1 minute read
New West schools above average in FSA results
JulieMacLellan jmaclellan@newwestrecord ca
NewWestminster continues to be ahead of the provincial curve when it comes to student FSA results
The FSAs, or Foundation Skills Assessments, are standardized provincial tests given to grades 4 and 7 students across the province.

The FSAs have proven controversial for many years, since the Fraser Institute uses the results to create rankings of schools across B C
But Maureen McRae-Stanger, director of instruction for the New Westminster school district, said SD40 doesn’t use the results to rank its schools Rather, she said, they’re one way for the district to examine trends around student achieve- ment and figure out how to find and address any gaps it identifies McRae-Stanger presented the district’s 2021/22 FSA results to trustees at their education committee meeting in February The numbers showed the vast majority