Rotary Club of Diamond Creek bulletin 1st May 2012

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Friday 30 March 2012

ShelterBox & Rotary International sign project partnership ShelterBox and Rotary International (RI) have formed a project partner agreement this month, signed by John Hewko, Rotary International's General Secretary, and Tom Henderson OBE, ShelterBox Founder and CEO. The formalisation of this partnership cements a 12-year relationship providing emergency shelter and life-saving humanitarian aid for hundreds of thousands of families around the world, who have been made homeless by disaster. ShelterBox began as a Rotary Club Millennium Project in 2000 and today continues to have a significant input from Rotarians in its governance Board, senior management, operational capacity and international development. 'Rotary and Rotarians have been integral in the operational development of the organisation, from being eyes and ears on the ground during deployments, to providing logistics, accommodation and translation services, right to assisting with the pitching of tents,' said Tom. 'Many of our global Response Team volunteers are Rotarians. Others have joined the Rotary family having seen the difference that Rotary and ShelterBox make on the ground. They have always helped us in endless ways.' Not only have Rotary clubs and Rotarians historically contributed a significant percentage of ShelterBox's income but members of the Rotary family have also founded each one of its 21 affiliates. This support remains key for the charity to be prepared for a disaster of any scale and to be in a position to assist the most vulnerable families at the time when they need it the most. Through the new partnership, the two organisations will assist Rotarians to be part of a critical solution at times of disaster through providing humanitarian service when disasters occur in their area; engaging with ShelterBox in disaster preparedness initiatives within their country or District; and supporting ShelterBox readiness, awareness and capacity building. 'For more than ten years, ShelterBox has given light to over one hundred thousand families worldwide in their darkest hour,' said John. 'This project partner agreement represents our mutual goal of helping those in need. It gives RI a forward-facing approach to immediate disaster relief.' 'It's an historic moment for us to become a Rotary project partner,' said Tom. 'It's the first of its kind and is a great opportunity for us to engage with our Rotary friends around the world to increase awareness of what we do with Rotary and, of course, an opportunity for Rotarians to increase our avenues of service worldwide.'

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1st May 2012 Page

District 9790

On the Cover

rotary club of diamond creek inc.

Bulletin V ol um e 20 I ss ue 3 8 1st M a y 2 01 2 RI President Kalyan Benerjee Rotary Club of Vapi Governor David Anderson Rotary Club of Yea AG Pat Miller Rotary Club of Diamond Creek Club Officers President Alan Jones Vice President PP Clyde Hulme President Elect Steve Crosling Secretary & Attendance Eileen Gatt Treasurer & Public Officer Greg Adams Directors and Standing Committees Club Administration PE Steve Crosling Membership John Egan Public Relations PP Bev Baker, Service Projects PP Alan White Rotary Foundation PP Linda Gidlund

Who ya gunna call ! President Alan Jones Secretary Eileen Gatt Treasurer Greg Adams

0414861558 0427712688 0419355842

Editor: Greg Adams Art Director: Greg Adams Advertising : Greg Adams Bottle washer : Greg as well Editorial: send to

Friday 30 March 2012

ShelterBox & Rotary International sign project partnership District has been considering forming an eClub as an additional method of increasing District membership. What is a Rotary 'eClub'?

Briefly, an eClub is a properly constituted and chartered Rotary club which is located at an internet address. There is no physical club meeting room; members meet by logging on to the club's internet address. Therefore, there is no regular meeting room or time. Members can 'meet' whenever it suits their busy schedule. Additionally, members can meet whenever they are away from home on business or holidays, and this avoids finding a convenient club to fulfill member's make up responsibility. All that's needed is a computer and some quiet time. Many clubs over the years lose members for many reasons, for example lack of time, they live an inconvenient distance from a meeting place, their work and/or family life is such that they can't commit to a regular meeting time, or financial concerns just to name a few. Your club records will show those of your club who left because of some these reasons. eClub's resolve these problems. District would like to contact these past members and offer them membership of an eClub because it may well be that they still want an involvement with Rotary, but their current personal circumstances make membership impracticable. Review your past members and get back to the District Membership Chair with a list of names of your past members whom you feel would be interested, and (preferably) an email address.

Caution: The Bulletin contains no calories, vitamins, minerals or proteins. In fact, it is devoid of nutritional value. Nevertheless, it is a supplement much sought after and regularly devoured by the Rotarians of Diamond Creek.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Club or its members

Patti Bulluss ( Lance) Rotary Club of Milawa Oxley Chair District Membership Committee (H) (03) 5727 3557 (M) 0408 597 451 Email:

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1st May 2012 Page 2

the program/up and coming calendar and who’s doin what 1st May 2012 Tuesday

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Surviving the Police Academy—Christopher Knight

Attend: White House Alan, Chair: Sen Serg Kinghty Knight Beans: Greg, Door man: Chear squad Bev Art Work: Sharraine Digger Prize: Xray Steve

8th May 2012 Tuesday

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Australian Rotary Health John Leadbeater

15th May 2012 Tuesday

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Donydji Program Jon Baly

22nd May 2012 Tuesday 29th May 2012 Tuesday

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Rotarian behind the badge Greg Paull

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Club Ass

2nd June 2012 Saturday 7.00 PM - 11.30 PM

20th Birthday bash

life's events Apr 23 Lexie & Steve - anniversary Diamond Creek May 9 Linda Knight—birthday May 10 Lillias and Cliff anniversary May11 Peter Hodge joined Rotary 1 year ago May 25 Ann and Ern—anniversary May 25 Geoff Swan birthday

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1st May 2012 Page 3

from the president keeping up with the joneses! "Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to help our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help." - Michael W Hawkins American Red Cross

Massive disasters occur throughout the world with incredible frequency. When we see footage of these it can be heartbreaking and so often we wonder just what we could do to help. One way that the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek does try to help is by being the District Representative Club for Shelter Box Australia. Shelter Box responds instantly to natural and manmade disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who are most in need. Each box supplies an extended family of up to ten people for six months with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless. It is a truly wonderful project which gets to the heart of the disaster very quickly. Unfortunately in some third world countries, it is often difficult for some international aid organisations to even gain entry to the country due to the political climate there, but because of the Shelter Box connection to Rotary they have not experienced this problem and aid has often been there within 24 hours. One way this is achieved is through the Shelter Box Response Team. These people are volunteers from all walks of life who undergo an intensive training program and are on standby should a disaster occur. Because of the Rotary connection, Shelter Box can often gain access to some third world countries where other International Aid Organisations cannot. Recently, Shelter Box and Rotary International undertook a project partner agreement which has formalised the 12 year relationship of the two organisations providing emergency shelter and life-saving humanitarian aid for hundreds of thousands of families around the world, who have been made homeless by disaster. Earlier this month, devastating floods caused riverbanks to burst flooding villages in Fiji. Thousands of homes had been damaged forcing around 8000 people into evacuation centres. Water and electricity had been cut off in some

areas. A Shelter Box Response team immediately flew in to assess the damage and hence a number of boxes were distributed. More Shelter Boxes have also been stored there as prepositioned stock to enable a quick response to any disaster there in the future. Other recent deployments have taken place in The Philippines, Peru and the Congo. Shelter Boxes have been distributed to every continent, even Australia. The boxes were put to good use after the Black Saturday fires in Kinglake.

past presidents Brian Bowen 1978-1979 Heidelberg North Bob Eycken 1983-1984 Alperton UK John McCrohan 1992-1993 Ron Gordon 1993-1994 Chris Doupe 1994-1995 Cliff Wearne 1995-1996 Ern Wardell 1996-1997 Rod Mackenzie 1997-1998 Steve Sampson 1998-1999

As a District Representative Club it is our role to increase awareness of Shelter Box within our District. We can do this by undertaking presentations at other Rotary Clubs or at Community Organisations and by promoting it at community festivals and expos. Hopefully from these presentations, more Shelter Boxes will be purchased to have ready and waiting should another disaster occur. We have a small dedicated and passionate Shelter Box Committee within the club as well as a member from each of the Rotary Clubs of Mansfield and Sunbury (both ex-pats from Diamond Creek!). However in order to expand the number of boxes purchased, it would be great if we could grow our committee. If you are interested in assisting with this very worthwhile project, please speak to me. You would be most welcome to join the team.

Robin Chapple 1999-2000

It's just a box, A box that brings: Shelter, Warmth, Dignity and Hope for Survival. On behalf of those people we will never

Pat Millar 2009-2010

Peter Marriage 2000-2001 Rob Lloyd 2001-2002 Bev Baker 2002-2003 Joe Di Natale 2003-2004 Geoff Swan 2004-2005 John Gatt 2005-2006 John Arthur 2006-2007 Linda Gidlund 2007-2008 Alan White 2008-2009

Clyde Hulme 2010-2011

know or meet Thank you.

Please give it some consideration. It is a truly magnificent Rotary Project.

Alan Jones

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1st May 2012 Page 4

as it happened Sarge Rob introduced President Alan Geoff Swan led the Grace, Arthur Lewin gave the toast Guest were introduced, Sue Gowan was visiting us once more along with her husband Neil, Bea and Marissa B. Alan asked John Gatt to talk on District Assembly. John also announced that he and Eileen went to Windy Hill for a Foundation Function. Reminder re: Anzac Day Ceremony in Diamond Creek for 10.30am on Wednesday the 25th April, 2012. John Gatt announced that our Conference Committee in John's year 2013 would be held on the 14th to 17th March. Rob Lloyd will be Conference Chair in place of Ern. Ern has stepped down from the role. Rob will call a meeting next week to discuss the Conference. In a World Wide Rotary Membership Survey, Diamond Creek has been selected by Rotary International to fill out a questionnaire. Alan thanked everyone who have been working on the 20th Anniversary event. A book has been devised mainly by Ern & Greg and Kerry Jones has been busy assisting. President Alan on behalf of the Diamond Creek Club, has secured the use of a cabinet in the Diamond Valley Library for a display for a month. Boxes of information went from Greg's to Ern's. A part of the Clubs vision was to form a Probus Club - last Wednesday 18th April, 2012 was the day a meeting of interest was held - first off 55+ have joined and are now foundation members. The hope is to Charter the Club by the end of June. There will be 10-12 people for a committee and 2 have expressed interest in being the President. Both Lend Lease and the City of Whittlesea are pleased and are right behind the project. Peter Hodge reported that there are 4 outbound Youth Exchange Students, 1 from Diamond Valley, 1 from Epping, 1 From Yarrambat and 1 from Reservoir have applied on the Website. Peter will talk to them to quantify them and they meet the criteria. Peter has requested members from the sponsoring clubs to assist Rotaract and to attend 1 meeting per month - group of members to attend meetings. Rotaract have a Board Meeting once a month and they meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month. President Alan thanked Peter for his role in this. See Peter if you can assist. President Alan read an apology letter from Helen Micallef, Principal of Diamond Creek Primary regarding an article in the Diamond Creek News. The apology was for an incorrect article on the sails at the school. The recognition to Rotary was sadly lacking. Rob commented on the extra pole protectors considering it was or seemed to be another request. The protectors were to make the poles safer for the school kids and also to put the rotary brand out there, Greg P remarked that the brand needs to to be out there, however we need to watch the way it is promoted and not use RI. Vocational - Jacqui has requested assistance with the Literacy Program. Jacqui needs a couple of club members for "Wall of Hands" to get it out into the community. Pride of Workmanship Award - usually three are organised. Mystery Weekend Geoff - Money in this week. PHF's nominations are closed - committee will make selections. Bea's Birthday party, Saturday 28th April. Board meeting was postponed until next week. Alan White reported that the Mental Health First Aid Course has 20 + . Kinglake Ranges has their Course this weekend. Alan contacted Malcolm Hackett and has shifted a couple of attendees to the Kinglake Ranges Course as the course will not take any more than 20 attendees. Mens Shed - the power is now on, Ern & Co went on Wednesday to get it organised - moving to the Guide Hall later on. Warwick Leeson urged everybody to get on board on Mental Health to help others. Bea spoke on her Youth Exchange trip - Rockado and had a presentation of pictures of what she did and saw. She also spoke along with Marissa B on their time at RYPEN. Greg introduced us to the clubs defibulator - ten people to train for its use. John Gatt won the raffle. Cheers Pat.

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1st May 2012 Page 5


Rotary Hat Day Summer h t l a e H l a t n e M r Fo ch r a e s Re Tuesday 22 May 2012 Wear a hat to the meeting and make a $5 donation to Rotary Health. Prizes for: “Most Unique Hat” & “The Hat that Closely Depicts Your Personality” rotary club of diamond creek inc. bulletin

1st May 2012 Page 6

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Phone 03 9438 3044

Fax: 03 9438 4070 Email:

Rotary Grace O Lord and giver of all good

Advance Australia Fair

We thank you for our daily food

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia fair!

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, help us to serve you all our days.

The Diamond Creek Rotary Town fair 2012 starts in

152 days

Conference 2013 starts in

321 days

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1st May 2012 Page 8

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