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It's ethics talking time, but otherwise.


SITY Brasil


O Brasil inteiro cabe aqui

e chose to work in Rotary year 2015-16 with a theme for the whole management, based on the natural social observations. We chose talk about an everyday topic of all Rotaractors and conviviality in a multidistrict organization like ours in a country as multiple as Brazil. We will work with the theme DIVERSITY - WHOLE BRAZIL FIT HERE, not merely in order to strengthen a social struggle, but mainly with the intention to strengthen a concept that is the necessary premise of human relationships and in our context, the union of districts Brazilians in one place, the assumption that the set of differences, be they regional, cultural, color, faith-based, sexual orientation or physical condition, make us a people and a full program within the limits of our territory. The theme, as well as being contemporary and support bases both in the community (outside of our walls) and within our association boards, leads us to also a vigorous ethical debate on the completeness and a quest for awareness of human equality. We will work on three fronts, as can be seen in the following pages. First with increasing awareness of accessibility and the construction of this walks to reduce distances. We will also work with the context of equality as the basis of the ght against prejudice. Our third front concerns the debate about hate crimes on a combat them and the daily respect policy that we have to keep in our relations. In the year 2015-16, we will strengthen our diversity.

O Brasil inteiro cabe aqui

Distances to reduce, accessibility.


iversity of people, ages, possibilities and conditions. This is the picture not only in Brazil, but the world's population. Accessibility searches everyone, regardless of their physical or mental condition can have access to various means. According to the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT NBR950), the accessibility is de ned as "the condition for use with security and autonomy in whole or assisted securities spaces and urban facilities, the buildings, transport services and devices, systems and media and information by a person with disabilities or limited mobility." According to 2010 Census data, Brazil has 45,606,048 people with at least one of the surveyed disabilities, representing 23.9% of the total population. The highest incidence of people with at least one disability, 9.7%, occurred in the Southeast Region as a result of higher population density. Next comes the Northeast, with 7.4%, the South Region, with 3.2%, the North with 1.9% and the Midwest, with 1.6%. Considering the severity of visual impairment, it was found that there is, in Brazil, approximately 528,624 blind people and 6,056,684 people who see with great dif culty. The total number of people with mental or intellectual disabilities is around 2,617,025, representing 1.37% of the Brazilian population.

As noted in the results of the Census, nearly a quarter of the population has a disability. Hence the importance of the accessibility issue. It should be noted that over 60% of the disabled population are in the prime of working age, so between 15 and 59 years. Accessibility is an essential attribute of the environment that ensures improved quality of life, especially those with disabilities. Must be present in spaces in the physical environment, transports, information and communication, including the systems and information and communication technologies, as well as other facilities and services open to the public or for public use, both in town and country. More than a necessity, it is the realization of the right to equality. It is a subject not yet widespread, despite their undeniable relevance. Whereas it generates positive social outcomes and contribute to inclusive and sustainable development, implementation is key, depending, however, cultural and act changes. The Rotaract in this Rotarian year, whose the theme is Diversity should act to promote a new way to think, to make, to build, to communicate and to use public resources to ensure the realization of rights and citizenship, through accessibility. Sources: http://www.pessoacomde ciente

More equality and border less.


he speech that we are all equal, regardless of creed, color, sex, sexual orientation or policy is not news to anyone. However, this equality still needs to be made, requested, day after day. To defend equality is necessary to be aware of the differences, yes, we are all equal in rights and guarantees (as even provides the Federal Constitution, Article 5ยบ), yet we are different. The great trouble understanding equality stems from the fact that men are not all the same, but at the same time, equal and unequal: equal by nature unequal by the diversity of their living conditions, be it physical, psychological, moral, economic, social. It is appropriate to bring the claim of Aristotle: "We must also deal with the equal and unequally the unequal, the extent of their inequality", and paradoxical as it may seem, only so we are actually talking about equality. Search over equality is seeking to transform formal equality into substantive equality. Understand that not all start from the same point, it implies know that not all arrived at the same destination with equal ease.

On the path to the realization of equality we must face prejudice. The need to legally determine the guarantee of equality assumes that it is not a given spontaneous in societies, though he may be one of the element of nature from the men. Prejudice away men, creates boundaries between them, prevents them from walking together towards a common goal. Prejudice is not exercised only actively, that is, effectively discriminatory actions and attitudes, perhaps the worst form of prejudice that is evident in the passive attitude of the population. Shut up in the broad sense, in a situation of discrimination is discrimination, it is being prejudiced. That is why, just abstain or fail to have prejudiced attitudes is not the solution. The defense of equality necessarily involves combating prejudice. We need to develop af rmative action. Af rmative actions are focal policies that allocate resources for the bene t of persons belonging to groups discriminated against and victimized by social and economic exclusion in the past or in the present. Af rmative action is different from the purely anti-discrimination policies by acting preventively on behalf of individuals who are potentially discriminated against, which can be understood both as a prevention of discrimination and as a repair its effects. Purely anti-discrimination policies, on the other hand, act only by means of repression of discriminating or awareness of individuals that may be engaging in discriminatory acts. Equality includes the right to be considered equal, entitled to the same respect and consideration holder entitled to equal duties, the right to be treated equally by the law, agencies, entities and people. We must instead work in the pursuit of equality, it will allow us to bring people closer together, reduce the boundaries. Equality alone not guarantee any right or guarantee, but avoid its misuse.

No hate crimes and without prejudice.


e are equal and we are different, simple and not so simple. The prejudice is revealed in the most vile way is one that originates hate crimes, crimes directed at people with some characteristic that bothers you, crimes against moral integrity, psychological and physical of these people. Voltaire, French philosopher in his day was a great defender of freedom (civil, religious, political), and therefore also considered an advocate of not exactly equal, but the respect for differences. Perhaps his most famous phrase, and pertinent to highlight here was "I may not agree with any of the words you say but will defend to the death the right of you say them". Hate someone for the color of your by, hate someone for their sexual orientation, hate someone for their religion or for being with special needs, hate someone for not agreeing with their views or how you dress. And you hate, if insults, assaults and kills it by these disagreements. For there to be hate crimes have to be hate speech, someone who prepares and others who believe. The hate speech exists to break with the dignity of the other and their basic rights. Promotes racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism or any other manifestation of intolerance. The hate speech actually always precedes action, which is the hate crime. The beaten believe that his complaint will not help or suffer reprisals for her business. Others are embarrassed.

It is noteworthy that Brazil is a signatory of the main human rights protection instruments, such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. No wonder that in recent years the “bullying� is the subject of debates, seminars and studies. It is a new subject, no it is not. You need to be discussed and avoided? Certainly. One of prejudice victim suffers, and suffers a lot, and that suffering can become a scar for life. More than a crime, prejudice is cruel. The internet is a perfect channel to create and expand the hate speech mainly by inadequate access to information that could settle the matter, even all this information within the reach of these Internet users. We know what constitutes hate speech, we know how it is built, diluted and to whom it is addressed. Victims may not suffer the double punishment of not being recognized. The ght against hate crimes and prejudice in all its species is the duty of all of us, even more of us Rotaractors. We are fertile ground for rejection of the practice of hate crimes, and all forms of prejudice, we seek through actions, projects and attitudes respect the differences, but, if necessary, to punish those who criminally use the differences as foundation to create a non-existent superiority. Source: Video "Crimes of Hate", funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Spain and produced by Contramedia Films.


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