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Brief TBM Flag



Development Book Collaborators:

Joel Burden


Having read the brief and done some research into a variety of world flags and their motivations Joel and I wrote down a list of targets that would act as our basic rationale for the project.

Rationale & Aims - Represent the 3 united countries England, Wales, N. Ireland. - Represent the history with a will to move forward. - Find positivity in the absence of Scotland

While these are very simple aims, the flag has to be a very simple image and relies on clear communication. Representing too many things will lead to a cluttered and bad flag. The flag has to have the ability to be reproduced at a very small scale. Having too much information on the flag will be detrimental to it’s performance at this scale.

Flag Ideas

Overleaf is our final flag design for the brief.


I executed some ideas to get a grasp on how a new union Jack may look. I tried some that were evolutionary and some that were more revolutionary (albeit a crude use of the word revolutionary, I agree).

Having created some of these as an intial response, I began to understand that revolutionising the flag was not the way to go. I am not particularly patriotic but I felt that changing the form of the union jack had an adverse effect on me. I could not imagine a flag that does not look like the Uinion Flag.

Final Flag Design

Overleaf is our final flag design for the brief. We develop

The N.E.W Union Flag Joel and I decided that a red union jack would be perfect for the absence of Scotland. With Scotland leaving the form of the Union Flag has an entirely new purpose and meaning, that retains the history.

In Context Joel and I decided that a red union jack would be perfect for the absence of Scotland. With Scotland leaving the form of the Union Flag has an entirely new purpose and meaning, that retains the history.

Final Rationale

Having come to a decision on our final form for the flag we decided to write a rationale to reinforce our basic choice.

Reasoning&Rationale N.E.W is N.Ireland, England and Wales respectively. Represent the 3 countries. Represent Wales. Keep original form.

We left the form of the Union Flag unchanged based on it’s geographical and historical ubiquity. To create a new form for the Union Flag would be to create an unrelatable heritage for future generations.

Evolution meets revolution

A monotone flag is a united flag. A united flag represented by united countries. The Union Flag is no longer a flag divided by Saints, but instead defined and displayed as one.


Red symbolises the life blood of those past, present, and future. The red provides an identifier spawned from the previous flag.

Continued recognition through the existing and established form of the original Union Flag. Retains the history of the flag, and maintains the idea of new generations learning about our history through assosciation of the jack. Cheaper to print and reproduce.

Great Britain is old N.E.W.S. The N.E.W Flag.

Revolution Of The Flag

Having evolved the new flag, we did not think that it could not be revolutionised. We felt that how the new flag is delivered to the public, could be it’s revolution, and with it, a new uniting campaign for the new United Kingdom.

Concept N.E.W is a concept that aims to put the absence of Scotland in a positive light. Through the loss of Scotland, N.E.W is what is gained. Giving each country an equal part in the collective United Kingdom identity, N.E.W is an identification and campaign for pride in the United Kingdom. While the Union Flag is the identity on an international scale, N.E.W is an internal Kingdom identity, integrated into the shared tri-national culture.


NEW is N.Ireland, England and Wales respectively.

NEW is a potential campaign that has been brought about as a positive to the absence of Scotland. Now Scotland has gone the United Kingdom is NEW. This works strong as a concept, to bring the United Kingdom forward in a time that might be seen as a set back. Developing a new collective identity for the 3 remaining countries acts to strengthen the ties between the 3 countries, and bring them closer in the future.

The NEW logo is made from what was Scotland on the flag.

The logo went through numerous manifestations. The development was the process of trying to create legible versions of N, E, and W using very minimal and restrictive forms. As the form started to take shap there seemed to be one logical and polished way of doing it (right). I tested the logo out on a few people and they were able to read it with no problem.


This is the logo using the negative space. Rendering an organic type scheme. I am not particularly a fan of this, and I prefer the abstraction of the shapes. I think that these work better in concept so I think I am going to disregard this idea.

Final NEW logo.

Here are some possible applications of the new flag and campaign logo. These are slightly over the top but they are just initial ideas. I will be going down this route and forming some more final applciations of the logo for the presentation boards.

Concepts and Mocks

We developed possibilites to put on boards for the crit. We developed a range of applications for a range of distribution methods. We wanted to put these in an understandable form for the crit despite the visual language being undeveloped.

We visualised the idea for an exhibition at the TATE to celebrate the NEW United Kingdom. We felt that this would be a good possibility for further exploration, but we wanted to look at other distribution methods.

Northern Ireland Belfast

England London

Wales Cardiff

The logo could be applied to 3D installed sculptures in the Capital cities.

The N.E.W paper would be a free paper to be placed in public transport stations around the country.

I used LiveSurface Context to mock up a coin. I used the plug in to create a range of embossing effects in order to get a more accurately mocked up coin. I feel this will help realise the design during the crit, and think it has made my presentation far stronger.

We planned out all we needed for the crit and put a plan together for the boards.

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