Rotary Club of Boca Raton West | Newsletter 07 | DEC/ 2022

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President: Luciana Beuke

Vice President: Dini Heizer

President Elect: Angelica Blakely

Past President: Luciana Beuke

Secretary: Marli Saraiva Sargent at Arms: Bernadete Zagonel

Treasurer: Janne Gesund

Directors: - Aloysio Vasconcellos - Angélica Blakely - Douglas Heizer - DGE 2023-2024

Newsletter Editor: Dini Heizer

President RI: Jennifer Jones


Thanksgiving, a moment when we celebrate, together with family, friends and those closest to us, giving thanks for everything and every action received. A Moment when people gather and show their gratitude for the blessings they have received over the past year. The real sense of being thankful in Rotary is to think of gratitude far beyond the outer shell of words, but to be thankful while helping otherbeingsalongtheway.

The art of thanking frees the human being from expectations and anxiety, and reconciles him with the facts as they are. It is for gratitude that the individual adopts a position of victorious, establishing a positive harmony with what is good and correct. Embroiled in this feelingofthanksgivingandgrace,Thanksgivingremindsus of the origin of its creation. This commemorative date was inspired by the coastal town of Plymounth in Massachusetts,USA,whenagroupofmorethan100

Governor: Louis Vocelle Jr. (Buck) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2022-2023

Protestants, now known as the pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, founding that village. As they arrived in the harshest winter, they faced food shortages, causing the death of half of these settlers by disease, cold and hunger, as a result of facing the great blizzards Thus, these newcomers depended on the local indigenous tribes to survive. The native Indians, in turn, in exchange for the protection of rival tribes, helped the settlers by dividing their crops, as well as teaching them the techniquesof planting,hunting andfishing

The following year, for the first time, the harvest in the new land was abundant and, to celebrate the abundance of food, fruit of plantations together, British Christian settlers and Indigenous Americans prepared a feast thanking God for the abundant food of the successful harvest, celebrating Thanksgiving in 1621, repeating itself every fall. This national holiday was consecrated in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln, announcing the fourth Thursday of November asNational Thanksgiving Day. The Rotarian spirit recognizes that the act of thanking is decisive in the pursuit of happiness in realizing that life is already complete by itself. This recognition goes hand in hand with simplicity when it allows you to accept the other and accept yourself, according to the purpose that you will give it, in a continuous exercise of detachment. The feeling of gratitude, based on the idea of completeness, casts the seed of humility when one realizes that what one has is enough. This feeling is reflected in interior peace and opens space inthe aura for pleasant things to occurat all levels of the flow of your life. So, "Instead of wishing for what you don't have, why not be thankfulforwhatyouhave"?

Immersedinthis atmosphereof grace,the

companions of the Rotary Club of Boca Raton West gathered on the festive evening of Thursday, November 17, celebrating their thanks to God for the blessings received throughout this year 2022. For this festive gathering, Rotary Club Boca Raton West honored this event, representing companion and Governor 2024-2025 Vanessa Havener and companion Bernardo Wolfson, accompanied by his beloved wife, Angie Wolfson. Also present were the visiting guests of the friendly Tatiana Sastre, Doug Mosley, George Gesund, Wally Casanova, the beautiful Stella Mosher and her charming little daughter, Isabella Mosher. In addition to the club members: Luciana Beuke, Dini Heizer, Bernadete Zagonel, Aloysio Vasconcellos, Janne Gesund, Marly Saraiva, the Governor of the District 20232024, Douglas Heizer, and the newest companionFagnerMoutinho.

It was in this atmosphere of relaxedness and joy that President Luciana Beuke made the opening of the meeting, greeting all the guests present, passing the floor to Bernadete Zagonel, who led the protocol processes ofthisfestiveevening.

The remarkable moment of this dinner of fellowship was highlighted by the possession of a new member, Fagner Moutinho. Fagner was sworn in by the president, Luciana Beuke, when Fagner took his oath with Rotary, consecrated by placing the button on his lapel, by his companion Marly Saraiva, his sponsor. Thus, the Rotary Club of Boca Raton West welcomeditsnewmemberwithopenarms, withtheclassificationofCivilEngineer,

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having been president of the Rotary Club of Queimadosfortwoadministrationsandcreator of Rotaract in that club. Closing the moment of his installation , fellow Fagner gave a short speech,thankingfortheopportunitytojointhe team that makes up the Rotary club of Boca Raton West, promising to strive to add to the club for the good and the best for its operation.

While everyone enjoyed the juicy and delicious dinner menu, showered with the spirit of gratitude and friendships, presented by this service club, protocolo made the presentation of the dear visitor, Doug Mosley, who spoke about the Boca Bowl. Doug, who fell into the grace of those present after his pronouncement, distributed, to those who were there, several different types of souvenirs, representing the Boca Bowl. This factdidnotescapeineveryone'seyeswhen he was asked by his fellow and future governor, Douglas, why he was not yet part of any Rotary club. After everyone's astonishment, the visitor replied that he had never been invited, at which point companion Douglas suggested to his companion Vanessa to invite him to visit theRotaryClubBocaRatonserviceclub.

The reflection for that commemorative evening, in which the Rotary family gathered to celebrate the Club's Thanksgiving, is the thought of how important it is to express your act of gratitude, through the words "Thank you." However, as important as pronouncing the "thank you" is to be truly grateful in the hidden art of silence, in your own consciousness. To be thankful without words and, in your heart, you will be happy. The inner feeling of gratitude stems from the direct realization that life is smiling at you. The choice of thanksgiving frees us from ill will and mental narrowness and is an effective way to "CelebrateLife",makingitsurroundedbythe

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peacethatinvadesyourinnerbeing. Happy Thanksgiving, in its most intimate waytothank!!!



This is the question that for many years must have been floating in the minds of people who still haven't had the opportunity to get involved in the magnanimous projects, in community actions and in the union of people who want to do good. Without looking at who, men and women, young people and professionals with a lot of experience in serving, professionals from different areas, spreadaroundtheworld,cometogetherwith a single objective to touch lives. YES WE ARE ROTARIANSANDWEAREPROUDOFIT.

Thus, more than 15 years ago, the extraordinary idea of the Toy Drive was born in the heart of one of our colleagues, a wonderful project that has been surprising for alltheseyears.

Starting in the month of July, shaking up the clubs in our district and demonstrating that the heart is not measured in inches and there isnomathematicsthatcanmultiplyoradd

up the love that each one of us shares with each family in each new year during themonthofhope.

Where Christmas is celebrated, even during the pandemic, we were not immersed in the problems, but we were able to reinvent ourselves and the results did not leave anything to be desired, the under-privileged children continue and will continue to smile on each Christmas night.

In this year of 2022, we had the compassion and unity of several of our companions, from the clubs BOCA RATON, BOCA RATON SUNRISE, DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON, ROTARY CLUBDELRAYBEACHandour club BOCA RATON WEST, each of the volunteers who came to join us, on this very pleasant night, for which we are eternallyg

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rateful to friends and business people who helpedustoholdthisgreatmeeting.

That night was certainly one of the most significant meetings in the cozy late afternoon atthePavilionGrille.

Our club, which is made up of more than special people and brings the points that differentiate us from other clubs, "we are Brazilians." We are happy, noisy and certainly these particularities make a lot of difference. Each meeting becomes happier and more festive, all the other clubs make it visible with their participation how much they appreciate our"way"ofdoingcampaigns.

We could not have achieved a better result. We are truly blessed on this journey and we are grateful for everyone who represented not only their club but demonstrated how much good it is for each one to participate in this cozy evening, and even better knowing that we are helping to restore surprised eyes andsmilingfacesinanotherChristmas.

We register that none of this would be possible without the dedication of each member of each club, we cannot fail to thank the affection and partnership of the Pavillion Grille restaurant that welcomes us with open armsanda5-starserviceineachcelebration.

Our 6930 district is certainly proud to have the contribution and dedication of Governorelect Douglas Heizer who is the Founder of ourClub,andcreatoroftheToyDrive.

The night also featured special guests such as PastDistrictGovernorsPhilLustingandSteve Laine.

United we are stronger and together we become invincible, looking forward to seeing everyone again at the 16th Annual Rotary Boca Raton Toy Drive on Sunday, December 11th in Sugar Park, to celebrate our reunion andonceagaindowhatwelovemost...

Seeing everyone's work and dedication conveys emotions on yet another Sunday where the weather will be perfect, after all our joy will be contagious with a breeze, a veryhotsunoracloudyday...Untilthen.

N E W C L U B - R I V I E R A B E A C H

This is a great way to celebrate!

Welcoming a new club to the Rotary District 6930. Let's welcome the new Rotary Club of Riviera Beach. Congratulations to The RC West Palm Beach presidente Yvette Rochefort and president elected Owen Robinson who make this happened. Congratulations to The leadership of the new club. Thank you to fill the gap! #bereadyd6930 Douglas Heizer

DGE 23-24
R O T A R I A N S I N A C T I O N 1
N E W S L E T T E R E D . 0 7 | D E C / 2 0 2 2 VERO BEACH CHRISTMAS PARADE ORGANIZED BY THE RC VERO BEACH SUNRISE R O T A R I A N S I N A C T I O N 2 2 Amazingevent! Veryproudtoseewhatthisclubisdoing forthecommunity. DouglasHeizer(DGE23-24)

2 6 - D o u g l a s H e i z e r

N E W S L E T T E R E D . 0 7 | D E C / 2 0 2 2 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS
N E W S L E T T E R E D . 0 7 | D E C / 2 0 2 2 New Date GOVERNOR 23/24 INSTALLATION DINNER 24/ June/ 2023 TAKE NOTE 1 TAKE NOTE 2 CALENDAR
N E W S L E T T E R E D . 0 7 | D E C / 2 0 2 2 RCBRW SCHEDULE DECEMBER 01 - No Meeting Transfer to Toy Drive Happy Hour 05 - Regular Meeting Carrabba’s Italian Grill 6909 SW 18 th St, Boca Raton, FL 33433 08 - No meeting (Transfer to Toy Drive) 11 - Toy Drive (10AM - 2PM) Sugar Sand Park 300 S Military Trail Boca Raton, FL 33486 15 - Christmas Party Chloe's Bistro 6885 SW 18th St b7 Boca Raton, FL 33433 22 - No Meeting (Christmas) 29 - No Meeting ( New Year) Disease Prevention and Treatment Month VISIT US RotaryBocaRatonWest RCBocaRatonWest RotaryClubofBocaRatonWest Rotary Boca Raton West pwd=eXhrYmlzWWRCRDdBbmRTNWQ0a2w3Zz09#success

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