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Name_ Ross Francis Student ID_ 102181 Level_ 06 Module Code_ OUG603

Brief Title Type Of Brief Skills Collaborators Nature of Collaboration



Print for exhibition

Create a print or series of prints for the Leeds Print Festival LCA Student Stall. I am interestd in the value of prints and how value is assigned to prints. In order to convey this I am going to enter into a pragmatic process of visually representing the price of each print.

Concept Generation Joel Burden In this collaboration I came up with the concept, I laid out the coins and Joel illustrated them. Joel took charge of the print production.


Leeds Print Festival is a week long festival that champions contemporary and traditional print making processes with an opening night celebration, print exhibitions, a series of talks, and even a print fair.


The format of the prints and the detail that is acheivable through the screen printing process.


When engaging with the brief I had recently been very influenced by Daniel Eatock. I had been reading his books, watching talks and lectures by him, and engaging with his work. Under his influence, I came up with the concept for a series of prints that displayed the value of the print, but had the same value in their edition. I wanted to have a visual representation and an exploration into the value placed on prints, so editions of 100 were created with this in mind. £100 Print = Edition of 1 £10 Print = Edition of 10 £1 Print = Edition of 100


There is not particularly too much to evaluate about this brief. The brief took 2 days to complete. I have a lot of silly ideas that I can execute as a graphic response, and I think this could be added to the list. What sets this apart from the other ideas I have had, is that this idea has been executed. Being influenced by Daniel Eatock, I took the role of producing a piece of design as an art object. While I am glad I executed the idea, I think I need to be careful having ideas like this. They have very questionable value to my practice. I do not particularly want to make my living exhibiting prints, or making pretentious statements like this one and they have little value to people other than myself. I have a tendency to critique and I love the world of satire, I feel that this particular brief reflects that, but has also allowed me to realise that there is a time and a place for it. I’m unsure that I will be conducting many briefs like this in future, as I am beginning to find that there needs to be a more useful context for my work.

Research/Design Direction

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

What did I do?

Why did I do it?

Was it successful?

This brief was another one of those vanity briefs, where I had an idea and had to implement it for my own satisfaction. Having had a Daniel Eatock moment, I decided to think about everything laterally for a couple of weeks solidly. While nothing I thought about was particular of much use, it was a really good exercise to make me feel more creative, even if it was only for a short while. I think that thinking like this can be really useful if implements into normal briefs. When I was thinking of the form they would take I picture Hirst’s Spot Paintings.

I did this brief as I felt that I need to get things out of my system. Eatock clearly has a reason for collecting his musings and his continue search for whatever it is he is searching for. I personally sometimes have to get things down, and I feel it is important to do so. I also think it is important to realise when to implement ideas. I think that ideas for the self can lead to interesting places, especially if they solve a design problem, in which case they become something more than a personal project for the self. Unfortunately this solves nothing.

I am not particular sure I can gauge whether or not it was successful. In reflection the brief is a bit silly. It’s pretention is slightly too much for a print festival and needs to be in a art gallery somewhere, where people can read into far more than I did. I think in future, I will note down all my ideas, and act on them when I feel they can be of use, or can help others. Ideas I have for apps, websites, or business are far more beneficial to invest my time in over my tendency to think of silly parodies and satire.

COINS Brief #11


Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

COINS Brief #11

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

COINS Brief #11

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