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ARMA Webinar on Use of Robotics for the Application of Mould in Graphics
This webinar is an industry update on the project that ARMA has funded along with ARMCE and in conjunction with the Queens University Belfast. It forms part of a PhD project at Queen’s University on the development, simulation, and optimisation of an Advanced Robotic Manufacturing Cell for the rotational moulding process. This project aims to develop the level of automation and technology use in the rotational moulding process and the webinar provided insight into the development of the project around using automation for the application of graphics and was presented by the QUB PhD student, Conor Moore.
ARMA Networking Events a Success
With the postponement of our annual conference and the limited travel allowed within Australia and New Zealand, the decision was made to host a series of networking events in Australia and New Zealand in conjunction with the launch of the online Masterclass at the Machine video series. Starting with a breakfast in Brisbane, then a brunch in Melbourne, and a luncheon in Auckland, over 85 attendees took the time to get together, for the first time in 2 years.
Based around the opportunity to network in a casual environment, there were presentations from Masterclass Sponsors, PSI Brand, Qenos, Matrix Polymers & Micropellets Australia as well as insight into where ARMA is heading over the next 2 years. The first of the Masterclass at the Machine technical video series was then played as everyone enjoyed their meal and took the time to catch up.
The feedback was extremely positive and smaller, localised events will be organised over the next 12 months, as we strive to open up and hopefully be able to conference again in 2022
Safety Takes Priority for ARMA
The Safety Working Group started coming together at the beginning of this year, kicking off with a review of the Large Product Delivery Guide. This guide outlines the responsibilities that relate to the loading and unloading of large products and is designed to help support the respective safety journey of our members and supporters. They are now reviewing the ARMA Machine Guarding Guide, which will be released in the coming month.
The group has also initiated a unique concept for the PPE safety posters that have been printed and posted out to all members, focussing on eye protection, ear protection, safety glasses and vests.
100% of ARMA Members & Supporters to be Pledge Zero Pellet Loss by 2023
The Environment Group have set some big goals this year and one of them is that all our members and supporters have been through the Operation Clean Sweep audit process and have pledged their commitment. It’s one way that our industry can do their part in ensuring the best environment and water ways for the future. It an easy process within our partnership with Operation Clean Sweep.
The Plastics Industry Association introduced the Operation Clean Sweep® program to the USA in 1992. Since then, it has also been successfully implemented in over 22 jurisdictions including Europe, New Zealand, and Canada. The message is simple: Resin pellets should be contained, reclaimed, and/or disposed of properly. The program has now been introduced to Australia and is funded through the Victorian Government’s Litter Hotspots Program.
Operation Clean Sweep® aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich, and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognise that ending poverty must go together with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.
Specifically, Operation Clean Sweep® links to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
• Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure • Sustainable Cities & Communities • Responsible Consumption & Production • Life Below Water • Partnerships For The Goals
The program with its self-audit process is being promoted through the membership and assisted audits are currently offered in New Zealand and will soon be available in Australia too.
ARMA Working With RHA Around Changes To Water Tank Legislation
ARMA believes that working partnerships with other associations support our industry in a beneficial way and our relationship with Rainwater Harvesting Australia and its industry groups is one way we are developing this.
Currently the NSW Government is considering recommendations to remove the rainwater harvesting requirement from BASIX (Building Sustainability Index), which has a major impact on the industry in NSW, but also lays a foundation that could spread throughout Australia. BASIX was introduced in 2004 to ensure new homes and major renovations were sustainable and we were protecting our water and energy resources.
“One of the key findings of the original BASIX research was that builders don’t receive any benefit from installing water efficient equipment, which would result in lower water bills as well as reducing the need for expensive infrastructure for water efficiency. As a result, builders are generally opposed to BASIX as it adds to their time and costs. The water industry would also much prefer customers to use utility water rather than rainwater as they are in the business of building and maintaining water infrastructure.
This situation is a clear demonstration of ‘market failure’ and explains why the economically efficient BASIX was a critical intervention by government.
Another serious problem is the combination of more buildings and road coverings. This combined with the heavier predicted rainfall in our cities will increase localised ‘flash’ flooding damaging our precious natural waterways. It should be noted that since BASIX was introduced, rainwater harvesting has been recognised as an important engineering solution for stormwater management and will be increasingly important in the future as stormwater runoff increases with further urban and regional development. In the next drought we will find that the water infrastructure we invested in so heavily is now insufficient to meet demand as the water from our rooves goes down the gutter to cause flooding and increase insurance premiums. Today’s politicians have largely forgotten the lessons of the Millennium drought.” (published on the RHA website, https://rainwaterharvesting.org.au/ from article “Basix must be retained to secure or water future, August 5th.)
ARMA is working alongside RHA and other organisations to collate a response from the rainwater industry to local government as well as the decision makers around this legislative change.
BPF Launches PolymerJobs.co.uk to Promote Plastics Industry Jobs

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) has recently launched PolymerJobs.co.uk, a new website that lists available positions within the industry.
The website specialises in plastics jobs, such as toolmakers, shift engineers, sales managers, project engineers, technicians, and many other roles critical to the industry. Companies are invited to submit their jobs to be posted on the site by filling out a form which asks important details about the role, a service that is initially free to BPF member firms.
The plastics industry has in previous years reported that finding skilled staff is a key area of focus for many companies, with a recent BPF survey finding that 42% of plastics companies report difficulty recruiting new staff. The new website is an initiative by the BPF to help recruit skilled individuals into the industry by helping to promote the excellent range of roles and opportunities to jobseekers.
Alongside the opportunity to post jobs, companies will also have the option to have their job featured and highlighted at the top of the search results page. Director General of the British Plastics Federation, Philip Law, states:
“Led by the BPF Education and Skills Committee, this initiative is an important effort to help promote the great range of roles the plastics industry offers skilled individuals. For the industry’s continued and heathy growth, it is of course vital that individuals with key skills are matched up to the important roles that exist today. We hope that polymerjobs.co.uk can help contribute in this area, and the BPF will continue its work to help promote recruitment in the industry.”
The BPF continues to work closely with its members to promote the plastics industry and more information on these efforts, such as a spotlight on different plastic careers, as well as a new polymer careers video, can be found at www.polymerzone.co.uk.
For further information on education and skills issues and the BPF’s activities, please contact Mo Elkhalifa at melkhalifa@bpf. co.uk or on +44(0) 207 457 5046
The BPF Launches Online Recycling Resource with Plastics Europe & RECOUP
The British Plastics Federation (BPF), in conjunction with PlasticsEurope and RECOUP, has launched a new online recycling resource kit aimed at educating students about recycling plastics and the science of polymers.
Tied to the national curriculum and featuring a simple but informative ‘sink-float’ experiment, the new resource aims to turn students into ‘recycling champions’. The resource can be found on the Times Educational Supplement (TES) website as well as on the BPF’s PolymerZone.co.uk.
Teachers can use the free online kit to help students learn how the recycling system works, as well as to explore the scientific properties of different polymers. The sink-float experiment is a hands-on way of learning how recyclers correctly sort distinct types of plastic.
The kit is designed for Key Stage 2 students aged between 7 and 11 years old and the materials needed for the experiments are simple to source. These can be found from milk cartons, empty bottles, and plastic bags.
British Plastics Federation Director General Philip Law states: “Working closely with PlasticsEurope and RECOUP, we are very proud to launch this special plastic recycling resource for schools. Understanding recycling plastic has never been more vital. We hope educating young students about the interesting science behind collecting, sorting and reprocessing plastic waste will help encourage positive participation in recycling and allow young people to see how their actions at home benefit the environment and make a real difference.” PlasticsEurope Resource Efficiency Senior Manager Adrian Whyle added: “We have welcomed the opportunity to be part of creating this unique plastic recycling resource for schools. Our aim is that by using this valuable resource young citizens will understand the importance of their contribution in driving up recycling rates and the associated reductions in littering. Equipped with this knowledge they too can become agents for change in helping society reach its Circular Economy objectives whilst at the same time mitigating against climate change”.
Anne Hitch, Head of Citizen and Stakeholder Strategy, at RECOUP added: “These experiments are an engaging way to educating young people about plastics and challenge students to think about the material in a scientific way. This type of education is crucial if we are to recruit the innovative plastics scientists of tomorrow. I hope that the students will thoroughly enjoy taking part in this free online resource.” In addition to this free online kit, other free resources for teachers, parents, and students are available at www. polymerzone.co.uk. For further information on education and skills and the BPF’s activities in this area, please contact Mo Elkhalifa at: melkhalifa@bpf.co.uk.
Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia Inc. Tel: +61 (0) 7 3812 1450 www.rotationalmoulding.com CEO: Michelle Rose Cheif Executive Officer: Michelle Rose michellerose@rotationalmoulding.com
Association of Rotational Moulding (Central Europe) e.V. (ARM-CE) MAUS GmbH - Rotationsgießformen Am Viehweg 9 - D-76229 Karlsruhe Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 103433 Tel.: +49 (0) 7 21 / 9 48 74 12 Fax: +49 (0) 7 21 / 9 48 74 44 Mr. Oliver Wandres, ARM-CE Chairman info@rotational-moulding.de www.rotational-moulding.de Association of Rotational Moulders Southern Africa PO Box 6966 Birchleigh 1621 Gauteng, South Africa Tel: +27 82 772 3769 Fax +27 12 541 1738 Chairman: Grant Heroldt info@armsa.co.za www.armsa.co.za
British Plastics Federation Rotational Moulding Group 6 Bath Place Rivington Street London EC2A 3JE United Kingdom Tel: 020 7457 5000 Fax: 020 7457 5045 Chairman: Mr. Philip Maddox PhilipM@LeafieldEnv.com IT-RO Italia Rotazionale Katia Zoppetti Via E. Brigatti 12 20152 Milano (MI) Italy Tel: +039 348 7652560 www.it-ro.it
The Nordic Association of Rotational Moulders Executive Board Chairman: Mr. Ronny Ervik ul. Zielona 8, 61-851 Poznan, Poland Tel: +48 607-126-004 Fax: +48 61-858-8611 info@rotomoulding-europe.org www.nordicrotomoulding.org www.rotomoulding-europe.org Society of Asian Rotomoulders (StAR) 40/145, Ground Floor, Chittaranjan Park New Delhi 110019 Tel: + 91-11-41630157 Fax: +91-11-41634952 Mob: + 91- 9810305356 sb.zaman@staraisa.org arnacz@satyam.net.in www.starasia.org