Win Festival Tix The 30A Songwriters Festival attracts star performers from throughout the country. This 2022 festival will be held Jan. 14–17, coinciding with the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend.
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Feedback DeFuniak’s Rich History As a longtime resident of DeFuniak Springs, I read with interest your recent article on the city and appreciate the display of our history. There were, however, some inaccuracies that should be addressed. I revived the Chautauqua in 1992 after a hiatus of almost 75 years and personally managed and funded it until 2006. As I stepped aside, the incoming board decided to purchase the Lakeside Hospital as its headquarters. I made a personal contribution of $25,000 toward that effort, and in 2018, donated an additional $150,000. The Florida Chautauqua Association subsequently received a $50,000 grant from the Florida Division of Historical Resources to assist with architectural planning for the hospital building.
December 2021-January 2022
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When the hospital opened in 1939, it had only one story and served the entire community, not just the Black community, who were relegated to separate quarters in a facility at the back of the structure. When a second story was added, the building boasted the only elevator between Tallahassee and Pensacola. The facility was purchased in the early 1980s by a local DeFuniak Springs couple who renovated the upstairs as their private personal residence while leaving the area downstairs for medical office space. The renovation carefully preserved features of the old hospital, such as the original woodwork and call button lights over each patient room. The operating room was converted into a social area while saving original plumbing, overhead lighting fixtures and static-free flooring. Patient rooms were left intact with some of the original beds. The bathrooms remained untouched. The nurse’s station was converted into a bar area with ample living room space. The building is currently owned by the Florida Chautauqua Association. EMERALDCOASTMAGA ZINE.COM
The exterior photo that ran with your article is not of the hospital but rather of the Chautauqua Hall of Brotherhood, which was constructed in 1909 and is a property of the City of DeFuniak Springs. The city received a grant of $497,118 from the State of Florida Division of Historical Resources through the immense efforts of local resident and volunteer grant writer Dr. Melinda Henderson. The city provided an additional $250,000 toward the restoration of the revered building with additional funding of $19,000 from the St. Joe Community Foundation for audio-visual equipment.
Another $7,000 was raised locally through the efforts of the Chautauqua Hall of Brotherhood Foundation and Forward DeFuniak, Inc. The CHOB Foundation also provided an additional $38,000 in matching funds for the elevator. This grand old structure continues to remind the community of its glorious past and its hopeful future. It remains the jewel in the crown of one of the most historic communities in Florida. DeFuniak Springs has a unique and proud history, and I am honored to have been a part of its rebirth. I look forward to continuing to work on its behalf. F. DIANE PICKETT, DEFUNIAK SPRINGS
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