What Every Fat Girl Wants April 2012 Magazine

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in C G an et ce t h Fa e r ct s


The Fuller Woman Expo & Network Creating An Emergency $$Fund April 2012 Volume 10

Helping Our Daughters Not To Become Distracted

Are you following “The Dating Rules”??

Dear Readers, Spring is in the air! A chance for all things to be new again. Time to open up the windows of your home and let some air in. You should try this in your life as well. Many of us need to let some fresh air into our personal lives . We have so many cob webs and dust bunnies in the corners of our lives it is embarrassing. Spring is time for us to do some personal inspection and assessment . Ask yourself some introspective questions. What is my purpose here in my family, in my church, in my community? Am I living my best life? Am I making a positive impact on the area where I am planted?

Let the promise of spring help guide you into a new chapter of your life.

Be Blessed, Roxanne

2 Editors Perspective

14 Tantalize Your Taste buds

3 Contents 15 Inspirational Moments 4 Meet Our Cover Girl 17 Poetry and Prose 6 Creating an Emergency Fund

8 From a Mans Perspective

11 Fuller Woman Expo

12 The Dating Rules

18 St Lucia Blues

20 Woman’s Health

22 Movie Mania

23 Miss Curvy Texas

24 Contact us

Meet Jo Ann Lynn Scott Jo Ann Lynn Scott was born in Gary, Indiana but now resides in Portage, Indiana. She is a new wife to her best friend, Leonard L. Scott one of Indiana’s strong black men and a mother of 3 young black men: Daniel, Antoine and Marvin. She and her husband Leonard have plans to relocate to Chandler Arizona after she graduates in 2013. There she will pursue her career goal in business. Jo Ann Lynn Scott is a Christian woman and a member of the New Hope Baptist Church in Gary, Indiana. “God has given me a gift to sing and to write songs and poetry, through my songs and poetry I want to share my testimony with others that they may be touched.” She is a student at the University of Phoenix where she is currently obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in business and will graduate May of 2013. Jo Ann Lynn Scott currently works as a contractor for Xerox where she helps eligible residence of Indiana obtain the assistance and help that they may need. Her hobbies are organizing and de-cluttering people’s houses, which is also her side business. She also loves playing volleyball and riding her bike.

Tips for Creating an $$Emergency Fund$$ Emergency funds are essential for financial health because they safeguard you against an uncertain financial future. Even if you're currently having financial troubles, you can still take positive steps toward creating a rainy day or emergency fund for your family. An emergency fund will prevent a financial crisis from putting you into deep debt and it'll help to smooth out your budget. Follow these effective strategies to create an emergency fund: 1. Start off small. You don't need to have a lot of money to put away in order to fund an emergency account. Just start putting away anything you can spare and you'll be well on your way to having a working emergency fund. Your emergency fund will grow as

long as you make an effort to put money in consistently. Strive to tuck away at least $10 to 20 per week into a separate bank account that you don't touch on a day-to-day basis. 2. Pay yourself first. Use an automatic deduction through your bank to take a small portion of your paycheck and add it to your savings account. When the money is deducted automatically, it's less "painful." This makes it even easier to put money toward your

emergency fund as your primary goal. 3. Reduce your expenses. Take a hard look at how you're spending money and determine ways to reduce your current expenses. Take the amount you save and apply it directly toward your emergency fund. Temporarily cut out or lower unnecessary expenses, such as entertainment, gourmet coffee or extended cable, and you'll have a sizable emergency fund to work with in no time. 4. Round up your checkbook. When you write expenses into your checkbook, round them up to the nearest dollar no matter what they are. Even an expense of $10.01 can be rounded up to $11. At the end of the pay period, you'll have money left in your account from these "round ups," which you can move into your emergency fund account.

5. Make payments to yourself. After you finish paying a debt off, such as a car payment

The Bottom Line

or a credit card bill, take whatever money you would normally put into that debt and

It doesn't take much to begin an emergency

put it into your savings account. Your

fund, and every dollar counts. Take small steps

budget won't take a hit; yet you'll be

toward building up a savings account and it will

putting significant money into your

pay off in the end. To be prepared financially in

emergency fund every month.

case of an emergency is one of the smartest moves you can make for yourself and your fam-

6. Stash bonuses and tax refunds. When


you receive a bonus from work or a tax refund, stash this windfall directly in your

Known for a contagious passion for excellence, a

emergency fund account. Out of sight, out of

talent for practical business solutions, and a compe-

mind. Now you can put this money toward a

tence for being a motivational leader, Lorene Collier

better purpose - your emergency fund -

Purcy, is professional speaker, a certified credit, en-

rather than an impulse purchase that you may regret later. 7. Save your change. Make your purchases in cash whenever possible, and save the

trepreneur & personal development coach, a contributing author to (2) newly released books “The Power of Change: Reinventing Yourself at Any Age” & “How to Break the Glass Ceiling Without a Hammer: Career Strategies for Women”. Whether it’s life bal-

change. Stash it away until you have a sub-

ance, money, career or relationship issues, Lorene

stantial amount; then put it in your bank.

has been helping individuals realize their true poten-

The same can be done with $1 bills. When-

tial and acts as their accountability partner, assisting

ever you break a larger bill, just stash the

them on how to effectively implement strategies to

ones away and turn them in when you have

live the life they truly deserve. You can contact

a substantial amount.

Lorene at info@savvychicks.me or visit her online at

8. Have a garage sale. Sell items that you don't need, including stuff you've stored in the garage, extra electronics or even a rarely used car. If you have things in your life that you can live without, sell them and put the proceeds into your emergency fund. This way, when an emergency comes up,

you'll have the money that you need to protect what's most important to you.

www.savvychicks.me .

ing her.

Teaching Our Daughters Not To Become Distracted I was led me to write this article being an adult man now and remembering some of the ways young men use to distract and cover up WHO they really were . For fathers who have daughters it’s very important to teach many things from a man’s point of view. This introduces young ladies to a side of men that a lot of adult women had to learn the hard way. No young lady would become involved with someone if she knew beforehand she would be abused both physically and mentally. But they can become distracted if the early warning signs come on subtly . We should teach our daughters to ask questions and to observe how young men relate to their parents (especially their mother). Asking questions will allow our daughters to see if the talk matches the walk. That old saying of “they will learn on their own”, might be true but at what cost? Fathers, we are the hand that will shape the selection of a man that your daughter chooses. Get that father daughter day on track and you tell her no man should do these things to her. One of the most important things we must instill in our daughters is to bring home any young men she is interested in dating. As a father I want to lay eyes on him and he on me so I can see if my spider senses go off. Trust your daughters choice. Remember YOU ARE train-

Right? Most young men won’t be as mature as your daughters so spend some time talking to the young man and let your daughter know you are not questioning her choice but just doing the daddy thing. With some encouragement from dad and mom your daughters should have a nice amount of question to ask those she choices to date . My wife of sixteen years had a yellow tablet with questions written down that seemed like an interview. Let’s talk about the interview process. It’s purpose is to find out if this person is the best candidate for the position. Are there any red flags that pop up during the interview process? Does the candidate sound like a loyal, trustworthy candidate. Now during the interview process never should a candidate be select based solely on looks. Cute can become ugly real fast. When choosing what questions to ask she might start with her likes and dislikes. But don’t ‘share yours answers. Write down the candidates answers and see if they are comfortable with their answer. It would be too easy to state her opinion on something and the candidate just agree with her . There should be at least some areas of disagreement . Here is a list of question you she might ask. These are questions she want to know. Remind your daughter that she is doing the interview and not the candidate .The questions can be asked in any order she decides and be prepared to critique the answers away from the candidate and possibly with your parents if you decide.

Questions 1 Do you like me and why? Look for facial expression. 2. How many girls have you been involved with in the last two years? This will give you some idea as to how long his relationships last. 3. Does the candidate have kids? Does he have to pay child support? How often does he see the kids? This will measure his commitment and level of responsibility. B e prepared for the “My baby momma won’t let me see the baby” answer. 4. Let them know you intend to wait till you are married to have sex, all types of sex. Look for facial expressions. 5. Tell the candidate of your position as a child of God and what being equally yoked means . Be prepared to explain equally yoked. 6. Ask the candidate where he see his life in the next 5yrs and 10 years. Find out if the candidate is goal oriented –or is he fine living in momma’s basement. 7. What are his views on God , his church attendance , his tithing history? Be prepared to explain tithing. 8 Ask the candidate their favorite movies and television shows and music. (THIS ONE IS VERY IMPORTANT) If it’s BET, MTV or shows and music that demean women or all sports (red flag-danger-danger). 9. Ask the candidate to tell you about his mother. You should hear his voice change-you can sense if someone is being honest talking about mom. 10. Ask about the candidates education level. Did they complete high school? If not ask why. –If yes, what are their plans past high school? Ok I think you get the picture. You decide what’s to ask. Any questions email me. Peace Steve Harris

WEFGW spoke with Cassy Jones-McBryde. She is the Director of the Fuller Woman Expo in the United States. She currently serves as feature editor of the Daily Venus Diva WEFGW: What is the mission of the Expo ? Cassy : To empowerment the plus size woman

to recognize her internal and external beauty: to

educate and motivate through workshops and seminars, while providing information on products and/or services available to them through various companies around the world . WEFGW: What was your attendance on last year? Cassy: We had about 450 people in attendance last year. WEFGW: How and When is this years event? Cassy: The Expo is September 21-23 in Detroit Michigan. It will be three days of Fun and information designed just for the plus size nation. This years event will include Kim Coles and Erica Watson.

and volunteering for the same. That takes up most of my time. Cassandra Jones-McBryde serves as Features Editor for Daily Venus Diva. She is US Director of the Fuller Women Expo, responsible for bringing together a number of outstanding local and international speakers and celebrities, seminars and workshops that attract attendees, sponsors, vendors and exhibitors from throughout North America. She also the Founder of The Fuller Woman Network which is a network of women from across the world who share our mission of self-love. Cassandra is also the co-founder and C.E.O. Pretty Girl Project, a non profit organization that helps girls realize their inner and outer beauty during critical stages of development. This is achieved by various initiatives and programs developed throughout the year. WEFGW : Where Are You From? Cassy: I was born and raised proudly in Detroit. WEFGW: What were you doing before writing for DailyVenusDiva.com? Cassy: I had written for a few independent online magazines until being blessed with being on the Daily Venus Diva team. WEFGW: What do you do for Daily Venus Diva.com? Cassy: As Features Editor, I will bring news and information that resonates with our readers that effects various aspects of our lives. WEFGW: What does it mean to Thrive In Your Curves? Cassy: It means to live unashamed of how we look, to learn not let our curves limit or dictate our destiny

WEFGW: What is your favorite hobby? Cassy: My favorite hobbies are creating initiatives that are geared to serving my community

WEFGW: What is in your future? Cassy: I don’t try to predict the future. I try to let God order my steps. WEFGW: What’s so special about DailyVenusDiva.com? Cassy: A better question is what isn’t special about it! You will be hard pressed to find a site that caters to every aspect of women, that just happens to have more to love. I feel privileged to be a part of such an impactful group of women.

strong individual, and not strong in the negative sense as society as come to view “strong” women. I am talking about Strong in the posiOver the next three months I am going to discuss Sassy’s 3 Rules for dating! Every woman [and men] for that matter need to have some ground rules when it comes to dating. However, in order to achieve that, you must remain honest at all times and communicate your wants, needs, and desires. This will also let the interested parties know that you are real in what you say and that you are convicted by your principles. For that reason there are 3 Tenets and/or Rules that Sassy has applied to her own dating life and it works.

tive sense that it shows that you are an individual that stands by their word. In today’s world of dating being honest about YOU as only YOU can tell it will show a person that at times can be convicted by their principles, and loyalty and love of themselves. am a firm believer in women being clear when they speak to men. The need for clarification is vital in today’s dating world. They have to say what it is they mean from the beginning and leave no gray area, because ladies, men are not like us. At times they will not tell the truth even if you tell them that you want the truth, because some women have shown that they cannot handle the truth. However, on the other hand, there are men out here that will be bru-

Always be open and honest about your wants, needs, and desires. This is not solely regarding your personal life, but this comes into play with all aspects of your life. Only you know that which you want. Only you know what you can and cannot tolerate in a people. This tran-

tally honest and as women we must be prepared for that. We must not ask any questions that we are not prepared to hear the answers to. Love Life Dilemmas?? Ask SassyScribe send questions to Info@wefgwmagazine.com

scends male to female relationships and tunnels its way through and into all of your relationships. It can show that you are not only a

Sassyscribe AKA Sandra Harris

Have you ever wondered what motivates a fat girl to stay positive in a "pro skinny girl society"? “What Every Fat Girl Wants “will answer those questions once and for all. You will laugh and you might cry but you will hear the truth from a fat girl’s perspective.

Available at www.whateveryfatgirlwants.com , www.amazon.com , www.smashwords.com and the Dock bookshop in Ft Worth Texas . Available in print and as an eBook for your Nook and Kindle.

Prep Time: 15 Min Ready In: 30 Min

Cook Time: 15 Min

Ingredients 1/4 cup Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon dried tarragon 1/4 teaspoon pepper Directions 1. Combine the first five ingredients; spread on both sides of chicken. Place chicken on plate. Marinate at room temperature for 10-15 minutes or for several hours in the refrigerator. Grill, uncovered, over medium coals, turning once, for 10-15 minutes or until juices run clear.


How I feel About My Jesus!

for given us your son. Jesus, I'm so glad that you are in my life! Jesus

He did not have to stay on the cross

is the best things that has ever hap-

to be beaten and killed but He did.

pened to me!

Jesus stay on the cross and paid it

Now I must let my light shine so

all for us! Yes He died, was buried

that others shall see you in me! I

and rose Up, on the third day! Jesus

must love my brothers and sisters.

is Alive! ....

I must tell everyone about the

Now I choose to rejoice! I know

goodness of you Jesus!

that He loves me!..... When times

You are King of Kings and Lord of

are bad I pray. When everything is

Lords. You are my Jesus!

good I pray!

Happy Easter !

I take my bur-

dens to the Lord and leave them there. People will let you down . Jesus will always be with you! He is the son of God! The teacher, The healer, my friend, The lover of my soul. He is ...........my everything! Jesus is Lord of Lords! King of Kings! Oh how I love Jesus! If it had not been for my Jesus ! Because of Him I will never know the cost of my sins! He paid the bill! Lord I thank you for your blood you shed on Calvary! There are not enough words to express my feeling for you Jesus! Oh.......how I love you! Thank God

Pastor Nannie D German Spirit and in truth ministries Madison NJ

Contact Destynee Travel for additional info and to book your room Finding A Way 2 Your Purpose~ Rona Walton, Travel Designer Destynee Travel 512-524-3874/o 512-524-3875/f www.destynee.com

I Am A Woman, and I come in many shapes, colors and sizes . I Am A Woman, strong as a double espresso, easy on the cream and no sugar please. I Am A Woman, also called Ma, Mama, Mom Dukes, Mommy and Mother among other things.. I have held the hands of women bringing life into this world, and I have held the hands of those leaving this world. Through it all, I say I am A Woman, no longer a little girl. If my loved one is in danger, I will leap tall buildings, stop a bullet, run faster than a speeding Locomotive. I am A Woman. I make the money to buy the bacon, then cook it and serve it as well. I Am A Woman, made to love and to be loved. I can change a tire, cook a ten course meal, Dance the tango and never miss a beat. Do not under estimate me, my potential, or my abilities‌. Do not try to understand me if you do not understand yourself.. I am A Woman‌.strong, tried and true‌ Do not try to stop what I am called to do. I AM A Woman, Love me, Respect me or leave me be. Evangelist Janice O. Alston

Choiseul, this will help you to quickly calculate how much that beautiful wood carving will cost. Budget accommodations are easily found if you know where to look. Try the Villa Caribbean

Dream in Vieux Fort which offers rates as low as $45 (single) or $55 (double) per night. Included is a stunning view of the ocean and/or a Salsa lesson or two. Just minutes from the Hewanorra International Airport are The Reef Beach Huts and CafĂŠ. Rates are only $50 (single) and $60 (double) and this includes St Lucia is one of the most beautiful islands of the

breakfast on the beach. The Reef is located on a

Caribbean basin with its breathtaking natural re-

beautiful stretch of white sand beach overlooking

sources such as the emerald green covered Piton

the Maria Islands where leatherback turtles and the

Mountains, dense bird- filled rainforests and mind

rare turquoise and black zandoli iguana reside. This

blowing waterfalls. Most tourists end up in the

is also the perfect spot to kite and windsurf the At-

northern area of the island near the capital city, Cas-

lantic Ocean. Meals are also reasonably priced; this

tries. Rodney Bay, Cap Estate and Gros Islet are

is also a free Wi-Fi spot so don't forget your laptop.

home to some of the most sought after luxury resorts in the world, where celebrities are frequently spotted winding to some good reggae, Soca or calypso music. But you don't have to be a celebrity to enjoy the luxuries of this exceptional vacation spot. Some truly hidden gems that will not pinch your pocketbook can be found in the south of the island. One thing to keep in mind, unlike some of the other Caribbean islands, this island is not known for a lively night scene, except on weekends. During the week, spend your energy hiking, snorkeling, diving, and relaxing under waterfalls. Most of these activities are very reasonable, some even free. The currency used on the island is Eastern Caribbean (EC) which is currently 2.65 to 1 US dollar. Basically, if something is 15 EC, divide by 3 to get a price of $5.00 (US). When you are visiting the craft shops in

Renting a car is the best way to enjoy the island but for budget conscious travelers, there is island wide bus service that is very affordable. Typically they just run along the one main highway but if you need to go off this road a short ways, ask the driver and they will usually comply. Tip them a little if they do. The town of Soufriere has some fantastic attractions. Among many favorite things to do is a visit to the Diamond Falls Botanical Garden which has mineral baths from the days of King Louis XXIV, where you can soak and take in the therapeutic waters that

village which provides visitors with a historical

pour straight from a volcano in a breathtaking wa-

glance into Creole life. On the road to the Jalousie

terfall. The gardens are a visual treat with luscious

Plantation Hotel, be sure to stop at the Piton Falls. Entrance to this little paradise is only about $2.00 US. A 10 minute walk through the tropical gardens leads you to a mineral waterfall cascading into a refreshing waist high pool. After you take in the warm thermal waters of this pool, all of your aches and pains will melt away. Be sure to go to the Sulphur Springs Volcano and take their short tour of the bubbling sulphur and the volcano's history. Treat yourself to some sulphur soap hand made by locals while

tropical flowers, homemade benches and stunning waterfalls. Anse Chastanet has a buoyed off snorkel-

you are there, it is great for aching joints and those who have arthritis pains.

ing area called Fairy Land which drops from 20 to 140 feet into a wall of coral and spectacular under-

Enjoy southern St Lucia, there is so much rich cul-

water life which is an underwater photographer's

ture and beautiful scenery, there isn't enough time

paradise. You can get equipment rental and direc-

to see all the waterfalls, snorkel all the coves or hike

tions at any local dive shop.

all the trails that abound. Plan to go back, really soon.

On the historical Rabot Estate, the new Hotel Chocolat is busy growing and harvesting the best cocoa for

~Finding A Way 2 Your Purpose~

delicious chocolates and treats. Two more excellent

Rona Walton, Travel Designer

working plantations that encourage visitors are also

Destynee Travel

in this region: Fond Doux Estate, which includes


guest cottages, restaurant and hiking tours, and


Mourne Coubaril, a reconstructed 18th-century


SKIN CANCER FACTS MEN/WOMEN The majority of people diagnosed with melanoma are white men over age 50.14 One in 39 Caucasian men and one in 58 Caucasian women will develop melanoma in their lifetimes.2,27 Approximately 39,000 new cases of melanoma occur in men each year in the US, and 29,000 in women.2 Approximately 5,700 deaths from melanoma occur in men each year in the US, and 3,000 in women.2 Five percent of all cancers in men are melanomas; four percent of all cancers in women are melanomas.2 Adults over age 40, especially men, have the highest annual exposure to UV.28 Melanoma is one of only three cancers with an increasing mortality rate for men, along with liver cancer and esophageal cancer.29,27 Caucasian men over age 65 have had an 8.8 percent annual increase in melanoma incidence since 2003, the highest annual increase of any gender or age group.30 Between 1980 and 2004, the annual incidence of melanoma among young women increased by 50 percent, from 9.4 cases to 13.9 cases per 100,000 women.31 The number of women under age 40 diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma has more than doubled in the last 30 years; the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma among women under age 40 has increased almost 700 percent.32 Until age 39, women are almost twice as likely to develop melanoma as men. Starting at age 40, melanoma incidence in men exceeds incidence in women, and this trend becomes more pronounced with each decade.29

INDOOR TANNING Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is a proven human carcinogen.33 Currently tanning beds are regulated by the FDA as Class I medical devices, the same designation given elastic bandages and tongue depressors.34 The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an affiliate of the World Health Organization, includes ultraviolet (UV) tanning devices in its Group 1, a list of the most dangerous cancercausing substances.35 Group 1 also includes agents such as plutonium, cigarettes, and solar UV radiation.36 Frequent tanners using new high-pressure sunlamps may receive as much as 12 times the annual UVA dose compared to the dose they receive from sun exposure.37 Ten minutes in a sunbed matches the cancercausing effects of 10 minutes in the Mediterranean summer sun.38 Nearly 30 million people tan indoors in the U.S. every year39; 2.3 million of them are teens.40 On an average day, more than one million Americans use tanning salons.41 Seventy-one percent of tanning salon patrons are girls and women aged 16-29.42 Indoor ultraviolet (UV) tanners are 74 percent more likely to develop melanoma than those who have never tanned indoors.43 People who use tanning beds are 2.5 times more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma and 1.5 times more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma.44 The indoor tanning industry has an annual estimated revenue of $5 billion

For more information visit www.skincancer.org

Pastor Nannie German Sr. Pastor of Spirit and In Truth Ministries in NJ . Pastor German writes our Spiritual Insight column. Freelance writer and web designer Keri Atkins has always enjoyed fashion, but never thought she had a place in fashion as a plus sized woman. Her fashion blog, Model Fashion, was inspired by this goal: to share fashion spreads, modeling tips, 'how to' styling videos and more for all sizes.

Steve Harris is a licensed minister of the gospel. He resides in Tuscaloosa Alabama with his wife Roxanne Harris,

This months review is of Wrath of the Titians. This movie was so bad I thought I would allow some other folks to give their view. I did not want you to think I was being unreasonable. For those with a burning curiosity to know how The Lord of the Rings as directed by Michael Bay might look, Wrath of the Titans provides an idea.” –James Berardinelli, ReelViews “This feeble follow up to 2010′s god-awful Clash of the Titans sucketh the mighty big one.” – Peter Travers, Rolling Stone “Worthington remains a distinctly humorless hero, which makes you long for the likes of a prime-time Harrison Ford or Arnold Schwarzenegger, who knew how to make a fondue out of cheese.”–Peter Howell, Toronto Star “Wrath of the Titans is less of a sequel to the 2010 version of Clash of the Titans and more an apology for it.”–Dan Lybarger, KC Active

From the trailers and commercials, “Wrath of the Titans” seemed like it was going to be a vast improvement over “Clash of the Titans.” All of the talk surrounding the making of the film gave that impression too. However, it turns out that a great action film isn’t what people got when they went to the theater. According to Rotten Tomatoes, “Wrath” earned a very low 25%. The audience gave it a generous 52%, even though they mostly hated it. Critics felt that, aside from the special effects, nothing much was different. To quote consensus on Rotten Tomatoes:Its 3D effects are an improvement over its predecessor’s, but in nearly every other respect, Wrath of the Titans fails to improve upon the stilted acting, wooden dialogue, and chaos-driven plot of the franchise’s first installment.”

I rest my case.


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