rotary club of diamond creek inc. bulletin
Ap ril
17th April 2012 Page
District 9790
On the Cover
rotary club of diamond creek inc.
Bulletin Volu me 20 I ssu e36 17th April 2012
ABOVE Forensic Chemistry RMIT Melbourne The Next Step Program
RI President Kalyan Benerjee Rotary Club of Vapi Governor David Anderson Rotary Club of Yea
BELOW Vaccine Research at CSL Melbourne The Nest Step Program
AG Pat Miller Rotary Club of Diamond Creek Club Officers President Vice President President Elect Secretary & Attendance Treasurer & Public Officer
Alan Jones PP Clyde Hulme Steve Crosling Eileen Gatt Greg Adams
Directors and Standing Committees Club Administration PE Steve Crosling Membership John Egan Public Relations PP Bev Baker, Service Projects PP Alan White Rotary Foundation PP Linda Gidlund
Who ya gunna call ! President Alan Jones Secretary Eileen Gatt Treasurer Greg Adams
0414861558 0427712688 0419355842
One of the most important elements of the January Forum is the program of half-day visits to research and industry facilities. Students go on a range of visits depending on their stated areas of scientific interest. The range covers physics, maths and computing, chemistry, biomedicine, animal and plant biology, earth and environmental sciences, and engineering. The aim is to inform, inspire, and challenge students to consider what working in different fields is really like. They have a unique opportunity to talk to dozens of practicing scientists and engineers at and about their work.
Editor: Greg Adams Art Director: Greg Adams Advertising : Greg Adams Bottle washer : Greg as well Editorial: send to ferrarigreg@gmail.com
Caution: The Bulletin contains no calories, vitamins, minerals or proteins. In fact, it is devoid of nutritional value. Nevertheless, it is a supplement much sought after and regularly devoured by the Rotarians of Diamond Creek. Note: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Club or its members
rotary club of diamond creek inc. bulletin
17th April 2012 Page 2
the program/up and coming calendar and who’s doin what 17th April 2012 Tuesday
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM NYSF Presentation
Attend: Lady in waiting Eileen, Chair: Cptn Peter Beans: Greg, Door man: 1st mate Jacqui John Art Work: RYLA Linda Prize: Sen Serg Kinghty Knight
24th April 2012 Tuesday
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Club Ass.
Attend: Baby Chuck David, Chair: Grand Poobear Alan Beans: Greg, Door man: Temp Tester Rod Art Work: Holliday Geoff Prize: Sparkie Ern
1st May 2012 Tuesday
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Surviving the Police Academy—Christopher Knight
Attend: White House Alan, Chair: Sen Serg Kinghty Knight Beans: Greg, Door man: Chear squad Bev Art Work: Sharraine Digger Prize: Xray Steve
8th May 2012 Tuesday
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Australian Rotary Health John Leadbeater
15th May 2012 Tuesday
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Donydji Program Jon Baly
22nd May 2012 Tuesday 29th May 2012 Tuesday
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Rotarian behind the badge Greg Paull
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Club Ass
2nd June 2012 Saturday 7.00 PM - 11.30 PM
20th Birthday bash
life's events Apr 13 Linda & Roger - anniversary Diamond Creek Apr 23 Lexie & Steve - anniversary Diamond Creek May 9 Linda Knight—birthday May 10 Lillias and Cliff anniversary May11 Peter Hodge joined Rotary 1 year ago
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17th April 2012 Page 3
from the president keeping up with the joneses! “In
youth we learn; in age we understand.” Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach (Austrian novelist, 1830-1916)
Young people are the key to Australia’s future. Without a generation of talented, capable youth, our future would be very bleak. We need young people who are dedicated and committed and who are keen to contribute to the country’s future, which is why it is important as a Rotary Club that we continue to invest in the future of youth. One of the most rewarding roles of being a Rotarian is connecting with amazing young people who we have met through a variety of our New Generations programs. In the past year, we have met some remarkable young people who have come to our notice through RYLA and Rotaract. We are fortunate to have our Youth Exchange participant, Bea, who will be telling us in a future meeting about her recent experience at RYPEN and last year we had our Ambassadorial Scholar, Mariko who gained so much from her program. Tonight’s meeting will be no exception as our Guest Speakers are Diamond Creek’s two representatives at the National Youth Science Forum, Natasha Maden and Steven Despotellis. The National Youth Science Forum is a twelve day program for students who have completed Year 11 and who are considering a career in in science, engineering and technology. Rotary has been in partnership with the program since 1984.
past presidents Brian Bowen 1978-1979 Heidelberg North Bob Eycken 1983-1984 Alperton UK John McCrohan 1992-1993
from a program such as this. I am sure that we will all see just how beneficial it has been and ensure that each year we seek other youth to participate. Whilst we will be hearing exciting things from youth on Tuesday night, on Wednesday we will be engaging with people from the other end of the age spectrum. Over the past few weeks we have informed you that there will be an interest meeting in Doreen for people who may wish to join a new Probus Club. Ern has put an enormous amount of work into organising this and from the number of enquiries that he has had, I know that it will be a great success. Probus is a great networking and social outlet for retired people and currently there is little opportunity for that in the Doreen area. Again, I am pleased that our club is meeting a need in the local community. In our club, we are not just focusing upon one age group, but trying to encompass all generations and to assist them where possible. It is certainly satisfying to see the end results of our hard work pay off. Alan Jones Alan Jones
Ron Gordon 1993-1994 Chris Doupe 1994-1995 Cliff Wearne 1995-1996 Ern Wardell 1996-1997 Rod Mackenzie 1997-1998 Steve Sampson 1998-1999 Robin Chapple 1999-2000 Peter Marriage 2000-2001 Rob Lloyd 2001-2002 Bev Baker 2002-2003 Joe Di Natale 2003-2004 Geoff Swan 2004-2005 John Gatt 2005-2006 John Arthur 2006-2007 Linda Gidlund 2007-2008 Alan White 2008-2009 Pat Millar 2009-2010 Clyde Hulme 2010-2011
After participating in a very demanding selection process, Natasha and Steven were chosen to be amongst the successful students who would participate in this very intensive program. Having read Steven’s report I am delighted to see just how much young people gain
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17th April 2012 Page 4
as it happened Rob Lloyd welcomed President Alan Jones Steve Crosling led Rotary Grace Ern Wardell led the Toast. Make-ups Rob visited the RC of Greensborough for the presentation of Paul Harris Fellow awards to the members receiving them. They are now at 100% for their club members who hold a PHF. Linda visited the Melbourne University Rotaract Club to do a presentation of the Shelter Box. President Alan advised the club that he had submitted the "Presidential Citation" to District Governor David. Alan thanked Greg A for his assistance. Birthday bash invitation letters for Saturday the 2nd June are going out next week to everyone. Ern reported that he has caught up with a lot of past members in organising the 20th Anniversary Birthday night. Saturday night 14th April, Ern, Greg A and Greg P are going to RC of Yea for handover and discussions of 2012 Conference. President Alan passed on to the members from Bernie Lamers that next Wednesday the 18th April, the RC of Preston's luncheon's speaker was an RSL Official and would any of the members like to attend. Pat Millar and Roger Knight put their hand up to attend. Ern and some of the other members would have liked to have attended, however this is on the same day of the interest meeting for a local Probus Club in Laurimer. Rob also mentioned the RC of Greensborough's Breakfast Meeting at the Old England Hotel in Heidelberg, Tuesday 22 May - 7.00am for 7.30am. Speaker is from BUPA. We hope to get as many members that can to attend from the club. Rob has the tickets. Steve Crosling introduced our guest speaker Josh Wood. Josh had a very serious snowboard accident which left him being told he would never walk again.This is Josh's second visit to us as guest speaker and once again he impressed us with his talk. He talked about "Project Walk" and his ability to walk upright because of this program and his determination. The Bulletin this week (10th April) has featured an article on the "History of Project Walk" We presented a cheque to Josh to assist him along the way. Josh's story is featured on Page 224 - titled "Passion for Speed." in the book "The Well-Adjusted Soul feel good stories from the Heart of Chiropractic." To follow Josh - check out his Facebook Page. Raffle $34.00, Fines $22.00 Cheers Pat.
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17th April 2012 Page 5
NATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM (NYSF) Conducted in Canberra since 1984, over two-week sessions each January, the NYSF is one of the largest Rotary supported programs in Australia. The NYSF can be described by its name as follows:
NATIONAL... Each year all 23 Rotary Districts throughout Australia select the 288 students to attend the NYSF. With more than 500 Clubs participating every year and quotas for each of the 23 Districts being determined by the number of Clubs in each District, regional and remote areas, as well as major urban centers, are included. YOUTH... Students are chosen in Year 11 of their secondary education and attend just prior to entering Year 12. These young people interact with experts, staff and 150 other students in all aspects of the forum. One of the great successes of NYSF is that it is run by students for students, with the 14 staff at each session being only one or two years beyond Year 12. SCIENCE... A greater appreciation of the sciences and of achieving successful careers in science is the driving force of NYSF. This is provided through major partners including the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, the Australian National University, CSIRO and many others. FORUM... The NYSF does not teach science - that is the responsibility of schools and universities. It does, however, engender a greater knowledge and passion for sciences as well as improving each student's personal development, their perception, communication and organisational skills and provides valuable contacts, friendships and mentors. For more information visit the NYSF website www.nysf.edu.au or call the NYSF Committee Contact - Derek Jones. PURPOSE... To promote and co-ordinate the participation of selected senior students under Rotary sponsorship in the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra. Lab visits include:
Forensic Chemistry
rotary club of diamond creek inc. bulletin
Earth Science 17th April 2012 Page 6
April is Magazine Month April is Magazine Month, a time to celebrate the global network of Rotary’s official magazines, which provide valuable information to 1.2 million Rotarians. The Rotary World Magazine Press consists of 32 magazines from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe that inform, inspire, and entertain in 23 languages. In addition to The Rotarian, Rotary’s English-language flagship publication, it offers magazines such as Vida Rotaria (Argentina), Rotary in Bulgaria, and The Rotary-no-Tomo (Japan). The RI Bylaws require all club members to subscribe to The Rotarian or a Rotary regional magazine. Rotary leaders, district governors, and club presidents are encouraged to support magazine editors in their country or region by submitting story ideas, promoting readership, encouraging timely subscription payments, and assisting with other communication efforts. 19 Comments: At 2:14PM on 5 April 2012, Sundeep Arora RC Thane North D 3140 wrote:Rotary Magazine any media but print media is the best for public relations not only enhancing the image but has a reach unthinkable - where and when one will read and goal is achieved. A best tool for bringing in new enthusiastic members
Snippets from other Clubs NATHALIA Re flood recovery weekend of 21st & 22nd of this month, have e-mailed Kerang to get more details about numbers coming, times, etc. A bus load of volunteers is expected but we don't know if it's a large or small bus. There have been e-mails from Kevin Bourke and Gary Cleveland also about this weekend and there are over 60 volunteers expected through Boroondara cares. The ladies of the Cobram Bowling Club are putting on a dinner on the night of Saturday, 21st and a number of us will go and support this. There are about 6 addresses, at this stage, where help is needed with cleaning up after flood. Anyone knowing other people who need assistance, please say so.
COROWA BBQ this meeting – bring a chair, alcoholic beverage and mozzie goo. A-L bring a
salad, M-W bring a sweet or just bring whatever and turn up. If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the other's here for? How important does a person have to be before he is considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out!" If marriage is an institution and love is blind, wouldn't married couples in love belong to an institution for the blind? Why does a 'slight tax increase' cost you $200 and a 'substantial tax cut' save you 30 cents?
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17th April 2012 Page 7
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Phone 03 9438 3044
Fax: 03 9438 4070 Email: sales@lpwarrenhomes.com.au
Rotary Grace O Lord and giver of all good
Advance Australia Fair
We thank you for our daily food
Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia fair!
May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, help us to serve you all our days.
The Diamond Creek Rotary Town fair 2012 starts in
146 days
Conference 2013 starts in
331 days
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17th April 2012 Page 8