Knockout A 5 minute life-action screenplay Written by Rowen Smith
10 Lothian Rd Rondebosch Cape Town +27(0) 79 647 0077
Final Draft2
FADE IN: INT. ARENA - NIGHT TYRONE ”THE TYRANT“ EVANS, a tough and fit young boxer is out cold in the left corner of the boxing ring grasping for air, while CHRISTOPHE ”THE MURDERER” MOLLENBERG, a very light skinned muscular giant, is jumping around victoriously. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DUSK A big crowd is gathered in a squared formation, closing of two men in the center. The two men are brawling at each other and the crowds go wild. Tyrone is slapped through the face and steps back, spitting out blood. Agent ROSSI CAPOLLA, a man of great power and control of the underground boxing league is amongst the crowds. Tyrone gets back into the fight and knocks his opponent to the floor. He jumps on him and brutally hits him as he lay there defending his head and face. Rossi Capolla walks away, puffing a Cuban cigar. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Capolla walks to his limo. Tyrone is wiping the blood from his arms while a girl is massaging his back. ROSSI CAPOLLA (into cellphone) Hey Nick, we’ve found our man. INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Tyrone enters a nightclub and is escorted through the dancing crowds by the bouncer. They reach a private section of the club where two skanky women open the doors to reveal a hidden boxing ring. There is a small boxing ring with two men fighting in it in the distance. As Tyrone walks in, a few men stare at him and amongst them is Rossi Capolla and a few important looking men. INT. NIGHTCLUB BOXINGRING - NIGHT Tyrone and his opponent are in opposite corners of the ring jumping around and an announcer is in the middle of the ring.
ANNOUNCER Alright gentle men, lets get this party started. Round one, fight! Tyrone strikes first. They are evenly matched, giving hard blows at each other. The opponent strikes Tyrone clean on his temple and Tyrone falls on his back. Tyrone blacks out as the referee counts him down. REFEREE Three, two, one. You're out! MONTAGE OF TYRONE TRAINING 1. Tyrone is training in the locker room. 2. Push-ups. 3. Shadow boxing. 4. Pull-ups. 5. Jogging. 6. Feet training on the stepping stair. MONTAGE ENDS. INT. BOXINGRING - NIGHT Tyrone is sitting in his corner. Blood is running from his nose. His coach treats the bleeding with a cotton swab. The announcer calls the next round. ANNOUNCER Round two, fight ! The two men are boxing again and Tyrone knocks his opponent out and wins the match. The announcer Lifts his arms up and his coach puts a title belt around his waist. SERIES OF SHOTS OF WINING STREAK. 1. An empty room, without any fancy appliances. 2. Tyrone has a title belt up in the air 3. Tyrone Knocks out an opponent. 4. The room is filling up with trophies. 5. K.O of another opponent.
6. The room fills up more. 7. K.O of an opponent. 8. The room is now filled with cups, trophies, belts and expensive appliances. SERIES OF SHOTS END INT. LIMO - DAY Rossi Capolla is in his limo calling Tyrone on his cellphone while puffing another Cuban cigar. ROSSI CAPOLLA (into cellphone) Congratulations, you've made to the World Championships. As he gives Tyrone the good news, he looks at the daily newspaper with Tyrone and Christophe on the front page.
INT. ARENA - NIGHT Tyrone switches the lights on and enters the empty arena where he will be fighting in later on. INT. ARENA - LATER Tyrone and Christophe are in the ring, jumping around. A ring girl walks across the boxing ring. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen. This is the moment we've all been waiting for. In tonight's match up we have Tyrone” The Tyrant “ versus Christophe” the Murderer” Mollenberg. Round one, fight! The match is underway and Christophe seems to be in control. He strikes Tyrone in the torso with a mighty blow. The crowds are shocked as they see Tyrone crumbling to the floor. Tyrone blacks out.
BLACK SCREEN: SUPER: "It ain't over until its over." FADE TO: INT. ARENA - MOMENTS LATER Tyrone regains his vision. He struggles but eventually stands up again. The crowds are ecstatic, screaming at the top of their lungs. There is blood running from his mouth and nose. Tyrone screams and gives one last punch. CUT TO: