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A Rotarian from Trivandrum visits an Australian club

It was a memorable experience for Rtn Sivaprasad S Pillai from RC Trivandrum South, RID 3211, to make a presentation about his club and its project activities as a guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Wynnum and Manly, RID 9260, Australia.
The club is located 25km east of Brisbane and after the guest lecture, the Rotarians made a donation to the Foundation’s PolioPlus campaign to mark the occasion. “My talk was well accepted by the members and I got some leads for a joint international project,” said Pillai.
Club president Tracey Wyatt and Sivaprasad and mentioning the donation to TRF’s PolioPlus campaign which will help immunise 10 children and Manly was a “classic example of cultural integration and global networking of Rotarians,” he said.