Die Mesies van Paarl - Die Movie Pilot

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Die Meisies van Paarl By Rowen Smith

a mission met Linda


EXT. MIA’S HOUSE - MORNING Linda opens the small front gate and walks up the steps to the front door. She knocks twice and waits, but nothing happens, then she rings the doorbell located under a hanging pottery CRUCIFIX. Soon after the front door is opened by Botha. BOTHA Linda. Wat wil jy he? LINDA Gaan roep vir Mia. BOTHA en wat as ek nie lus is nie. LINDA Dan se ek vir almal van ons geheimpie daai een middag na rugby practice. Botha contemplates for a second, then runs out of frame calling MIA MIA. A quite downhearted and dull Mia enters frame, dressed in her church sundress. MIA Haai Linda. LINDA awe. Linda struggles with her words. LINDA hoor hier wil jy saam my erens mission vandag? MIA ek kan nie... Mia looks over her shoulder then back at Linda. MIA ...ons eet Sunday lunch saam die Dominee.




LINDA Fok die Dominee ons gaan parkie toe. Martin hulle kry ons daar. MIA en Wynand? LINDA Obviously... So trek iets oordentliks aan. CUT TO:

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