Take a right at lefties Written by Rowen Smith
The Mill Park Series (c) 2014 rowen.work@gmail.com
First Draft 05/07/2014
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A series of Cutaways of Cape Town's Skateboarding Scene. TITLE CARD: Take a right at lefties HARD CUT: 2
ROWEN (19) an Afrikaans Cape Townian, is in the kitchen looking inside the fridge. ROWEN (To Andre) Bra hiers fokkol om te eet in die kombuis nie. We hear his roommate ANDRE(22) a bearded hipster, from the livingroom. ANDRE(O.S) Dude fuck man. Ek wil defnitief iets gaan kry om te eet voor ons die fifa game begin. Rowen walks to the living room. We follow him where we meet Andre for the first time, sitting on the living room couch like a slob, all attention to the FLAT SCREEN TV and FIFA 14's team selection menu in front of him. ANDRE ek wil ook nie rook voordat ek ge-eet het nie, hy weet. Dit maak munchies 10 keer erger en ek's op n tight budget die maand. Rowen joins him on the couch. ROWEN Ek wil niet nie Steers kry nie. Daars altyd fokkin baie mense by Afterparty. Andre drops the PS4 remote aside. ANDRE Kom ons gaan Lefty's toe vir 'n burger. Hulle is nogal cheap. Fok take-aways man.
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2 ROWEN Lefty's? ANDRE Lefty's. Het jy nog nooit gehoor van lefties nie? Dis sulke emo-hipster bar onder in die stad. ROWEN Dude ek kan daai mense nie hanteer nie. ANDRE Hey bra, hipsters-gonna-hip.
Andre gets up, walks to the door and gets his jacket. We HOLD ON Rowen's reaction. CUT TO: 3
Rowen and Andre walk to their garage. ROWEN Waar is Lefty's exactly. ANDRE Dis net hier om die draai man. Ek dink so een of twee strate op. 4
Rowen & Andre open the Garage door. We're Hand-Held behind them as they make their way to the car. Andre see's his old skateboard, next to his surfboard in the workbench where all his tools are. ANDRE Dude kom ons skate soentoe? ROWEN Jy joke met my. Dis gevaarlik in Kaapstad in die aande. ANDRE Hou op 'n pissy wees. Hier's nog n deck. Andre skates out and plays around in the streets with his skateboard. (CONTINUED)
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Rowen soon to follow. Deck in hand. ROWEN Ek kan dan nie eers skate nie. ANDRE Dis easy. keep your head up and go with the flow. As simple as that. MUSIC Fades in: Band of Skulls - I know what I am. DISSOLVE TO: 5
TRACKING VEHICLE: Rowen and Andre skate through the city bowl. SLOW MOTION: Rowen falls, Andre laughs at him. The guys are having fun out there. 6
Rowen and Andre skate down Mill Street and Andre notices The Gardens Skate Park to his right. ANDRE Woah. Check die uit. He skates around to the entrance, see's a sign that reads: THE MILL STREET BRIDGE SKATE PARK. Rowen runs in behind him, looks at the sign. ROWEN The Mill Street Skate Park...Wat? Wanneer het hulle dit gebou. ANDRE Hulle bou al maande an die park. Die launch was verlede week. Andre pulls in the gate, opens it and walks inside. ROWEN Dude wat maak jy. Ons kan nie net ingaan nie. ANDRE Dit se op die bordjie dis n public space. (CONTINUED)
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Andre admires the park's infrastructure, roaming about. Rowen comments from the other side. ROWEN Ek wonder hoe lank moet dit vat om n pro-skater te word. ANDRE 10 000 hours they say. maar dan is jy nog 'n average skater. Daar's kinders daar buite wat crazy shit kan doen. en die hartseer deel is, die dag as hulle pro's word dan kry hulle net 'n cap en 'n deck en 'n handshake. Rowen doesn't quite understand that from his expression. ANDRE (cont'd) Kom ons voel hoe die baby voel. Skate on brother. Andre starts skating. Music Fades In: Tame Impale - Solitude is Bliss. CUT TO: 7
1. Andre tests the park and Rowen watches him. 2. Rowen tests the park and Andre Watches him. 8
The montage is broken. Rowen and Andre are rudely interrupted by a dark skating crew. JASON(19) the leader or the crew, speaks up. His crew of three(male 19 years old) and two girls(groupies) skate in behind him. JASON Who are you guys? CREW MEMBER1 And what are you oaks doing on our park.
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8 ROWEN Sorry we're just skating here I guess. ANDRE We we're actually looking for Lefty's. That burger place. JASON Why are you here then? ROWEN Isn't this park for Everyone.
He's interrupted by crewmember 2. CREWMEMBER2 If you can skate it is. They all laugh at Rowen and Andre. JASON ...and you look like 2 Afrikaans posers to me. CREW MEMBER1 Yeah get lost. Andre and Rowen look at each other. Quite offended. ANDRE Bro you can't just kick us out like this. All we wanna do is skate a little. JASON Dude I don't wanna be rude here, but I can do whatever the fuck I want. ANDRE Woah take it easy brother. We'll leave. Just cool the fuck down. (to a crew member) Rowen, kom ons gaan. Andre and Rowen walk towards the entrance. ROWEN (to the crew) Do you guys like know where lefty's is? Crewmember 2 responds sincerely, but hides it. (CONTINUED)
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CREWMEMBER2 yeah. you go down Roeland and turn a right at lefties. You'll find the place. It's got a shiny logo. Rowen and Andre walk past them. Decks in hand Out of Frustration and Ange, Andre drops his deck and tries to skate out of the Gardens Park with style, but bails. JASON (to his crew) You see. I told you they we're posers. All the skaters laugh at him. The two girls don't think it's polite. GIRL1 Jason common. Be nice. GIRL2 Why are you being such a dick. Rowen and Girl1 make eye contact. There's a connection between them. Jason looks at his crew and suddenly gets a serious tone in his voice. We HOLD on JASON. JASON If all these clowns start messing with us it means we lose control of our turf. If that's not obvious enough. INTERCUT WITH: 9
Rowen and Andre walk down Roeland Street, turn a right into Harrington and walk down to Lefty's. JASON(V.O) I've been here before this park was even built. Before any parks was built. BACK TO:
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We're Close on Jason slowly SLIDING IN as he continues his speech. JASON(V.0) ...and if we let our guard down, every guy in Cape Town with enough money to buy a deck will start their own crews and brands and clothing lines and before you know it, every fucking-body is a pro. The expressions of his crew. Silence across their faces. JASON Are we gonna skate or what? Jason eyes Crewmember1. JASON (cont'd) I said are we gonna skate or what? Jason takes his deck, runs in and skates to the other end. They drop their decks and follow him like a pack of wolves. 11
EXT. LEFTY'S - NIGHT Rowen and Andre walk up the steps towards Lefy's main entrance. Andre cleans his deck and goes inside. Rowen remains standing outside for a second,thinking about what happened at the park, And that girl who looked at him that way. That emo-punk rocker girl. He turns and enters Lefy's. TILT UP to LEFTY's LOGO. Music Fades in: Sharp Shooter - Hungkry Kids of Hungary Fade in. TITLE CARD: The Mill Park Series.