Au gu st
Esther Wamai Principal, Director Tenderfoot Self Help School Kangemi Narobi Kenya.
rotary club of diamond creek inc RCDC
14th August Page
District 9790
rotary club of diamond creek inc.
RCDC Volu me
past presidents Brian Bowen 1978-1979 Heidelberg North
I ssu e7
Bob Eycken 1983-1984 Alperton UK
RI President Sakuji Tanaka Rotary Club of Yashio, Saitama, Japan
John McCrohan 1992-1993
Ron Gordon 1993-1994
John Gatt Rotary Club of Diamond Creek AG Pat Miller Rotary Club of Diamond Creek Club Officers President Vice President President Elect Secretary Treasurer & Public Officer
Steve Crosling Alan Jones Bev Baker Greg Paull Greg Adams
Directors and Standing Committees Club Administration PE Steve Crosling Membership John Egan Public Relations PP Alan Jones Service Projects PP Alan White Rotary Foundation PP Linda Gidlund
Chris Doupe 1994-1995 Cliff Wearne 1995-1996 Ern Wardell 1996-1997 Rod Mackenzie 1997-1998 Steve Sampson 1998-1999 Robin Chapple 1999-2000 Peter Marriage 2000-2001 Rob Lloyd 2001-2002 Bev Baker 2002-2003 Joe Di Natale 2003-2004
Who ya gunna call ! President Steve Crosling 0417 595 282 Secretary Greg Paull 0427 712 688 Treasurer Greg Adams 0419 355 842
Geoff Swan 2004-2005
Editor: Greg Adams Art Director: Greg Adams Advertising : Greg Adams Bottle washer : Greg as well Editorial: send to ferrarigreg@gmail.com
Caution: The Bulletin contains no calories, vitamins, minerals or proteins. In fact, it is devoid of nutritional value. Nevertheless, it is a supplement much sought after and regularly devoured by the Rotarians of Diamond Creek. Note: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Club or its members
John Gatt 2005-2006 John Arthur 2006-2007 Linda Gidlund 2007-2008 Alan White 2008-2009 Pat Millar 2009-2010 Clyde Hulme 2010-2011
The dream of Esther Wamaithe Administrator and founder is to develop the primary section and expand it to a secondary school. Tender Foot Self help School was founded in 1996 by Esther Wamai, a former teacher at Mama Ngina Children's Home. On moving to Kangemi, she was distressed to see children as young as three years old roaming the streets unsupervised. With groups of local women, she formed a self help group, organization and registered with the Ministry of culture and Social Services.
FROM THE EDITOR Our Club sponsors 4 students and as a number of members do also I took the liberty to publish a copy of the latest Newsletter from the school. The forming and growth of the school has been a testament to the dedication of Esther. Esther was, as a child was bashed and abused. The School from its humble beginnings to today it is an outstanding achievement and her story is inspirational.
Alan Jones 2011-2012
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14th August Page 2
WHAT’S ON, WHO’S ON AND WHEN’S IT ON 14th AUGUST 2012 TUESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Plenty Valley Disability Services—Sarah Loughtrey
Attend, Alan W, L, Chair, Pat M,, Cash Greg
A, Welcome Phil C, Regalia Ern W, Raffle Gift Bev B.
21st AUGUST 2012 TUESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Training—Partners Night Attend, Phil C, Chair, John E, Cash Greg A, Welcome Tina E, Regalia Linda G, Raffle Gift Greg A.
28st AUGUST 2012 TUESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Club Ass.
Attend, Jacqui H , Chair, Steve C, Cash Greg A,Welcome Arthur L, Regalia Alan
J, Raffle Gift Warwick L.
4th SEPTEMBER 2012 TUESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Attend, Alan W , Chair, Rod M, Cash Greg A, Welcome Pat M, Regalia David P, Raffle Gift Roger K.
Molly Chapple birthday
Aug 19
Alan Jones birthday
Aug 25
Bev Baker birthday, Molly and Robin anniversary
Aug 30
Kerry and Alan anniversary.
Sept 2
Alan White joined this club 18 years ago.
Sept 3
Kerry Jones birthday
Sept 7
Peter Hodge birthday, Pat Millar birthday.
PLEASE WELCOME TONIGHTS SPEAKER SARAH LONGHREY Sarah Loughrey has worked for Plenty Valley Community Health, in the Disability area for 10 years. Sarah is a disability instructor and senior practitioner for independent support packages. They are looking at running a special program in 2013 for Year 12 school leavers, this program is called “P.I.T.” Pursuing Independent Pathways. The program will be held at “Farm Vigarno” in South Morang. rotary club of diamond creek inc RCDC
14th August Page 3
THE PRESIDENTIAL CROSS CHAT XRAY STEVE Great news – the Board will be pleased to announce that the following positions have been filled: Sharraine Ballao (Family of Rotary), Arthur Lewin (Programme) and Alan Jones (Public Relations) We extend a grateful thanks to these volunteers and I am sure that every club member will extend whatever assistance is required to these members if and when they should request it. This now means the PHF PP Bev Baker can focus on her role as President Elect, Club Administration and of course On To Conference.
At last week’s meeting we heard from Sharraine Ballao in her “Person behind the Rotarian” presentation which kept us all enthralled and amused in learning something about a person that we only usually see as a Rotarian. The other side if you like. We will be running a number of these presentations throughout the year and we would be looking for some life background from the newer / younger Rotarians and from the older / longer serving Rotarians some background on what they have achieved as a Rotarian. We may also introduce some profession or career presentations – in other words tell us what your job entails.
It’s amazing
what some of us do and get up to!
Also at our last meeting we received our latest shelter box certificate number 11217. This
following the ‘Track my Box’ link. This box is yet to be deployed, but our previous boxes were deployed to Java, Peru (x2) & Pakistan.
Apart from the fantastic effort
that our club has put in for both Shelter Box and Aqua Box it makes you appreciate what a truly great humanitarian effort Rotary International has made when you look at the certificate number – that’s the number of Shelter Boxes that have been put together for deployment in times of human suffering.
When prospective
members ask “What does Rotary do?” this is certainly one of the activities that we can mention with pride.
A reminder to all members – when arriving at dinner meetings and checking in with the cashier please remember to list your makeups AND the number of hours that you have contributed to our Rotary projects. This is now part of our reporting process that has been initiated by DG John Gatt and it is a lot easier to do this on a weekly basis rather than someone trying to work it out 6 months down the track. Secretary Greg Paull would not be happy!!
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14th August Page 4
Toast to Australia: Pat Miller Rotary grace: Alan White Visiting Rotarians: None Guests: None Shelterbox: We have received our latest shelter box certificate: number 11217. This can be tracked from the www.shelterboxaustralia.com.au website and following the ‘Track my Box’ link. This box is yet to be deployed, but our previous boxes were deployed to Java, Peru (x2) & Pakistan. Service Projects: Please note that from tonight you need to record your time spent on community service or service project eg town fair, bbqs, youth exchange etc. This does not include time spent on Regular meetings, board meetings etc. This goes into the time that rotary spends in the community. Our outgoing exchange student has pulled out for this year but would like to be considered next year. Conference: Rob, Greg A & John are going to Ballarat this Friday for a pre conference visit. Please remember to book your accommodation in Ballarat. NZ Visitors: NZ visitors are now all allocated to hosts. Thanks to all those hosting. Other: We have a BBQ for the Eltham toy library on September 1st. Volunteers needed please. Sharraine has taken on Family of Rotary from Bev. Arthur will take on Program scheduling. Still looking for someone to do PR role. Chair for tonight Arthur Leewin Sargent Roger used illicitly gained information to fine his fellow Rotarians. Rotarian Behind the Badge: Sharraine Ballao Sharraine was born in Cairns and soon moved to Silkwood. Her family were sugar cane growers. She loved music when growing up and learned to play the Organ, French horn and Tap dancing! First connection to Rotary was when she was a debutant at a Rotary sponsored deb night. Sharraine went to High School in Innisfail FNQ. Her first job was with an agricultural bank (now part of Suncorp). She married at 20 and had Mareesa at 22. Sharraine had a Tupperware job and was very successful at running parties – up to 10-12 a week....! Moved to Melbourne (more opportunity than Innisfail) and got a job at NAB, then worked at the Austin hospital admin dept, then moved to LePine and been there for 9 years now. Sharraine travelled overseas to Greece for a couple of months 5 years ago. Sharraine joined Rotary as she was interested in volunteer and community work and to be involved in the local community and wanted to be involved in something that Mareesa could be involved in as well. She still plays the organ and would love to get into theatre, enjoys movies, festivals, history and would love to go to Iraq for its history. Raffle raised $32 Won by Pat! Fines $30 Meeting closed at 8:11 rotary club of diamond creek inc RCDC
14th August Page 5
TENDER FOOT SCHOOL P.O. Box 23482- 00625 NAIROBI CELL PHONE: 0722 377 315 / 0716 199 073 Newsletter Updates June to July 2012 We are glad to update you on our school progress. It has been a busy month with so many activities as laid out below:
Half term Break The children did their half term exams and had a break for their half term on Friday 29 th May 2012. They reported back on Tuesday 5th June 2012, ready to continue with their studies. The weather is chilly but we are surviving. The month of June was smooth with the learning activities going on well. Classes 7& 8 have done their fourth exam and they are doing well. Class eight will be doing their mocks exam by the end of July so we are getting them ready since this exam is done countrywide and is a preparation of their end of year exam which they will be doing in early November as their final primary 8 exam.
Education Trip Our Classes 7 had their education trip on 26th June where they visited our Kenya National Archives where they studied about the historical and cultural activities of our country.
This was followed by our class 5 & 6 who visited our Meteorological department where they learnt about weather. This is where the weather station is doing the coverage of the whole of our country and they give guidelines and information about weather, it’s in place called Dagoretti in the eastern side of the Capital city Nairobi and its very near our school about ten kilometers away.
We also had our class 4 trip who also visited the Kenya National Archives for their history lesson. The Kenya National Archives is located in the city centre.
Kenya National Archives
Pupils are being taught at National Archives
Volunteer Guest We were happy and privileged to have a visitor from The U.K. by name Richard Baines who is a teacher by profession. He was such an inspiration to us and his stay with us was an honour. He arrived at our school on the 10 th of July, and we welcomed him together with the children doing their normal gigs for our visitor who looked very excited. We called him teacher Richard because he wanted to be treated like one of us and he wanted to feel comfortable around us. He immediately embarked in teaching our children and he enjoyed very much interacting with them and sharing his ideas with them. He also taught them some IT techniques and our children were so excited towards this new lesson. In fact we have told him that he has done a ground breaking on this one and we are not going to stop but to start.
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14th August Page 6
Pupils attending IT classes
We may not have a computer classroom, but somehow we can start with one or two computers which we have to encourage these children.
On Friday 13th July 2012, Teacher Richard actually accompanied the class four together with their teachers on their trip to the Kenya National Archives and he also got to learn about our history and culture. He was very excited to actually visit the city centre for the first time. He also shared this experience and information with the children when they came back to school.
Tr. Richard taken a photo with the pupils at the Kenya National Archives
Parents Class meetings We had some class meeting on 17th, 18th and 20th of July between parents and teachers where some academic issues were discussed for the betterment of our children’s education the turn-up was overwhelming and we appreciated the parent for their dedication towards their children’s affairs, all meeting were chaired by our principal Esther Wamai. Teacher Richard was able to sit on all meetings and got to experience the interaction between the parents and the teachers and how some issues are handled. His opinion was very positive. On the 19th of July, 2012, Teacher Esther got a chance to take Teacher Richard to visit our old school premises and the Kangemi, Kawangware, Kibera slums. He was surprised to know that some of our children actually come from these very poor surroundings. He actually got firsthand experience.
Former school premises
Kibera slums
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14th August Page 7
Time has flown by and on Thursday the 26 th of July we held a farewell party for Teacher Richard who will be going back to U.K. on Tuesday 31 st of July 2012. It was very colourful and we shared a cake, sang some farewell songs, had some poems and raps dedicated to him for the good times we shared and learnt together. Friday 27th July 2012, we had to take our small children for a trip to the Orphanage and the Bomas of Kenya this were children between ages 3 and 8 who are in baby class to class 3. Teacher Richard accompanied the children and he gave such a supportive hand. He also got a difference experience altogether. We had a chance to see our wildlife and our culture in both places. We are very proud to have had such a teacher and it is our wish that he will get another chance to visit us again.
Pupils at the Bomas of Kenya
Pupils watching buffalos at the Orphanage
Our children are sitting for their end of term exam which starts on Tuesday 31 st July, 2012 to Thursday 2nd July, 2012. We shall be closing our school on 7th August, 2012 for a vacation of three weeks and we shall re-open the school on Tuesday 4th September, 2012. We are sad to have lost yet another parent of two boys who are in our school in class 6 and class 1. We lost her on Thursday 2nd August, 2012. Our condolences go to the family and friends.
Pupils doing their end term exams
We would like to take this opportunity to pass our utmost gratitude to all our sponsors and friends for supporting us this far. We wish you all the best and we shall keep you posted on any development that may arise.
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14th August Page 8
MESSAGE FROM THE DG JOHN GATT August! A month of my year has already gone. Time really does fly when you are having fun. Eileen and I attended another seven changeovers and nine DG visits. We also visited the ‘about to be formed’ new breakfast club Albury-Wodonga Sunrise. Very appropriate considering August is Membership and Extension month. The club has already organised its first major project, which will be a netball event, the Corporate Netball Blitz, to be held on 3rd August at The Scots School Albury. We also visited my original club, Coburg. The RC of Coburg had a great night to celebrate fifteen years of projects in Vietnam. The RC Coburg started the first project in Vietnam in 1996 with the establishment of the planning and experimental development of a model coffee tree plantation. In 1999 I was privileged to visit Vietnam with another nine Rotarians and friends. We visited and opened two school buildings the club had built in Dak Lak Vietnam, and gave sixty push-bikes to sixty very excited children. The club continued its work in Vietnam with the Vietnamese Street Children Project. This project helped a women’s help group in Ho Chi Minh City to run evening classes for disadvantaged children at the Vinh Dien Primary School. On the 21st and 22nd of July we attended the Rotary Success Conference (a brainstorming workshop on membership) which was held in Canberra. RI President Elect Ron Burton gave an inspiring and motivating speech from his heart. Past RI Director Stuart Heal and new RI Director John Boag also spoke. The last key note speaker was Kristy Sword Gusmão wife of Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister andformer President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Kristy spoke about her Alola Foundation that supports Woman and children in Timor- Leste. Breakout sessions were also held at the conference with trained facilitators who were able to control and deliver quality outcomes. If you would like to find out more about what happened at the Canberra Rotary Success Conference, the RDU web site will have more information. Peace through Service is this year’s theme and I have asked all club Presidents to advise me of their club service during each month. See the back page of this newsletter to see the service that clubs in our district have done during July. If your club is not mentioned please tell your President to sent me the service your club has done so it can be included in next mouths Gatt’s Gazette.
John Gatt District Governor 2012-2013 Rotary District 9790
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14th August Page 9
Phone 03 9438 3044
Fax: 03 9438 4070
“Holy @#$% Batman, how many sleeps to go?
Advance Australia Fair
Rotary Grace
Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia fair! In joyful strains then let us sing, "Advance Australia fair!"
O Lord and giver of all good We thank you for our daily food May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, help us to serve you all our days.
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14th August Page 10