Rotary Club Boca Raton West, the Celebration of the Union the Victories in the Last
15 Years
When you are invited to a teenager's 15th birthday party, we are left in that magical confusion, what will we buy and where should we buy it, as it has to be something remarkable"aspecialtreatforthehonoree"
President RI: Jennifer Jones
Governor: Louis Vocelle Jr. (Buck)
However, when you are invited to a club's anniversary party, expectations increase, after all we are being invited to applaud and participate in a trajectory of values, missions, and projects that are developed, by people while different in many aspects are incredibly similar... of course this club could only be made up with members, who already understoodthattogetherthey arestronger.Iam talking of courseaboutaboldclub withvisiblesuccess
Iam talking aboutourclub BocaRatonWest.
Such was the BOCA RATON WEST Anniversary celebration, the “house” was full, and we always get together for these remarkable parties at Chloe's Bistro, located here in Boca Raton, Florida This restaurant has become important in recent years, as it has hosted the most important meetings of our club and we could not express our gratitudetoChloe'steam.
We are proud to be part of a unique Rotary club, the first club founded in our language, (Portuguese) hereintheUnitedStates
Our club was started almost by chance, by our partner Douglas Heizer, he says he was already a Rotarian from a very young age in Brazil, and when one of us gets involved and dedicates oneself to Rotary, this important international family, we can move to another country, but we could never change the RotarianSpirit.
Douglas mentioned that when he moved to Florida, he would certainly also be part of some Rotary Club and of course, Rotary Clubs are as important and wonderful as anywhere else in the world, butDouglas felt the difference from the exciting relationship of the previous club. As he wanted to bring theBrazilianwarm andfestivespirit.
As in a soap opera, each meeting that I will call “episodes”, he realized the new American companions got involved and committed themselves to transforming each idea into real projects, but he felt that the Brazilians here in South Florida, needed a club where Rotarians could continue to live the principles and transform humanitarian causes, creating a better world, but in our language
And so he invited friends to join him in this challenge, where the diverse culture could bring agreatimpacttoourregion.
Some of the founders, are still part of the club today and were honored during the party, others even committed to the cause, and went on to other paths, but each one who passed through our “most Caliente rotary” never actually left, as part of the guests. After this party today, they continuedto be friends and sympathizers, and today they are certainly as proud as the other members who remained and the many others who joined, to do good without looking atwhom.
The party took place in a relaxed atmosphere, and littleby little all the seats were filled, we had important attendeesfrom our society, among the guests, was Laine Furtado (Editor & Journalist at Linha Aberta Brazilian Magazine) together with her husband Joe Souza, and representing the foundation Let's speak Portuguese (Fundação Vamos Falar Português) Cristiane Martins and her husband André Martins, Francisco Rodrigues our real Santa Claus, among many other personalities, who certainly applauded the speech of the founder and first president, which we are now proudof, as he is going further with his different way of making things happen, after all Brazilians, “touch with their creativity and resourcefulness.
It was also a gift for the celebration to count on the presence of the representative of the Consulate General of Brazil in Miami, Mr. CristianoBerbert
We honored the founder and his wife Dini Heizer, who are now dreaming bigger and carrying outmany tasks,nowasGovernorof
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District 6930, that is Douglas Heizer never stopped dreaming, but henever stopped waiting for someone to show him where and how to achieve the addition of more and more people, with dexterity and determination, transforming the projects intoreality.
The organization was led by our currentpresident Luciana Beukeand the Master of Ceremonies Bernadette Zagonel, congratulations on organizing such a party, you guys really know how to make a wonderful reception, both of them and everyone else involved be congratulated, for organizing aparty you really understand.
In addition to the delicious menu, the warmth of the guests, the testimonies of each one, who even caught by surprise, loved to give their own vision of this intense club, and the hugs from past presidents and current ones, including the next president Angélica Blakely, Who spoke of the importance of our club. We get involved in the feeling of never saying no, no matter how detailed the project is or it seems almost impossibletostart.
As a birthday person needs or even expects a gift, we as members feel congratulated and recognized by new membersMarco
Aurélio Good and Patrícia Alesandra Curcovezki
Imagine you, dear reader, better than just two new members, the hugs, the union, and thecertainty thatweareontherightpath. Doing good to others transforms us and gives us the feeling that lives touched bring resultsthatareaddedandtobementionedin othercelebrations
Happy Birthday toUS! RCBocaRatonWest!
By Lígia Assução
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Luciana Beuke, Marco Good, Marli Saraiva and Francisco Rodrigues
Luciana Beuke, Patrícia Curcovezk and Angélica Blakely
Douglas Heizer
Luciana Beuke, Douglas Heizer, Dini Heizer and Francisco Pessoa
Dini Heizer and Lígia Assunção
Bernadete Zagonel, Luciana Beuke, Parícia Curcovezki and Angélica Blakely
Francisco Pessoa
Francisco Rodrigues "Santa Claus"
Lúcia Darzi, Bernadete Zagonel and Dini Heizer
Lígia Assunção, Francisco Rodrigues and guest
Angélica Blakely, Lígia Assunção, Luciana Beuke, Bernadete Zagonel and Vânia Amorim
Luciana Beuke, Patrícia Curcovezk and Angélica Blakely
Francisco Rodrigues, Paulo Klimick and Douglas Heizer
Paulo Klimick, Douglas Heizer, Owner of Cloe's Bistro and Laine Furtado
We are thrilled to announce that we have secured our 1st sponsor for the upcoming 2023-24 Rotary year - the Boca Raton Bowl!
We have also updated the Sponsorship Packet. You can now download it from the 2023-24 District 6930 Sponsorship landing page. Please help our District by promoting these sponsorship opportunities to your local businesses, chambers of commerce, and others within your local community.
Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience
June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the importance of international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians with similar recreational and vocational interests, promote increased participation in fellowships, and increase understanding of this program. The RI Board encourages these groups to celebrate Rotary Fellowships Month through projects, activities, and events. Fellowship groups include antique autos, canoeing, cruising, curling. flying. golf, motorcycling, wine, yachting and more - something for everyone! Fellowships provide opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own Club, District or country. They are detailed on
You may find many extensive activities of the Rotary Fellowships that your profession, business or industry area has already established.
If not, why not think about starting one yourself! Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Interested Rotarians can join a Rotary Fellowship by clicking: Rotary Fellowships Handbook (729) or even start a prospective Rotary Fellowship if their recreational or vocational interest is not in the list of approved Rotary Fellowships. The Rotary Fellowships are expected to facilitate communication among their members and maintain regular communication with RI.
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Dogs Helping Dogs Club celebrated one year in May. We are very happy and excited to see our project grow, and how we can help dogsandpeopletohaveabetterlife
When people ask us why we help dogs, the answer for that question is simple: We help them because they are our friends. Wouldn't you help yourfriendinneed?
Besides being loyal to us, dogs bring so much joy, happiness, comfort, and love to our lives In so many cases, they can cure depression,anxiety,andsadness.Overall,
they help usmorethanwehelp them.
If you never had a dog in your life, you may not understand everything I said However, those that had the wonderful experience to have one, will understand why we say that they are part of the family. Therefore, it is hard to see dogs who have gone through abuse, abandonment or live in a precarious situation, and do nothing to help them The purpose of the Dogs Helping Dogs Club is to help dogs in need, so that everyone is loved, respectedandhappy.
IT HAPPENED 1 N E W S L E T T E R E D . 1 3 | J U N / 2 0 2 3
On March 26 we celebrated the birthdays of our fluffy members, Target, Lilly and Maya, in a beautiful birthday party at Canine Cove Dog Park in Boca Raton. In addition to celebrating these club members we helped our friends in need with the birthday gifts. It was a lot of fun for the dogs, and all the gifts were donated to Tri County Animal Rescue onApril28.
The Tri County Animal Rescue is a nonprofit animal shelter that rescues dogs in precarious situations. They are a 100% NoKill shelter, meaning that, if the dog is not adopted, Tri County Animal Rescue Shelter will be his/her forever home. They have prevented the killing of over 270,000 unwanted pets in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties. For more information, please take a look at .
Our club was also present at Homes Fur Dogs Expo on May 20, a city of Parkland event, hosted at Barkland We had a lot of fun while raising funds and donations and supporting vendors for dogs in need of adoption.
We are organizing a series of events and campaigns to help dogs and people to have a better life. If you are considering adopting a dog, think no further, change their lives, and they will certainly change yours Life is BetterwithaDog,consideradopting one.
If you want your dog to be part of this great canine chain of good, join your pup in the Dogs Helping Dogs Club at
By Luciana Beuke
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Our club (Rotary Club of Boca Raton West) and the Women's Group of Brazil South Florida came together for a single purpose, to bring the truth and myths about human trafficking tothecommunity The event took place on May 18, at Picanha Brasil Restaurant, and had the participation of Dr Andrea Corona, immigration lawyer, Paulo Klimick, homicide police officer and Khalil Quinan,prosecutor,bothfrom thecity of Miami, and Paola Tucunduva, coordinator of thecommitteetocombatviolence
against women, from the Women of Brazil SouthFloridaGroup.
The wealth of information received generated an atmosphere of active participation by the public, who had the opportunity to clarify several doubts and acquirenewknowledgeonthesubject. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this bold andeducational event.
By Luciana Beuke
IT HAPPENED 2 N E W S L E T T E R E D . 1 3 | J U N / 2 0 2 3
District Governor
JULY/ 01
District Conference
May/ 2024
Rotary Boca Raton West
-Place: Chloe´sBistro
-Place:Chloe´sBistro -Address:6885SW18thSt
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Bazaar 22
Celebration -“Fellowship”withallpresent
Rotary Fellowships Month