Tygerberg A 5 Minute TV Pilot Screen-play By Juri Badenhorst
26 Kromboom Road Rondebosch Cape Town 0828859990 juribaden@msn.com
Draft 1
FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL WARD - DAY[16:00] JESSICA[Maternity Nurse 26 years old] walks through the hospital corridors. She walks into maternity ward. INT. MATERNITY WARD - DAY[16:00] She is beating winds out of one babies’ backs and tucks him in. CUT TO: INT. OPERATION ROOM- DAY[16:20] DR. RICKUS BREYTENBACH[Tall 28 year old Surgeon] walks out of a surgical ward in blood covered hands. Other surgeon’s and doctors are still busy in the background with a patient. INT. POST OPERATION SCRUB-IN ROOM - DAY[16:25] He removes his surgical gloves and washes his hands in the post-operation scrub in section. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR - DAY[16:30] Jessica walks around the left corner and passes two cleaners mopping. She continues past an intersection, where Dr. Breytenbach joins her and gives her a peck on the cheeck as they carry on walking. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Hey, Engel. JESSICA (without breath) Hey. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Hoe voel jy vandag? JESSICA Ek’s uitgepit, maar ek sal vannand deurmaak(beat)dit gaan lekker wees.
2. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Ek wil net nie te laat in die bed kom nie, Ek en my pa het more n afspraak. JESSICA Weet hulle al ?
Rick remains silent. JESSICA Rick, Jy’t Hulle nie gese nie ne? RICKUS BREYTENBACH Nee nog nie, maar ek sal nog. INT. CORRIDOR - DAY[16:30] They turn left into the outer wing of the hospital with carpeted floors wooden chairs. Nurses, doctors, cardiologists and patients are walking around. JESSICA Een of ander tyd gaan hulle raaksien dat ek.. They pass ClAIRE[24 year old receptionist] who is still busy with paperwork. Claire greets them with a kind smile. Jessica brags about her Louis Vutton handbag with a silent gesture. Claire points at her watch and gestures back. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Het sy gewig verloor? JESSICA Ja(beat)vandat sy en Hein saam slaap en net elke nou en dan n early shift in sit. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Hein?Het dit nie sien kom nie.. JESSICA Het jy al vir hom vertel? Hy behoort te weet. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Ek sal nog, Ek se jou mos, eks nog nie reg nie. Rick greets an co-worker. Jessica smiles at him. They carry on walking and pass right into a corridor that leads them outside to where they parked their car.
3. EXT. PARKING LOT- DAY[16:35] They walk their 2002 Opel Cadet. JESSICA Jy moet jou vriende meer deel maak en jou gevoelens deel. Johan is dan altyd so oop met se gevoelens? RICKUS BREYTENBACH Ek’s nie die emotional tipe nie, jy weet dit(beat)en Johan is n Faggot. They climb into the car. CUT TO: JESSICA Wat? Gay RICKUS BREYTENBACH Hy’t my laas week by die audio shop gese. They drives off. JESSICA Maar hy en Aimee is nog saam? RICKUS BREYTENBACH Ek dink hy gaan haar vannand se by die Braai. Rickus turns on the radio and a song starts to play. The two stay silent for a while. Rickus is annoyed and Jessica is mad. Rick turns the volume lower. JESSICA Ek weet dat jy en jou pa nie oor die weg kom nie, maar hys nogsteeds jou pa en hy’t jou lief. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Ek weet(sigh) maar hoe se mens dit. Hy gaan dit nooit aanvaar nie. JESSICA Jy moet jou man staan. Hy sal dit respekteer. RICKUS. Eks nie so groot gemaak nie. Ek sal nooit teen hom opstaan nie.
JESSICA Jy doen dit nie net met jou pa nie. Dis jou ma ook en meeste mense by die werk, ek sien dit elke dag. Hulle loop oor jou. CUT TO: They climb out of the car and walk toward the gate of the beautiful house of the Liebenbergs’. EXT. LIEBENBERG’S HOUSE They wait at the gate facing each other. Jessica rings the bell. MAGEE [25 year old , Hippie/Chef]answers. MAGEE. Hello? RICKUS BREYTENBACH Hey Maggee.Dis Rick en Jess. MAGEE. Breytenbach, Jou Bliksem, kom in. The gate buzzes and they enter. They walk slower across the lawn and continue talking. JESSICA Jy wil nie soos Peet en Carin op eindig nie. Hulle praat skaars. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Wat probeer jy se? JESSICA Ek kan nie so aanhou nie Rick. Rick stops a few meters from the commotion of all their friends walking and talking about. Jessica turns around and faces him. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Jess, Ek is nou tot hier toe met jou kak. Is jy die een om vir my te preuk? Ek het my gat af gewerk toe jy nie n werk kon kry nie, is dit nie genoeg nie? JESSICA Rick kalmeer, jy maak n scene.
RICKUS BREYTENBACH Nee, jy moet dit hoor! Ek treat jou soos n prinses elke liewe dag en jy se nie eers dankie nie. JESSICA Ek is die een wie n babba moet dra en my boyfriend wil nie eers opstaan en n man wees nie. Hoe gaan jy dan n pa wees? Jessica turns around and starts to cry. Rick slowly walks to her and whispers in her ear. RICKUS BREYTENBACH Babes...Babes eks lief vir jou. Ek sal hom se. More. Ek belowe. She turns around. JESSICA Jy’t nog nooit so kwaad geraak nie. The two look each other in the eyes. They kiss. Magee walks to them and they greet her.The three walk to the braai area. CUT TO: They greet Claire and HEIN[ a 25 year old Lawyer] who are sitting around the fire. JOHAN[a 25 year old Mechanic] is in between PEET[a 26 year old General Practitioner]and CARIN[ a 24 year old School Teacher]. Everone is socialising. Johan looks at Peet’s open chest ocationally. AIMEE[ a 23 year old Intern ] joins them with a tray of snacks. Rick and Jessica put their cooler bag on the floor. People cheer as they watch the rugby. FADE TO BLACK. THE END