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No. '4

195 " Editor Dr. Gregory B. Salisbury 49th and Locust Streets Philadelphia 39, Pa., U. S. A.

INDEX Pages A 3 2 3-.9 9 10-17 18-23 23 24-25 26-33 34-37 37-38 40 40-45 46-54 *55-58 59-61 61

-Officers, Honorary LMembers, Representatives of the Society *Life in Rossika Society-President's Message, A. A. Chebotkevich -Editorial -First Joint Meeting of B.S.R.P. and Rossika Society. V. Cerny -Cloaning Russian Stamps. Reprint from "Postage Stamp", -The Russian Post-Offices in Manchuria. Wm. S. E, Stephen -Imperial Stamps Overprinted with Stars and New Figures of Value. J. H. Reynolds. -Russian Cancellationso Reprint from P. J. of Australia, -A Little Knot.n Air-Lail Error of Russia (Sanabria KN Adler K128a). -The "Kitai" Overprints of Russian Offices in China. 1899-1916. E, Wisswell, Jr, - Ukrainian Field Post of 1920. So Gibrick -Additional Notes About the Ukrainian Field Post of 1920, Capt, S. de Shramchenko, -Letters to the Pablisher of the English Edition, -Notes on Russian Philately. A. M. Rooselevitch -Notes on Collecting Russian Revenue Stamps. E. I. Markovitch Capt, S. de Shramchenko -Air Post of Mlrarine (1918.20) -Notes on Zemstvo Stamps. A. Prins -Reports from Belgian Section of Rossika,

Editor Dr. G. B, Salicstry, 49th, and Locust Sts, Philadelphia 39, Pa. Asst. Editor & PubliZHer R. Sklarevl.o 640 N. Charles St. Ave. Towson 4,


Art Editor Edu. Lo ieu.l1, Jr. 81 River St. Wellesley Hills 82, L'ass. Assistant Editor Capt. S, de Shrancheano. 1514 N. 8the St. Philadelphia 22, Fa.











SABT,TE C?_ THE RUfSI EDI1ICN A N. 1. Lavov 81 orZca3 St. C.rfiold, N. J. EDITORIAL B03pOARD. 1USIAN EDLTION A. A. Chabotkevich, A. U. Lavrov, E. I. Larca• EDITOR of PROPOSED FRZ'iCH EDITION B. Legky 16 Sq. Gutenberg, Brussels, Belgium C kFICERS




FRESIDENIT A. A. Chebotkevich 40 E. Old Uill Rd. Ridge Farm, Lake Forest, Ill. SLCRETARY Russian Spe•king Section A. . L-vrov SECiT.CRI English Spaaking Section Dr, G. B.Salisbury HJCRARY FRESIDENT E. LI. Archangelsky Ulica D. Brancova 19, Bela Crcva, Banat, Jugoslavia. HCNCRAPY IE.BERS A. N, A, B. E.


A. Chebotkovich I. Kcrdakoff U. Lavrov Legky I. L- recritch R. Sklarevski

Vo A. RaChanov A. U., 2czsalovitch Dr. G. B. Salisbury I. V. Savitzky H. U. Shenitz

REPRESEWTATIVES OF THE SCCIETY V. CERNY 841 W. 177th. St. Apt. 3J, New York 33, N.Y. J. Barry 53A St. James Rd., Sutton, Surrey, England B. Legy 16 Sq. Gutenbarg, Brussels, Belgium Dr. B. Woropinsky 16 Anerbach-Eonsheim, Banhofstr. Relag,Germany N. Rudnev 59 Chenin de la Lands, Chanpigny S/li, France A. Trumpeldor Arba Artzot 25, Tel Aviv, Israel V. N. Butkov 49 Rue Lapercuse, Casablanca, French Lorocco P. Do•ianeko 354- rong St. Tcrcnto, Ontario, Canada E . Marcovitch Ed. Enka Apt. 7#10, Ave. Fermin Toro, Urb. San Bernardino, Caracas, Venezuela P. Beloff Rua Pedrozo 238, Caixa Post 2960, San Paulo, Brazil B, Riasnianski Larrazabal 2870, Buenos Aires, Argentina A. Cronin 142 Crown St., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia


------------------------------------------------------------------------------L'mbership dues are $3.00 per annum for all countries, Except Europe. Application forms, which must be filled out, are available upon request. Three issues of the jourral, membership lists, code, bulletins, and supplements to the membership list will be sent cut fannualy. We velcone advertisements from members, non-members & dealers. Full page $30,00. Half Page $15.00. Quarter Page $7.50. Twelfth Page $2.50. (5 lines). IMembers of Rossika pay only 50% of the cost. With a discount the cost per line to members is only 25 cents. By olping yourself, you also help us.











Many important events ocourred recently in the life of our society. One of these was the joint mesting of Rosslka & BSRP, U. S. Section, at the Hotel Vanderbilto There is nothing to add to the excellent .reportp published in this issuo, except to thank 1r. Cerny for his work, and to express my eppreciation to Dr. G. B# Salisbury for his untiring efforts in making the meeting possible, and for defraying considerable photography costs, and to Mr. J. F. Chudoba for his efforts as tth General Chairman of the meeting, and for his generosity in paying the ccsts of the meeting room at the hotelo Another great event was the appearance of #44 at the meeting, and its warm reception by the members, the editors of various philatelic publications We cannot mcntion all who have given libraries and insttutes and caseumsr us favorable reviews, as the space does not allow that, but we shoud stress the "Stamps", "Western Stamp Collector" & and "Aero Philatelist Annals", for the kind words given to our Society and to our Journalo


We must also mention the flood of congratulatory letters from our readers, as they are precious for their encouragement and inspiration. One, an old and Honored Member, IMr. M . writes, ýiy impression of both editions is a good one. bjeoct matter are cxcollent, and compare favorthe tort, and the The cover-, ably with other jounala. It is worthy of Rossikap and it pacc=s the texamination' as the first rate ca^gaim in the world wide philatelic literature". Another Honored Member, L-,L R. Writes "The cover is very attractive and the general impression of material it contains is excellent. All who toiled to produce the first issue are to be congratulated." A voice from the ranks of encyclothe members, one Mr. K. writes, nThis is not a journal but a little , an I vant to remember cy birthplace, Russiao I o Whenever I am sadSpedia shall open the pages of the jcurnal, read it, and again feel a bit better". Letters of praise were accorpanned in many instances by articles for our jcurnal, both from old and ner members. Among these we received major wor<s of research, apearing for the first time in philatelic press, and which will be published in the coming issess. Cur grocup here and c•_czd are very active, The ITo Y. grcup, under the direction cf I.o Cerny ceete thrico a month, while the LlCgian g.cup of 'ro Legky reats cnthly, with rea!ing of important philatelic papero. CiCr L'oCczco group, under IEr Putcov, cstes periodically, and ezpects to meet reg:aerly in the near future. We wish to ccngratulate eessrop Nasloff, Shield and Gibrick in establisjing a Los Angeles grcup, and the news that we shall be represented this spring at the annual exhibition in that city.


Our numbers are rapidly icyrcaring, and we havo now about 200 memberbs A large number, lately, has jcined from England, and we appointed, Ir. John The wonderful response from England is Barry as our Representative there. he many friends there, in ERSP, and most who Salisbuy Dr. of duo to efforts of philatolic books, catalogues & articles. of theca members are noted e-athcrs In conclusion I wish to tthnk our publishers end editors, Loessrs. A. H. . • G. B. Salncbury, end R Sl:larevc-i, also rr. Ke h, Dr LrcT-C, E. I. I.cLtc Jr. for his is Adlor for his ectcitanco to Dr. Salirbury, and r,-L£ k1oll, i.l._s.ttio. contribTtioa of collet,•




ED!TGiaL .Uo have had cur Cdout, and us have boon rocoived varmly. Fcr this u3 tharc you. The kind and oethusiastic roUic.3 in the philatalic prCs inspire us to continue our efforts, and to give you the very bost that can be produced with the recources at our disposal. Noted authors, and fledgeling writers have roaponded nobly to cur call, and .-3 new have oncugh matorial to form the foundation of many future issues. For all this we are moot gratefull.

Material on hand, or in preparation will be of interoot to all. In #46 wua =hall fcatura U. E. C. Kcthroto major work on the Railway Larkings, cuch as cancellations of postal cars, railroad stations, etc., & one by J. Reynolds, both authors from England, on the Revolutionary Overprints. There will be equa ly fine features by: K. Adler on Interesting Postmark, & the Brown Proof of Levant, & possibly a discussion of come of his rarities shown at the Joint Meet ing, Captain Schramch3aeola Far Eastern Airpost, E, I. Larcovitch:s "a IB overprints, also an article on Vignettes, Gibrick'o olish Consular Pcst in Odessa; Dr. Saliobury;s Postag3 Stafp of Tiflis, & csaralized works by A. Rossolovich, A* Frins of Holland bogun in this nuzhar & R. S-laeravkis started in #44. Oth3 articles to be printed are equally interesting and valuable, but lack of space prohibits their discussion at present. Icrence amount of cditorial work, revisions, correction, translation from & into Russian text, correspondence with authors, applicants into the society, editors, as well as the routine secretarial work of the organization, forces me to suggest the following, as a help from the members. Please do not send us any material for erpertization. It shall be returned untouched. Send addenda or questions on philately to Mr. Sklarevski, Associate Editor in charge of these columns. Articles, if possible, should be typed, on one side of the page. Illustrations are expensive. We promised them, & we have them, thanks to the generosity of IMr. Uiserell. Ie shall have them in 7#46, but only the most urgent, We must protect the treasury of the cocioty, As the editor of the jo'rral I have appointed noted philatelist, Er. E. Uisewoll, Jr. as the Art Editor in charge of illustrations, photographs, photostats, designs, & printing techniques. He shall likewise assist me in editorial work. I have also appointed Captain S. de Schramchenko, noted philatelist & expert on Ukrainian stamps and postal history as assistant editor. To avoid unnecessary repetition of names in the indez, we shall avoid as of now, the listing of names of vriters who are on the ditorial board of this journal. The editorial, the literary Review & the Collectors of the Past, as well as translations of old Russian Journals will be handled by your editcr, The Philatelic Library, Questions & Answers, Addenda & brief philatelic notes will be by the Associate Editor, ELr. R. Sklarevskil The Auctioneer will c9 handled by i.'r, K. Adler. All drawings shall be the work of Lr. E. Wisewal., the Art Editor. If additons occurs, this page will inform you of

the authorship, As we promised you a brief editorial, we stop, with a wish for an enjoyment of your hobby and ours, ad bhankp for your wonderful cooperation.



First Joint Meeting of the Britich Society of Russian Philately and the Rossika Society of Russian Philately

by VT- Cernv (Read of the N. Y. Soction of Rossika) Without a doubt, philately, while a purely solitary hobby of one's quiet study or a recreation room, is definitely influenced to a varying degree by modern influences, just as some of our other pursuits of the present day and age. We- note how changes occur not only in the methods of collecting, but in the popularity of the stamps themselves. Certain countries during a knomn space of time become popular and in style, while others lose their appal, and interest in them fades among the collectors, although their philatelic value deserves a better treatment. In such instance help cen be received from a serious and wall planned propaganda via lectures, .publications, exhibitions and finally by information showing the possibilities and qualities of the stamps of the propagandized country, thus attracting to them attention of those who are undecided in their choisa of a country, cr are insufficiently informed. Of course, one must add that the aroused interest can be maintained for a long time by the presence of grat internal philatelic worth of the object of propaganda, One must note likewise that such propaganda can only be handled by a large organization, possessing great resources. Philatelic popularity of a country comes under influences of many things and among them playo a grcat role the intensive philatelic life within that country, and, as much as it may seem strange at a first glance, the economic and political character of the land, A nation with a Multimillion population, and numerous cadres of philatelists, with a settled economic condition, favorable international policy and, we may add, a sober policy of postal emissicns, does not need special propaganda and her stamps, cf sane philatelic valuo-cs of cther Icndo, nct pcccssing the above factcrc, have a bettor chance of bei-n pOpulAe1 As an exacple: Great Britain and U. S. A. In this aspect we tast acknowledge that Russian philatoly in respect to the above mentioned factors is not fortunate. Intensive philatelic activity within the country is not now possible, and the center of Russian philatelic life is now abroad. Increased popularity of her stamps during the last World ':ar could not be suctained because cf the do trct:con and dissolution of many organizations of Russian philatelists in Europe, and among them, "Rossika 0 who had active workers, exhibitions and an excellent journalo Political prer-ures and unfortunate policy of postal emissionn of U.S.S,P. like-rice did not increase-the popularity, and if we can notice during the last year considerably increased international interest towards the Russian stamps, we must attribute it to the philatelic valie of tho lyeoC 901y ltjr3-tbor tbLc-- of -the Er:pirO.



Naturally, those many to whom the fate of Russian philately was Irportant eook waye of retuýning could not acquioece to the situation and 'cbaan to RZZc' an stamps not caly to t:o•ir pr-as-ar pa iticn tub to raisc them to the height, ihore they becauze of their philatelic value, belong. t. of November 1954, in 'T353 idoas fcund th'ir cpraiioon cn ths the Hotel Vandeabilt, Uow York, in the joint maeting of the sombers of two major philatelic organizations: British Society of Russian Philately (BSRP) and the Rossika Society of Russian Philately. The presiding officer and ain speakor was Dro Crogcry B. Salisbrzy, coordinating the functions c the Rep3racanative of BSRP in U. S, cad as a Szc:-tary of the Anglo-AC3rica saction of Rossilka. He geilusly cff.?od the honor of heading the meeting to A, N. Lavrov, Secretary of the Russian Ssction of Rossika, and one of its reactivators, but it was gracefully refused. Lt 1:30 pm. Dr. Salisbury opened the cssting, in the midst of lovaly c=rroundlns with the following addros3s 0On behalf of the British Society, its President, the Executive Committee, which I represent in this country, the Secretary and Co=ditor, LIr. John Barry, I welcome you to the annual meeting of cur U, So group, to which you have been invited, in cur great exparinsnt, the Joint Lieeting, of thece two great philatelic organizations. I likewise extend a warm greeting to the members of the Russian Lferican Philatelic Society, cany of whom are here in attendance . "At this tine it is most fitting to read to you the greetings and best wishes from the President of the Rossika Society, Mr. A. A. Chebotkevich, also the messages from LFr. B. Legky, honored member and editor of the French edition, cur ecss!ka rereesentative in our honored member Iro Rcszelevitch, and the just arrived Eealgi, letter from our honored member, Representative in Venezuela and Editor of the Russian Edition of the Rossika Journal, Mr. E. (Letters read by the Secretary).° Larcovitch.

"TEXT OF THE PRESIDENT'S IESSACE. Dear Friends, members of the Rossika Society and the British Society of Russian Philately. To day, because of tireless efforts of my friend Dr. Salisbury, you are gathered in N. Y. for a friendly get together and for discussion of interesting points. Because of great distance and my work I cannot- be with you, to my sorrow, but I am with you in my mind, I wish you success in your undertaking and pleasure in your philatelic work. I call upon you for a friendly cooperation and support of our journal& Among you are many writers and specialists of Russian Philately.




Dovote part of your tims to the phi"latelic knowledge and support our publication. Next issue of the journal should come out early next year. P

Greetings to the guests and the members of our close friends, the B.S.R.P. President of "Rossika" A. Chebotkevich After all the letters were read Dr. Salisbury continued with his address to the gathering, speaking of the preliminary work carried out before the joint scsting, acquiainting the members with the ideas which led to the formation of the plan for coordinated work between Rossika and ESRP, and the success of which would further the expansion of both great societies and the elevation of international prestige of Russian philately, In view of the importance of the address, it is given below in full: 'This meeting is the culmination of many dreams, hopes, and efforts. Not so long ago, upon joining the Rossika Society, an idea was born of a keferation cf thsco groups, hich are nc-. assoabled here; and the bsorpl )-, of the n:basrs cf the defunct PaanSlav Sciety, as well as of all the nu'arous collectors in our field, scattered all over the face of the earth, to form the largest and the mightiest specialist group in existence,

Many ideas were formed, a great deal of correspondence was done, but frustrating factors blocked the realization of the Cream. Out of impatience, and S stalemate, a progressiv3 plan was forced, satisfactory to all, and at the same time aimed in the direction of a possible full union in the future. To the wonderfully large group of Rossika, which Meossrs' Chebotkevich and Lavrov have gathered in so short a time, we were to add as many from B. S. R. P. as possible, as well as those who were unattached to any grcup, 2. Re•soea c•cabc wcro to Join Be S. R. P. in as large a nuacbor as nthe 2i?.'possible, co that neither side would be accused of raiding cf the othsr, thus causing bad feelings. Having a sErliar c..becship list, ea-r airs, and standards we could then easily work to-gether either for a union, a loose federation, or simply work together as dear friends, on a local, national and international basis< had no definite plans for a journal, we were 3. As the Rossika Society still 1icklv, thus stopping a lot of detbtes about it, which led to siart cro, o nowXhre, and whlch kept these who could not read .ussian, o't of the Rossika Society, and prevented its expansion. English, French editions Awere to be p-hlished as woll as the Russian, to overcome the language barrJ.ern A drive fcr ne' Twritero, as well as an effort to get back the 1I

well knowi a'thors of the past had to be started.

Ads from dealero,

and increas•d circulation had to be effected, for both the B. S. R.o P. as proper publicity for both, in prirt, and Rossia Journals, as wll radio, To Vo and by vcrd cf couthe 1 rtco_ ! -cll co a to v.Eork togothcr 4. Joint rcottniC- Ct locmi




I:cdloos to stat.3 all points have Loon vigorously tackled by the leCdars of the Rossika Socioty, and have 'con ir3n:zsly aided by the kindno3S and undorotanding of ny friond John Earry of England. The latter joizd






Eglish ncOc5r

as coca as the problcm

of geating duos cut of Eiug•and a3s mot. Lr. Che3T'ovich Joined B. S. R. P. so has Lr. Archangeliky, the founder of Rossika. ý,oers will follow. The Secrotary Lr. Lavrov pFaforCsd the gigantic tazk of roCritirg the cc!e and thich was translatod by sa, in the capacity of the the cmbe-ship lie;' was sent to our British friends, y of: Rcslka, The list En.ian iSTý s is in our handso (Since reading this report, many anc t-a-r ail.lar lit -Tmbers of B3 S. R. P. have joinda us) L'heu .r. Chebotkevitch heard of the proposed nseting of B. S. R. P. in New York, he suggested this joint meeting, and this was irmnediately adopted. 'r. Chudoba, the chairman of the Annual B. S. R. ?. Meeting, as usual did Evlarewki minsographed the a tLrenr.douz amount of prelininary work. LFr. lottor: which you, and 145 othars rcca-id, and Lir. La=-ov, cZce again infcrzatlon .the and healed troenndoualy y isa3ogra7hing the a-pli i' • .1l of this natori-al w-as •alld, cstly 'y air pest est abcut Ross ia, to c7vryone in the U.S. in the Roosika and the 3B S. R. Po group3s as well as to come abroad. As you know, the letter not only invited you here but urged you to join both societies, if you only belonged to one. It likewise al Jcurnal, thus attacking all Lnforcsd all of the cc=ing out of the bilinW four points of the plan of action. We may add that this cost Rossika nothing financially, as the labor cnd money was supplied freely by all those mentioned. The membership drive netted mny new ms-•srs from BSRP, swelling their total in Rossika to 473 a couple paying dcuble dus to secure two journals. Iany others promised to join, or are in the process of joining, such as our English friends. A number of other new members also joined directly by t.c'itig to E•• Lavrov7, F3 now ask the Rcscika cmzzbrs to reciprccate and to juo4 the B. S. R. P. thus getti.g seven jcurnals annually, and many other benefits, to render their hobby a pleasant one. We are not only interested in the working together once a year, nationally, but all the time on a local level. 1r, Chebotkevich is now trying to get l•k into the fold many old Rossika members, Shanghai refugees in of the Rossika and B. S. R. P. Calic:--:a, I have just sent a full list to Cesers. Gibrick and Shields, the latter a famous S*.·n .:.iifornia azctor, both B. S. R. . P members and no-, nw members of Rossika. Ec::.!Jo: to meet to-gether and to establish a warm cooperation between aý.:od are The. our two groups there. The New York group, under .r, Cerny of mem.ers the le are now trying to establish active groups in Boston, Chicago, is a!tive, Clavoland and Detroit. We have enough cembers in all these cities, if both uri;s get together to swap stamps, talk about their hobby and to enjoy fellowship, To promote both societiea, vw cust have publicity. Get a copy of cur journals for your dealer friends. Afk them to cell them for us. Ask for them to pass the journals out to those who come to buy an ad, and tell stamps in our field. If you exhibit your stamps, place under your name,



the na-os of our societies, do the same on your letterhead, co as to promote If you writo an articlo for a journal, us vwith every letter ycu r-ito place our names under yours. If you discuss philately on the radio or T. V. give us a boost. We shall do the same, by sanding our journals to various libraries, museums, institutes, and all publications with a letter to the Reaeo='r, improved circula,r and scoa mentiona editors, rcquesting rv :z and will improve our resour budgets, tica and in•rocss in ads, will help peciti- journals, and ultimately you shall benefit. We nc cono to the very irpor ant point, that of the jourfnalo After a treomndcus amount of wcSi cn the part of the editors cf both editions, uw proudly presant to you) the Journal of the Society, the Rossika Journal' These twin sisters, close relatives of the Journal of the British Society, cocm to you, after heartbrea•ing, and back broeking efforts cn the part of o realiza the shortcc-ing- of all who havo cmde the editions pcszibloo. the stencils, the nimeography, occasional typing errors which seem to always crop up, the lac* of illustrations, and possibly a few other foibles which things will always find. 1:e are likewise richer those who look for little by experience, and my Associate Editor, Ir. Sklarevski, who published the English edition, will shortly speak of the future progress, and past problems. Mr. Chebotkevich, 1r. Lavrov and .:r. 1:rcovitch assure us of illustThe cover, pcrduced by the rations for #45, and for this-v:o ar grateful ,-o LaTriC ;is spicn!Cid, and as far as Z am ccn:crn-d shculd indefatigblo not be improved, at presaento Tuthfully, I did not expect the name of the Archangelsky, in the editor on the cover, but the prcccdont wa set by Li. old Rosslfk Journal and va3 follce.d.o We hope that with the improved budget, As a sggestion, all of you can we shall be able to print by typography. help, by not only increasing cembership, by ads, but likewiss by buying more eapplies to the journal of B. So R. Pc than one copy of the jcurnalo The ro or.John Earry suggated to the cembers of the Do So Ro Po to Scoietime ego, purchase adfitional copies, to separate their sheets and to file in respectfor referonce, cr to pasto into the albums near the Etalps ive subject fil4 can also be given or sold to others near you who are Copies question. in interorted in our field because of your enthusiasn., beco=e or may inireasted, in cur field, the more valuable -,ill your co collectcors Remabera the more mole n'.oe nl, 2 y 1 T thic point of the Jour I le-av ere Firnlly, bo . l :.0.1 to c',nc::-"3 car.ct Editc-s Co d and blcodý no-. Ette t .3•wo need wr-ite1r to haVe tiej articles with or with their c-.n stuff, .which -<- th-i?. ^,rcnals prlin because of lac: of ether material. We hope that you will enjoy the now Journal. We also hops that yo. On behalf of coth will find this joint meeting worthwhile, and pleasant. societies, I ealute you. Dr. Gregory Be Salisbury U. S. Committeeman of B. S. R. P. English Secretary of Rcssika Editor English Edition of RossL-a

Journal. After the addrc!z, i*ich vas rcceived with great attention, Ro A.

Acoclato Editor, and Publ.shoer of REcsi:a Journal dccsribc' S"-lc'-rov-di. the tecnnical difficultics encountcrod in the publica+.ic- uf the Journa], 'r £.larov i which was paseod arcund_ at tbh conrocluSin -of hi cposch.



likowise discussed plans for the future issuess Upon suggestion of Dr. Salisbury, another annual meeting of both sccieties was voted upon and an acccapanying exhibition of postage stamps and postal history. A committee was appointed composed of K. Adler and the honorary members V. A Rachmanov, H. L. Shenitz and N. Vo Savitzky. Jos. F. Chudoba was reappointed General Chairman of the Joint 1955 Meeting_ After the business meeting, several valuable collections were shown. Dr, G. B, Salisbury exhibited parts of his vell known collection of the Romanov Tercentenary Issue of 1913, which included starps, cancallations, covers and all associated material. Essays, proofs, shades, paper var.otlos and Qrrors such us imperforates of each value of the set were shown, each denomination occupying a large portion of an album. Covers with interes'Lng postmarks and out of the way cancellations from every corner of the Empire wVre shorn. Cancellations at different points on the Great Siberian Railway were shown of the entire trip from Uoscov to Vladivostock, and the philatelists present will agree with the writer that the trip, despite cany stops was most interesting. Afterwards, the tragic events of the last years of the empire, were shown to us through the medium of stamps and covers. Mute postmarks of the World War I, prisoner of war letters, war censor letters, items of the Revolutionary Period and the Civil War, mixed frankings during the formation of the Baltic Republics, Ukrainian overprints and those of other republics, all on Romanov stamps. This collection extremely valuable and rarej after detailed study and great deal of research has been written up in great detail in the Journal of the B. R. S. P., and briefly in the Rossika Journal Dr. Snegireff of Boston exhibited very interesting collection of covers with early postmarks of insured letters and money orders, as well us many rare pre-stamp &stamplesej covers. Mr. Kurt Adler of N. Y. exhibited and described his remarkable collection of Field Post covers, recently described in a detailed article in the #16 issue of B. S. R. P. Edw. Wisewell of Boston presented an artistically illustrated superb collection of the varieties of the 1909-12 issue. It is hoped that he will write it up for the future issue of our Journal. Afterwards Mr. A. Gold of Rhode Island showed albums of Imperial stamps, on beautifully illuminated and artistically decorated pages. Needless to say, both artists received great applause. Mr. Jos. Chudoba demonstrated his valuable collection of errors and varieties of the Imperial and Post-Imperial stamps, all of which held great intereat for the viewers. Afterwards various members pulled out their rare items and held a series of group discussions in a most friendly atmosphere of the well appointed hotel meeting quarters. Those who were responsible for the meeting exhibited immence energy own money for the roems, as well as expenditure of teir enthusiasm and



and for the photographs who were present to take group photos. president will discuss this phase of the meeting elsewhere.


In conclusion we must say that the first experiment of "getting too gether" of both groups met with full success, and we must saluto the effort and further it in the future. The idea of the federation is timely and we can envisage great help for Russian Philately if it is fully carried out. We must likewise point out that all the points of the plan presented in the address are already fulfiled to a varying extent and will be furthered by the officers of the organization. I already received hews that due to the efforts of the President, A. A. Chebotlevich and his co-workers, the organization of a section of the society in California met with great success, and that an active group already exists in Los Angeles. San Francisco is next on agenda. During the past brief space of time our society has grown by leaps and bounds. For this, we thank our leaders for their tireless and unselfish work and we wish them full success in their undertaking. We also express our desire and hope that all the members of our organization will take cognizance of the plans formulated in the address of Dr. Salisbury, and shall do their best to help us reach our philatelic destination, always remembering that old but ever so wise truth "In union there is strength." CIEAIEG RUSSIAN STAMPS (from "Postace Stamp"-March 28, 1908) A correspondent in St. Petersburg writes us as follows:-


you are aware that the cleaning of Russian stamps is carried on in quite wholesale fashion, and the cleaned stamps are reused." Particularly in Poland there are numerous workshops devoted entirely to this interesting calling. The stamps.that lend themselves most easily to the cleaning process are the 7 and 10 kop., ordinary blue Russians and as much as Rbes. 2 per 1000 is paid for these stamps in used condition. The Russian postal authorities have been making experiments to print a stamp which cannot be cleaned without destroying the design, and have adopted a stamp which, while retaining the Russian styje, reminds one of the Austrian stamps in that there are shiny bars of varnish on them. Although not yet issued, the writer has seen printed copies with which ether, and experiments have been officially made by treating with petrolc=u, In each case the varnish bars then appear as white lines. benzine, It must be mentioned that used stamps are cleaned by being socked in petroleum, and by the adoption of the varnish bare the possibility would now seem to be obviated. The comonost values, the 7 and 10 kop., are to be issued first, the

other valuos gradualy.-C.bbontc'.&tcp Weokly, 7.303

O 45





An article in the British Jcurnal of Russian Philately, No. 13 of Febrmn ary 1954, on the ;Russian Post-Offices in China0 by that prolific writer and scholar of Russian philately, Mr. S. D. Tchilinghirian, prompted furter invese tigation into what seems to have been a rather neglected field of the Russian postal administration- Hereunder are now appended the rather amazing results of what can be achieved by cooperation and good team work. Due acknowledgement mast be paid to the inspiration and guiding spirit of !r. S. D. Tchilinghirian, to whose energy and perssverence it has been possible to attribute many of the findings and final collating of the study. To Dr. Seirnhter whose contribution was as valuable, who unfailingly gave many arduous hours of his time to research in an entirely new field. To Dr. Snegireff who also rendered great assistance with references from his postal guida, whilst our Australian member, Mr. A. Cronin worked indefatigably towards completion and finally to 4r. W. E. C. Kethro who was able to substantlate and confirm the ccpleted findings of the team. Credit must also be given to Dr. A. H. •ortman for original research in this field, which is embodied in "Hong-Kong and the Treaty PortsP by Messrs H. E, Lobdell and A, E. Eopkins. The fact that members resided in such widely scattered countries as Australia, Germany, Great Britain, S•itzsaland and U. S. A. in no way detracted from the enthusiasm to eventually solve the problem confronting themp The rapid expansion of Russia and colonization of her eastern empire during the 18tht and 19th. centuries, made imperative the construction of a railway line across Siberia, to connect the Mother country with her eastern possessions. A co=menoement was made with the laying of the single track Trans-Siberian Railway in 1892. In 1897 work was comenced on the construction of the Chinese Eastern _K A_ .I , TOU -HA ; 3-k E e. A f, i; P or A ) to cross Ianchuria from Manchuli in the North West to Pogranichnaya in the Soubn East. Both towns were frontier terminals of the line, the total distances between both places being 1388 versts or approximately 922 miles. From Pogranichnaya the line continued as the Ussuri Railway to Vladivostok. Railway ( K i, TAl

Baedeker describing the stations along the C. E. R. mentions mAmong prominent features of interest are the fortified station buildings, sometimes adorned with apes, dragons and other Chinese ornaments and lofty loopholed water towers." A further branch of the C. E. R, line extended Southward from Kharbin Junction to Kwangchentze, a distance of 222 versts or 149 miles, where it connected up with the South Manchurian Railway to cnaplete the Journey of 436 miles to Dairen and Port Arthur. The C. E. R. differs from other Manchurian railways in being of the broad gauge, The construotion of the South Manchurian Railway was begun by the

Russians in 1696.

This line was ceded to the Japansse in 1905 and converted

from Russian broad gauge to standard guge in 1907.


Two Express trains ran weekly from St. Petersburg via Moscow in 9 days, oe being operated by the International Sleaping Car Co., the other by the State Railways. Carriages are changed at Irkutak. From Irkutsk to Vladivostak an Express tain ren 4 times weekly covering the 3029 versts or 2008

miles in 3$- days. In May 1933. the Soviet Government decided to withdraw from Manchuria & o.Japan. After protracted nogotiations, nearly sell the C. E. R. to Manchfal 2 years later the sale was completed for the sum of 140 million yen, only a -fractio-of -its rea value, despite strong protests from the Chinese Government of Chiang Kai6heakc who"considered the sale as clearly and completely ultra vires and therefore mst be considered by the Chinese Government as absolutely illegal and invalid., t'trailway along The abovie^'gi-en as a brief rjioi of the history • which Russia was dependent on supplying her Estern seaports b naval bases. It mnst not be overlooked how thoroughly the Russian Postal Administration was during Imperial years, and how closa3 connected were the Railways & the PostOffica. There can be no doubt that for reasons of influence and prestige alone, if not just for ordinary routine, each station on the C. E. R. would have been provided with a Post and/or telegraph office.

It has not yet been confirmed that all stations along this line were provided with P. 0. facilities, though it is strongly felt that they did have. Where postal facilities were provided a clear indication is given. Information will be appreciated from members with evidence of further postal markings in Manchuria, especially any of the South Manchurian Railway, during the period 1898-1904. Also particulars of types of postmarks are required in order that a register of cancellations may be compiled. Next few pages of this article give a table, explanation of the columns followestlst Column-gives the distance in versts from the starting terminus of the Railway line. 2nd. Column-gives the name of the station & whether the station had a buffet or restaurant attached to it. 3rd. Column-indicatos that the reearchers definitely established existence of the post office, '... ÂŁ _Cth. Column-indicates type of p. o. 5th, Column-gives the Russian name equivalent of the station. ABBREVIATIONS The meaning of abbreviations used4ie as.foHlovsr Y --------- Idicatas



a railway station'with buffet or restaurant attached.

S-------Is abbreviation for Ragyezd, "meaning branching of the line". The C. E. R. being a single track line, crossing points had to be arranged at suitable distances, where trains were going in

opposite directiong might pass.

These Razyezds were actually

a doubling of the single line track. Possibly at larger stations thee would havo been trebled to allow for goods traffic. St. Prost--Means a ta an po offe limited to ordinary letters.



a staticn ros-office

Prost . i.a.-i.'oins Vs, r.


hanrJline ordinary and rrugt•i

ered rrail, i Fer.-eans a station pcst-office handling all businoss, including coney orders.

types of postal


St. RR.------ Station of the Chineoe Eastern Railroad.


RUSSIAN PCST.OFFICES IN tMACHURIA Chinese Eastern Railway (1388 Verstsl




Man-chuwli (Y)

28 v.











P. 0.




P. O.

St.(RR)-Prost. i Zak,


P. .0.




P. O.









A FA / iT '

r. i per. Vs. rSt.

145 v.


0 P.O.


376 v

Khailar (T)

2302 v.



223 v.





P. 0.

49 v


P. O.

i Elif2cdu (T)

-72 v,

CO . 42)

St. Prost.


Vs. r.




. PrO


St. Prost.

X i


P. o. P. 0.




P- 04



i per.

Ras.. #4 O,



0 P.O.


o b


Ki gan Pe.-i-a



Khorgo Irekto (Y)

!1 P

I P L-, x xO PXC0 BA I-A f-h

3 0 v.


LLA F A -b



Cr U S312




vangduekho (Y)



116 v.

233 v. I






Va. r.


i per,

St. Prost.








e. r,,

74a .



Vs. r.


P. 0.

st. Pros.


St. Prost.

P.. O.

tXA St.Prest.










Y X. XS PA 9' - 3 PA-



Taitsihar (Y)

P. 0.

652 T.




st. Frost.

678 w.




st Prost.

7s v.


P. 0.

St. Frost.

728 v.



758 v.

Anda (Y)

P.. 0

788 .



818 T.


P. 0


847 v.


P. 0.


Kharbin (y)

P. 0.

XA P t/l H -

Kharbin Earbcu

P. 0.

SKhrbin Station

Pa. O."


P.. O,

Starii Harbin

P.O. 0,



76 v.

8s5 v.


J Hb







St. ProtCAP

A H bAA St. Prost.




H -I

AH b





915 v.

Achikho (Y)

P, O.

Vs. r. i Per.

934 V.


P. O

St. Prost.



Saoln Erh--oty




FA ý 3 b

LE H b A LU I XAor"Ž








IK A P b

/_L I

Va. r. 1 Per.










Vhalongtun (Y)

yangtsy v5.




Khailanm M =•A



P. 0.






3bt 3






3 .135,1








970 v.



1028 v.

1056 v.

1085 v.

P. 0.




P. O0

St. Prost.Raaz. #137

Inlanpo (Y)

P. Oo

st. Prost.



P. 0.

Ram. #31 4

c' 6AMO X gAJ


P. 0.



Shtoukhentezi (Y)

P. O.

ll lTOX3TQ






Vs. r. i Per.


P. 0.

St. Prat. (Raz.)



P. 0.

St. Prost.



P. 0.

Ras. #149





161 v.




1208 v.


P. O.


P.. 0.


P. 0.


P. 0.

Lui-3iug (Y)

Lnudi 1309 v.





b ! .



H b U HM 0 X 0_

b _XA/I4 J11 iH M9AAHbUJAI

St. Prost. . r.


Per. (Raz.) ___-__O


Raz. #157


Vs. r. 1 Raz. #162


_) 3bj _




Raz. #160 P. 0.


ILb4L3bL I AO0



PelUntFkri v.




H b 1_ _

Lil1A •-


Ras. #U42




4 L1 3 A M 1 X



118 v.


3 1A MIA




12;4 v,



Ras. #136


1131 v.

1230 v.


1t.U A MAO K^ 4 XsH X3C v

Raz. #135

*EIiuaks S 'LXO

4- ------


vo. r. i

P. 0



:1 (0u'


St. Prost.





bl IA

MA r

J7 • Vt H LjX


blVI iJ C <(L M AU, 5 O 3 /





F. c .






. 0.

Ram. #165


im•1i XD-



P. C.

St. Prost.


135 v


P. 0.

St. Prost.

CAJ 1 1/1

1366 v.







Pogranichnaia or

(Y) Sui-fen-bl Pograsichraia or Sui-fen-ho

P. 0.

St. Prost.-



2nd. P.


IVI$'Jl Hb

0L A



b X3





iUnet to Ni'llsk Us uriieki-Ussuri Railway

Contin_,ation of Railway Sosnovaya Pad. 1413 v.

Platform (84 v.)

Talovoi 1441 v.

Khorvatovo Lipovit si


1471 v.

Golenki Vozdvizhenski

1503 v,


Section Kharbn

to Kwancchen-tze


Kherbin (Y) 31 v.


P. O.

43 v.



79 v,


6 v.

115 v. S123 v.

1 52






St. Prost. Vs. r.

i Per.




P. O.

S'unari Vtoraya or I aosl I.o

P. 0.

Yaoirn (Y)

P. 0.





A 1 3








i PerI.

Vs. r. i.Per.



X 3

tA )



Vs. r. i Per.




H 1 1]HA -

TA 0,



M b



169 v.


197 v.


-222 v. 222 v.








P. 0.




P.O. P. 0.

Vs, r. i Per.


Kvang-chen-te or

P. 0,

RR. P. 0.-


Prost. i. Zak.



Kvang-chen-te Chanchun *



EH IHItq El 1 OCT.



*-Cbange for Pekin SOUTH MANCHURIAN RAII4AY (Section Kwvagcheni,2& to Mukden) NotetFirst column from here on is in miles instead of versts. Kwang-cheng-tze

P. 0.


AHb9 EH I1%3 b


Fanteiatung 38 m.


bT H


Shib-ping-kai Uamialka

Swaneg-aao-tze Kalyian 145 m.



wueai kai 189 m.


0M P.o.


(Section Mukden to Port Arthrw an. Dairn) P.


u K•A, E

"*189 m.


199 m.


(Branch Line 34 miles to Fu-shun)

229 ma


(Branch Line 10 miles to Yentai)

254 m,


267 m.



. I











-goteFlrst column from here on is in miles instead of versts.

j 30*



P. O.

Ta.shihm-chiao Sgknown Kaiping

287 a*

(Branch line 14 miles to Ying-kun, also as Newchang, which had Russian P.O.)




STelisze 371 m.


401 m.


4'15 m. 430 m.

Chin-chou or Kinchow ChLoshiu-tsu

436 m.


P. 0.

(Terminus of South Manchurian Railway)

Port Arthur

P. 0.

(36 miles from Daire, via Cheu-shiu-tzu)

(Commencement of Kuan-tung Territory, leas:d in 1898 by China to Russia, which parted with its rights in favor of Japan in 1905)

Additional Poet Offices Unconnected by Railway Winguta

P. 0,

(Situated 13 miles to South of Modaoshi)


(May be Cholkhoto 46-42 N 122 59 E, or small Railway siding for supplying railway engines with wood fuel)






(Location Uknown)


280 Riverside Drive NEW YCK 25. N.Y.

E•ROEAN COUNTRIES E Want Lists for collectors and dealers filled by return. Better grade approval books by country also available. Many rarities and oddities for specialists. RUSSIA. IKRAINA. BENELUX. BALKANS. CENTRA:-WESTERN*.nd- EASTERN EUROPE. SCANDINAVIA, etc.



Continents at hand,

although weaker.











by J. H. REYNOLDS (Courtesy of BSRP)




20r on 70k

perf. and imperf perf. and iperf.


details below:-

20r. on 15k. perf, and imperf . 30r. on 50k, perf. and imperf.

40r. on 15k. perf. and imperf . Issud in the 200r.following on 15k. perf. order: and imperf. 200r. over 40r. on 15k. perf. and imperf.


1922 (December)

20r. on 70k. 40r. on 15k.

1923 (February)

All other values.


Table showing types of surcharm L-Lithographed T.Typographed Imperforated T *

Perforated T L

Values 5r. on 20k.

It will be noticed that

"20r. on 15k.





20r. on 70k.





certain values appear in

30r. on sok. 40r. on 15k.

L T *



only one or the other type of printing, this is a good guide.

100r. on 15ke





200r. on 15k.




200r. over40r. on 15k.





Lithographed only

Typoqraphed only

20r. on 15k. perf. and imperf. 10Cr. on 15k. perf. and imperf. 200re over40r. on 15k. perf. only

5r. on 20k. imperf, only 20r. on 70k. perf. only 40r. on 15k. perf. only

Numbers printed 5r. 20r. 20r. 30r. 40r. 100r. 200r. 200r. 40r.

on 20k. on 15k. on 70k. on 50k. on 15k on 15k. on 15k overon 15k.


unknown 493,300 9,499,700 9,600,000 24,800,000 25,375,000 40,322,700




The above numbers include both perforated and imperforated varieties of each value. Of the 200r. over 40r. on 15k. value, I have been able to examine one copy only and Mr. J. Barry has been able to examine another, and we both The numbers issued must be very small, agree that these copies are genuine. possibly only one sheet, or even a part of a sheet. The 20r. on 15k. imperforate value is another very rare item. I have seen only five genuine copies, 3 mint and 2 cancelled, of which the finest is in the collection of Mr. Huddy of Liskeard, a beautiful copy on large piece; I see from my records that I have been offered no fewer than eleven forged copies, of which I have retained

a very nice pair. I feel that no more than 2 sheets of 20r. on 15k. have been issued. Note on differences between the Typographed aLd Lithographed overprintstThe typographed overprint shows a clear impression on the reverse side of the stamp, except in lightly printed copies, but another infallible clue ay be observed on the face of the overprint itself; there is a well-defined

line running around the inner and outer

edges of the star.

In lightly print-

ed copies sometimes only a mnllimatre or two may be seen, but after a little

practice and with the aid of those values which occur in one printing only the tyro ahould have little


difficulty in distinguishing one printing from another.


ot!&t-This series is very complicated and the following factors have to be taken into consideration:1.'e banic staps-All the usual varieties of the warwtiae printings are found. 2-qerpr•iottwo types-Lithographed and Typographed. 3-Overprints-errors of various kinds.. 4-Forgeriess-eome values are known forged and there is also a bogus value. Tpographed-Perforated 5r. on 20k. Basic gam acarlet and blm a-chalk-lines double b-chalk-lines missing Overrint a-inverted b-double 20r. on 70k. Basic stamp-orange and brown a-background misplaced b-background intaglio c-chalk-lines on back Overprint a-inverted c-misplaced b-double d-on back 30r. on 50k. Basic starlgreen and purple a-backgfound misplaced Overprint a-double S40r. on 15k. Basic stamp-blue and purple Basic stamp-blue and red-purple

200r. on 15ke Basic Stamp-blue and purple Overprint

a-inverted Basic Stamp-Blue and reddish-purple #-centre inverted a-chalk-lines double e.centre misplaced b-chalk-lines on back c-chalk-lines back & front f-ceitam itaglio Overp-int a-double b-misplaced Typographed-Imperforate 5r. on 20k. Basic StamR-ecarlet and blue the end of this article a-Fo e-see 20r. on 70k. Basic Stamp-orange and brown OverTrint c-pair, one withoub surcharge a-inverted b-double




30r. on 5k. Basic Stamp-green and purple Overprint a-on back 40r on 15k. Basic Stamp-blue and red-purple 4-background triple d-oentre albino b-background intaglio e-chalk-lines double c-centre intaglio f-chalk lines missing Overprint a-inverted c-albino b-double 200r. on 15k. Basic Stamp-blue and red-purple Lithographad-Perf orated 5r. on 20k. Basic Stamp-scarlet and blue a-chalk-lines missing Overprint a-inverted lOr. on 25k. Bogua Overprint 20r. on 15k. Basic Staip-blue and red-purple

Overmrint a-inverted b-overprint normal and inverted-see the end of the article. 30r. on 5Ck. Basic Stamp-green and purple a-background missing

b-chalk-lines double



Eaic Stamp-green and copper red a-frame intaglio b-chalk-lines on the back Overvrirt a-inverted b-pair, one without overprint lOOr. on 15k. Basic Stamp-blue and red-purple a-chalk-lines double c-background intaglio b-background double Overprint a-inverted c-triple, one inverted b-double 200r* on 15k. Basic Stap-blue and red-purple a-chalk-lines on back c-chalk-lines back and front b-chalk-lines double d-centre misplaced Overint a-double c-inverted

b-isplaced Baeic Stamp-blue and chocolate Overprtint a-Egrg -eee the end of this article




14thographed-Perf orated 200r. over 4Or. on 15k

Basic Stamp-blue and reodpuple

LithoRramhed-Imorf orate


on 15k.

sic. Stamp-blue and red-purple

20r. on 70k. Basic Stap-orange and brown Overprint a-inverted 30r. on 5Qk. Basic Stampgreen and purple-brown a-background misplaced 40r. on 15k. Baic Stamp-blue and red-purple a-chalk-lines missing b-centre misplaced Overprint a-inverted b-misplaced Basic and red-brown a-chalk-lines on the back b-chalk-lines double Overprint a-inverted 100r. on 15k. Qaic Stagp-blue and red-purple Overprint a-inverted

200r. on 15k

Basic Stamp-blue and red-purple a-chalk-lines missing Overprint a-inverted b-double

c-pair, one without surcharge

to describe those Note:-I have used the word intaglio in the above lists stamps where the coloured design has pentrated the paper and shows as a clear impression on the back. It must Ngbe confused with "Uoff-set" or u set-offC. NOTES on the FaRGERIES 5r. on 20k. imperforate Enlargement of the bottom of the "Pfs" Genuine





20r. on 15k. perforated t Look at that part of the star which is about 7-8 o clock









on 157.

PaforfitLine to ri5ht,


Line upritt.

20r. on 15k._ ImperforaThe The overprint is germin except the figure of value (20). original figure of: alue was removed and false .one inserted. SORlGERY





eCOr. on 15k. Perforated Inverted Compare.with a normal copy. In the forgery the bulges at the top of the "P's" are far too big and likewise the periods are too big. There is one strange fact which has emerged from my investigation into this issue. I have not as yet, seen or heard of an overprint error aprearing on other than a normal basic stamp. On the other hand all abnormal basic stamps have a normal overprint.

"RUSSIAM CANCELLATIOS.. from P. J. of Australia. SVol.24-45 Page 163) Various European papers report a new method of cancellation lately put into use in Russia. The Russian stamps have always been a favorite field for the stamp cleansr and the Russian Postal authorities have tried by all manner of means to circumvent the stamp cleaners. The cha3ey paper first used in Russia, and the extremely sensitive coloro in which Russian stasps have been printed, aro evidence of these counterfeiters. Of late the Russian post office has experimented with various methods of making the postnark more effective. Special inks have been used, designed to penetrate the paper more effectually. A thread has been applied to the back of the stamps which was to be

torn cut in cancelling, thus tearing the stamp in two. Heated postmarks have been used, so designed as to burn the postark into the paper of the stamp. This naturally did not prove to be pcpular, Now a new scheme has been trieds the stamps, in addition to be. ing postmarked are cancelled by a series of short cuts completely tn'o •epo Thi cancellAtion is said to leav- the staIps coprativo: un•i ri:zCre , tut collectors arE not apt to wolcome the new postmark very Se.".I-... .. :f, r y neverthele.s. (Has any one aeon exa= pes of this type




K11OV-.g AR-MAIL ERROIBOF RUSSIA (Sanabria .L8a) br Kurt Adler

The alrmil stap Scott #C 82 sched in red *iucbta


exists as a variety in which the is iasinw .

ast letter of


1 the


letter *f

This error was first discovered by as by chance. Sucessively, I had an opportunity to go through the whole stock of sheets of two of **he lead ing American wholesale dealers whom I, of coase, informed about the existence of this error beforehand. They in turn, deposited a few copies of this error with Sanabria, so that this error is now listed in the Sanabria t s Airmail Catalogue.

The missing *A! variety is a constant errar in a small nu ber of sheets. It appeared in less than 25% of all the sheets that I was able to examine, It appears only on one stamp in a sheet of 100 stamps, the 22nd. stamp (the second stamp from the left in the 3rd. horizontal row) and can be found on both mint and cancelled stamps. One can follow the development of this error gradually, by tracing down the second vertical row of stamps, i.e. the 2nd., 12th., and the 22nd.

stamps, in the sheet consiting of 100 stamps. Another minor variety is an unclear rfin Ava±dochtaand an almost L C81 and which appears on a stamp with right sheet missing "r in rRLble of margin. I was, however, not able to plate this minor variety. Below are three reproductions of the * r variety, as they appear on stamps ##2, 12 and 22. These drawings also show the variations in the miakh L ak which is the 5th, letter of the word 4ruble'. 2nd. Stamp


1 A !


•a 1 '' I'-- L !ea



- -



A tlear aA!



almost missing



almost missing

12th. Stamp


VP i A


2 °q'44r.,

1 rN F -


"P unclear _--

A FS /1 A FIL0H T « , "A"entirely *I *


t'A i£ BP

RIP cl ear


ODe wuld expect to find the same major error on C80 but, having

Sg through the aa nmber of sheets of C80 as of C81, I could not find a single error of C80.

SThe 2nd. and 12th. stamp of 080 show the sate surcharge variety as the cor as the corresponding stamps of C81 but the 22bd. stamp has a perfectly well formed *A' in "AviapochtOa.

It can be unmised that the error appeared on the early printings of C81, was then corrected and did not show on the sheets of C80 which, evidently, were printed later than the sheets of C81. These two stamps were emergency airmail stamps, issued in April 1944 during the War which ay expain some sloppiness in their overprinting. In connection with this, the question arises why the surcharge reads *Avigpochta" and not "Avi.opochta as in all other Russian airmail issues before. The following airmil set C83 to C90 also reads 'Avigpochta" in its inscription. Perhaps some Russian philologist would be able to ex-

plain this change*

TESIVE STOCK................ IT




Stamplea. coers, postal stationery, stamp rarities and regular issues, proofa S

essays, varieties, cancellations, covers.

SSqBael 350 Oakdale Avenue Also,

Inquiries invited.

Bay Chicago

1, Illinolts

professional mounting and vliting-.p of collection.,








SHow to recognize the genuine overprint)

by E. .Wsewvell.Jr. Most of overprints or surcharges that long as fifty years, have been extensively overprint is no exception. Quite a naber market, and it is hoped that the following wll help in spotting the sbad* onas.

have been in existence for as counterfeited, and the MKITAI' of forgeries turn up on the information and illustrations

Any machine printed overprint or surcharge has a nmber of definitely recognisable characteristics that can be used for indentifying them. While it is theoretically possible for a forger to make nearly exact copies, it involves such care, skill, knowledge and expense that most forgers do not turn out work that will fool the informed philatelist with the proper equip-

ment, which in this case is a strong magnifying glas and good light to use it

with. There are three things that should be checked when studying surcharges

or overprints.

First is the method used in printing, that is, whether it

was typographed or lithographed. (The methods most commonly used) Second is the comparison of the color and other physical characteristics of the printing ink used in the genuine. Third, and in this case, most important of all, is the comparison of the size and shape of the letters used in the genuine overprint with those en the items in question. METHOD



The VKITAIV overprint was typographed at the State Printing Works at St, Petersburg. Typographed means that the printing was done from a piece of metal on which the design to be printed is raised above the rest of the metal. In this ease the overprint was first set in type and the actual printing was done by a stereotype which is a moulded duplicate of the type made by a electrooplating process. Typographic prints are very easy to indentify as they have a characteristic due to the manner of inking which appears in some degree on all typographic prints.

When the ink rollers are passed over the raised design to ink it, the design sinks slightly into the soft rollers, thereby depositing a certain amount of ink on the sides of the raised portions as well as on the top where it is intended to go. When the inked design is then applied to the paper which is to receive the impression, it is done so with considerable pressure to insure that all portions of the design contact the paper. Tis

results in two characteristics that are present in some degree in all typographic printing.

The first and the most important is the fact that some of

the additional ink which was applied to the side of the raised design is now transferred to the paper, Since. this ink from the side of the raised design is alightly thicker than that deposited by the face of the design, the result-

ing print shows an outline of thickner, hence darker ink all around the edges of the printed design, as in the drawings (Fig. 1, Plate A). While this is not easily discernibe to the asked eye, it

is very evident when seen under

a strong (10 power) glass and can be seen en all genuine "KITAI' overprints. 26


The second characteristic, since it is not as constant, need only be

:ationed briefly.

The pressure of printing especially in a one-word over-

pint emboses the paper on the-reverse of the stamp. On mint copies it is .tenn quite noticeable to the naked eye and in such eases one can be sure the overprint was tpographed. Used copies that have been soaked off paper very ".ldom show any discernible traces of the embossing, as the vetting of the paper seesm to eradicate it.


Since I hae seen fargeries that appeared to be lithographed, a short description of that process and it's characteristic seem to be in order. A lithographic print is made from a perfectly FAT surface which has been prepared so that when the ink rollers are passed over it for inking, the only part of the surface which will receive no opportunity for the ink to build up a thicker Uayer at any place, resulting in the characteristic of the lithographic print; it is an even tone all over the printed design, as in the illustration: (Fig. 2, Plate A). In any event if you find a "KITAI" overprint that was lithographed, you can be sure that it is a forgery. COLCR AND APPEARANCE CF II

There is so little standardization in the names used to denote different colors and shades that it is futile to attempt to describe them in a text. The best way to check for color is by comparison with a known genuine overprint of the asme color. Care should be taken however that the stamps being compared are of the same issues, as the blue ink used to overprint the laid paper stamps is somewhat different from that used on the later wove

paper varieties. -

Most printing inks contain a varnish or binder which has the effect of

leaving a gloss or shine to the dried ink.

The inks used on the "KITAI"

overprint do have a slight shine to them, which is discernible when held at the right angle to the light. Forgeries exist printed in dull mat inks with no shine or gloss to them at all. You would do well to be suspicious of such ? an overprint. SIZE





This is the place where most of the forgers can be detected. It is here that the forger finds it very nearly impossible to duplicate the origi-

nal exactly. A brief word of explanation of vby this is so will help a great deal in learning to spot most of the forgeries. The "KITAI" overprint is the word set up originally in a type face that

has very distinctive square-cut serifs.

A piece of type, incidentally, is the

end result of a great deal of patient, precise planning and workmanship, and

for that To cut a not only Services

reason alone is extremely hard to duplicate by any other means. duplicate set of pieces of type in the same manner as the original, would be time consuming, and expensive, but would also require the of an expert craftsman. Since this is not practical for the forger

thee are two other possibilities.

One would be to obtain a font of the

original type used, and the difficulties of doing this in the case under diecuasion are only too apparent. There remains the method of making a careful

Searged drawing of the ovrprint and having a photoengraving made of it at .45


the exact size of the original. This is quite obviously the method that has been used in the manufacture of the UKITAIV overprints that I have saen so far. The forger can very readily make a very accurate enlarged drawing of any overprint with the services of a reasonably competent artist. The next step however is where we can indentify his work. He must now reduce the dr'aeo ing photographically to the size of the original and have an engraving made from the negative of the reduced drawing. In this process he loses some of the exact likeness due to certain peculiarities of the process. Rather than atte"pt to go too technical about it, ( it has to do with diffusion of light rays ) let us just look at the end result. Look at the drawing of the overprint on Plate B, Fig. 1. Miis was made from a careful tracing of a genuine overprint that was projected to this size by an expensive enlarging camera and can be considered to be a reasonably accurate representation of the original. Now, if you have a strong glass handy take a careful look at the serifs in the next illustration, Fig. 2. This is a photographic reduction of the same drawing shown on Fig. 1. Notice how the ends of the serifs have begun to become rounded where they were relatively cut-square above. In Fig. 3 the drawing has been reduced to the approximate size of the UKITAI" overprint, and a look at it with the strong magnifier will show that quite a ;pv lcharasteristice of the top drawing have disappeared or changed noticeablyi The serif ends have become rounded or even pointed and the white separation line between the ball and the stem to which it is attached (on the *K") has practically disappeared. A similar disappearance of enclosed white center space can be noted on the accent mark over the final letter. All of these changes are quite characteristic of most of the 9KITAIB forgeries. Some of forgeries are very crude (See Plate C. Figs. 6 and 7). 4 on plate B is an enlargement of Fig. 3 and is merely added to SFig. bring out plainly the changes from Fig. 1 that have developed during the reduction. Enlarging the drawing does not seem to change it as much as the reduction. From the above information it should now be clear and that the characteristics of most forgeries will be; rounded serifsends, disappearance of the smaller enclosed white spaces and a tendency of the serifs to join each other. (See Plate C, Fig. 7 as marked by arrows.) THE




Generally speaking the fKITAI" overprint is clear and sharp, with the previously mentioned square-cut serifs. The heavy strokes of the letters are uniformly heavy and straight. The lighter strokes and the serifs are of the same weight. The serifs are all evenly aligned and the letters are evenly spaced apart. In the U"K" it should be noted that the ball on the end of the upper right member and the tail bend on the lower right member extend slightly above and below the line of the serifs. (In many of' the forgeries they do not extend above and below the serifs.) The size of the overprint is 16L

mm, long and

rm. high.

This can bb

helpfull if one likes to measure, as very few of the forgeries are within 1 am. of being correct.


The only forgery I have of the correct length,


(Plate C, Pigs 4) has the letters a bit too high and is poorly drawn and thus easily recognized. In most cases quicker indentification can be had by checking the letter shapes and characteristics.

STaking the overprint letter by letter, we note as follows:

(See Plate A,

Fig, 4 for sescribed details). On the *tK the ball at the top I extends above the alignement of the serifs. The bottdo of the tail stroke 2.2 extends below the alignment of the serifs. At this point I should like to give a helpful hint in checking letter shapes that is often used by professional letterers when making an "exact copy of a particular letter style. Notice the enclosed white spaces that are formed by the parts of the letter (See ## and #4). These are often of a very distinctive shape and will uncover many a forgery. To make this even more clearer, look at Fig. 3, Plate A which shows these spaces in black. Notice the narrow space enclosed between the ball and the stem of #5 and " again at the bottom at #6. A careful check of all such enclosed spaces will uncover many a forgery. On the second letter we have enclosed spaces at #7 and #8 to check on. Note how poorly the corresponding shapes on the forgeries on Plate C are drawn. On this letter the serifs are very close at the center, but do not touch, (#0 and #10). Occasionally a genuine overprint will be found with the serifs touching slightly due to very heavy inking, but even then, if examined closely under a glass one can usually see the heavy ink outline through the smudged ink marking the ends of the serifs apart from each other. The *T" does not need much checking, but it should be is perfectly symmetricl, al alancing itself on both sides. forgeries this is not so, as they are found with serifs of Plate C, Figs. 3 and 4* and with short stuby serifs at the

noticed that it In many of the unequal lengths top. (Plate 0,

Figs. 5 and 6). S

SOn the 4A" we find again closed-in area, (#11 and #12Y that provide valuable check points. Contrast with those on Plate C, Figs. 3 and 7.- Here

again the serifs nearly touch, #13.

It fi also should be pointed out that

the left hand side of theC"A, the lighter of the slanted strokes is somewhat heavier in weight than the light strokes of the other letters.


The remarks on the second letter 1"Iapply equally to the final letter. It is on the accent mark over the letter that there are identifying characteristics of even greater value. It should be noticed that the weight of the line connecting the two oval shapes at either side is the same as the diagonal stroke of the letter below. In many of the forgeries it is much lighter in weight than the diagonal (#14). The enclosed area, #15 is also a good check resemblance in shape to the original. point. In many forgeries there is little

FORGERIES My remarks on the forgeries must be necessarily limited to describing those that I have had the opportunity to study. The first two forgeries shown on Plate C, Figs, 2 and 3 are the closest to the genuine,- and Fig. 3 is fa.rly easy to spot by the closed-up ball on "K" and the fact that the tail does not extend belov tVe line of the serifsr 45


Ths otharos Figs. 4 to 7 are for the mcost prt each crude imitations that they can be cpotted by the naked eye. The forgery illuatrated in Fin, la by all odds the most dangerous, and from my exparience, the most often


It has been mostly used, it seems, on t2s commoner, wove paper varie.

ties tiher one wculd not expect to find a fcrgery. However it has a number of points that make it very easy to indantify. The serifs are rounded atd unevn in weight and length. The serif on the left side of the OA' as mar]ker

by the arrow, is noticeably short on all that I have seen (seaveral dozen) ,

The cerif on the r&ght bottom of thetoet hand stroke of the final letter is too thick cnd stubhy. The ball of the letter uP does not extend appreciably above the alignment of the serif e nor does the tail extend below as it shoul-' Finally the accent mark over the last letter, and the stroke of the '%" that ends in the ball are Mich too light in weight. They should be of the sam thicess as the serifs and diagonal strokes. I recently czamined a lot from a amil c=ticn that pprpcrted to be g=ine ovorprint on the 10 kop. blue on vertically laid paper. It turned cut to be crudely drawn, sinilar-to Fig. 7, Plate C, and was quite obvitouly lithographed in addition. If the above information will help any one to avoid buying or bidding on such items, then the effort of writing it up has been worth while.

Addition to the article Since the preceding has been written, it has been called to my attent-

ion that an important.characteristic of the genuine overprint has escaped my notice, and which appears ihlrly constant after a quick check of my mateialo

The serif on the top of the straight stroke of "K" is noticeably longer on the left side than it is one the rightside. In this respect my draving of the genuine overprint on Plate C, Fig. 1 is incorrect. On the drawing the serif appears longer on the right side. The reverse is true, it is longer on the left. It will be noticed that the forgeries illustrated on Figs. 2, 3 and 4 show the characteristics of genuine. To prevent confusion on part of the readers, when following the article, we suggest, the reader, extend the serifs on the top of the straight stroke of OK" to the left, on Plate A, Plate B, Fig. 1 and Plate C, Fig. 1, with I3NDIA INK. The postal stationery with this overprint makes a very handy basis for checking, as it is usallf oand mint, and are not known counterfeited, as far as we know. If any one has any knowledge pf counterfeited postal stationery, we would be very glad to hear from them.





PI G.1






PIG. 3



PIG. 4


S12, D








KHTAH Careful drauir

y of overprint.

FIG.2 K HTTAH FPariial redKctlio

Nole Serifs


i1. I


Final redmctioK of FigF I6t

approimate size of

nitzume ovierprid

NoU ekayý6c desenbed ih4&exl, •rih manhifer or check tlk eni aremkt of P, 3 belw.

FIG. 4

KHTAH Fif 3 as evlarqed o sk5owdeails.


PLATE B Page 32




















PLATE C Page 33














FIG. 3 Page 34



OFg 192Q

One of the mycteries of philately is vby so many speculative and phila"teliallymanipulated and uznwce•ry labels are blindly accepted and duly recorded in catalogues as postage stamp, while the stampa of necassity, of-

ficially isued and postally usd, are denied recognition and listing in major varld catalogugs


The officially issued and postally used Ulraini, n Field Post of 1920 is a prime case of unfair diMcrimination by catalogue publishers, who have not given catalogue listing to this issue at present, although Scott formerly

listed this issue as M211


In August of 1920, Ukraine was in chaotic condition after six years of

World War and Civil War* Occupation amies of Germany and Austria marched across the land# folload later by the White Russian Armies of General Denzikia .ýneral aromn Wrangel, Polish Army of PUsid&ik, division of General ".' aerl, Red Bolshevik lArmy and desoellne•ou detachments of bandits which

simply pillaged and killed the inhabitants. The history of the Ukrainian Field Post of 1920 begins when the National krainian Ary and the gomrnPsnt of 1stlurap which vas at that time allied from Western Ukraine into Galicia, under as forced to rarat with Polanmd, Thanks to the article written by our rem.heay pCesm re from the RO Arcy ber of Rosslka, noted apelalist of Ukrainian philtely, Capt. S. de Shram-

chesko, published in the London journal, "The east End Philatelist", in April 1924, we can give certain date abwut this field post. e #22, of August 6, 1920, of the Ministry of Posts and By Official Dec• Telegraph of the Ukraiian Natioal Republic, postal communication was arganized, with the rain Post Office at the site of the government in Tarnov Western Galicia, and the mobile war post office of the Headand Rshekhtv, quartero of the Commandar of the Ukrainian National Army, General Oeliano-


In the beginning only thee two post offices were supplied

vith black overprint in f l9lo, cf tho cories C•SCag• with the csa•sthree linass reading k ýp'EPcbxO - noloJbo ao nfl JT and the nt value. DVlBc is a table giving the quantities of each value

issused, 10 priven on 10 Shagiv.....2,000

20 griven on 40 shagiv.....1,000

10 griven on 20 Shagiv.....1,• 00

20 griven on 50 abagiv.....l,000

10 grivon on 30 Shagiv,.....e900

40 griven on 10 shagiv.......200

10 griven on 40 Chagiv.......800 10 griven on 50 Shagiv.......900 20 griven on 10 Shagiv.......800

40 grivon on 20 shagivo....O.400 40 griven on 30 ahagiv.....1,000 40 griven on 40 ehagiv.......200

20 grivn on 20 Shagivj,..2,600

40 griven on 50 aeagiv.......l00

"20 griven on 30 Shagiv,..*.1,000

*40 griven on 20 ahagivo.......15

eCcns3 sra

end gran

of which 40 griven on the large t Tho%total m••' is only 13,915 stApc Cef 20 grivon wvs only 15, o of the raritios cf philately. Other

' alco. The overprit was c 100 to 200 e rar Cade on pcwas of 25 at.apS, csopt-tha. lcrp -cc3 cSf 20 grivon.

S3li21 -,c:dain qantiti-S



A small number of Ukrainian revenue stamps, at the same time, recoived the same overprint, but they were not used for postal purposes, and received another overprint, a diagonal in red, reading "ZPAZCK", sometimes with a


p'e pcbk b C PO

The postal rates at that time were:-


10 grivni for official correspondence 20 grivni for ordinary letters 30 grivni for registered letters






Sn the beginning two types of canceller were used, having the following inscriptions:1-Above '"KYT EPCIK(0-1lQ-1 0BA IOULITA", date in the center, at the left of which was a trident, and below UEIETF. YCTu, i.e., Tsentralni Ustanovi or Central Establishment or Quarters, or literally translated "Central Government Establishment". 2-Same as above, Headquarters.

except the inscription below reads,"CTAEKAa,


Later, from September to November 1920, regular town cancellers were Incomplete list of cancellations used, as the towns were freed from Reds. used is given below:Kamenetz-Podolsk Mogilev-Podolski Proskurov Staro-K onstantinov Volochisk-Vokzal Volochisk-Dviretz, i.e.


The Stavka of the Ukrainian Army gradually located itself following towns:Kniplin Stanislavov Kolomea

Buczaz Czertkow in Eusiatin


Gorodok Ermolinzy in




Heavy pressure from the Red Army, in ceaseless battles forced the Ukrainian Army finally to cross over from the Western Ukraina into Poland, This date ended where on November 21, Petlura and the Army were interned. the "Field Post of Ukraine, 1920". Based on official data, given us by Captain de Shramchenko, thirty years ago, it is clear that the stamps of the Ukrainian Field Post of 1920 should have been listed in postage stamps catalogues of the World, as officially issued and postally used. In all my years of collecting Stamps of Ukraine, very seldom did I manage to obtain even single specimens of even the commonest values, let alone pairs or blocks, until by a freak of philatelic chance, several monts ago, 1 managed to obtain the remnants 6f a stock of this issue from a Viennese dealer.



The lot conita.ned s.ven different values in si.glas, pairs and bloc:s of fourA close study .f this lot revealed three (3) constantly occuring major varieties (beaides several values known with inverted surcharges). I am listing below the results of my study of each value in this lot.




(1)-Inverted surcharge (2)-Small thin script 'b" in "griven" (See Fig. 1) (3)-Capital UI" instead of numeral "l" in "10" (See Fig. 2) (4)-Letter "K" instead of"O' in 1 griven" (See Fig. 3) 10 10 10 10 20 20

griven griven griven griven griven griven

VM on on on on on on

10 20 38 50 20 50

shagiv shagiv shagiv shagiv shagiv shagiv


1 1

VARIETIES 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2

4 4 4

There also occur such constant varieties as:a-Broken or split letters of surcharge b-Horizontally shifted surcharge c-Vertically shifted surcharge d-Misplaced surcharge





by Capt.







de Shramchenko

As an addition to the article written by Seymour Gibrick, I may state that being active in the field of philatelic literature since 1918, I have been able to place numerous issues of Ukraine into the catalogues of the World. Thus,I tried to do the same with the Field Post Issue of 1920, as the stamps were officially issued and postally used. However I was not successful in placing them in certain well known catalogues, as these, while agreeing with me as to their official status, bluntly ordered from me a certain number of these stamps for themselves, in return for placing them in the catalogue, at a good pricing. These stamps were originally for the *Field Post" use between Tarnov and Rzhekhov in Poland, in Western Galicia, which at that time was in alliance with Poland, where the Government of the Ukrainian National Republic and the Headquarters (Stavka) of the Ukrainian Army was located, and which moved its location depending on anti-bolshevik front to Kriplin, Stanislavov, etc. as stated by Gibrick. When, after the defeat of bolsheviks before Warsaw, the front was moved to the East, the bolsheviks fled in great panic. Active part in this drive againisthe left flank, at Zamostie CKholmschina) took the 6th. Strelkov Division under the command of General Besruchik. This division had attached to it a field post, Pochtovoe Otdelenie No. 2 for the Field Post. Ukrainian Army then crossed from Western Galicia, across Zbruch, and in September-Wivember of 1920 freed from the bolshevicks large sections of Podolia and Volhynia. At that time these stamps were placed in



normal postal use on this territory. At the eame time, Vienna printed set, Scott Noan 156 to 169 (Types A8 to A21) were made ariJable for portal use, but only 10, 20 and 40 g•. were usod for postago, dajority of the caLalocuLes state "none of the above set was placed in use". All three of these stamps were in postal use until November 21, 1920, at which time Ukrainian Ar-my retreated into Poland and was interned there. A slightly different type ofshand stamp was used to overprint the The above stamps Ukrainian Revenue stamps for the "Field Post" use (Type 2). s-aed are considered to be "2oofs". This h•fid starp (Type 2) was liKxewis lator to ovarprint "shagiv sctanps. which later6 with the exception of the abovo revenue proofs, were utilized for postal purposes, on par with the original type. The author has a full set of these stamps overprinted with Type 2. The overprint errors, described by Gibrick, are interesting and rare, but as it is known to me they did not occur regularly. BIBLIOGRAPHY






1-"Sammler Woche", Wien 1920. "Ukrainische Kurier-Feldpost". 2."Ill Briefmarken Journal", Leipzig 1925. "Ukrai-ische Feldpostmarken", im J. 1920. 3-"Donaupost ", Bratislava 1925. "Die Ukrainischen Feldpostmarken ,aus dem Jahie 1920". 4-"L t ech de la Timbrologie", Amiens 1925. WLes Timbres-poste de Campagne Ukrainienne en 1920". Briefmarken-Zeitung", Bern 1924. "Les Timbres de la S5-Sweitzer Ill. Poste de Campagne d t Ukraine en 1920". $-"La Rivista Filatelica D t Italia", Genoa 1923, N. 12. "I Francobolli della Posta del Campr delltUcrana nel 1920". and others.


Your WANT-LISTS have a good chance of being filled from my specialized stock of RUSSIA---Czarist and Soviet---mint; used; errors; varieties, nev-issue service of--USSR and other. oraign countries; late Soviet covers. I will be interested to learn what interests you. IESTER S. GLASS

(A.S.D.A., APS, SPA)

1831 Glenifer Street, Phila. 41, Pa.



D roiunt 1 ca a> ^l 0 and


15M%rieorn s ^cc, j on all I of $10.00 and up

A POULND M ); on Request

RUSSIA qnd -c*-,* Free Frice List


Want Lists Requested from Stamp & F. .L. Box #1 Grand Ledge,

SErrors--aCovers--Varieties--New Issues--Cancellations Present, #1 to Service Michigan.

It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity, on the eve of Miay Rossikc bring new honors Rossicas rebirth, to submit this advertisement. Philately. Russian to and enlightment Loo J. Zaikovsi This is

All Numbers are Listod by Scotts and unlisted varieties aro doscribod.

a partial listing. Scot+ts Cat. No. (or description)U

Scott's Cat, No. or description)






$ ...$ -1.20

2 5 -10 8a

2.50 $12.CO .08

326-327 (Unwmkd.) (Unrmkd.) 327 328 (Orango proof)

328 (Rod proof)


328 (Bluo proof)



4.00 100CO

19a 19 -25 19 20

.25 -----. ---

.07 1.80 60 .80

374 (Imporf.) 434 (Double impros.) 449ax 451ax




470ax (Imporf.)


.40 2.CC .80 .80 3.00 .80

525ax (Impcrf. Pair) 529ax (Imporf. Pair) 536 x (Imporf. Proof) 580-82x (Inrporf. pairs 585x (rnporf at top) 610x (Impcrforato)


12 -18 12a


22b 22d 24a 2 5a 26a 26-30




31 -38

57a (Background Omitted) ----


0a (Block of 4 Mint) 60a

20.00 4.50



3.00 85c 4.50 870 1 7.50 03a (Imp.-ropairod) 9.CO proof) 106 (mp. 3.00 U7a 2.00 12 6 a 1 4.50 31d & o 1.50 131e An many others (Pro.Sovit) 2 94X

(Imp. Brown Proof)

302 -303




$20.C0 $ 4.50 6.CO

615x (li:pcrf. pair) 617ax (Imperf.


15.00 6.00 10.C ----




713x (Imporf.)












2.50 619x (Impcrf.) 3.50 bottom at 730x (Imperf. 759x 771x 797x 801x 819x 907a 921x 932x 975x 981x


20C0 ---30?",CO--8.CO -70.00C 3.50------20.0C

--1,00 -




3.50 ---(Imporf. at top) 3.50 (Imporf. at bottom---20.CO (IMrperf. botwoon) 400 --(Imporf. at top) 4.00 (Imporf. at top) --30.00 (Imporf. betwcon) --(Bluo color missing flagsl7.00 (Imporf at right) 3.50 (Imporf. at right) 3.50 -,6ee 3.50 (Importf at top)

995x (Imporf. at top) 1003x (Imporf.


at right) 3.50 ----


Iear ?!r. Sklarevski: I congratulato you, our newest "honored member", and wish you the best. I sincerely hope that you will be a great friend of the 't ROSSIKA" as A. N. Lavrov and Dr. G. B. Salisbury. Respectfully Yours, A. It


the title of Honored M.ember,

confirmed that R.


A. Sklarevski receives 4

on this day, Iarch 1, 1955 for his great

help to the Rossika Society, and for publishing the Jcurnal in English Congratulations and best wishes for his health and further 1- -guage. aid to our society. Honorary President, E.


Dear Rimma: It gives me great pleasure to welcome you into You have earned the the inner and select group of "honored members". I great honor by your work and your wonderful philatelic knowledge. salute you. I am happy that the President and the Honorary President concurred with my proposal and confirmed my nomination of you, my hard working colleague, to the "Honorary Membership". Your s, Greg.




RUSSIAN OFFICES IN CHINA The surcharge tKITAI" on Russian stamps has been faked on whole sheets, as well as on the single stamps.

Most frequently these frauds are found on

uncancelled stamps of 1910-11 issues with lozenges of chalk. First, because the Russian stamps of 1909 without surcharge were very cheap & it made sense, therefore, to increase their value by changing them into stamps of Russian Offices in China. Second, because these stamps were sold in huge quantities by Finish government at auctions after Finland's independence was declared & A great number of sheets got into the hands Firish stamps were introduced. found its way to various falsifiers. of foreign dealers & successively, Faked surcharges on cancelled stamps can be found on rare varieties of 19101, 2, 3, 4, 25 & 50k. with surcharges in other color than the nor11 issue, mal, the 5r. of the same issue, and the rare high catalogue stamps of the 1899-1908 issue are found counterfeited also. It is rather easy to recognize these fakes even if one is not an expert, as the majority of them have the same common features & evidently were made I am going to show the most evident characteristies of in the same place. the genuine surcharges later on in this article; but I must note here first that the possibility exists that in some cases one of these features may not be quite clear or that it does not colTespond jwholy with my description. Eut if the other feature, correopond, then the surcharge may (see next page)



be considered genuine without a doubt. *

First of all, the genuine surcharge has strong characteristics in some of its letters, notably in the letter K" vhere this becomes very evident. "As the illustration shows, the horizontal line on the top of this letter is not symmetrical. It is longer on the cuter left side and-shorter on the inner right side. The fakes, constantly, show this line to be symmetrical and divided inwo two even parts by the vertical stem of the letter "K". First, note the angle of incline of the surcharge. It is always the same for all the values and all issues overprinted "KITAI". It fluctuates between 571and 58 degrees. On the fraudulent stamps this angle is usually 53 degreesafor the kogek values'and fluctuates between 38 and 53 degrees fcr the Ruble values. If one would draw a diagonal line on the stanp from upper right to lower left, this diagonal would never be parallel to the angle of incline of the genuine surcharge. On fakes with a 53 degree angle this imaginary line would be parallel to the surcharge. It is interesting to note that this angle of incline is described wrongly in some catalogues. Yvert, for instance, gives it as 62 degrees. The genuine surcharge consists of clear, cleanly drawn letters with right angle corners. Besides that, every letter was a more or less visible dark contour around its form (the thickening of the color at the edges). Sometimes, this thickening can only be seen with a magnifying glass and in good light. The fakes do not have this contour impression at all, the color all around is of the same intensity. The letters have rounded corners, and appear muddy and unsteady and one notes the absence of firmness and clarity of the design. These are the main features which suffice for examination of the stamps, Salthough, as I said before, some of them may not be quite clear (for instance the "K" may appear in "oquashed* red or blue surcharge) or some may slightly differ from the features described above (such as the slightly changed angle of incline in which some of the misplaced surcharges of the rarer values apDear). But even then, the presence of the other features will decide the question since not one of the fakes has any of the characteristics of the genuine surcharge, I want to dd that the masurements of the letters and the distances between them are the same for the genuine surcharges, as well as the faked ones. The only difference iP that the letters of the fake surcharge appear somewhat larger than on the genuine one (but under 1 rn.) Likewise, genuir. and faked surcharges appear raised on uncancelled stamps and show only light color on cancelled ones. For that reason, one should disregard this. It does not hurt to check the postmarks on cancelled stamps, especially on rare ones. The fakes will either have undecipherable or incomplete postmarks and sometimes cancellations of Russian or Siberian towno. All of the above should prove that fake surcharges can be easily detected and are not dangerous. The only dangerous fake is the blue (instead of red) surcharge on the 10 kop. (Scott #11) of the 1899-1904 issue on the vertically laid paper. I have seen this fake three times, oncb in a very serious collectorts album. It is very difficult to study this stamp since the blue letters of the surcharge are hardly visible on the blue stamp. I do not know whether surch a blue surcharge exists genuinely and I reoommend to everybody Swho comes upon tbia rsarity" to examine it very carefully.


In this article I am describing only the "KTAI 1" overprints, i.e. the issues from 1899 to 1911. At a later time, I shall turn to the 19.7 issue of "cents" and "dollars" surcharges. These surcharges need to be discussed

separately. THE 3J.

5CK. STAMP OF 1918 (Scott #132)

One of the most interesting varieties of this stamp is the one printed on ribbed paper. "This means a paper which during its manufacture was run through two cylinders with an engraved design of a small network which gave it a raised impression. The design of this ribbed paper network is very regular and is visible on both sides of the stamp with single frame, narrow margins, perforated 13- and having hardly visible lozenges of chalk. It is necessary to have seen al least two copies of such a variety if Othera special printing of this stamp on ribbed paper should be assumed. wise, the stamp could belacg to one single sheet which somehow got into paper. supply, prepared for printing. Of course, this does not diminish the value I have found only one copy of this stamp of this variety but increases it. and this only by chance. It was sold for 240 Belgian Francs at an auction in Brussels in 1948 and went to a big Belgian collector of Russian stamps. Now, after the death of the owner, the collection was sold and all traces of the stamp were lost.


ISSUE (Scott #88)

Even more mysterious is a variety of this stamp which I found (single

copy) when I went through thousands of cancelled stamps of this set.


was covered on face by colorless diagonal lines with flat finish leading from upper right to lower left. These lines were parallel, absolutely clear and regular, being approximately I am. thick and having I mn, spacing between them. The question arises whether these lines turned up on one sheet of paper, prepared for the printing or whether these lines were printed on the stamp after its issue. Did any of the readers find another copy on similar paper or on other value of this set. I am refraining from any speculation about this stamp; I can only vouch that it was carefully soaked by me in warm water. The lines did not vanish nor did they become less visible. The fate of this stamp was the same as that of the above described by me. ERRCPS AND VARIETIES OF THE 1909-18 ISSUE OF RUSSIAN STAMFS As one know wells there is endless number of varieties and errors of They may be divided into two catergories: 1-The legittmate one this issue. (i.e. those stamps which went through the mails and turned up in used condition and on covers), and 2-The uncancelled group (never having been placed for sale in past offices, always encountered in unused condition and often This second group includes some varieties which catch the in whole sheets). eye immediately, as for instance misplaced centers, double and triple centerse inverted centers, etc. The first category, on the contrary contains variei"

which are much less noticeable and need at times a magnifying glas to0 be detected at all,



Among such va.rioete vbib -deser a place in a serious

collection are the specially interesting shifts of the green background on the 5 ruble stamp (Scott #71) and of the yellow background of the 10 ruble Small shifts from Imm. are common on both of stamp (Scott #135). Among 20 to 25 copies there will be at least one with a slight the stamps. assuming that these stamps came from different sheets. Big shifts Shift, are much rarer. In some cases they are as much as lmm. or more. order: the inverted background There also exists a rarity of the first on the 5 ruble stamp. I was fortunate enough to find a copy of thie error I do not know whether the same error is found on in cancelled condition. I strongly recoEmend that any one owning a quantity of the 10 ruble value. The background consists of these stamps should examine them carefully. small lines and dots which appear-to the eye so minute, that these inverts and shifts remain udetected in many cases. (to be continued)







Cordially invites you to join its ranks if you are interested in the Postage Stamps or Postal History of Russia or associated States. Founded in 1936, the society has over 150 members in many parts of the World. The Official Organ of the Society---the profusely illustrated BRITISH JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN PHILATELY-is published three times a year & offers the results •etbership of research into many problems concerning Russian Philately. group the Russian offers a great many advantages to the collector keen on James 53a St. Esq., Write to Honorary Secretary, J. Barry, of countries. Dues $3.0 a year plus $1.00 entrance fee Road, Sutton, Surrey, England. on joining. From time to time, many handbooks are published either by or in association with, the society. THE TRIDENT ISSUES OF THE UKRAINE: PART III, available, POLTAVA, AND EKATERINOSLAV by C .W.ROBERTS, is still KHARKOV, (Price $1.50), also ARMENIA Part I (Price $1.25), Part II out shortly. Back Issues of Journal-------------Nos. 8 to '16 for sale at $1.00 each.




Ly E, I, rircovitch In this article I would like to deal with a comparatively neglected but very interesting and enjoyable branch of Russian philately, the collecting of Revonue or Fiscal stamps. These stamps are not listed in the majority of the ctandard cataloguoso There is only one.specialized catalogue for the revenue stamps of the world and even this one is very antiquated. I have to admit that it is difficult to collect these stamps. There are only a few collectors who are interested in them, and it is not easy to study and understand them. Besides most of the dealers do not carry them. But these difficulties, on the other hand, make it especially entertaining to collect them; the unexpected finde, new meetings and correspondence with the few collectors in this discoveries, field give special pleasure to the collector of this branch of philately. The Forbin catalogue of revenue stamps of the world, was published in Paris in 1915, and is the only reference work available. Although it is No new now very much outdated it used to be quite complete in its time. wide world catalogues have appeared since. Collecting of revenue stamps is rather strongly developed in some There are revenue stamp chapters, described in great detail countries. in the special postage stamp catalogues of Scott for U. S. and Stanley In France Forbin published an Gibbons for Great Britain and Colonies. extremely detailed catalogue of revenue stamps of France, her colonies anm In Italy, one of the greatest experts and collectors of protectorates. revenue stamps, Leone de Magistris, published an excellent, extremely well put-together catalogue of fiscal stamps of Italy, her colonies and border A cataloterritories, Fiume and San Miarino (published in 1947 in Genoa). 1864 to 1935 extending from gue of Finnish government stamps for period Finof the is one author Its Finland. in time same appeared at about the revenue and steamship locals, ctamps, of postage collectors landis greatest A few years ago, he started to publish a journal, ooveringstamps, Hellman. postage and revenue stamps of Finland and Baltic States. This journal "Libetas Philateliae" was full of valuable material and very interesting to of the In all read but unfortunately was discontinued after 6 numbers. societies. revenue specialized above and many other countries there are

Germans, Scandinavians and many others have their own publications and special revenue catalogues. They Revenue stamps were and are issued for fiscal needs exclusevely. were never printed (as it sometimes happens with postage stamps) for speculative purposes, since the number of revenue collectors is small and the For the same reason, there are speculative printings would not make sense, Although revenue stamps do not no fakes of revenue stamps in existence. depict Wtopicse, like some of the postage stamps of recent times, these revenue stamps are frequettly designed with great care. Some are beautiful and varied, others are primitively finished, especially some of the early issues; but even these have charm of age like the old classic postage stamps* Revenue stamps, Revenue paper or wrappers (banderoll) are nothing else but the signs of the prepayment of the iderect taxes. They were levied on the populatica by the government or local authorities and their payment was shcwn by affixing revenue stamps on official papers and documents, showing

that the taxes levied were unalterable.


Without stamps these document wculd


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be void. In Russia, as in other countries, revenue stamps of certain denominations had to be affixed on all bills, according to the sum mentioned in the bill. The tariff was always prescribed in detail by law. Passports and permits for residence had to be paid for when they were issued and were validated with special stamps levied by police or city departments. Special stamps were also issued to different Ministries and offices for various purposea. The number of governmental and local issues in pre-revolutionary Russia was a large one. Becasea of inability to search through Russian archives we are unable to know every actual issue of local revenue stamps. The only way to study these stamps, is offered by philatelic meetings and the sparce literature available on this subject. In revenue me fill I shall that my

this article I am trying to classify the various issues of Russian stamps known to me, and I an asking the readers of BRossika" to hlp the empty spaces by letting me know about their material. Later on, try to write a catalogue of Russian Revenue stamps and I am hoping colleagues in this field will land me a helping hand.

Many Ministries and Offices issued revenue stamps for various purposes and it is therefore not advisable, and sometimes outright impossible to classify these stamps in chronological order. The emissions were either of national or of local nature. It night be advisable to group thejissues by Ministries and Offices. From now on, we will divide the revenues into two groupss1-Government Issues 2-Local Issues Each group has some further subdivisions:1-The government issues have their subdivisions in relation to the purpose of the stamps. 2-The local emissions should be divided into issues of different governments (gubernias), cities and zemstvos, and which in their turn should be subdivided into groups according to the purpose which the stamps had to fulfill. However, in every subdivision, the stamps will be classified in chronological order. Stamps issued by the Ministry of Finance for various purposes, such as, revenue for commercial bills, notarisation of documents, contracts, They were compulsory for the entire etc., had the widest circulation. arms, a two-headed eagle was pictured of coat The Russian Russian Empire. on all of them. For this reason the stamps received the name "gerbovoye" (gerb, in Russian meaning the coat of arms) and the same is true for the stamped paper. During 32 years, until 1907 they were These stamps appeared in 1875. of the same design with only a few unimportant changes in some details. Altogether 20 different stamps were issued during that time and if vertical and horizontal hexagonal watermrk tarietieo are counted the total is 26.





In 1907, a set of 9 stamps of a new dosign, from 5k. to 1 ruble, made its This set, together with sonm stamps of former issues was in appearance. printed under the Soviets and, like the use until 1921, They were still Russia, were issued in imperforate pre-revolutionary of stamps postage state. During the Civil War these stampo, together with Postal Savings and Control stamps were used as postage stamps. Covers with these stamps, genui. nely gone through the cails are rare and highly valued by collectors. In 1920, the value of the Ruble fell considerably and the postal rates like living expenses vent up from day to day. Post Offices had large reserves of stamps of low denominations, but not enough of high values ( 1 to 10 For that reason the Soviet Government issued a decree revalueing rubles). all postage stamps of 1 kop. to 70 kop. value,raising their value 100 times, so that 1 kop. became 1 ruble, etc. After receiving this order some of the provincial post offices started to overprint the stamps with the word "FB" (abbreviation of word "RUBLE") in order to show the revaluation of the original value of the stamp 100 times. These surcharges were put on the stamps mostly with a hand made type, sometimes by manuscript and in rarer cases by typography or a numerator. There were many of these- local surcharges. The Soviet catalogue, edited in 1927 enumerates 65 towns and villages which issued revalued Chuchin by stamps during that period. Probably there were many more. My collection for instance, shows 12 different surcharges which are not listed in Chuchin's These surcharges are known to all Russian philatelists. I mention catalogue. this to you in order to remind you that the revenue stamps of this period were also surcharged either with word "PYB" or with a new value. I know of 33 different types of surcharges on revenue stamps of the Civil War era. These surcharges were entirely different as to looks and 11 of them were overprinted by typoas to the way of their manufacture. graphy, 21 by handstamps and one (15 kop.) has the perforations R.S.F.S.R 150 P. instead of surcharge. All of these stamps were surcharged by local authorities of the Soviet administration. The districts occupied by White Armies also surcharged their I have two sets of revenue stamps (1907 issue) with such a revenue stamps. One of them is overprinted on its lower part by a hand-made surcharge. violet rubber stamp "Vooruzh. Seely Yuga Rosii" (Armed Forces of South Russia). The other set has the same overprint as above in red, plus a new value in black, repeated 4 times on each stampp both of the overprints applied by typography. All of these stamps have not yet been described completely and need further study0 It would be desirable if the collectors who own such stamps would lot me know about their material and data for future cataloguing. The Ministry of Finance issued special stamps even before the release of the official revenue stamps of 1875, Already in 1871 stamps for indicating the payment of licenses for the This set consisted of 6 sale of tobacco products made their appearance. stamps, valued from 1-- to 20 rubles and printed very distinctly and beautifully in two colors. They were valid until 1917, and were re-issued many



times with small variations in design and in entirely different shades for different printings. In 1890, the Ministry of Finances issued the so-called control-excise to sell alcoholic be*stamps which were used by merchants on the licass verages. Finally, in 1892, a new set made its appearance which was very similar to the preceding one, and was for the fruit and grape and distillery

industry. Both of the sets included values from 1 kop. to 25 rubles, were printed in two colors with the same care as the tobacco license stamps. The Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a great number of local passport stamps which were affixed to passports and permits for residence, whenever citizens applied for them.

They were the oldest Russian fiscal stamps.

The first set of these stampa, from 1 to 40 kop.,, was iasued in 1860 by the city of St. Petersburg and the Suburban Police. In 1861, the Moscow Police followed suit by issuing a set, very similar to the one of the St. Petersburg. These stamps are crude looking and are finished in a rough way. They are square in shape, the two concentric circles inserted into the square bear the inscription "St. Petersburg _(or Mosc3w)' City Police". The value Some and the words "kop. s (Ropeks silver)' are placed in the center, as blue, such stamps of thisset are very rare, only a few copies existing, and 1860 the Following 1 kop. silver 'of the St. P. B. Suburban Police. 1861 issues of these stamps 4 more, much better prepared sets came out in St. Petersburg and Suburbs. In Moscow, there was one more set in 1881. Some of these Moscow stamps were overprinted in 1915 and 1916, with a new value. Altogether, these stamps ware in circulation for 35 years until the revolution. Although a set of 5 denominations (from 15 kop. to 1 ruble) was issued for the whole Empire, many provincial towns had their own local passport stamps. It is a pity that by far only a few towns issuing passport stamps are known to collectors. These stamps were issued to raise revenue for various departments and various purposes, for instance for the benefit of the City Police, City Administration, Administration of Spae (medical bathI know of the ing places), hospitals, and county fair administrations, following towns which had their own passport stampse Alushta (City Administration) Arkhangelsk Warsaw (City Administration, 1886) Nijni-Novgorod (N.N. Fair Administration, 1892-1914) Piatigorsk (City Administration, 1895-1910) Sevastopol (City Government, 1889, 1907) Trapesund (Passport stamp of Trapezund Police, issued probably during Russian Occupation in 1915 or 1916) Kharkov (City Police, 1879) Besides the usual revenue raised during registration in some spas, there was a seasonal tax which was paid by purchasing special stamps. Such stamps are known in the following placestFor the Spas of the Kurl(nd Gubernia (1879) For the Spas of the Estland Gubernia (1879-9)

Administration of Caumiaan lineral Waters (tax on tub baths) Anapa (City Adminstration, .easoal tax) 45


Druakeniki (Sanitary Commission 1891-1904) Kisio-cdsk City Sanitary Commission) Ria• (Police in bathing localities, 1883-1901) Staraya Russz (City Seasonal Tax, 188-1902) In some towns, revenue for the benefit of the sick and the hospitals The following stamps are was raised by the Lunicipal Administrations. known:St. P. B. City Administration (1886*1889) Kronstadt City Administration (1881-1894) Rostov on Don City Administration (1898) Nakhichevan City Administration (1898) A tax had to be paid by special stamps for a temporary change of address in St. Petersburg. This was done for the benefit of the Address Incuiry Office. These stamps appeared in numerous sets of many denominations, and existed from 1889 until the revolution. They were also issued in Arkhangelsk and Chernovetz in 1915-1916. In 1895, the Ministry for Internal Affairs issued a set of passport stamps for the general governmental use (from 15 kop. to 1 ruble) which had the Imperial coat of arms depicted on them. These stamps slowly replaced the local emissions and were valid for all of Russia with the exception of St. Petersburg and Moscow where local stamps continued to be used. City Administrations often issued stamps for various taxes in order to cover their budget. For example: Clerical tax on building permits and others


InSt. Petersburg these stamps were issued bys-

In In In In In

Construction Department of the City Administration (1867 until 1875) City Administration-for dog and horse tags, and automobile licenses. Odessa City Administration for "per pud tax" (1870) (Pud is a measure of weight equivalent to 4Olbs.) Vilna for clerical (office) tax (1911) Orel for the benefit of the town. Novocherkask for clerical tax. Voronezh and Kazan-stamps of the food'pýrvisioning Committee (1915-16).

The Administration of the Government Savines Banks issued stamps for Pany of these stamps are well known to Russian philatelvarious purposes. ists since they took the place of postage stamps during the Civil War and In were affixed to letters without any surcharges (as discussed before). localities occupied by the White Armies some of these stamps were overprinted with a new value and were also used as postage stamps, for instance in Kuba, and by the post of the WIrangel Evacuation Camps of the White Army, etc. The original purpose of the savings stamps was'to Savings Banks issued special books to their depositors for stamps. The-depositors bought stamps for 1, 5 and them into the spaces in the books. After the book was

increase saving. The containing empty spaces 10 kop. and pasted filled up it was

taken by the Savings Bank and the depositor was credited with the amount*



For higher depositethere were tarps

to 100 rubles.

of latrgr denorinations, from 25 Ikop,

These stamps were pasted

into empty spaces in special books,

depending on the amount of their value. They were obliterated by postal cancellations and the date was added by band. Savings Banks had their windows in every post office. In 1900 or 1901 the Savings Stamps changed their names to control stamps, and a new set of the same design but with the inscription changed was issued. Besides the Savings Stamps, the Administration of Savings Banks issued stamps for the insurance of capital gains. These stamps (from 1 kop. to 10 rub.) were sold at the Savings Bank windows and served as a proof for insurance premiums. later on, when the Soviet Administration formed special organizations for control and exploitation of collectors (Soviet Philatelic Association, abbreviated-S. F. A. ), these- stamps, like some pre-revolutionary postage stamps were surcharged "S. S. S. R. Delegate of Philately and Bank Notes. Foreign Exchanre 1 k. (I k. to 10 k.) in gold". Collectors who wanted to exchange stamps with other countries had to send their letters with enclosed or affixed stamps to the delegate of Stamps of various denominations were affixed to the back of S. F. A. these letters in accordance with the appraised value of the enclosed philatelic material. In other words, these stamps served as a special levy on collectors' purses whenever they esnt stamps abroad or received them from there. All letters which contained stamps for exchange likewise had to be addressed to a Delegate of S. F. A. to be appraised and turned over to the addressee. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1913 issued a set of consular stamps from 10 kop. to 100 rub. which served as payment of fees for passports and certificates, given out by the Russian Consulates abroad. After S the February Revolution, the Russian Consul in Brazil overprinted the There Imperial coat of arms with an irregularly formed circle in black. July 1917. May and 28 dated 18 in my possession, are two of these stamps Eight stamps of this set were surcharged in Berlin in 1922 withs " V ozdushnaya Pochta RSFSR 12 (to 120) germ, mar." (Air mail RSFSR, 12 They served to pay for the official air correspondence on Gerran marks), Berlin-Koenigeberg-LIoscow line. These stamps were cancelled either by ink or by indelible pencil. This set is well known to Russian philatelists, especially to air mail collectors. They are rare and in very high esteem by all air mail specialists. The management for the various institutions of Empress Maria raised funds for its work by placing a special fee (tax) on theaters and shows. The selling price of these stamps was related to the cost of tickets. The first set of these stamps came out in 1892. They consisted of two halves, one half of which, with the ticket price remained on book of tickets from which the ticket coupons were detached, the other half stayed on the ticket itself and showed the coat of arms of Empress Maria Feodorovna. This set consisted of 6 stamps from 2 kop. to 50 kop. later on when the necessity for new values arose the 2 kop. stamp was overprinted with a new value. I have surcharges of 1, 30, 40 and 60 kop., 1 rub. and 3 rub.


In 1909, a new set of stamps of double form and a new design was issued by the same management. This set consisted of 11 values, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 80 kop., and 1 and 3 rub. This et remained in



in circulation until the February Revolution of 1917. DurinC the time of the Temporary Government como theater stamps existed in provincial cities. I know of the following stamps:1-0desa City Selfgovernment with the inscription *Fee from shows and perfornances for the benefit of the city of OdessaU* 2-Stamp3 of the Kharbin Public Adninistration-charity foe. These stamps also had the double form, one half for ticket books, the other for ticket coupons and were similar to the stamps of Empress Maria Feodorovna. Besides the above mentioned stamps, I have a set of double stamps with the inscription S.G.U. 15 k., 25k., 40 k., and 1 rub. I could not establish by which city they were issued. Likewise, I do not know the origin of 2 kop. theatrical stamps of 1892 with surcharge of a new value and the word a orbog ] (revenue) on both halves of the stamp. I have 85 rub. on 2 kop.e and

rub, on 2 kop." In 1903-05, the Russian Red Cross Society issued a set of stamps from 5 to 50 kop. in different collors, and with red cross in the center of the stamp. These stamps were affixed to acts and documents of this society. A special tax on playing cards was in existence, and the fees received were for the benefit of the Imperial House of Education. The cards were usually tied together by a thin string or wrapping. In 1892, a special

stamp of 30 kop. was issued, and was affixed to every deck of cards to be sold. In some Zemstvos a tax was levied on medical prescriptions and special stamps had to be affixed. The following Zemsto Administrations issued stamps: SDanilovky



Among the aemstvo revenue stamps it is necessary to mention the following:. Pskov-stamps for the benefit of Pskov Zemstvo Hospital. SimLizk-stamps showing payment of tax for travel on horses. Sinferopol-stamps to show payment of court-of-law fees. Stamps were also issued for payment of church taxes. following ones:-

I know of the

1-Stamps for payment of office fees of the Voronezh ecclesiastical consistory.

2-Church fees of the Minsk True Believerse Community (Eparkhia). 3-Stamps for Turkestan Eparkhia. Single stamps were issued by Moscow Trade Administration (Office fee),

and by Customs Administration (custom fee). The majority of all government and local revenue stamps were issued by the departments of the Ministry of Justice. The local issues were the earliest ones (we will describe them later), But as early as 1887, the



Ministry of Justice issued a large

umber of stamps showing payment of

various fees and valid for all of Russia. These stamps were designed for the following needs:1887-A set of stamps from 10 kop. to 80 kop. for the District Courts (Office Fee stamps). 1887-For the District Courts (Court fees and duties payment for legal papers). 1887-For Peace Courts (Established peace court fee and duty payment). 1891-For District Courts (Special fee for the benefit of the distribution of law courts). 1891-For District Courts (Law court fees). 1902-For the Serfdom Department (Office fee) 1911-12-For the Dispatch of Law-Court information (For the benefit of the mailman). The local stamps were issued by various law court branches:4-Convention of Peace Courts. 1-Court Chambers 5-Cocaerce Courts 2-District Courts 6-Orphan Court 3-Peace Courts 7-Traveling courts for peasant affairs (Court sittings). All these organizations issued fiscal stamps in many places of Russia and at different times. I am listing towns and localities where each of the above 6ourt Administration had its own fiscal stamps. 1-Court Chambers


2-District Courts

Penza (1880) Pstrokov (1880-84)


Plotsk (1880-84) Poltava (1880-84) Ezhev (1880)

2 District Courts

Petersburg (1887)

Baku (1886)


Warsaw (1880-83)

Saratov (1877-84)

Veliki Luki (1883) Vitebsk (1881) Vologda (1880) Voronezh (1880)

Sirferopol (1880-84) Smolensk (1878-82) Starodub (1880) Yaroslavl (1876)

Grodno (1882-85) Zhitomir (1881)

3-Peace Courts

Kazan (1882-84) Kaahin (1880) Kiev (1881-86) Kishinev (1883) Kovno (1880-84)


Atkarak Vologda (1883) Dnitrov (1890) Evpatoria

Lomza (1881-84) Lublin (1880) Uogilev (1880-84)

Liutzin (1880) Makarev (1879) Mosalsk (1879)

Nizhny-Novgorcd (188085)

Loscow (1881-83)


3-Feace Courts Nizhny.Novgorod (1887) Ostrov (1880) Peromyol (1887) Romanov Borisoglebsk (1887) St, Petersburg (1880-90) Saratov Simbirsk Khvalynsk (1882)

Chern (1888) Yaroslavl (1874)

4-Sessiin of Poace Courts Sto Petersburg (1883) Serdovok (1880) Solichalin (1878-79) 5-Commercial Courts Warsaw (1880) Einck (1880)

6-Orphan Courts

Simferopol County Zemstvo (1879-83) Loscow 4-Sessions of Peace Courts

7-Courts of Peasant Affairs Akhtyrka

Vyazza (1878) Liutzin (1880)


the majority of Court stamps were issued As one can see from this list government issues. From then before 1884, i. e. before the "printing of all By the way, many on, these later issues started to replace the local ones. of the local issues used the same design for their stamps. Evidently, the Court Administrations ordered these stamps from Expeditzia Zasotovlenia Gosudarstvennvkh Bumag (State Printing Works), just as some Zemstvo Administrations had their postage stamps printed by the same Printing Works. The majority of local Peace Court issues were typographed in the On the left side following manner: each stamp consisted of two parts. in the archives stored was later which and book stamp in the remained which On the printed. was (kvitansia) "receipt" word the courts, of the Peace cut was side The right printed. was (markal right side, the word "stamp" t the on The wording documents. Court s on the off by scissors and pasted and the stamp was alike and went approximately thus: Receipt (or stamp) (date and year)............. For the tax taken..........Court duty payment Rub....Kop.... For the number of pages (10 kop. for each page)..... . ....... district Peace Court......section ...... in by hand with ink and the fee was colThe empty spaces were filled As I described above, almost lected in relation to the amount of the claim. of the local issues of the Peace Courts were in circulation from 1876 to all Besides these types of stamps 1888, and in some cases even until 1890. (receipt and stamp) with hand-written wording there were others, also typoThese were more primitive, without receipt, but with the amount graphed. printed in, as the Akhtyrka conference of Peace Courts, the St. P. B. conference of Peace Courts, and others. There were innumerable Court stamps only a few of which are known to collectors. I assume that many Russian collectors have various fiscal & Court stamps in their collections. Therefore I am asking them to notify the secretary 0o

IRosika" about them or send them to me recarding and photographing, for a future assembling oa a Revenue Catalogue.




(7918oi19oT by Capt. S. de Shramchecko First air mail eoamications in Ukraine in 1918 were made by foreigners, using German and Austrian airplanes. German planes made regular airpost flights between Kiev and Brest Litovsk, along the linest 14lKev-Berdichev-Polonne-Lutzk-

ovel-Breet Litovsk

and less regularlyt2-K iev-Lazorki-Poltava-Kharkov-Lozovaya 3-Lozovaya-Ekaterinoslav

4-Lozovaya-Nikitovka-Taganrog-Rostov on Don 5-Ekaterinoslav-Melitopol.-Djankoi-Sevastopol 6-Djankoi-Fe odosia za-Popelukhi-4ardarovka-Ode ssa tinnit 7?Berdichev 8-Ode ssa-Nikolaev-Kher son 9-Odessa-Bucharest (Roumania) 10-Brest LitovskoBelostock, and further west, via Kovno Nearly all the correspondence which was carried on these lines was military, Ger-n or Ukrainian, and without postage stamps. A red postmark was placed on the letterse which readBefoerdert durch Luftpost auf der Streke KiewvBrest-Litok ' or correspording words for other lines, plus ordinary German "ield Mot" cancellation, Austrian war planes from March 30, 1918 (also the Ist. day of issue of the stamps) maintained regular postal communications by air along the . They also accepted private correspondence, line, Kiev-Lvov-KrakvcwVienna for payment of which was created a black overprint "FLUGPOST", which was placed on Austrian stapps of 1916. The following stamps were issued:1.50 k. on Zk.

lilac (Scott Cl)-98,400

2.50 k. on 3k. ochre (Scott C2)-96,400 2.50 k. on 4k.


(Scott C3)-89,500

In the beginning a circular postmark was created for Kiev, which read:FLUGPOST-30 111 .18-K IEW and which was shown at one time in Champion Catalogue on page 8. However, because of a strong protest by the Ukrainian Ministry of Posts and Telegraph this canceller was never put in uce. Thus on the correspondence from Kiev we either find the cancellation of the Etavnoe Post No. 258 or the Ukrainian (at that time Russian) postmarks. There are in existence interesting combinations of stamps, along with Ukrainian, on covers, used in Sept.-Oct., See The following cancellation was used for military correspondence. 1918. the next page, for the cancellations-



K. u. K. Fligerkuriorlinie Flugotation Kiev but more frequently the round cancellation reading, K u. K. EttaPnaPotan 1,..25 vith date. This post office vas located in KiGfv ed a largo portion of its mail was cant cut by airpost. 3Eoideo thio, on the back of the letters the following postmark in German and Ukrainian was useds-




Ki E


Lvov had a similar postmark,


except "9asbervas substituted for "Kieve,

During the rule of Hetman Paul Skoropadsky's government, and after the formation of the Ukrainian Air Fleet, an agreement was made with German Occupation Comrand' to transfer all air communications over the Ukrainian territory, to the Ukrainian Air Fleet, but due to political and war situation the project could not be put in action, and the Austrian and German postal cosmunicationa by air ceased likewise in November 1918. In 1919, in accordance with a contract between German firm CJunkers" and the Ukrainian government, which at that time was located in Ka.enetz Podolsk, large 4-engine Junkers planes operated regular airpost service from June to November 1919 between Breslau and Kamenetz Podolsk. These planes transported from Germany, Ukrainian government bank notes " Fi-3i. • 1 (grivni) which were ordered by the government of Hetman Skoropadsky and were printed in the German Typography in Berlin in large quantity. These planes likewise carried official mail, private correspondence, and passengers (generally government officials), going both ways. in

Postal correspondence was franked with German and Ukrainian stamps and addition carried a small Ukrainian-German cancellation:-

P0HA n 1i TA KAMb9HE4b-nof .- 6PE CJ7Ab L UFTPOST t4l1JAN EZ - POD.- B R• SL AU


This line had several unfortunate accidents: one plane was knocked down by Polish planes, and in falling burned, the others which flew via Carpathians had to land, because of atmospheric conditions, on Roumanian territory with serious troubles. In August 1919 on initiative of Ukrainian Ministry of Posts & Telegraph, a commission was formed at Kamenetz Podolsk, composed of representatives of various Ukrainian Ministries. The author of this article was a member of this commission, representing the Ministry of Navy. This commission unanimously decided to expand air communication between Ukraine and Europe, flying over the enemy territory of Poland & neutral Roumania, & to open besides the existing line of Kamenetz Podolsk-Breslau. a new -line Kamenetz PodolskVienna, which was to be manned by Ukrainian aviators, and also to have in mind the following linestl-Kamenetz Podolsk-Bucharest 2-Kamenetz Podolsk-Winnitza-K ie



However, because of military developments, these projects were not carried through. tt the same time the comz.solon approved a project for Ukrainian air post stamps, which was to overprint Ukrainian stamps "Shagiv@ with airplane and word ugriven". Proofs of the overprint were prepared in violet, red and green on one sheet of 100 each of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 shagiv values, and a total of 500 stamps was made by hand. On the back of

each stamp was placed official overprint "1p1PO



* or "Proof

Specimen" and after which the original handstamp for the overprint was destroyed by the commission. In May 1920 the Ukrainian Government was in Winnitza and plans for the following Ukrainian Air Lines were developed:Winnitza-Kiev Winnitza-Kamenetz PodoldE

Winnit za-Zj emerinka-Uman-Odessa Kiev-Warsaw

Line Kiev-Warsaw existed already in May and June 1920 and was manned by Polish flyers, while originally it was supposed to have been manned half by Ukrainians and half by others. On the other lines, outside of WinnitzROdessa, which merely remained in planning stage, there were trial flights. Upon the initiative of the author of this article, one such trial flight was made on May 20, 1920 on the line Winnitza-Kiev, and which was utilized for transport of official correspondence. For this correspcndence, a s=all number of proof-scecinen stamps of August 1919 were used, and were cancelled by a specially prepared three line cancellation which reads$G


0 M M

Zo.^. co2: R

.qH L.F

- K v1 B

Part of the correspondence was without stamps, having only the above The Ministry of Foreign Affairs franked their correspondence cancellation. with blue stickers, which carried the above cancellation plus tridents of Incidentally these stickers were the work of " the ministry in gold. in Vienna (1913) according to orders from the Ministry which used then on Thus all of its correspondence, generally on the-back of the envelopes. among philatelists covers of this flight, which are very rare, there eist also stamped stickers of the Ministry of the Foregn Affairs.


which In the middle of June 1920 Ukrainian Army together with her allies at that time were the Polish Armies, under pressure of the bolshevick forces New advances of Ukrainian Army at had to leave Kiev, later Winnitsa, etc. the end of August 1920, freed from bolshevicks large sections of Podolia & Volynia, with transfer of the government of Ukraine to Kamonetz Podolsk. The authorities did not have time for organization of air-lines, as on November 21, 1920, the Ukrainian Army had to retreat again before the overwhelmThey crossed the border into Poland and were ing forces of the bolshevicks. interned After capture of Ukraine by bolshevicks, Soviet stamps were used on Ukrainian A.r-lines, Ukrainian collectoro, in a limited way are interested in the stickers or labelo ijsusd for the booefit of the Red Air Fleet in



1923 in Kharkov, with the picture of a plane and inscription,


yH. (Ukraine-Crimea-Air).

to M 30aso& 0' JXx

The values and quantities issued are as follows:-

3 rubles (500,000) 5 rubles (1,200,000) 10 rubles ( 240,000) These labels are known on covers, cancelled at the same time as the stamps.

Stamp CollectingNov.

12. 1954

Stnmps of Doubtfull Status

We CjLte"rSirRegarding stamps of doubtful status I notice on page 1163 of

Gibbons Part II that there are illustrations of four stamps which have been listed in every catalogue since 1918 or 1919. They are the pictoGibbons now state in the latest edition of their rial issue of Ukraine. catalogue that these are thought to have been prepared for use, but not issued.o This change of view after some thirty-six years of catalogue status, implying the official nature of the issue# is most interesting. Although not very frequently seen on the market they vare sold at one time in millions. I ronder vhat the B.P.A.-P.T.S. Standing joint Committee on the status of doubtfull issue will take when dealing with this matter. Pembury, Kent

Harry No Burgess

Editcrial CommentsSoviet catalogue of Ukraine (1927) gives the date of issue as Decemberc2 1920 and states that they were ordered by Petlura in Vienna, but because his expulsion from Ukraine they were never put to use. Maximchuk, gives the same data, except his statement mentions that

3 valucs, namely 10, 20 end 40gr. (VczlTc isk and Kamenetst-Podolsk).

e-re used for a short time in Podolia Approximately 100,000,000 were issued.

Deaigner of 2, 3, 30, 50, 80 and 200gr. was M. Ivasuk. These stamps are found with various overprints, which are listed in Maximchuk', catalogue. They are also found imperforate, center inverted, without center, various types of perforations, etc. In U.S.A. we would call this waste paper. Perhaps Capt. de Schranchenko will dig out his extensive notes, and write up this interesting and colorful issue.




by A. Prins Sproceeding

The various Zem3tvo catalogues that have been issued at the end of the century, namely-

Lubkert (1872-73)

Roussin (1886)

Moons (1893)

Herrick (1896)

Gibbons (1899)

Although these catalogues are interesting, they are of little serious Zemstvo stamp collectors.

use to

Chuchin t s catalogue of 1925 (Russian and English editions), LIEchangiste Universal published from March, 1926 until July, 1927 in French and Carl Schmidt's "Landschafs LMarchenP in Berlin in 1934, give better information. F. R. Chuchin, the Soviet Commisar for Philately, having enormous sources of information at his disposal, has shown colossal improvement in his Zemstvo catalogue, to the previously published works on the same subject. Personally I think Chuchin's catalogue is better than the L'Echangiste. This

listing which was taken from Roussin's catalogue of 1886 was compiled by


Const. L. Sergent, at the reqÂśet of Col. Grigorief and other members of the Society for Russian Philately and Dr. Marcel Ramas of the Netherland Philatelists. Const. Sergent, as the introduction to L TExchangiste states, was assisted in his laborius work by Rethig, Gilbert, malnoy Medvedeff, Potvin, and Snegeroff. In his introduction he also states, "collectors will be pleased to find the troubleco-m Rurale well classified, but if they dont like it, they are at liberty to take Chuchints catalogue, which apart from its pretty high price will ees them many an anoying experience, as the type is very clear and the translation is often inaccuratoe. Schmidtts Collection was built up by Architect C. Schmidt in 45 years of painsaking work and presented in 1934 to "Oeichs Postmuseum* in Berlin. It was housed in 18 well written volumes. The Schmidt's Catalogue, based on the above collection I think up till now is the best in existance. After wondering whether the Scmidtts collection have outlived the bc=bing of Berlin in Wcrls War 11, I have made inq-uries. I have on hand a letter dated October 21, 1954 from the man in charge of the "Bundesminister fur Post and Fernmeldesvessens in Bonn, informing me, that the collection is safe, and well preserved. In an interesting article on Zemstvos, Col Hans Lagerloef mentions 7 stamps which he couldn t t find listed anywhere. I am happy to say that I have 3 of thear in my collection. The other 4 I do not know. I have in cy collection a couple of stamps, which I can't find anywhere, so we may conclude that even the best of the catalogues need revisions.


Now I will discuss pricing used in various catalogues. For exanple Schmidt prices various issues of Rzhev (up to 1881) in terms of RRRR, R#P, or R. Chuchin without exception prices the same stamps (starting with 1869 issue) at comparatively low figuro. LVEchangiote egreco with Chuchin. After doing se-s invoctigating I fcund from 3 different courcoo that all Rehev stamps priced in terms of R'o were issued J-wcall quantities. The question is who is

correct'. 45


Of the I had in my wonder, for least a few

Kherson 1871, Schmidt #2, pricediP, of which 23 copies aro known, possosion as many as 4 copiso at one time. It seems to be a I started to collect Zeoust'tcs only in 1939. There must be at huLdrod other collectors who startcd ocriier thian I. I

would not know Low to obtain a copy of 10 chillin "I. R. 1 Official cf Great

Britain, of which 150 copies exist, but be this as it may I had 4 copies of the above mentioned Kherson stamp, cistake excluded. Chuchin pvlic-s this stamp at 20 rubles, L'Echangiste gives no price, which means that it is rare. Scarce 1869 issue of Luga, of which only 2 copies exist, according to Schmidt, is quoted both by Schmidt and Chuchin at "RRRR". L'EchangIbte does not list it at all. Chuchin gives the length of vertical axis of the oval stamp as 29 mm., which is different from the same typo and color stacp of the next 1870-76 issue, which should measure 28- rm. Schmidt on the other hand does not give sizes, but gives 5 different shades, which include the 1869 issue. The 1869 issue is listed as blus, and since only 2 copies are known to exist we may skip it; the other colors are dark blue, milky blue, prussian blue, and ultracarins, of which the prussian blue is by far the ccarce-t (5 copies), I have 5 distinct Ch3is of that utamp, all of the Came =3azurcment, and therefcra I conclude that they are of the 1870-76 Issue, but unfortunately I can not decide which is the scarce one. These are only a few problems which arise when collecting Zc-stvo.


Schmidt also breaks down each sheet, giving a number of types found in it but unfortunately does not describe the type differences. Therefore the st:dent of to day has to find out for hizealf, and due to scarcity of material finds it impossible to locate various types. Reconstruction of a complete sheet, locating the position of various types may be successfully undertaken blocks, pairs, tete-beche pairs, pieces or strips from top, bottom or side margins are available. The most important part of Schmidtls catalogue is his study of the various printings of different Zecstvos. While Chachin and LrEchangiste give various shades of each type of value, Schmidt gives the quantity and date of printings, and also the values which belong to each printing. These facts are of enormous help in classifying of the rurals. The reconstruction of plates is greatly helped by information given in Schmidt's catalogue concerning the composition of transfers and/or the plate and also the distances between stamps for the various printings, as well as the shades and perforations.


Notwithstanding that I have all different types of many stamps, but unfortunately not being able to locate their position on a complete reconstructed sheet I will start on a journey through my 5,000 variety collection, including types, which was enriched by important items from well known collections of de Vapnar, Zworykin, Kedvedeff and many others. ALATYR, SIMBIRSK GOVERMESNT, issued in 1867 two stamps-i kop. (one hopes 3 known) cnd 2 kop. (25 known) All catalogues quote them as rare. In 1940 a single copy of 1 kop., a block of 5 and 4 singles of 2 kop. were sold at Narmerts Auction in London from the Agathon Faberge t s collection.



Another copy of 2 kop. was in collection of Mahlahoff, who was a high official in the government under Czar Nicholas II, and who later lived until his death in 1940, in Paris. His collection was sold in 1948 by Harmer. Another copy of 2 kop. was in collection of B. Zworykin. In 1951 Harmer offered by private treaty a block of 6 of 2 kop. and a single of 1 kop.


Alatyr and Syzran are the only two stamp issuing districts of Simbirsk Government. We have omitted at this time the description of 3 stamps listed below (Ed.). Now I have in my collection 3 stamps typographed in 3 colors.

r , q-.

Size 23x40 mm. Perforated 3 kop. dark blue, dark brown and bluish green. 5 kop. dark blue, dark brown and rose lilac. 50 kop. dark blue, dark brown and rose. On it, apart from value and the coat of arms of ALATYR, is the following inscription "Simbirsk Yez-Zemstvo". Can any of the readers furnish some information on the above stamps. AIExNDRIA Issued September 1869, 10 kop. blue. I have this stamp in two distinct shades of blue. The darker one has one small and one large period after "lO". It is signed by Medvedeff on the back. MUR SLEchangiste and Chuchin do not mention this district, while on the other hand Schmidt lists 4 values issued in the middle of 1919. These stamps were issued as emergency money in December, 1919 to a total amount of 18 million rubles. The values issued were 50 kop., 1, 3, and 5 rubles. A copy They are not comparatively scarce, although I have never seen them. of each value ray be found in Schmidtls collection.

REPORTS FROM BELGIAIJ SECTION OF ROSSIKA November 12, 1954 Mr. B. Legky delivered a paper before the Belgian Section of Rosslka, on "Number one of the Russian Post in Turkey, genuine stamps and counterfeits,' The Belgian Section voted to continue the program of monthly lectures in the future.

February 11, 1955 r

Mr. Rosselevitch continued the lectures before the Belgian Section by delivering a paper on "Genuine and Counterfeit overprinto of Russian OfficPe in China". The reprint of this lecture nay be found elsewhere in this issue of the journal,



Due to discontinuation of accumulting issues after 1912 the following Russian items are for sale at prices noted. All are Fine to Superb condition, unless otherwise stated. * denotes unused, with full Original Gums when so issued. a denotes uced Scott's #

o 89 So


o 93a o 101-03 107. * 102 * 103 * 106 * 1 0 7a S114 "* 115 * 114-15 * 117a o 124 * 135 *'135 * 1-5 1 349a "* 49a * 150a o 150a o 150a * 170-76 o 170-76 * 183d * 183d * 181b * 184aa o 184a * 185 * 186c * 191b * 192a * 194 o 194 * 195 * 202a * 201c * 201d * 201f * 201G * 215 * 215


2 kop.

Not Price

Uced on piece (K. D. Feldpost #146 cancellation).....$

10 kop. Imperf. Used (with certificate)..................... 1, 2, & 3 Rubles-used on pieces (Warsaw cancellation)........ 20 kop. Used on piece (Riga cancellation)................... 2 Rouble, Imperforate. Horizontal mint air. RAFE......... 3 Rouble, Imperforate. Horizontal mint pair. RARE........ 15 kop. Imperforate. Large margins (signed) ................. 20 kop. Imperforate. Large margins (sigmed)................. 1 kop. (2 horizontal pairs-severed block of 4)............. ........... 2 kop. Block of 4............................... .................................. 1 kop, and 2 kop..... Inverted surcharge (signed)............... 10 kop. on 7 kop. 10 kop. Imperforate sheet margin copy with 3 lines in upper inner circle........RARE................................. 10 Rouble. Imperforate. Horizontal mint pair............... 10 Rouble. Imperforate. Horizontal sheet margin pair....... Block (3 stamps & a marker). . ...... Imperforate. 10 Rouble. Bottom sheet margin copy............... 35 kop. Imperforate. Horizontal mint pair.................. 35 kop. Imperforate. Top sheet margin copy................ 70 kop. Imperforate. 70 kop. Imperforate. Used. (Large margins, signed)......... Used on piece (1918 Petrograd cancel).. 70 kop. Imperforate. 5 kop. to 5 Rubles. Complete set (signed)................... 5 kop. to 5 Rubles. Complete used. Various cancellations... 250 rubles. Tete-Beche pair.................................. 5 reg. & 5 inv... 250 rubles. Tete-Beche strip of 10 stamps. Dark Olive Yellow, printed on creased Pelure paper............ 300 Roubles, Sheet margin Pelure paper (signed).............. 300 Rubles, Pelure paper, used................................ 500 Rubles, Unlisted var. Double print mdnogram initials..... 1000 Rubles, Offset on Pelure paper, same shade on both sides. Variety. Double surcharge in Black only (signed)............. Inverted surcharge (signed)................................... Variety. No period after last P. in P.C.F.C.P. Reg. paper... Pelure paper.. Variety. No period after last P. in P.C.F.C.P. 7mm. spacing between top and bottom lines of ovpt... Variety. Inverted surcharge (signed)................................... Pelure paper (signed).................... Inverted surcharge. (signed)....................................... Double surcharge. Chalky paper (signed).................... Inverted surcharge. Chalky paper (signed)...... Inverted surcharge in Blue Black. (Gibbon s 85/Shillings).............. Pelure paper. Variety. Variety. Pelure paper. Vertical pair, Gum crease.............

.75 20.00 1.00 .75 60.00 60.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 3.25 2.00 5.00 3.99 3.25 6.00 4.00 8.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 10.00 12.00 1.00 6.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 3.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 5.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 5.00

ALL REGULAR ISSUES 1912 to 1950, IN MINT AND USED CONDITION ON HAND Discounts: 60% to 80% off Scottls prices Joseph F. Chudoba 62

86 Eldridge Street

New York 2, N.Y. 45

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