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race Day Cancellation Alteration

Race Day Cancellation & Alteration policy

We know how hard you’ve worked to get to the start line, and we hope you know how hard we’ve been working all year to make race weekend special for you! This weekend matters a great deal to us all, but sometimes, plans change based on safety concerns. It is the primary goal of the Williams Route 66 Marathon to provide and ensure a safe event for participants, volunteers, and community attendees alike. We will be diligent in not exposing our participants, volunteers, or the community at large to any undue risk in the production and/or execution of the event. Decisions regarding race cancellations and/or alterations will be based on the safety of the larger community as well as the safety of the participants. Moreover, if community resources are threatened, we will act to protect them from unnecessary stress. Please know that we understand exactly how important race day is to you, and we do not take any decisions regarding cancellation or alteration lightly. When weather conditions or other hazardous conditions present a danger to the participants as a whole, the Williams Route 66 Marathon officials reserve the right to cancel the race. Less threatening conditions could cause the alteration of the race, including the alteration of the race course and/or length of the race to ensure participant, volunteer, and community safety. The conditions fall under an “Act of God” and will not result in the refunding of any race entry fee or issuance of future race credits. The staging of an event of this magnitude places a significant financial burden on the Williams Route 66 Marathon organization prior to the event date, as the vast majority of costs are paid in advance. Thus, in the event of a forced race cancellation or alteration, it is probable that the financial impact on the race would not be any different than if the race were held without compromise. The Williams Route 66 Marathon officials, along with City of Tulsa officials, will make decisions regarding the cancellation or alteration of the race in hazardous conditions. Prior to the race, the Williams Route 66 Marathon officials will inform the participants of the weather conditions and how the on-course flag system designation works. Williams Route 66 Marathon officials will describe any changes that may be considered as a result of weather or other unsafe conditions. In the case of a course evacuation, Williams Route 66 Marathon officials, Tulsa Police, and other City of Tulsa officials will communicate throughout the race course to direct participants to safe shelters to await transportation back to the start and/or finish area.