3 minute read
New West cops seize cash, drugs, vehicles
NewWestminster police seized luxury vehicles, cash, drugs and a loaded firearm after executing two search warrants in New West earlier this month
On March 2, the New Westminster Police Department’s street crime unit executed the warrants as part of a complex drug trafficking investigation that started in September 2022, the NWPD said in a press release

“As a result of the search warrants, the NWPD seized a number of luxury vehicles, a large quantity of cash, a loaded firearm and a large amount of suspected drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl,” the NWPD release said
The street crime unit joined forces with other NWPD specialty units, including the gang suppression unit and crime reduction unit, in the investigation, with support from theVancouver Police Department and the Lower Mainland integrated emergency response team
“The results of this recent project underscore our commitment to focusing our efforts on individuals who are selling and dis- tributing dangerous drugs within our communities,” said NWPD spokesperson Sgt Andrew Leaver “New Westminster Police Department officers continue to take a comprehensive approach to investigating drug trafficking and work closely with our partners to disrupt and dismantle the criminal networks involved in these offences ”

Julie MacLellan
There are children and youth in your community who need temporary, nurturing homes. We have an urgent need for foster caregivers who are:
• First Nations, Metis, Inuit
• Interested in providing care for sibling groups
• Passionate about engaging and caring for youth
• Interested in supporting children and youth who identify as LGBTQ2S+
• Skilled in caring for children and youth with complex support needs
• Interested in providing weekend respite care for children and youth
To learn more about becoming a foster caregiver visit FosterNow.ca
Susan Mae Riviére
Our beaut ful and courageous Susan Mae Riviére, of Port A berni was born on March 17th, 1962, left for the other side from the comfort of her home in New Westm nster on March 15th, 2023
Surrounded by love, her spirit ascended Susan spent 18 years of her life work ng in the Anima Services Department at SFU, fin shing her career as the Department Coord nator

She loved her job and those she worked with; they meant the wor d to her As a l felong an ma lover
Susan went above and beyond to ensure the welbeing and safety of a l animals involved and ded cated her energ es to finding homes for anima s that were not el gible for participation in research studies, saving them from be ng put down
Susan had a gentle heart with a thirst for adventure and made ife ong memor es astride her motorcycle, Gloria She was an avid traveler with an open and curious m nd about the wor d around her Life wasn’t always easy but she persevered through some trying circumstances w th grace, humi ity, authenticity and not to mention her dazzling (trademark) smi e As her struggles with cancer became more challenging Susan found the Medical Assistance in Dying program, MA D and was forever gratefu to be able to ut l ze their serv ces She thoughtful y made the decision for what was best for her, knowing that there are those that aren’t afforded that opt on and spent her last months surrounded by loving fam ly, ife ong extended fam ly and c osest fr ends Susan s surv ved by her precious cats, Choco and Lucy who provided her with unconditional ove every moment They wil cont nue their l ves at the home of Susan’s best fr end Andrea who resides on Vancouver Island
On her forever ride I can see that trademark SMILE!
Susan’s fina message comes across the wind
“Remember, don’t take life for granted!”
Susan wi l be missed dear y, remembered often and fondly by the ‘Wonderfu Women’ she brought together
The humane treatment of al an mals was very mportant to Susan throughout her ife and as part of her ast wishes she had hoped that in place of flowers, donations would be made to the WORLD
WILDLIFE FUND CANADA Charitable Registration
Number: 119304954 RR0001
LegaL/PubLic NOtices
2007 TOYOTA CAMRY VIN# 4T1BE46K97U633976
LS400 V N# JT8UF11E2R0200308
C VIC V N# 2HGFB2F48CH013350
328I V N# WBA3B3C59EF545339
GRACE WE 12) 1999 DODGE DAKOTA VIN# 1B7GG22Y1XS246093 RO: ROBERTO CONTRERAS HERNANDEZ Un ts may be v ewed and b ds to be subm tted on TUESDAY, April 4, 2023 at 5917 Thorne Avenue, Burnaby, BC between 10:00am to 3:00 pm A l wr tten bids to Mundie’s Tow ng 5917 Thorne Ave, Burnaby, BC V3N 2T8
Not ce s hereby given that on March 27th, 2023, U-Lock M ni Storage, 4240 Manor St, Burnaby, V5G 1B2, wi l sell the contents of the lockers isted be ow:
Un t #1913 - Tri Vang Nguyen
Un t #1939 - Tri Vang Nguyen
Un t #1029 - Robert Macdonald
Un t #2203 - Rochelle Kennedy
These lockers w ll be put for auction v a: iB d4storage com on the 27th of March, 2023
Pet services
availability sakuradogsalon@gmail.com I sakuradogsalon.com
Currently grooming small dogs under 25lbs
Prepared and Filed for $49
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Email: barrygreenfeld@yahoo ca