fishing at high speed If you like to troll the web, GHM’s Online Fisherman is always a hit. BY FRED GARTH It’s hard to admit that I was already a veteran magazine guy before
history. It’s Guy Harvey Magazine’s Online Fisherman ( and
websites were invented. And, before email. Uh, and also before fax machines.
we’re reaching more than a million fishers per month with our amazing
I think we had trains but I can’t recall. It’s all a bit fuzzy. I did have a car, I
articles, videos, photos and super active forum. Each month we produce 36
remember that.
original video fishing reports so you, our esteemed readers, will have the
In 1994, I met a dude in California who was experimenting with this weird thing called the Internet. Sidenote: his real job was a cameraman for The Price is Right with
latest and greatest info about where, how, when and what to fish for. You already know the “why” part. GHM’s Online Fisherman has an “Ask the
Bob Barker so his credentials were, uh, very odd.
Captain” section in which you can ask any
Nonetheless, he built a cool website and showed it
question, no matter how smart or how dumb.
to me. It ran slower than a snail on Vicodin. But all
Our resident expert, Capt. David Remont, will
websites were glacially slow back then.
do his best to answer you. No question goes
Now, of course, everyone would die and the
unattended. Capt. Dave is a stickler. The vast,
world would explode into a massive fireball if the
almost infinite, information on GHM’s Online
Internet disappeared. At least that’s what my kids
Fisherman would take a lifetime to read but
say on their Snapchat messages to me. Fortunately,
you can break it up into small, digestible and
the Guy Harvey Magazine family is always refining our web position. In the
enjoyable pieces. Perhaps the foundation of the site is the prolific amount
past five years, we’re reconfigured our website five times. We’ve added
of “how to” stuff, like, “how to catch a red snapper” or “how to tie a Bimini
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites that cause me
knot” or “how to break up with your girlfriend because she doesn’t like to
irrational fear, but are still somehow important.
fish.” Okay, that’s not really on there but I’ll bet Capt. Dave has some good
Our most recent website iteration is by far the most incredible in our
suggestions. When you get a chance, drop him a line and find out.