TRAVEL IS UP IN THE AIR … Jennifer and Paul Copeland have been Members of Watersound Club since 2018. Paul has become a frequent flier on the Club’s* Pilatus PC-12 NG, so we sat down with him to find out why this Member benefit has become so valuable to his family and business.
To date, you have used the plane six or seven times for both business and pleasure. Why?
Convenience is the most compelling reason. When traveling by air commercially, it will take at least an hour to go through check-in, TSA screening, gate agents and boarding. Depending on where I am headed, I can add at least another one to two hours on the other end, especially in Atlanta or Miami. If my wife and 10-month-old are along, add more time. But with Watersound Club’s Pilatus, we pull right up to the plane, get on and take off. It makes traveling stress-free, even with a toddler.
Tell us about a recent trip.
We flew to Marco Island for Easter. It was wonderful. The crew was waiting for us in the hangar when we pulled up. My wife and I boarded the plane and we were in the air in less than 15 minutes. She immediately was able to spread out a blanket on the floor in the back of the plane for our son to play with his toys. After our visit to Marco Island, I traveled on to Miami on a commercial flight, and she was flown back to Beaches International in the Club’s Pilatus. The plane landed and taxied to the hangar, where her car was inside, cool and safe. It was as easy as that.