04 10 2012 welkom in welkom die melkman se kind

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Welkom in Welkom By Rowen Smith

Die Melkman se kind


EXT. GRIFFIN’S STADIUM - DAY A PLAYER places a rugby ball on a heap of sand on the winter-white field. He gets in position. INT. LIQUEUR STORE - CONTINUING The store is quiet and lifeless. A GIRL(24, chubby-lesbian) sitting behind the pay counter, switches on the shop radio and the LOUD COMMENTARY from and OLD AFRIKAANS MAN gives life to the shelves. MONTAGE BEGINS 1. lifeles Welkom streets 2. Griffon’s staduim packed with cars 3. Welkom Families infront of their Televisions. EXT. THE MARITZ’S LIVING ROOM/FRONT YARD - DAY A switched off TV in an quiet and lifeless house. WE MOVE down the long corridor and through the tiled kitchen floor and out the front door to find Johan with a drill in hand and Frik right above him on a step ladder fixing a garden light on the wall. FRIK MARITZ Gaan kry vir my ’n 13 spanner. Johan puts the drill down walks off, but just before he turns a corner, Frik calls him. He turns around. FRIK MARITZ Johan, bring sommer ’n 12 ook, en ’n shifting. EXT. WORK SHED/TALITA’S YARD - DAY Johan struggles to find the tools his father asked of him in the tiny dusty dark cluttered work shed. He hears a delightful VOICE of a CHILD across the backyard precon wall, just outside the shed.




Johan leaves the shed and climbs on top of a rusted broken car frame in order identify the SOUND. He peeps over the wall and notices TALITA(11) who sits on a toy dinner table having tea with all her teddy’s and dolls. JOHAN Hallo Talita. Hoe gaan dit met jou? TALITA Goed dankie. JOHAN Wat doen jy? TALITA Ons eet uit. JOHAN Is ek ook genooi? TALITA Sorry, no boys allowed. JOHAN Waars jou maatjies? TALITA Waars jou maatjies? JOHAN Hulle almal kyk rugby en ek en my pa werk in die tuin. TALITA Sucks to be you. Talita picks up an ice cream tub from the ground, opens it and places a cookie on each of her toys’ paper plates. JOHAN koekies en tee. Jho. Ek’s nogals honger vandag. Ek het nognie eers middag ete gehad nie. TALITA Okay fine, hou net op moan. Watse soort soek jy? Talita walks over to the wall and lifs the ice cream tub in the air for him to choose.




JOHAN mmmm, laat ek nou sien. TALITA Hou op so picky wees en kies een, my arms word moeg. Johan takes a choc-chip cookie from the tub and thanks her. Talita lowers the tub and takes a choc-chip cookie aswell. TALITA Oom Johan, kan ek volgende keer saam oom hulle gaan om met die honde om die dam te gaan ry? JOHAN Natuurlik Talita, maar net as jy daai tapperbak saam bring. She coyishly LAUGHS. SCREERCH! The backdoor opens. Talita gets a fright and hurredly takes her seat again. TWO MEN walk from out of the house each with a beer in hand, talking amongst themselves. They light up cigarette’s and start smoking. The men doesn’t notice Talita and Johan. JOHAN Wie’s daai Talita? TALITA Dis oom Christo, hy kyk na ons terwyl my Pa in Tanzania werk. JOHAN En wat doen hy vir ’n werk Talita? TALITA Die juffrou by die skool se ek’s die melkman se kind, so ek dink hy lewer melk af of iets. JOHAN en die ander oom, wie’s dit? TALITA Ek weet nie. dis een of ander myner. JOHAN JOHAN! Frik CALLS Johan from the front yard.




JOHAN Oh gats en moet gaan, my pa wag nog vir ’n spanner. Tatta Talita. Dankie vir die koekie. Johan gets off the rusted car frame and rushes to the toolshed. Talita quickly takes her plastic chair puts it up against the wall and climbs on it. She grabs onto the precon wall and pulls herself up. TALITA Moenie vergeet om my te kom haal as julle dam toe gaan nie. Johan turns around. JOHAN Ek sal nie, ek belowe. He enters the tool shed. Talita smiles. Uncle Christo CALLS Talita from the backdoor. UNCLE CHRISTO Talita! Klim af daar! Wat soek jy daar met Frik se kind. Kom hier! FADE TO BLACK.

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