insemination/ Cattle Dispersal. The program was officially launched in July 2003 by the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement with the province of Bohol, where 10 towns initially covered.
This program brought a big change in the peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; lives in Bohol because 1st it changed the practices of or culture of cattle raising 2nd it greatly improved the livelihood of the Farmers; 3rd it contributes to the growth of the farming industry & economy in the province. Proof of these assertions can be obtained from the Office of the Governor of Bohol. Here in the US, he was the first president of the Tagbilaranons of Eastern USA. Among his priorities was the promotion, preservation & perpetuation of Boholano culture, customs & traditions. So, he initiated the holding of a novena in honor of St. Joseph, Patron Saint of Tagbilaran as a preparation to the holding of the fiesta celebration. Then, he helped form a cultural group, the Friends & Music that performs choral singing & dancing. These have made the Tagbilarans & Boholanos in the Northeastern seaboard more cohesive. The impact of these in the lives of the Boholanos in the eastern seaboard area is that it has strengthened the feeling of belongingness and the love for Bohol; It has inculcated upon the younger Boholanos especially those born here in the US the virtues of respect for elders, the value of prayers, & the reasons behind fiesta celebrations.
TOBAW - Celina Apalisok Nielson Celina Apalisok Nielsen, a Registered Nurse by profession, was born to Mr. Dominador and Mrs. Flora Borja Apalisok in Manila, Philippines. She is married to Hal Nielsen and resides in San Bruno, California. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the College of the Holy Spirit in Tagbilaran City and a Degree in Nursing from the St. Luke’s Hospital in San Francisco, California. Cely has worked as a registered nurse for about 30 years. She established a federally approved non-profit organization named Flora Apalisok Free Children’s Clinic (FAFCC) in the State of California, to benefit the indigent children of Bohol, Philippines. The mission of the FAFCC is to improve the lives of the most undernourished and medically and surgically needy indigent children of Bohol by: - Providing milk and vitamins to the severely undernourished; - Sponsoring the surgeries of children with cleft lips/palates, hernias, cystoceles, colostomy closures, etc.; - Referring patients and parents to local government and non governmental health care agencies - Educating parents on disease prevention and management; - Counseling parents about family planning; and - Providing assistance for laboratory and diagnostic services. So many children’s lives have been changed because of what the FAFCC does. As an example, an 8 yr old boy from Maribojoc with cerebral palsy continues to receive a monthly supply of vitamins which has improved his neurological state. Then, there is that 7 year old boy from Calape with congenital hypothyroidism. He continues to receive his monthly supply of thyroxine which helps prevent his slide to retardation. There’s another 4 year old boy from Corella with cystocele, who underwent surgery at the Ramiro Hospital and as a result is now attending school. There are countless of stories like these, people of no means who have benefitted from the humanitarian works of Cely. In the area of family planning, the FAFCC has sponsored close to a thousand desperate women to receive tubal ligation and insertion of IUDs as contraceptive methods. This summer, the FAFCC will hold medical screenings in Baclayon, Pamilacan Island and Mantatao Island and will initiate the necessary medical and/or surgical interventions to treat the problems discovered. And, Cely will be at the forefront of all these.
TOBAW - Renato “Nenet” Tungol Renato “Nenet” Tungol was born in Albuquerque, Bohol to Licerio and Hilaria Tungol. Renato, a Principal Attorney for Tungol Law Offices, currently resides in Darien Illinois with wife, Virgel. As Husband and Father, he is happily married to Virgel Lamdagan for the past 32 years and blest with three successful children, Kristine, a lawyer in Washington, D.C., Karlos, a Captain in the U.S. Air Force, and Kristian, a graduate of De Paul University currently pursuing a Doctoral Degree. Organizational positions held by Renato include Mayor of the Municipality of Albuquerque, Bohol, Legal Adviser of CONBUSAC, Member of Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and Member of American Immigration Lawyers association. Nenet never take for granted the blessings and accomplishments that I have been bestowed with. Therefore, his achievements go hand-in-hand with his service to humankind, as one is not possible without the other. Below is a breakdown of the goals he has achieved and the humanitarian services that he has provided throughout the years. As a Practicing Attorney, he has been providing free consultations to Boholanos and Filipinos in general in all immigration matters. He represented and successfully assisted with permanent resident visa status to hundreds of healthcare workers, including registered nurses, medical technologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, medical doctors, radiologic technologists and other professionals, such as accountants, computer engineers, teachers and religious workers. He also facilitated the unification of families through family-based petitions, and represented non-immigrants under deportation proceedings. Oftentimes, he represents clients in a low-bono (reduced rate) and pro bono capacity for those who cannot afford to pay the normal legal fees. His clients have become an extension to his family circle. He had had the great opportunity to become their “ninong” in marriage, their children’s godfather, and attending many of their house blessings and other milestone celebrations. These clients often stay within close proximity, and especially as members of the Boholano community in Illinois; thus contributing to the expansion and continuing legacy of the Circulo Boholano. As a Public Servant, his parents instilled in him a sense of public duty early on. His father was a schoolteacher and a principal, and his mother was an entrepreneur with a heart of gold, often extending credit that remains unpaid to this day to underprivileged neighbors. Therefore, public service was a calling that he heeded early on. As a student, he was a consistent class president, culminating in his position as President of the Junior Republic Student Council at the University of Bohol. The pinnacle of his public service was being elected mayor of his beloved hometown of Albuquerque, becoming the youngest elected mayor in the Philippines at that point. As municipal mayor, he facilitated the construction of Bagong Lipunan Sites and Services (BLISS), which consisted of 50 housing units that were awarded to qualified and deserving beneficiaries. He also improved the municipality’s water system, promoted environmental programs, and was awarded the Outstanding Mayor Award by the Provincial Peace and Order Council. As an Entrepreneur, he chose a business that is geared toward helping others. Virgel Lamdagan Tungol, they founded and established Quality Plus Care, Inc., providing home health services to the residents in the greater Chicagoland area. give than to receive. His life epitomizes this statement. He cannot remember a committed to service to others.
Together with his wife, a home health agency They say it is better to time when he was not
Public service is a legacy that his parents has instilled in him and his two brothers: Efren, a long-time Municipal Mayor; and Eugene, a long-time priest. It is a golden trait that he and his wife have passed on to their grown children, and a legacy they know will continue for generations to come in their family.
Seeing the World from Another Perspective By: Miyoshi Nanca Miss CONBUSAC 2007-2009
When I was approached about becoming a CONBUSAC candidate, I thought, “Why would anyone want to participate in a beauty pageant?” I’ve played competitive sports for most of my childhood and knew nothing about the world of pageants except for what I saw on the annually televised Miss Universe pageant. These were gorgeous women who spoke eloquently and looked perfect in every way. However, at my mother’s urging, I asked myself, “Why not? What can it hurt?” What really caught my attention was that I could run on the platform of providing service to kids who were in need of school supplies. As a girl scout, service was the core of what I’ve been doing for years. And, why not have the opportunity to dress up like those gorgeous perfect women I’d seen on TV?
so glad I relented! Aside from learning to speak in front of hundreds of people and allowing me to collect school supplies for children in need, the experience gave me the opportunity to learn more about my Lolo’s history, culture, and homeland: A place where people come together and help each other with open arms and hearts, even when they themselves have so little. Since winning Miss CONBUSAC last summer, I’ve been traveling around the world visiting countries and experiencing cultures including Brazil, Africa, India, Vietnam, China, Japan, and Costa Rica. Despite all the wonderful experiences I’ve had, my Filipino culture is one that I treasure and am most proud of. The pageant provided me greater insight into my rich Filipino culture, more history than I had been exposed to in school, and the opportunity to help others in need. I have a new appreciation for my heritage and I wouldn’t trade my pageant experience for anything in the world!
Ms. CONBUSAC 2009 Washington - Tessie LaMourea My name is Tessie LaMourea. I’m the daughter of Jim LaMourea and Cora Dompor Sumampong LaMourea. I don’t want to live with any regrets, which is why I followed my heart and went to a Catholic school. I love every minute of it. However, when I graduate, I would like to major in business or surgical science. Since this is my personal statement, I’ll start off by saying, I’m ready to take on any challenge life gives me and work my way through it. I could have given up when I started snowboarding because I kept falling, but I pushed my way through and now I love it! I also ski, do archery, and motorcycle. I also like to dance, which I why I joined my school’s Dance and Drill team. During the week, I keep busy with homework, debate practice, and practicing my flute. I’m a member of the National Honor Society and the French National Honor Society. I also am a member of Adventure Crew, which is like a co-ed version of Boy Scouts. We go on camping trips, scuba diving, and help out with local homeless shelters. On the weekends, I sometimes go to debate tournaments, but Sundays are always reserved for Church. I want to thank God for giving me such a wonderful and fulfilling life with people who care about me.
I want to make sure that my fellow Boholanos are given the same care and opportunities in their communities. I believe that life shouldn’t be filled with regrets and part of that is being able to go out and do the things that make you happy. This is why I’m running as Miss CONBUSAC 2009. I’m not doing this for vanity, to prove to people that I’m beautiful and talented. I want to use my beauty and talents to raise money so that the people I care about, and the ones I might not know yet, will be able to live fuller lives. So that when they’re old and look back on life, they can say, “I did everything I wanted to.”
Ms. CONBUSAC 2009 Texas - Gwynne Masalta Hello, my name is Gwynne Louriejane Toribio Masalta, and I will be representing Bohol Association of Texas, Incorporated in the Miss CONBUSAC 2009 Pageant. My father, Silvino Bing Masalta, is from Cabilao, Loon, Bohol. My Mother, Evangeline Vangie Toribio Masalta is from Parang, Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte. I was raised in a very Filipino way. I embrace traditional Filipino values such as respect, hospitality, honoring my family name, and having a strong faith in God. I take pride in my ability to speak Tagalog and Bisaya (pina-gahi pa jud). A strong artistic influence from both my parents side developed my passion for singing, dancing, and drawing. I received Presidential Award for Academic excellence when I graduated in elementary and middle school signed by President George W. Bush.
I was a student ambassador to Australia in June 2006 as part of the People to People Student Ambassador Program, Houston delegation. I was a member in high school of the Varsity Mixed choir, and I perform for the annual Multicultural Show with my Filipino folk dance troupe, Kaibigan. Not only do we perform at schools, but we also perform at local international festivals, as well. In choir, I qualified twice for All-State Solo & Ensemble, and I made region choir for 2007 and 2008. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve performed front act at Aegiss concert last August or Divas 4 Divas last March, at Yoyoy Villames last concert with Max Surban in Houston, at the Singing Priests Of Tagbilaran (SPOTlight) Concert, and at various other Filipino functions.
To be chosen out of so many young women in Texas with Bol-anon lineage to be a candidate in the Miss CONBUSAC pageant is a great honor. I did not agree to join this pageant only for the rewards or for a chance at becoming a beauty queen. I am participating in this pageant because of the many opportunities that it allows me. I want to represent Cabilao, Loon, Bohol, to bring honor and pride to my family, to be allowed the opportunity to speak my voice in order to make a difference in the Filipino community here and in Bohol and, most especially, to successfully exemplify the uniqueness and the inner and outer beauty of a true Boholana.
Ms. CONBUSAC 2009 TASCI - Kara Mayol My name is Kara Derikito Mayol and I represent the Tagbilaran Association of Southern California, Inc. for the Miss CONBUSAC Pageant 2009. I am currently a full time student majoring in Electrical Engineering while earning a minor in both Mathematics and Business. Earning a college degree is one of my main priorities in life and I have been working hard at making good in school earning me a membership to the Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi, where I am the current treasurer. Upon graduating, I plan to pursue a professional engineering license and work with global positioning systems. I am an active member of the Tagbilaran Association of Southern California Incorporated (TASCI) and have been for as long as I can remember. With TASCI I have been able to explore different avenues of Filipino culture had have been given the opportunity to both perform and choreograph Filipino folk dances such as the Tinikling. My experiences in performing at TASCI events made me find a passion for performing. I was a performer for a hula group under the direction of Keoni Chang for 4 years and have had many opportunities to compete in some major hula competitions.
When asked to participate in the Miss CONBUSAC Pageant, I thought it would be a good opportunity to not only represent TASCI, but also add a new experience of participating in a different form of competition. I would like to thank the members of the CONBUSAC organization for giving me the opportunity to help them in raising funds to support their ongoing projects for Bohol while at the same time showcase my talents along with other contestants with whom I hope to build lasting friendships.
Ms. CONBUSAC 2009 BSCI - Heather Navales I’m Heather Calamba Navales. Being born and raised in California has given me lots of exposure to the Filipino Community. My family has roots in Carmen and Sierra Bullones, Bohol. I have not yet, but am excited to visit the land of my parent and grand parents, to meet and get know my cousins. I’m looking forward to seeing the beautiful Bohol I heard and dreamed about.
The Boholano cooking, traditions & culture has been influential in my development of what I am today. Our annual town Fiestas are celebrated here in America and is rich in tradition, which our elders have not forgotten. We thank them for the value they have extended to us. It is the duty of the succeeding generations of Pinoy-Pinays from Bohol in America to preserve the rich cultural heritage and traditions. The dances, songs, dialect, food is part of our culture. We need support from our Boholano Community organizations to continue and preserve our Boholano cultural traditions.
I’d like propose the creation of a Bohol Heritage Historical Committee at the CONBUSAC conference In Seattle, Washington. For the purpose of educating/ preserving our Boholano culture and traditions. Our foreign born Boholano offspring’s must be educated and exposed to continue our culture and traditions. We need the youth to participate for the future of the organization.
Ms. CONBUSAC 2009 Canada - Emelyn-Jade Ticong My name is Emelyn-Jade and I was born in Vancouver BC, Canada. I’m the typical well-rounded student both academically and athletically. I have been very active and I am still able to maintain a high grade point average. Although my true love abides in sports, I’ve always had an interest in fine arts such as dancing and singing. I have great aspirations for the upcoming future, which include working in the medical field and traveling around the world to help those who are underprivileged. I have also been involved with the Bohol Foundation of British Columbia since I was born. We Boholanos in BC unite as one family, and work together to benefit those in need in the Philippines. We have had various fundraisers in order to donate money for an orphanage in Tagbilaran, bed mattresses for the Provincial hospitals in Bohol, and much more. As an athlete, I would have never thought of being in a beauty pageant. To be honest, I’ve always had a negative outlook on pageants, because I always thought it was solely based on physical attributes and nothing more. When asked to participate in Miss CONBUSAC Pageant 2009, I was skeptical at first. However, when I looked more into this CONBUSAC pageant, I realized this was something different. I joined based on the main purpose of this pageant - it is a fundraiser for a greater cause. One of the goals of CONBUSAC is to unite expatriate Boholanos in their mission to share their prosperity with their less fortunate brethren in the Philippines. To be involved in a pageant like this is a great opportunity and I believe that I will truly benefit from this experience. Because my life ambition is to help those in need, this pageant will be a great way to develop my skills and character in order to reach that goal. It’s not just about showcasing your physical and inner beauty, it's about advancing the cause you're fighting for - which is why I decided to join the Miss CONBUSAC Pageant 2009.
… it’s great to go “home”
P atrimony L ivelihood E ducation H ealthcare ConBUSAC and TBTK can help us h e l p them ! Senior’s Home (in Sandingan)
[ YOUR participation is tax-deductible ]
Bohol Health Care Center Diagnostic Laboratory “Plus” (Tagbilaran City)
… if w e don’t help, w ho w ill ?
- - - reaching out to “home” is great too !
[ we do h e l p … ]
Home-Reach reach out (in photos):
scholarship, fishing co-op, “Mama …” Multi-Vitamins, shipping supplies (especially medicines) to on-site, San Vicente Ferrer MultiCenter, Philippine Gift !f Life [many other effort are not shown here];
Home-Reach Foundation, Inc. is registered / operates as 501©(3) non-profit; YOUR donation is tax-exempt to the fullest extent allowed by law: please help us help them … address your contribution to 24 Birchdale Lane, Port Washington, NY 11050.
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Sleepless in Seattle July 2-6 2009 Bellevue Washington
Headed by Mr.
Carlos Cagaanan, President
From your friends from Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey
Dr. Nenita Yu and Family
From your friends from Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Dr. Joselito Domingo Dr. Joseph Young Dr. Victoria Cayetano Dr. Caroline Farrales Dr. Marie Claire Rabanal
!"##$%&'()*"+,)-./01"$2)31&(1() Congratulations and Best Wishes 4..)5#.#'1$#()$+)$0#)
Sleepless in Seattle !"#$%&'(%&))*%
13th CONBUSAC Biennial Convention +,-./%0##%123%43,5-663#%-7%123%8-,1-6%9-"61$%:3;#12%<$513.%
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The Gallardo Family of Long Beach, CA wishes good luck to BSCI Candidate Miss Heather C. Navales
Front: Kiana Walden, Brooke Mackemson, Ethan Figueroa, Kiana Walden, Marissa Gallardo, & Kaila Figueroa 2nd: Rowena Walden, Dolores Gallardo, Rica Figueroa, Tyler Gallardo, Ralph Gallardo, & Ben Figueroa Back: Kaycee Mackemson, Jay Mackemson, Megan Gallardo, Randy Gallardo, & Benjamin Figueroa !
Edward Dilkes, Chairman of the Board
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“Making a Difference in the Lives of Fellow !Boholanos!” Good luck on a Successful Event !AT The 13th Biennial Convention of the Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada (CONBUSAC)
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$"+ July 2 to 6, 2009
Congratulations to Miss Heather Calamba Navales Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Southern CA, Inc. (BSCI)
!" Congratulations to Heather Navales! From the Family of Hermenegildo and Franchita Rebosura in Northern California
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making a Difference in the Lives of Fellow !Boholanos!â&#x20AC;? A Hearty Welcome !All Delegations to the 13th Biennial Convention of the Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada (CONBUSAC)
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$"+ July 2 to 6, 2009
Congratulations to Miss Heather Calamba Navales Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Southern CA, Inc. (BSCI) !
H E A T H E R N AVA L E S MO R E P OW E R T O YO U A N D C O N B U S AC ! Demmia Tallo-Salarda
CONBUSAC 2009 GOOD LUCK TO YOU TESSIE! Burt and Maria White Karen and Vincent Llubit Vacaville, CA
Greetings to CONBUSAC 2009 And Good Luck to
Tessie LaMourea
Lolo Jose Sumampong Sr. (BOAWAS 1st President) Lola Bebie
Uncles and Aunts: Fr. Joesum, Fr. Jed, Dell, Senn, Bebot, Cora, Perg, Eva, Myles, Angelie, Clarita, Jeg and Mites Cousins: Leah, Joy, Jamby, Teah, Gab, FJ, Ian, Abay Jed, Abay Joe, Paul, Hannah, Tricia, Shiela, TJ, Maeyam, Camille and Bianca
Best Wishes and God Bless To All Participants of the
13th Biennial Convention of the Confederation of the USA and Canada Seattle, Washington
Compliments from
Pete and Lalaine LaMourea Owners of Gardenia Home Care Fountain Valley, CA 714-531-0851
Good Luck to our Niece,
Tessie LaMourea
CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the officers and members of CONBUSAC Good Luck in all your endeavors!
Welcome Governor and Mrs. Erico Aumentado
from Ang Kaliwat Bol-anon sa Florida
The Garcia’s of Washington State Alan, Agnes, Candy, & Ann
Liso sa Bohol Mga dinaligdig sa kasapaan Ug awit sa kalanggaman Inagik-ik sa siloy sa may kawayan Ikaw lamang ang akong namingawan Yamog sa kaadlawon Ug gabon sa kabuntagon Ikaw ang nagbisbis aron lamang mutobo ug mosipang ang kinaiya nga Kaliwat Bol-anon. Liso nga gipadpad sa mapadamguhon nga huyohoy Gianod sama sa gapnud nga walay kakapoy Binhi nga gisabwag sa kapupud-an Miturok ug milambo sa tibuok kalibutan Apan didto sa isla nga imong gigikanan gitakda nga ikaw si Kaliwat Bol-anon. Busa Liso, bunga mo angay gayod panggaon Kay didto sa bato nga bantilis gikulit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ang Kaliwat Bol-anon.â&#x20AC;? DennyAuza051408
Ang kabataan sa Kaliwat Bol-anon sa Florida.
The youth of AKBF.
for the
13th Biennial CONBUSAC Convention and Best Wishes to
Tessie LaMourea BOAWAS 2009 Miss CONBUSAC Candidate
Greetings from the
Calipusan Siblings
Carol, Darren, and Charito
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Artemio and Serina Sumampong 30th Wedding Anniversary
Tessie LaMourea Miss BOAWAS 2009
Art Jr., Alex, and Amy
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reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
11118 S. Kedzie Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60655
Tel No: (773) 233-4888
Congratulations to CONBUSAC Confederation of Boholanos in the USA and Canada
Best of Luck to Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate of the Bohol Association of WA State
Tito Dell, Tita Senn Tagbilaran City Cousins: Leah, Manila
Anne Jovylle, Canada Janby, Manila Thea, Tagbilaran Gab, Tagbilaran
More Power to the CONBUSAC CONVENTION ……….2009 and Congratulations to Tessie LaMourea
Tita Rita Camille Bianca
More Power To:
Greetings to all PAISANOS and the CONBUSAC! From: Our “BOHOLANO” Group of Companies in Metro Los Angeles:
12750 Center Court Dr. Ste 140, Cerritos, CA 90703 Tel 562.809.1081 ! Fax 562.809.1373 Email
Atty. JOHNSON B. HONTANOSAS & ASSOCIATES Business Consultants Tel 909.438.6388 Email
" " " "
Motorsport Audio Body Shop Car Dealer
11032 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601 Tel 818.755.9800 Fax 818.755.9805 Email
Contact Info: Benny Bautista CEO 818.755.9800
More Power To:
Greetings to all PAISANOS and the CONBUSAC! From:
Our “BOHOLANO” Group of Companies in California:
Angel City
Hospice Care, Inc. 26 Bernard Street, No. 90 Bakersfield, CA 93305 TEL 661.324.1700 FAX 661.327.0903 EMAIL
12750 Center Court Dr., Suite. 130 Cerritos, CA 90703 TEL 562.860.0100 • FAX 562.860.0117 TOLL FREE 866.547.0117 EMAIL
KASO PADALA, SOLBAD PROBLEMA! We specialize in expedient solutions for Philippine legal problems
JB HONTANOSAS & Associates, Inc.
Universal Medical Supplies 12232 E. South Street Artesia CA 90701 TEL 562.860.7711 ! FAX 562.860.3940
(A Cebu City law firm with nationwide network of topnotch Civil, Criminal, Business Law and Special Projects practitioners) ! !
Contact the Boholano legal analyst: Johnson Borja Hontanosas, AB, LlB, LlM California Notary and Certified Immigration Consultant (909) 438 6388 ;
Contact: Atty. JOHNSON B. HONTANOSAS & ASSOCIATES Business Consultants Tel 909.438.6388 Email
More Power To:
Greetings to all PAISANOS and the CONBUSAC! From:
Our “BOHOLANO” Group of Companies in California and Las Vegas:
Hospice, Inc. 1600 E. Desert Inn. Rd. Suite 225 Las Vegas, NV 89169
15650 Devonshire St., Suite #210 Granada Hills, CA 91344 Tel 818.893.1320 Fax 818.893.1813 Email:
TEL 702.252.3007 • FAX 702.369.3973 EMAIL
REHAB plus, Inc.
6888 Lincoln Ave., Suite C Buena Park, CA 90620 TEL (714) 484-7826 FAX (714) 484-6813 Email
Health System, LLC 3111 Valley View Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89109 TEL 702.259.0036
Contact: Atty. JOHNSON B. HONTANOSAS & ASSOCIATES Business Consultants Tel 909.438.6388 Email
FAX 702.259.0069
CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the officers and members of CONBUSAC Good Luck in all your endeavors! from: Junior & Inday Amper Alex, Joy, & Aline
From the family of
Yoyoy & Bridgette Nini
From Left to Right Top Row: Leo Plaza, Charisse Nini Plaza, Christy Nini, Charles Nini Middle Row: Albert (Yoyoy) Nini, Noel Nini, Bridgette Manding Nini, Marilyn Salonga Nini Bottom Row: Callasandra Salonga Nini, Bishop Nini Plaza
Congratulations to Carlos Caga-anan
and All Officers of CONBUSAC! Wishing for a successful 13 th Biennial Convention!
Raxtie, Nenen, Daphne, Arne, and Mama Enciang
Good Luck Tessie! We love you! Love Always, The Limbago Family Moises, Elsa, Melissa, & Matthew
Greetings to CONBUSAC 2009 Love,
Gil and Esper Dumlao Sage Doherty
Congratulations and More Power
Fr. Jed Dompor Sumampong, C.P. Jamaica, NY
Good Luck Tessie LaMourea
More Power to all BOHOLANOS On the occasion of the 13 Biennial Convention of the Confederation of Boholanos of USA and Canada On July 2-5, 2009 Seattle, Washington th
All the best wishes to
Tessie LaMourea Representing Washington State and BOAWAS Candidate for Miss CONBUSAC 2009
Your cousins from Las Vegas, Nevada
Crispin and Cirila Sumampong Malig-on Catherine and Crisstewart Malig-on
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making a Difference in the Lives of Fellow !Boholanos!â&#x20AC;? Greetings from the Dompor Family to !All Delegations to the 13th Biennial Convention of the
Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada!! "#$%&'()#*!
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$" July 2 to 6, 2009 Bellevue Washington
Best Wishes Miss Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Washington State
Gerry, Babette, Jay Michael & Rache Dompor
! !
Greetings from the Apellanes Family. Congratulations and best wishes to Tessie LaMourea. We're rooting for you! From Ritchie, Mae, Daphne, Heather
Congratulations to Carlos Cagaanan President of CONBUSAC
Love From: Nido, Gingging, Eric, Fritz and Cody !
Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada!! "#$%&'()#*!
!"!"##$"#%%&'(&!#)**"## July 2 to 6, 2009 Bellevue Washington
Congratulations Miss Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing BOAWAS Patrick and Tess Cook and family
“CONBUSAC” for its 13th Biennial Convention... The Duncan’s...
Good Luck Tessie LaMourea for Ms. CONBUSAC 2009!! From Oscar & Baybee Calipusan and Family
Recognition of Sponsors •Mike and Christina Hartman •Bryant and Weng Kittelson •Toni, Anna, Brandon Biliran Miculob •Jean Bachman •Susan Dorris •Valerio Canda •Ramon and Rodora Cartasano •Gary and Lila Marie Chin •Paulo Faller •Bella Balbin •Joe and Bee Polinar-Keating •Tomas G and Asuncion M Landas •Mila Nacua •Vhal and Aida Olanday •Consorcia Sprecher •Jose and Marla Veliz •Douglas and Argelia Whipple •Sister Emerita Tejano, O.P. •Ric and Ana Kisling •Tony ad Thelma Inocencio •Vicente and Benigna Bianes •Chris and Cherry Amigable •Renato Aquino •Esther Amper Gianan •Vera Wedde
•Perlita G. O’Connor •Vissia Cadiz Jandayan •Leilani E. Ticman •Anecita Fadol •Araceli Farek •Paul Corpuz •Connie and Rose Moore •Nestor Murcia •Junabie L. Dumaog •Vivian Baldovino •Gayle Anne Z. Balmaceda •Alert and Virginia Castillo •Carmen Viajar •Ruth Bakke •Oliver and Delia Crickmon •Thelma D. Cubelo •Daisy Culanog •Gabe and Katie Dahlstrom •Antonio and Charito Dano De Arce •Alex and Liza Galido •Allan and Anabel Llubit •Tessie Llubit •Maryann Marciano •Aaron and Maria Miles •Helen Sarayno •Harold and Annabelle Valdesanzo
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BOAWAS YOU ROCK! Thanks for a great Convention!
BOHOL FOUNDATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA OFFICERS (2008-2009) President .............................................................................. Lelia Magtoto 1st Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aster Tambis 2nd Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernie Galgo Secretary .....................................................................Carmencita Schiven Asst. Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fely Sy Treasurer...............................................................................Dolly Patenio Asst. Treasurer...................................................................... Lindy Ticong Auditor..................................................................................... Fred Roque Asst. Auditor.................................................................... Jessie Sarmiento Business Manager..................................................................... Mila Payot Asst. Bus. Manager ............................................................... Cora Carrion P.R.O. .................................................................................Albert Taculod Asst. P.R.O. .......................................................................... Fred Acedillo Director at Large ..........................................................Timoteo Salvacion Sgt. at Arms............................................................................ Dodo Suazo Sgt. at Arms............................................................................Nick Decasa Spiritual Coordinator................................................................... Edgar Sy Area Coordinators . . . . . . . . . . . . . Priscella Cagas Mendez/Dario Galon Program/Newsletter Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rupie Payot Past Presidents/Advisers Timoteo Salvacion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st President (1990-1991) Rupie Payot (two terms) .............................. 2nd President (1992-1995) Fred Roque ......................................................3rd President (1996-1997) Paul Galon .................................................... 4th President (1998-1999) Lelia Magtoto .................................................... 5th President (2000-2001) Lindy Ticong ..................................................... 6th President (2002-2003) Mila Payot ......................................................... 7th President (2004-2005) Ester Lofranco Barron ....................................... 8th President (2006-2007)
of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Rupie and Mela Payot, Children: Rochelle, Rumell, Meryl and Jeff (picture taken during the wedding of Meryl and Jeff), Grandchild: Mia Jaelyn taken two years after the wedding.
Viva Conbusac Our Congratulations and Best wishes to:
Best Wishes to:
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Congratulations and Best Wishes to:
!"!#$%&'()!&*+,-%.&& ./0012345&6/78&& *90&-662:0/5&;3<&"08=0/5&76>&&&
& ?2@;&A0B7/&A;317&%2B7& (557:2;1273&76& C/21259&,7DE8=2;F& ,;3;<;&&!
Congratulations and Best Wishes to:
!"!#$%&'()!&*+,-%.&& & ./0012345&6/789&&& & & & ! ! "#$%&'()*#!+,!-(.)/0&'!!
!"##$%&!'()"*+: MAGTOTO FAMILY of New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada (Sonny, Lelia, Jed, Lauralee and Chichi)
Sonny, Lelia, Jed, Lauralee & Chichi
Best Wishes to:
GREETINGS FROM: The Sy Family of: New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
(Edgar, Fely, Mark and Michelle)
More Power to Conbusac and Congratulations and Best Wishes to:
!"#$!%&'()$*%&(+, of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada (Aster, Aries, Jason and Allister) (Aster, Ares, Jason and Allister)
Congratulations to Conbusac and Best Wishes to:
Congratulations and Best Wishes to:
!"!#$%&'()!&*+,-%.&& ./0012345&6/789&&& THE GO FAMILY of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada &
:2;;2<8&=&&>750& &?@2;A/039&&B28C0/;D&<3A&,<1@0/230&& <3A&6/78&&
'750E@230FG234H&.7& (;57&7I/&,734/<1I;<12735&179&&&
Congratulations to
Gwynne Masalta Miss CONBUSAC USA 2009 Candidate
Greetings From:
Jennifer Lafferty
Sugarland, Texas !
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Global Filipino Family
Mas malawak na mundo. Hatid namin sa inyo.
Gloria B. Espina and Babing Balili Brea, California, USA
#$%&'&(")&*+%,"" (RENER, NENE & CHILDREN)
Brea, California, USA
Best Wishes to:
Best Wishes to:
TICONG !"#$$%&'"(!)#*+!""
*$,-(")&*+%,"" (Jun, Alice and Children) Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Congratulations to:
Jumawan Family
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(Damian, Nening and family)
! !
GREETINGS FROM: The CARRION Family of New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada (Tony, Cora, Cory, Marianne and Christopher)
Best Wishes to:
#$%"&'()*)*"" of New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Congratulations to: GREETINGS FROM:
OLALO Family
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(Maurice, Atie, Jojo and Jennelle)
! !
! !
Best Wishes to:
EMELYN JADE TICONG GREETINGS FROM: Alvarez Family (Ric, Lalaine and family) of New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
From the Galgo Family: Bernie, Malou, Bevs, King and Faye (Surrey, British Columbia, Canada)
Congratulations Kara! Good Luck in Seattle.
“Mabuhay Ang CONBUSAC”
Greetings From the members of the sandugo society of texas
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making a Difference in the Lives of Fellow !Boholanos!â&#x20AC;? A Hearty Welcome !All Delegations to the 13th Biennial Convention of the
Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada !"#$%&'(")
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$"# July 2 to 6, 2009 Bellevue Washington
Congratulations & Best Wishes to Miss Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Washington State
!"##$%&'()*"+,)-.#)/0,+1)*0,%234) 56&)/0,+1) 7+2)8#"%&)/0,+1) 503)0&9)8.%2)/0,+1)
Congratulations to
Tessie Lamourea Miss CONBUSAC USA 2009 Candidate
Greetings From:
Lourdes Dompor Kishii And Clayton Ken Kishii
Terrance, California !
A Hearty Welcome !All Delegations to the 13th Biennial Convention of the Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada (CONBUSAC)
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$" July 2 to 6, 2009
Congratulations And Best of Luck to
Miss Tessie LaMourea Elvira & Betty Toledo !
Mabuhay to CONBUSAC & More Power!!! Best of Luck to Our Beautiful and Talented - Houston, Texas Miss CONBUSAC Candidate
Gwynne Masalta! We love yah!!!
From Velasco Family:
Jhunn, Lilian (nee Anub), Jillian & J.I. !
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making a Difference in the Lives of Fellow !Boholanos!â&#x20AC;? A Warm Welcome !All Delegations to the 13th Biennial Convention of the
Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada !"#$%&'(")
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$"# July 2 to 6, 2009 Bellevue Washington
Congratulations & Best Wishes to Miss Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Washington State
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Sleepless in Seattle July 2‐6 2009 Bellevue Washington
Congratulations to
Tessie LaMourea Respresenting the Boholanos of Washington State Miss CONBUSAC USA 2009 Candidate From the Rabon’s: Flor, Nenita, Nina Fleur, Ivie Fluer and Joseph Needham
MORE POWER To All Participants of the
13th Biennial Convention of the Confederation of the USA and Canada Seattle, Washington
Good Luck
Tessie LaMourea! From The Carters Bernie Zeni Gigi Mimi
!Congratulations & Best Wishes to the 13th Biennial Convention of the Confederation of Boholanos in the USA & Canada (CONBUSAC)
!"#$$%#$&&!'(!"$)**#$"+ July 2 to 6, 2009 From the Vinalon Family Eddie & Myrna Jude, Ray, Marlo, Olive Stephanie, Danny, Sarah, Cassie
Congratulations 13th Biennial CONBUSAC Convention
Thru the leadership of Carlos Caga-anan 2009 CONBUSAC President
From the officers & members of Anda Association in Southern California !"#$%&#'()*)!#+%',)-#"'%&.) /%0#)!"#$%&#'()*)1."%#)2"%3$)43(%,53) 6#0"#(3"7)*)8%9&3):#9%$3"(3);3<+%(3') ="#3$>"#")*)/%",%#):#9%$3"(3)4.'$3'(.) !?2)*)!3>9%'.)@!3>9A);3$(".) B&C%$."7);.<<%((##D) 43E)F%'37.') G#"<3$)/%993<.") H#""7)I#93"<#'(#) F.",#)B<+3937.) This is in support of our candidate for Miss CONBUSAC 2009
Heather Calamba Navales
Good Luck
Tessie Lamourea Miss CONBUSAC USA 2009 Candidate
Greetings From:
Leo and Rebecca Maquindang And Family Lancaster, California
Congratulations & Best Wishes to
Miss Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Washington State (BOAWAS)
From: Ray and Betty Lomax
CONGRATULATIONS Gwynne T. Masalta Moisesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Decorated Cakes
Congratulations to
Tessie Lamourea Miss CONBUSAC USA 2009 Candidate
Greetings From:
Carlos and Tessie Lozano And Family Union City, California
Congratulations & Best Wishes to
Miss Tessie LaMourea Miss CONBUSAC Candidate Representing the Boholanos of Washington State (BOAWAS)
Greetings from Las Vegas Sil and Nita Sumampong !
Congratulations to
Tessie Lamourea Miss CONBUSAC USA 2009 Candidate
Greetings From:
Lolly Dumas
Los Angeles, California !
BC – Lila !"#$%&'())*+#,-&#+&./#,#01&'($*)2#%3&
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899:&;&89<9&=77#6>/0& 9:$60&$2;! !!<!CDE=&CDE=."FG! C0)$!9:$60&$2;!!!<!HDEIG&"4CFJ! G$):$;,:'! !!<!KDLJ&"FMF'! B66;J!G$):$;,:'!<!N=G4D&G4F=! #:$,6*:$:! !!<!LF4GJ&"=I&.F"FELCF! B66;J!#:$,6*:$:!<!4HJ&NFED&&'FOFFEFE! B*&0;%:! !<!E4"=&PFM=E! !
K:%*1!A$1:$6$2;,;0H$6"! ! G*::$'! ! <!D"4&.FMP4GPF&Q&'=EE4D&.F"FO=GF& ! C,2)%*H$:! <!DCE4PR&C=KDCF&Q&FEFKFD&.F"FOF! ! 7%L*0;+,-! <!!NFE4'D&NFOFMD&Q&&KFC'4D&KFOF""=EDG! ! 5*:2,8'!M!/N!<!CDE4"F&M4=""=&Q&KFC4PDGG&M4=""=& ! B&H06$:6"! ! !!D"4&.FMP4GPF!!!!!!!!L=EO&.F"FO=GF!
Congratulations and More Power to:
'=E.IGF'&& %+5&#,0&M/>0#5>+,?&(*/&@>$$(S&"#$%+1(+?&'FC"=G&'FOFTFEFE& ! Best Wishes to:
Best of Luck To All The Candidates and Our Favorite Tessie LaMourea!
Davis - Llubit Family Myron Davis, Nieda Llubit-Davis, April Jean Bachman, Samantha Llubit, Trisha Mae Llubit, JJ, Karen, and Vincent.