Job Seekers
Fit or Misfit?
More often than not when employees leave a new employer within the first six months the issue is around misalignment because they have realised that either they were not the right fit for the company, or the company was not the right fit for them. How an employee ‘fits’ into their new environment will ultimately determine the success that employee will have in the company. So, what are the questions to ask your future employer to determine if the company will be the right fit for you?
By Thembile Cele, HR Specialist
A ‘fit’ can relate to the shared values, common attributes or characteristics that are found within an organisation. In HR speak we are talking about the company’s culture, which underpins the relationships within an organisation. You will see it in the way that people interact with one another, the values they hold and how they make decisions. A company’s culture can be intentionally created or it can be result from decision-making processes over time. Either way it sets the tone in an organisation. In a company where the employees fit into the culture of the company; employees are most likely to enjoy their work because their values match with the company values and they will build better relationships with colleagues and will be more productive.
Having the right ‘fit’ is just as important for employers because the cost of recruiting the right individuals and the cost of attracting the right individuals is often very high – the clearer they are in their processes in identifying the right individuals who fit into the culture are most likely to stay longer in an organisation which reduces employee turnover and eliminates the associated costs of training new hires. With rising unemployment rates and rising operating costs it is very easy to just recruit any person that fits the specification on paper. Similarly for job seekers who are competing for limited job