>>> INTRODUCTION We are five students of Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. Together we form the company ‘Creative Communications’. Creative Communications stands for a young and innovative company with creative solutions. TIC (Tilburg Innovation Center), a foundation that stimulates the growth of innovative and promising entrepreneurs, gives us the challenge to come up with a strategic advice or a concept which will grab the attention of TIC’s attention group. To realize this service for TIC, Creative Communications will be carrying out several investigations and analyses, that will be processed and featured in this project. We have developed a strategic recommendation for TIC in which way they can position themselves during the event Nu & Straks in December.
>>> TABLE OF CONTENTS Internal analysis Introduction Mission Vision Current situation Target group TIC
6 6 6 6 6 7
External analysis Competitor analysis Trends and developments
8 8 9
SWOT-analysis Confrontation matrix Conclusion
11 11 12
Problem analysis Options for TIC
13 13
Positioning strategy New corporate identity Corporate identity mix
14 14 14
Goals The ultimate objective
15 15
Implementation New corporate identity Nu & Straks event Online appearance
17 17 17 18
>>> INTERNAL ANALYSIS Introduction Tilburg Innovation Center (TIC The Business Growers) is a company that stimulates the growth of innovative and promising entrepreneurs from Brabant, who focus on medical technology, healthcare and ICT (TIC, 2015). These are entrepreneurs and companies in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (Briefing TIC Event, 2015). TIC provides support in the form of various services. They offer personal business coaching and financial support (to help in the search for funding). Next to this they provide their extensive partner network by organizing network events where knowledge, experience, expertise and services are exchanged with each other. TIC focuses its services on innovative companies, which are at the start of their growth phase and thus have growth potential. The entrepreneurs of these companies are committed, transparent, inquisitive and open to new ideas, opportunities and partnerships. This is consistent with TIC’s formula.
Mission The mission of TIC is to stimulate innovative entrepreneurs (who focus on medical technology, healthcare and ICT) to grow and help them with this and the associated entrepreneurial issues. TIC realizes this growth in collaboration with the entrepreneur by creating a customized growth plan, which should lead to measurable growth (Briefing TIC Event, 2015). TIC is the facilitator and therefor responsible for the content of the growth program. TIC implements its network, entrepreneurship and knowledge of growth. The growth plan shows what the entrepreneur needs to do in order to grow.
Vision The vision of TIC is to strengthen the economy with their initiatives. They do this by giving passionate entrepreneurs the opportunity to commercialize their innovative ideas and – with the support of the TIC – to improve their business or make it grow.
Current situation TIC started as a public and private initiative. Using their large network and with the help of committed stakeholders, they were able to fulfil their mission and achieve their goals. They have helped over 60 companies in Tilburg and gained a lot of experience. However, by the time they had spent the full 4,3 million grant (received in 2006), there were some big changes needed. They reorganised everything and now there are only a few employees left, hardly any money and not a clear view of their own identity. Also their online appearance is very weak. They have a website, they Facebook and they have Twitter, but it is not up to date at all and the right information is missing. The last newsfeed on the website is dated January 6, 2015, the Facebook page has only 58 likes and also on their Twitter account there is not much going on. Result: a small budget to work with and a damaged image (Briefing TIC, 2015). Now, in 2015, a new era has started. Where TIC restricted their target group to ‘medical technology’, ‘ICT’ and ‘healthcare’ earlier, they have now broadened their horizon. Although 6
they are still searching for their identity, they already decided to focus on small and medium enterprises in Brabant from all kinds of industries.
Target group TIC Micro small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are companies with no more than 250 employees. But TIC wants to focus on the SMEs with no more than 100 employees. SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises and therefor they play an important role in the European economy. General difficulties for SMEs are the limited access to new technologies and innovation because of their restricted resources. Another problem for these enterprises, especially when in the early start-up phase, is obtaining credit or capital (The New SME Definition, European Commission 2014). In the region of Brabant there are 110.850 SMEs (Kerngegevens MKB 2012/2013).
>>> EXTERNAL ANALYSIS Competitor analysis There are many similar business growing companies like TIC. Every business growing company uses different strategies and different offering of services and products to gain a lot of regular customers. Below we have explained some competitors of TIC. RTE Adviesgroep A company that offers something similar as TIC, is for example RTE Adviesgroep. The difference though, is that RTE Adviesgroep focuses on getting (start) capital and how to use it wisely. They also offer help in business development. They focus on the same target group as TIC: medical technology, (home) care and IT. RTE Adviesgroep is also situated in Tilburg. TIC needs to focus on being different: offering help is not only a financial matter. TIC does this by offering business coaching and network events for the companies. They also need to emphasize this at Nu & Straks. ActionCOACH ActionCOACH is a company from a larger franchise in the Netherlands. This franchise is innovative, practical and result driven. By offering strategies on sales, marketing, company systems and teambuilding they realize improvements in sales and profits. ActionCOACH advices entrepreneurs how to create a profitable company. They realize this by offering individual business coaching and educational seminars and workshops. ActionCOACH started a location in Noord-Brabant in August 2015. Next to these competitors, there are also other companies like ‘Rabobank’, ‘Claassen Moolenbeek & Partners’ and ‘Kredietunie’ who are offering kind of the same services. These companies are also established in Tilburg, but the big difference is that these companies are arised from funding, instead of business development (Briefing TIC, 2015). Despite all this, TIC said during the briefing they have the opinion that they do not have competitors. TIC is negotiating with these companies in order to work together. In TIC's opinion, it is essential that this service will be provided in Tilburg. TIC (Talent in Communicatie, Concept en Creatie) While doing research about TIC (Tilburg Innovation Center), it is revealed that there is another company named TIC (http://joyce-tic.nl). This company is also situated in Tilburg. Although this company offers different services, it could be quite confusing for stakeholders.
Trends and developments Mindfulness There are a lot of current trends in the society that are important for some people and businesses to integrate in their life or their company. One of the current trends is Mindfulness. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that people pay attention to their thoughts and feelings without judging them, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment (Weis, L. 2015). Creative Communications has analyzed the competitors of TIC and noticed that some companies are already integrating Mindfulness in their training and courses. They do this because of the fact that today’s businesses faces a range of dynamic leadership challenges that center around the ability to make important decisions in the face of ever-increasing stress and instability. Feelings of uncertainty can undermine decisions, leading to costly mistakes that impact individuals, organizations, and potentially entire industries. Business leaders need the tools to manage these situations from the inside out. Self-awareness, decision-making, innovation, compassion, courage, and resilience in the workforce are rapidly becoming essential competencies for the survival and sustainability of successful organizations (Stern, 2015). Technological developments Nowadays everything - and especially on technological field - rapidly changes. The use of the Internet has increased enormously. Literally everything can be found on the internet, for example applications, cross media tools like hashtags (second screen), web care, cookies, search engine optimization and customization. Social Media Social media has become an essential part of today's society. Social media involves many channels. The most famous media are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Usability of social media Social media can be used for many different purposes. A brief overview: -
Marketing: Dutch people spend a lot of time on social media, so being actively present on social media is important for marketing purposes. Create a webcare team which takes customer feedback seriously, jumps on questions and comments that are made via social media. Next to that, promote your services on different social media channels. Business profiling: Social media can increase brand awareness. Share your expertise to attract new customers and to keep the attention of existing stakeholders.
Confrontation matrix
Legend + ++ -0
Strong Very strong Weak Very weak Neutral
Conclusion As you can see from the confrontation matrix, TIC must take care of their online appearance compared to their competitors and itself. It is unclear what TIC is about and what their core values are. Their identity is unclear. TIC needs to make their website up-to-date and use social media and other technological tools effective. TIC's online appearance can be successful if they use their extensive network, because they will be the followers/likers/connections of TIC and give them popularity at social media.
>>> PROBLEM ANALYSIS The briefing emerges that TIC does not really know what their unique selling point is. Also, a real identity is lacking. Since TIC aims to position itself anew, it is important that TIC is given a new distinct identity. Because positioning is all about give a product or service a place in the mind of the customer. This involves a perception relative to the competitor. This technique attempts to create an image or identity in the perception (in the head) of the target group (Muilwijk, E. 2015).
What are the options for TIC? Creative Communications has created three different options which are possible for TIC. The three options are mentioned below. 1.
Do not change the current identity of TIC At this moment, the identity of TIC is unclear. Their online identity does not fit the description of the management. In this way, TIC cannot continue to exist.
Change their current identity and continue to operate as TIC TIC has to clarify its identity so their stakeholders know where TIC stands for and what they can expect.
Change the current corporate identity of TIC, including name and logo TIC wants to reposition itself in the market. In order to make a fresh start, the foundation can adopt a complete new corporate identity, including name.
Which option is the best to reposition TIC? Creative Communications has extensively examined all the options and considered which option fits TIC the best. The conclusion of this analysis contains that Creative Communications thinks the best option for TIC is to change their current corporate identity, including their name and logo. If TIC wants to maintain their current identity and continue to operate as TIC, they will keep the incurred image damage. This damaged image is caused by consuming the obtained subsidy of the municipality of Tilburg in short amount of time. TIC wasted 4,3 million euro (Briefing TIC, 2015). If TIC will change their current identity, including their name and logo, they will get a chance to improve its stance in the market. Next to that, people will no longer confuse TIC with the other company in Tilburg, also named TIC. In this way, TIC can reposition themselves as a refreshed, modern company and attract a larger customer audience.
>>> POSITIONING STRATEGY As told at the briefing, TIC wants to reposition itself. That is why the positioning strategy fits best. The positioning strategy recommends how TIC can adopt a more suitable identity for themselves.
New corporate identity Based on the briefing of TIC, Creative Communications has indicated that TIC needs a new identity, because they have suffered from image damage. TIC has admitted that they have problems with positioning and does not know what their unique selling point is. Related to the corporate identity mix (Birkigt & Stadler) and the briefing of TIC, Creative Communications has developed a refreshed, clear identity with a new company name, which the foundation could identify themselves with. The new developed name is called 'De Vooruitgang', which stands for the progressiveness of the foundation. This will be further explained at 'Personality', in the corporate identity mix (see below).
Model: Corporate identity mix (Birkigt & Stadler)
Corporate identity mix Personality 'De Vooruitgang' is a foundation which wants to help small and medium-sized enterprises with their restart in order to grow further. The core values of 'De Vooruitgang' are progressiveness, purposefulness and sharing knowledge. The unique selling point of ‘De Vooruitgang’ is their personal and purposeful approach. 'De Vooruitgang' determines a goal in collaboration with a company, which 'De Vooruitgang' wants to reach by coaching them. With progressiveness and purposefulness, 'De Vooruitgang' wants companies to reach their goals and thus book 14
progress. To reach the company's goal, 'De Vooruitgang' shares their knowledge and broad network. Communication The foundation has different ways to communicate. Information and updates about 'De Vooruitgang' can be found on their website and social media channels. Next to that, 'De Vooruitgang' applies live communication, like representing themselves at events. The communication channels relate to each other, so there arises a cross-media communication. 'De Vooruitgang' can be reached via e-mail, phone, social media or by making an appointment. Behavior 'De Vooruitgang' treats their customers with personal contact and attention. They also approach their target group actively in order to convince them to cooperate with 'De Vooruitgang'. Another important aspect of 'De Vooruitgang' is that they work purposefully, because they are handling some methods to help companies reaching their goals, for example creative workshops. Symbolism 'De Vooruitgang' has a refreshed corporate identity with a new logo and company name. The arrow in the logo stands for progressiveness and reaching goals. Normally when you shoot an arrow, you first pull it back, in order to shoot. The symbolic value of the arrow contains that companies must first take a step back in order to reach their goal. Finally when the arrow is shot in the goal, the company will made have progress. The color of the logo is orange. Creative Communications has chosen for this color, because orange has different meanings and associations which fit 'De Vooruitgang' well. Orange stands for strength, creativity and the will to achieve something. It also stands for warmth, mediation, support, make connections and to collaborate (Thuijs, L. 2012). 'De Vooruitgang' wants to help their stakeholders and wants them to trust 'De Vooruitgang'.
>>> GOALS The communication objective is based on what the target group needs to know (knowledge), think (attitude) and do (behavior), in order to achieve the objective. Creative Communication formulated the objective SMART, which means that the objective is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. Knowledge: The target group has to know that TIC is operating as 'De Vooruitgang'. They also need to know where 'De Vooruitgang' stands for and what their unique selling point is. Attitude: The target group needs to develop a positive attitude towards 'De Vooruitgang', as well as their new identity and outings. Behavior: The target group has to eventually want to work with 'De Vooruitgang'.
The ultimate objective The ultimate objective is: Of 10% of all the SMEs in Brabant, at least one employee must have visited the website of ‘De Vooruitgang’ at least once before the 1st of October 2016. The ultimate objective is focused on SMEs, because we assume that the people who are visiting the website are there for business related purposes. They probably searched for topics like market and business development, support in funding or gaining knowledge and valorization. Or they visit the website because they already know of 'De Vooruitgang' its existence, therefor they know what 'De Vooruitgang' is about. ‘De Vooruitgang’ in one year notice: The stakeholders are familiar with ‘De Vooruitgang’ and have a positive attitude towards the foundation. The target group is willing to cooperate with ‘De Vooruitgang’.
>>> IMPLEMENTATION New corporate identity The new corporate identity needs to be implemented in the working environment. For example business cards, correspondence materials, but also the office of 'De Vooruitgang'. When you arrive at the building, you will see a sign with the logo above the entrance. Inside you can find the color of 'De Vooruitgang'. The walls will be painted orange and one wall will be white with the logo of 'De Vooruitgang' in orange.
Nu & Straks Event The Nu & Straks Event fits perfectly with the core values of 'De Vooruitgang'. The name of the event means 'Now and soon'. This is just about the same implication as 'De Vooruitgang' actually means. 'How are you doing now?' and 'What will you achieve soon?'. On this event , 'De Vooruitgang' wants to activate their brand, by showing a poster (to attract people) and letting the visitors of the event perform an activity. The activity consists of shooting bow and arrow. 'De Vooruitgang' asks the visitors what their goal is. When the visitor comes up with its goals, he/she can write it down at the archery board. After they wrote it down, they can try to shoot and hit their goal. When they fail, an employee of 'De Vooruitgang' can help and support them in order to shoot better than the first time. With this 'De Vooruitgang' shows what they normally do: help and support.
Poster to attract visitors of the event
Creative Communications has chosen for this activity with the following reason: before you shoot, you have to pull back the arrow. It has a symbolic value, companies must take a step back at first in order to reach their goal. Next to this the bow is kind of heavy, which has the symbolic value that reaching your goal is not that easy, it can be hard. 17
As an extra brand activation, a photographer will take pictures of the activity. Visitors can find this pictures on the Facebook page of 'De Vooruitgang'. They will be reminded of this by a small card which the visitors will get after they have shot the arrow. On this card is written: 'Find your photo on Facebook.com/devooruitgangtilburg'. Next to this the logo of 'De Vooruitgang' and the name of the event 'Nu & Straks' is on it. Hereby likes will be generated on Facebook.
Card to find your photo’s on Facebook (cross media tool)
Online appearance Website The new corporate identity needs to be implemented on the website. Because of the name change, the web address also needs to change. The new URL will be www.vooruitgang.nl, people who go to the former website, www.t-ic.nl, will be directed to www.vooruitgang.nl. The website will be designed in the style of the new corporate identity, it will be visually appealing. When you visit the website, you will find more information about the services of ‘De Vooruitgang’, their portfolio, projects and activities. Business coaches and clients share their experiences with ‘De Vooruitgang’ through a blog on the website. Next to that, there will be a contact page, which will also refer to their social media channels. Social Media 'De Vooruitgang' needs to create a few social media accounts. The most important social media channels for 'De Vooruitgang' are Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In. Facebook and Twitter are the more 'fun' media, where 'De Vooruitgang' can post work-related posts as well as more fun posts that fits their personality. Linked-In is more of a professional medium. Here they can attract business people, entrepreneurs and colleagues. It is really important that, if 'De Vooruitgang' creates these media, they keep them updated. It would be wise if 'De Vooruitgang' has someone working on social media and the website all the time. This person will also be taking care of webcare. This means when a follower of one of the social media accounts asks a question or has something to say, 'De Vooruitgang' needs to answer this accurate and quickly. The look and feel of the social media accounts will be the same as the one on the website. Also it is important for ‘De Vooruitgang’ to integrate cross media tools in their communication, like hashtags or references to their different media channels. ‘De Vooruitgang’ can tag their partners at social media and interact with them.
>>> BUDGET Below you see a clear overview of all the costs until October 2016. All the prices are excl. BTW. Note: Events all the costs are displayed for the Nu & Straks event in December 2015 and one event in June 2016. Description Intern for online activities, 12 months internship New website
Events Give-away
Office restyling
Costs - Compensation per month: €150,-
Registration domain name €5,75 per year Design €450,Two archery sets €160,Four A2 posters €13,50 300 cards with photo reminder €26,Photographer €640,5L orange paint €39,74 Sign with logo €42,1000 Business cards €19,60 Writing paper (500 pieces) €30,Envelop (500 pieces) €70,-
TOTAL: €3.296,59
Total €150 x 12 months = €1.800,€5,75 + €450 = €455,75 €160 + €13,50 + €26 + €640 = €839,50
€39,74 + €42 + €19,60 + €30 + €70 = €201,34
>>> EVALUATION There will be measure points to measure if the SMART goal is achieved. The first measure point will be on the 1st of June 2016, 6 months after the beginning of the repositioning. At this measure point it will become clear if 'De Vooruitgang' is on the right track. At that point, you can guide your tasks in the right way to achieve your goal. The second measure point will be on the 1st of October, 2016. The goal of “10% of the SMEs in Brabant visited the website at least once before the 1st of October 2016� has to be achieved by that date. How do you know your visitors are working in a Small and Medium Enterprise in Brabant? Google Analytics can tell you where your visitors are from. With this tool, it will be clear if your visitors are from Brabant or not. To know if visitors are working in a SME, there will be a popup if you enter the website. This pop-up will ask you if you are working in a SME, and you can answer by clicking 'yes' or 'no'. After answering this question, you can continue browsing on the website.
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